• Published 17th Jun 2013
  • 3,082 Views, 127 Comments

With Great Power - SuperPinkBrony12

Shining Armor, Twilight, and Trixie are all related to each other through Star Swirl the Bearded. Let the headaches begin.

  • ...

Karma is best judge

"How are we going to deal with Rarity without Trixie's help?" Twilight asked Shining Armor as they approached the Canterlot train station.

"We'll just have to do the best we can." Shining Armor said "I hope we're not too late."

"We can't think like that B.B.B.F.F." Twilight said "For now we need to focus. One mistake could spell disaster for us all."

"I just hope Cadence doesn't hear about this." Shining Armor said "She's got enough problems to deal with as it is."

The two of them reached the train station and they were shocked to see a familar figure. "Three tickets for the next train to Ponyville please." the figure said.

"It can't be." Twilight said.

"But it is." Shining Armor said.

"Right that's three tickets so that'll be 60 bits." the ticket seller said.

"60 bits coming right up." the figure said and levitated a sack full of exactly 60 bits to the counter.

"Thank you." the ticket seller said "The next train leaves in about 20 minutes."

"Trixie shall keep that in mind." the figure said as the ticket seller gave her the tickets. She then walked away from the ticket stand.

"Trixie?!" Twilight and Shining Armor said at once. They could hardly believe their eyes and ears.

"Ah you're here." Trixie said "Good, Trixie doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"How and what are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"Trixie teleported here of course." Trixie said.

"You teleported?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yep though Trixie is still getting the hang of it." Trixie said "As for what Trixie is doing here. Well it's obvious isn't it? Trixie has decided to help out."

"What prompted this change of heart from you Trixie?" Twilight asked,

"There will be a time for that later." Trixie said "For now let's get on the train and start planning our attack."

20 minutes the train left Canterlot for Ponyville. Inside one of the coaches Twilight, Shining Armor, and Trixie were going over the plan Twilight had originally proposed.

"So we all know what roles we're playing in this?" Twilight asked.

"Yep." Shining Armor and Trixie said.

"Good." Twilight said "But I can't stress this enough that we need to be careful. If we screw this up it could end very badly for everyone involved."

"I understand." Shining Armor said.

"As does Trixie." Trixie said.

"So Trixie would you mind telling Shining Armor and I why you've decided to join us?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah." Shining Armor said "What's your reason?"

"Well if we come out of this in one piece then Trixie shall tell you." Trixie said.

"You make it sound as if we're going to war." Twilight said.

"That's because we Are going to war." Trixie said.

Shining Armour spit out his recently acquired soda upon hearing this. "What?!" he said "Are you out of your little pony mind Trixie?!"

"Yeah what do you mean we're going to war?" Twilight asked "I mean surely you can't be serious."

"Maybe Trixie is serious and maybe she isn't." Trixie said "And for the record, don't ever call Trixie surely. Got it?!"

"Whatever." Twilight said "Just make sure you don't overdo your part Trixie." Twilight said "Remember our goal here is to try and resolve this conflict before it gets out of hoof."

"Trixie knows that." Trixie said.

"Try and remember that okay?" Twilight said.

The rest of the train ride passed uneventfully but once Twilight, Shining Armor, and Trixie stepped off the train they finally realized how serious the situation was. All of Ponyville seemed to an empty wasteland, which could only mean one thing. Everyone was down at Sweet Apple Acres. Slowly the three ponies trotted through town keeping their eyes out for anyone or anything that might alert Rarity to their prescence.

Eventually they approached the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres. One looked confirmed their worst fears, everypony in town was under Rarity's command and they had Sweet Apple Acres completly surrounded.

"Applejack and Rainbow Dash please give it up." Rarity said "You can't hide forever."

"Don't listen to them!" Lyra said.

"Silence!" Bon-Bon shouted "You will not speak to Miss. Rarity unless spoken to."

"Bon-Bon please, don't you recognize me?" Lyra pleaded.

"I said silence!" Bon-Bon said "Be thankful your punishment isn't more severe."

Twilight, Shining Armor, and Trixie huddled close together. "Alright everyone remembers their role right?" Twilight asked.

"Yep." Shining Armor said "I've got a protection spell ready and waiting."

"Just give the signal and Trixie shall perform her greatest act of all time." Trixie said.

"Okay then." Twilight said "Remember Trixie you're only suppose to distract the ponies, do not engage them without my permission."

"Trixie shall keep that in mind." Trixie said.

"Alright. Trixie you're up first." Twilight said "Create a good distraction that'll draw everyone's attention to you and away from us."

"Let's do this!" Trixie said, she teleported away and returned a moment later with her cart.

"What's taking Twilight so long?" Rainbow Dash asked "I don't know how much longer we can hold out."

"She's here somewhere." Applejack said "I can feel it."

"Applejack and Rainbow Dash this is your last chance!" Rarity said "Surrender now or suffer the consequences!" There was no reply. "Very well then!" Rarity said "You had your chance! My loyal followers break down the door and search the house! Find Applejack and Rainbow Dash and bring them to me!"

"Not so fast!" a powerful voice echoed.

"Who dares stand against me now?!" Rarity asked "Identify yourself!"

"It's your uncle's niece and your worst nightmare!" the powerful voice said.

"No it's not possible!" Rarity said "Of all the worst ponies that could show up you are, THE, WORST, POSSIBLE, PONY!"

"That's right!" the powerful vocie said "It's the one, the only, The Great and Powerful Trixie!" There was a blinding flash and then Trixie appeared onstage. Her cart standing on the outskirts leading to Ponyville.

Everyone who had been following Rarity turned to face the mare on the stage. Rarity had told them all about Trixie and how she thought Trixie was nothing but trouble. Needless to say they felt that Rarity would reward them if they managed to retrieve the pony that she couldn't stand at all. They all raced towards Trixie's cart. Just as Twilight had planned.

"Hey where are you going?!" Rarity asked "I did not give you permission to engage her! Come back here this instant! It's a trap!" her words fell on death ears.

Trixie knew how to captivate an auidence and proceeded to shot off a bunch of fireworks. Everypony stopped to aw at them. Trixie's role as a distraction was working perfectly. The ponies were so obessed with the fireworks that they didn't notice Twilight and Shining Armor slip in.

"You'll be okay right B.B.B.F.F?" Twilight asked.

"Don't worry about me Twily." Shining Armor said "This is nothing compared to the things I've seen as Captain of the Royal Guard, I'm more worried about you."

"I'll be fine." Twilight said "You focus on keeping that protection spell going."

"Can do Twily." Shining Armor said "Can do." He lit up his horn and cast his trademark protection spell that had been reponsible for him earning his cutie mark. The barrier covered all of Sweet Apple Acres and seperated Rarity from her supporters. Rarity was all alone now.

"Okay I've gotta focus." Twilight thought to herself "Rarity isn't going to give up without a fight."

"Over here, help." Lyra pleaded. Twilight couldn't ignore a cry for help.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked as she freed Lyra from her prison.

"I'll be fine." Lyra said "The name's Lyra Heartstrings by the way."

"Are you related to Star Swirl the Bearded as well?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Lyra said.

"I thought so." Twilight said.

"Thanks for freeing me." Lyra said "I've got a score to settle with Rarity after she took my precious Bon-Bon away from me."

"Well I'm intrested in stopping her as well." Twilight said "So what do you say we team up and take her down? After all two heads are better then one."

"I couldn't agree more." Lyra said.


"It's over Rarity!" Twilight said "Your supporters are cut off from you and soon they'll likely forget why they were helping you in the first place! Please end this foolishness!"

"NEVER!" Rarity shouted at the top of her lungs "I'VE WORKED TOO HARD TO BUILD UP MY REPUTATION AND I'M NOT GOING TO LET A FEW UNGRATEFUL PONIES LIKE YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!" She then charged head on at Twilight and Lyra knocking them both to the ground.

The two of them got back up. "Rarity we can do this the easy way or the hard way!' Twilight said,

"So what's it gonna be?" Lyra asked.

"IF YOU WISH TO STOP ME THEN YOU'LL HAVE TO CATCH ME!" Rarity shouted and proceeded to teleport. She tried to teleport out of the dome created by Shining Armor's spell to no avail. She then teleported to the other side of Sweet Apple Acres.

"Let's split up and corner her!" Twilight said.

"Right behind you." Lyra said. The two mares raced to the other end of Sweet Apple Acres but Rarity teleported away again.

"She moves too fast!" Lyra said.

"We need another plan of attack." Twilight said "I'll teleport to Rarity's location and keep up with her until eventually she teleports into a position where you can grab her."

"Sounds like a plan." Lyra said.

"Wish me luck!" Twilight said and teleported to Rarit'ys location. "You can't run away forever Rarity!" she said,

"JUST TRY AND STOP ME!" Rarity shouted and teleported away again.

Twilight followed her but after she teleported to the location she gasped. She had teleported close to where Shining Armor was casting his protection spell. She raced towards him only to find that Rarity had gotten to him first.

Rarity laughed wickedly and fired a blast of magic at Shining Armor. The blast wasn't very powerful but Shining Armor was already exhausted from maintaing the dome and the blast proved to be too much for him. The shield faded and Shining Armor fell to the ground exhausted.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Twilight shouted.

"YES!" Rarity exclaimed happily. She expected her followers to join her and help her take down Twilight but most of them including The Mayor had already left. A few ponies including Bon-Bon, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were still watching Trixie who despite witnissing everything managed to keep a straight face as a result of her many stage perfomances.

"You'll pay for that!" Twilight shouted and charged at Rarity with her horn lit up.

"COME AT ME!" Rarity shouted charging at Twilight with her horn also lit up. The two of them collided and a struggle took place. It wasn't the most epic one of all time or anything, especially since Twilight tried to hold back a little so she wouldn't hurt Rarity but still fairly amazing. The bright flashes of magic caused everypony to stop and watch, even the ones already focused on Trixie's show.

Eventually the lights flickered down. Both Twilight and Rarity stood right next to each other, panting heavily. One of them was about to fall. For a moment it seemed like Rarity was going to be the one as she went from standing on four hooves to standing on her two front ones and knealing on her two back ones. But somehow she managed to support her weight and remained standing.

"Shining Armor forgive me. I failed." Twilight said weakly and collapsed. Everyone gasped.

"I will not go down easily." Rarity said "Even the mighty Twilight Sparkle is no match for me." This sentence proved to be the one that cost her what little support she might have had left as everyone except Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy left in disgust.

Trixie began to grow worried. Rarity had proven to be more difficult then Twilight had expected and both her and Shining Armor had been defeated. Trixie knew that she was next.

"Trixie you know it's useless to resist me." Rarity said "So why not give up now and spare yourself?"

There was a tense silence as Rarity slowly walked towards Trixie's stage. Somehow against all the odds she was still going strong. "If Rarity reaches my stage it's all over." Trixie thought to herself.

"Did you forget about me Rarity?" Lyra asked.

"Of course not." Rarity said "But you and Trixie don't honestly think you can defeat me do you?"

"Maybe we do." Lyra said and teleported to Trixie's stage. "If we work together and combine our magic we can finally end this." Lyra said.

"But will it work?" Trixie asked.

"It's a long shot but if you have a better idea I'm all ears." Lyra said. Trixie said nothing.

"IT'S OVER!" Rarity shouted and charged towards the stage.

"We've only got one shot at this!" Lyra said "Trixie light up your horn on the count of three!"

"Okay!" Trixie said.

"Ready?!" Lyra asked.

"As ready as Trixie will ever be!" Trixie said.

"Alright then!" Lyra said "One, two, three, now!" The unicrons lit up their horns and summoned their most powerful restraining spells.

"YOU FOOLS!" Rarity shouted and charged forward. Suddenly she found that she couldn't move. "What?!" she exclaimed. She looked around and saw that her front hooves were restrained by light pink magical chains, her back hooves were also restrained but by yellow magical chains.

"Hey you've gotten stronger Trixie." Lyra said "What's up with that?"

Trixe mearly shot Lyra smug grin and said "A good magician never reveals her secrets."

"It's all over Rarity." Lyra said "You have lost."

"You haven't won yet." Rarity said.

"We have now." a familar voice said.

"Twilight?" Rarity, Trixie, and Lyra asked.

"No it's Princess Celestia. Of course it's me." Twilight said.

"But I defeated you." Rarity said "You fell."

"You didn't honestly think you could beat so easily did you?" Twilight asked "I mean come on I'm a freaking alicorn for crying out loud."

"How did you manage to fool us so well?" Lyra asked.

"It's an old strategy I found in a survival guide a long time ago." Twilight explained "It's what Applejack likes to call 'Playing Possum'."

"That was a brilliant move there Twilight Sparkle." Trixie said "Trixie only wishes that she'd thought of that herself."

"Hey look Rarity's been restrained!" Rainbow Dash said, looking out the window.

"She did it, Twilight turned the tide!" Applejack said happily. She and Rainbow Dash made their way outside and joined Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as well as Shining Armor who had just recovered in crowding around Rarity, ensuring she coud not escape.

Rarity sighed and hung her head. "You got me." she said "Do whatever you want to me."

"Good." Twilight said, lighting up her horn again "Now hold still, and this won't hurt a bit."

Author's Note:

Only one chapter left to go.

Next chapter we'll learn how Rarity was able to do all of this, why Trixie acted the way she did until chapter 8, and wrap everything up with one last family member appearing.

Who will it be? Well you'll just have to found out for yourself.