• Published 16th Feb 2012
  • 3,886 Views, 190 Comments

Pony Terrestrial - Arcanel

A mess up of Twilight, ponies being brought to Earth in several places, and misadventures happening.

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Arcanel the teacher, Part two

Welcome back to this humble fic, my beloved readers. CPM here. Now you may be wondering “The hell was that last chapter?!” (Or at least that is my supposition). And I don’t blame you. Any complaints please send them to the comment section and my mind will try to make amends for it XD. I also thank you VERY much for the watches, the trackings, and the freaking favourites. You guys are awesome. I do not deserve you. I'm pretty sure there is more important out there than me and this fic. Thank you. With that said and my OMG thank you moment over, I propose the wait for this chapter to be in no longer ado. With that, I give such next chapter of MLP: Around the world, Arcanel the teacher, Part two!

The disclaimer “I OWN NOTHING BUT THE FIC!” is brought to you by the humble company that is Pepsi. Or, with a better choice, Fimfiction/Fanfiction/My mind.


Well I hope the drama is over…for now. But it is best if I don’t invoke Murphy, as I know by experience. That guy is a definite bastard to the world, or its blessing. Sadly we hope more for the good stuff, than the bad stuff. Murphy, if you can hear me, CURSE. YOU’ I thought, scowling at the sole mention of that name. ‘But right now I have more important stuff to worry about than to curse at a bastard law of the universe, and that is, show awesome ponies and dragon my house’ I concluded, changing my mind to a MUCH more happy thought.

“Well since the kitchen we already checked, let’s go to my bedroom. That is, the room at the end of the hallway” I stated, but then, a sudden thought entered my mind. “Now that I remember though, don’t you have fridges in Equestria? I just remembered that right now. However you were still surprised. Is there a difference?” I asked, remembering that the look on their faces was that of surprise, with a tinge of recognition. I also mentally noted to hit myself with a brick for forgetting that Equestria and Earth have a LOT in common. Not that much, but still a lot. Cue the hate to my memory (And with him to myself in reality XD).

To answer my question, the voice of the studious Twilight Sparkle came in hearing range.

“Well, yes. But we don’t have such cold in them. That’s why it was surprising. I must ask how you do that” She said, curiosity in her voice.

“In another moment Twilight. After all if I were to tell you how that works, it would never end. Before I say anything else though, does anyone have a question for me, matters on the how aside?” I quickly added at the end, knowing that Twilight would surely have a million questions on the HOW, this in turn, making her pout a little. To my surprise, Luna stepped to the front of the group.

“I do have one. Umm what sort of language do you use here? Because take for example this books” She started, pointing at the books in the library in the dining room. “I cannot seem to read them, yet you speak the same language that we speak” She finished, a pensive form on her face.

Okay, the cute face that was aside, I never even thought of this before. Apparently, they have a different writing than ours, but speak the same way. Well, this might get confusing.

“Good question. It’s a little difficult, but I think I can explain (And before somebody asks if this appears to be the case, I believe this is an interesting point to explain. I don’t remember that they WRITE English, but nonetheless I will continue, even if that is not true. Do let me know if I’m wrong, but don’t tell me to change it, because I will not). You see, there is an alphabet composing of the letters you speak. Only in this side of the world, it is used with an aggregate two letters than you know as it is the Spanish alphabet” I started. ‘Oh dear, I wanted to avoid long explanations, but if I don’t do this now, then later it will become harder’ I pondered.

“There are actually a lot of different alphabets and languages. Though there isn’t necessarily a language with an alphabet for itself. The Spanish alphabet is used by many other countries, for example. In fact, what I’m speaking, and you are technically speaking, is called English. I should be speaking Spanish, but I like to speak different languages, and I also like English a lot” I continued explaining. “If anything, there are between 3000 and 6000 languages in this world if I remember correctly. (Brought to you by Wikipedia XD. With this I also add a “Might be boring facts and teachings” alert, just in case XD)” The moment I said the numbers everybody just jawdropped. I know I am not a user of Facebook, but I’ll be dammed if the photo of the image would not have been awesome in a meme or something, and therefore, would gladly use it in said web.

“B-B-Between three thousand and six t-t-thousand?!” Both Luna and Twilight exclaimed at the same time.

“(Whistles) how in the name of Celestia do you know what they’re talking ‘bout?” Applejack asked.

“Well it’s a little difficult, but since we are in different countries, we know WHERE they speak WHAT. Oh look, we are already in my room. Anymore questions?” I once again asked to them. I really I’m starting to feel what teachers must probably feel. And I still don’t know HOW to feel about that. Before I could proceed into my room, a delicate voice reached my ears.

“Ummm…what does S-Spaish sound like? I-I mean, how should you speak? If you don’t mind me asking.” Fluttershy asked me. I will admit, that between the fact that it was cute how she tried to say Spanish, her already cute voice, and her already cute overall factor, I had a hard time not going into DAWWWWW mode. Problem is, I think this will be a recurrent thing. Uh oh.

“That is Spanish, and sure Fluttershy I will show you” I answered her. “Solo espero que no haya demasiada confusión, porque sino la verdad es que habrá mucho trabajo para mí. ¿No lo creen?” (I just hope that there won’t be too much confusion, because otherwise the truth is that there will be a lot of work for me. Don’t you think so?) I said, going back to my mother language, and almost chuckling when I did. I also almost chuckled when I saw the look of wonder and WTF? Together. ‘Ohhh yeahhh. I can have my fun with this in the future, if there is ever the chance to use it. I think it would also be useful for hiding secrets from them, if I ever need to’ I thought with mischief.

“What did you just said there, may I ask?” Celestia herself asked. I was actually surprised that she was the first one to answer, and not Luna or Twilight. To this I simply smiled.

“You don’t need to know. It isn’t necessary. And before you ask, no, I didn’t insult you” I quickly added, knowing that it could be taken the wrong, then I had an idea that I know may catch the interest of some people…or rather ponies.

“I have an idea for another time. If you want, I can teach you how to speak Spanish” I proposed. (Though in reality, this would be a pain in the real life. I’d rather teach English XD. Especially if I have to go with correct grammar and stuff). I believe the phrase “Lit like a candle” was in several of the pony’s faces, especially, once again, Luna and Twilight.

“YES, please!” And like before, those same two ponies spoke at the same time, and with the coincidence, came the instant look between each other. And it was glorious.

“Hahaha. No problem. Anyway let’s enter my room. Otherwise, at the rate we are going, we are never going to go in, no?” I chuckled. When we entered at the room, there was a very distinct rainbow-colored WOOSH. When said WOOSH came in front of me, she asked me.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. What is this big box thingy over here? When I accidentally turned it on, it just showed aliens- I mean humans- who just exploded stuff, though I have to admit, it looked fun and cool” Rainbow admitted. Before I could even begin to fathom a thought, much less a word, Pinkie, almost literally, broke my ear drums.

“Fun and cool?! SHOW ME HOW THIS WORKS, PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE-“ And she went on and on and on and on…I really wondered if she had a turn off switch. ‘Screw the physics! I really wouldn’t be surprised. She is Pinkie Pie, therefore, logic has the argument invalid

“PINKIE! I was GOING to do so, until you almost left me deaf! Don’t worry though, I know that feeling for sure” I assured her. It was true. I did know that feeling, only not at the level Pinkie does. “I will also show what this thing can do” I added.
When I finished speaking, I grabbed the remote control that was in my bed, but before I could push any buttons, Rainbow, surprisingly, asked me.

“What is that thing? Does it have anything to do with the big box thingy?” To say that I was a bit surprised that it was HER who asked that, would be the correct thing to say. But one, I do have to avoid that kind of prejudice, especially if I hate it, and especially with them, and two, I think that she would ask about everything that is a) Cool, b) Awesome, 3) Make her interested, 4) All of the above.

“As a matter of fact, it does. I can control the “Big box thingy”, which is called a “television”, with this. It is called a remote control, and all this buttons operate the television” I explained. “Though there are buttons in the television itself, with this I can operate more easily, like this, for example. If I press the red button…” I said, pressing said button and turning the TV on. Needless to say, that aside from Celestia and Rainbow, the rest were pretty much in awe and jawdrop state…again.
And so ensued the collective…

“WOAHHHH!” With a mix of “UHHHH…AHHHHHH” in the midst, the last one I think from Pinkie Pie. I must also clarify that I was enjoying A LOT their faces of wonder. But like all things, such enjoyment ended, because I realized something. Time did pass while all this happened, and therefore, Mythbusters may not be there anymore. I opened my eyes to confront the truth. However the image I saw was not one of minds being turned into sludge due to massive trauma. Instead it was another image completely different altogether.

On the TV was none other than the program “Así se hace” (How It’s Made in English). Then I remembered that this was Discovery Channel, so my chances were a lot greater than I thought. I also think my mind went in state of absolute bliss for a second, but I’m not sure.

“What are all those things?” “How does it work?” “What are they doing?” “Do you think we can make one of those for Equestria?” “By the stars…How?” “(Meep) what is t-t-that?!” ”Hmmmm…it seems different than the last time” ”Yep…still cool as everrrrrrr…” ”You were right Rainbow! It does look lots of fun, and it also looks pretty cool too!”
With each reaction came a different thought, as I pretty much think about everything…or I don’t think at all. Though it’s usually the last one that happens.

With Luna I went ‘Thou shalt know soon enough, milady’. With Twilight I went ‘(Sigh)…girl, your questions will kill me at this rate’. With Rarity I went ‘They are doing stuff that I soon will explain, my dear Rarity. I beg you to have patience’. With Spike I went ‘Ummmm…dude… I think it would be best if you DIDN’T take them to Equestria. Trust me. You have great and simple lives. I don’t want to take that away’. With Applejack I went ‘Don’t worry AJ. Everything can be explained. Well…almost everything’. With Fluttershy I went ‘Must…hug…and protect her…but…must not…scare her….DAMMIT!’. With Celestia I went ‘Oh Celestia, you have NO idea how varied we humans can be’. With Rainbow I went ‘I know the feeling Rainbow, I know the feeling. That moment you start thinking that it’s awesome. And then, the brain melts just like that, due to attention only now into that same thingy. Amen to that feeling’. And with Pinkie I went ‘You are right Pinkie. I just hope that you won’t make any breaking of the physics, otherwise, while funny as it may be, I might just be screwed if you do’. Once again, needless to say, I think a lot. That and the fact that I let them dwell in the joyous feeling that is what we humans call…watch TV.

Then I remembered something. The show is in the TV. Henceforth, ‘OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!’ came into mind. Then I once again cursed my memory before going into “Planning” mode. Since they didn’t know what to do, I simply went and took them out of their trance the easy way. I turned off the TV. And with this I took my cue to speak.

“Now before you barrage me with questions, I will explain some stuff now so I won’t leave you into the nothing of knowledge, okay?” I quickly said before I got drowned with questions. With a nod from everyone, I proceeded to explain.

“Well…as I said, this is called a television, also known as TV, and we control it either with the buttons in the television, or with the remote control” I started. “What you were watching was what is called a “Program” that is at a certain hour in a certain day in what we call “Channels”. Any questions so far?” I asked before continuing. Not surprisingly a hand was raised, but it came from Spike.

“Do you have the same date and hour system than us?” He asked. It was indeed a good question.

“Well we have what is called a “Gregorian calendar”, that has 365 days, divided into 12 months of 30, 31, 28 or 29 days depending on the year and month, which are divided into weeks that are 7 days each week, with each day being 24 hours, of which there are 60 minutes in each hour, and 60 seconds in each minute. However, once again, there are some different calendars out there in the world, but the Gregorian is the most accepted in it” I finished, almost having a broken voice for doing an explanation, for attempting Pinkie non-breathing style. “Is it…the same…Spike? Huff…” I managed to ask him. When I saw him, he was just wide-eyed and apparently a bit mindblown because of my word-palooza. Luckily for me and him, Twilight came to the rescue.

“Yes…I think it looks like ours, but we base ourselves more in the sun and moon position than a clock or something to measure time” She explained herself. I gave a nod, took a few seconds to breath, and then continued on my merry explanation. Boring, but merry explanation nonetheless.

“Where was I?...Oh yeah. Anyways, the programs are something we create on another place, where we can record it and then put it in said program, while the channels are like groups where there is a preset of programs. And if you are going to ask, the channels, I believe they could be somewhere along the 1000 mark, and as for the programs, probably 15 times that number. Probably more on both I’m not sure. We can be very creative” I finished, a bit of pride in my voice at the end. Once again, jawdrop and wide eyed state from everybody. And again their looks were simply PRICELESS!

“Well…any more questions?” I once more asked. The one who broke first from the stupor would be the first one to ask I guessed. And the first one was none other than Rarity. And with her, my correct guess.

“Well, if you don’t mind me asking, what were all those…metal contraptions? They seem as if they could do wonders if I used them myself” She said. While I didn’t know why she said that at first, I then thought it more thoroughly and then guessed that the machines were probably doing something very accurately in something.

“Well those are called machines. Imagine the laboratory that Twilight has, or the contraption that the Flim-Flam Brothers had” I told her, trying to give her an idea of the metal machinery. She seemed pensive for a few seconds, then nodded. With the response I wanted, I continued. “Only these are for a different purpose. And we use them for A LOT of purposes. You are also probably right; they would be useful for you. Also don’t worry. Like I said before, I will explain how the hay do I know these things, okay? Just give me a little bit more of time” I added, the last two phrases directed at Twilight and Applejack who were already giving me surprised yet impatient faces. With a nod of them both, I continued on to something that I had been waiting to show them.

“I know that you may have other questions, but I believe there are things a bit more important, because we don’t have all the time in the world now do we? If anything I can answer them later” I said, trying to make the explanations as short as I could, but also not wanting to disappoint them. With those words I got some cute pouts, for my very healthy “SO CUTE!” reaction, and afterwards a general nod. “Now…I believe there is another box you don’t know its function, and it’s this thing here” I told them, going into a crouching level and pointing to my PS2.

“This thing here is called a PS2, and believe me when I say this. If you thought the television was surprising, then this will BLOW. YOUR. MINDS!”

Well that is that. I think I’m writing more boring stuff than funny stuff though. (Sigh) I can’t really tell, you tell me. Hopefully nothing can go wrong in funny stuff with games, right? Right? XD. I also have one thing that came to my mind. For those who may think that the MLP guys aren’t getting enough participation, remember that this is the human world, and therefore, if a human is participating, even more in his/her POV, then he will get more participation than the others. That being said, there will be different groups, so participation will get balanced somewhat. You’ll have to see. Also, I know this is selfish to ask, but if you can, comment when you can. I feel lonely if I can't answer or respond to you guys XD. And I also feel better when I see the words, no matter what they. Once again sorry for the selfish reminder. I feel like I should let Pinkamena and Discord do whatever they want to me. (Sigh) sorry. With that clarified, the catchphrase. Comment, R&R, let your inner Grammar Nazi out, haters ignored, flamers abhorred, etc, etc. It’s almost 4 in the morning and my eyes beg for their closing XD. CPM out.