• Published 16th Feb 2012
  • 3,886 Views, 190 Comments

Pony Terrestrial - Arcanel

A mess up of Twilight, ponies being brought to Earth in several places, and misadventures happening.

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A final delay! End of the score!

Thou hast all my attention, readers. Thou hast it all. CPM here. So remember when I said that I was going to do two chapters? Well, I decided to just do one. Why? Because even I MYSELF am starting to feel that this has gone on for far too long, plot wise speaking, not to mention some reviews are already wanting me to go on once and for all…and I agree. Of course this means that the chapter will be a tad longer than intended, but with not many songs as hoped to do in two chapters. This is for the good of the story, I hope. Which means that a certain moment is soon to come, but further information on the lower author’s note. Anyway, this will be a chapter of almost all songs recommended by YOU. For those who aren’t in, a sorry in advance, but I REALLY can’t put all you ask me too, and I can only put that which is not to difficult to write about, fits best, and is something that I would enjoy writing. Although almost every song did met those requirements, which is why it was so difficult XD. Anyway, ado is over. Here is the next installment of The misadventures of MLP: FIM around the world, A final delay! End of the score!

Hello people this is the boring disclaimer that says- “Hi Everypony! carsnprognmlp owns nothing in this story but his own story, everything else goes to their respective owners!” Pinkie! Why won’t you let me do my job!? “But isn’t your job writing? I mean, I’m sure you could also say disclaimers…but are you sure? I mean a disclaimer is super-duper boring and I can’t stand it, but since you’re not supposed to do it, I do it because I want to help my friends, but it’s still REALLY boring. Are you sure it’s supposed to be this boring? I mean-“ …to the people of the world, I ask for help to stop her…NOW!
Whew! Well, there have been a lot of songs. Butnow, which one should I…Oh yeah, I have a perfect one in mind!...I just hope Spike won’t faint because of it, and that both parts will agree.

“Well, for the next song, I’m going to need a bit of an agreement, because I want to surprise you, Spike and Rarity” I told them, with a bit of excitement, hesitation, and LOTS of expectation in my voice.

“Whatever do you mean?” Rarity asked me.

“Well, it’s because I don’t know what will you think if I outright tell you, and because…I want you two to dance the next song” I answered her. If this works, there will be one happy dragon…if it doesn’t, a fainted, embarrassed one. Let it work, I say!

“Oh?” The white unicorn remarked. Meanwhile, Spike was already beginning to sweat bullets behind her.

“You want me…t-t-to d-d-dance with R-R-R-Rarity?” Spike stuttered. ‘Oh boy, if he’s going to be like this, then he is ultimately screwed. I think for your strength, and pray for it too, little dragon

“You seem to be shuddering a lot Spike, are you okay?” Rarity asked him with concern. Meanwhile, Twilight was starting to have giggling fit, Rainbow and Applejack were all “Go for it lover boy!”,Fluttershy…I think it was a “Good luck” face and/or a “Oh my”, I couldn’t tell. Pinkie was already having her party blowers in handy, or should I say hoofy?, and Celestia and Luna were watching with interest the situation develop, the first with a smile, the other with pure curiosity.

“I-I-I’m okay Rarity. I’m just fine” Spike said, trying to dismiss his crush’s concern.

“Oh well, if you say so. But why did you look a bit…pale, when Arcanel asked us to dance the next song?” Rarity asked again, still a bit skeptical on Spike’s condition.

“Oh nothing! I just felt a…chill! Yup, just a chill” Spike reassured her. ‘Well, for a lie, it was better executed than I thought, given his state

“Hmmm…very well” Rarity finished, albeit still skeptical on the whole thing. “However, would you like to dance with me?” Rarity offered Spike. And he just went “Oh my Celestia…”

“I-I-I…Of course I would!” The purple dragon exclaimed. ‘I congratulate you Spike for not sounding like a scratch record about to faint

“Very well! Would you show us this next song, Mr. Arcanel?” Rarity asked me, confirming her participation. Well, here goes nothing!

“Of course” I said to her and prepared the next song. If the next song is a success, then YES! If not, then…I haven’t thought of the bad consequences that much now that I think about it… It must work! Let’s TANGO!

(I will admit that I had this idea shortly after posting the last chapter. And I’m also surprised why no one didn’t thought of it yet. Then again, it could be that tango isn’t exactly THAT known out of the countries that don’t practice it a lot. Mainly, because I certainly enjoyed writing this part, because of the situation, and because Spike and Rarity are two of my favorite characters, and pairing as well XD. Also, before you ask, Astor Piazzolla IS tango, for those who don’t think that way. It’s just a more modern version, and I agree that he was a genius for thinking that way. I COULD have put a much more tango-ing related musician, like Carlos Gardel, but both should be considered the most important musicians in terms of tango in my country. So here it is. Enjoy!)

The moment the song started, the reaction for everyone was Rarity going “You want us to dance tango!?”, Spike going “W-W-What?!” and the rest going “Ohhhhhhh” except Pinkie, who was always happy, and Celestia, who looked far more intrigued than I thought.

“I can’t believe you possess such music!” Rarity confessed. Apparently she was far more shocked than I thought.

“T-T-Tango?With R-R-Rarity?” Spike stuttered again. I was surprised that he knew what tango was about, but honestly, the truth was I was having a hard time not to feel sorry for the guy because of said knowledge. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and gathered some courage.

“Um…Rarity…s-s-shall we?” Spike asked his crush, extending his claw in what must be one of his most courageous moments of his life. All my applause to that little guy. More men like him should exist in this world. Both on race and personality, of course.

“Gladly, Spike” Rarity answered taking his claw in her hoof, despite the little size problem that now ensued. With that started dancing to the tune of the music.

However, after a few minutes it was CLEAR that saying what they were doing was dancing could be a bit generous to say, much to the hilariousness of the situation. Since the size difference was a bit too great to be canceled easily, the dance Rarity and Spike did for the first half was a bit…awkward, to say the least. Spike was barely able to reach Rarity’s hooves and therefore was literally almost lifted off the ground. Why the hell don’t I have a video camera in moments like this!? Rainbow, like the pony she is, was already starting to laugh like there was no tomorrow, which earned her a glare from Rarity when she was able to face her. Applejack and Twilight were trying their best to not giggle, and apparently, semi-succeeding. Luna was like that too, but was able to conceal it better, while Celestia just kept on smiling, like Pinkie. And Fluttershy was all “Oh dear” in this situation.

Amazingly though, when the second part of the song got there, Spike just learned a bit better out of nowhere how be in a better position for this moment. He started holding himself on the ground better, and was able to keep up with Rarity’s moves, and since they were better coordinated, she could even start getting her head closer to his. The blush each time that ensued, was worthy of every daww in existence. And right before they finished, they did one of the classical endings in tango dancing. They did a quick spin and held together like suspended in the air, very close to each other. Rarity’s face was quite the one of a charmer, as she had on many occasions, and have I been a pony myself, there would have little I could have done to not fall for it. Spike’s face however, was that of the guy about to pass out from sheer blush. Right then and there, I was jealous and proud of him, but the most I was, was about to avoid wolf-whistling and saying “WOOOO!”. At the most least, my brain allowed me to just clap like I should. Thank you brain.

“Woah. Congratulations to you two! That was a dance that for who are you, would be called impressive in my country…even if the start was a bit…off” I said, trying not to laugh at the memory of such a thought. When I said those words, Spike and Rarity separated and she turned to look at me.

“Why thank you Arcanel! I most certainly enjoyed that little dance I and Spike just recreated. I did not even consider that you had such fine music in this world” Rarity admitted. ‘Made impression to Rarity, made her dance, with Spike, and she liked it altogether. OMEGA FREAKING SUCCESS!

Spike however was still recovering from his little dance with the love of his life. In fact he was almost in a trance.

“Spike? Are you alright?” I asked him, trying to get his attention, to no avail.

“Spike? What’s going on?” Rarity asked him too, she too making an attempt to get him to acknowledge something but failing as well. Meanwhile, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow were all giggling, much to Rarity’s dismay. If only she knew heh.

“Why are you laughing!? Spike is not responding to anything we do!” The white unicorn exclaimed, concerned for the baby dragon’s lack of response and getting flustered at her friend’s laughter.

“Oh Rarity, haven’t ye realized it yet? Applejack inquired. T this Rarity simply put on her best “Whatever do you mean?” face, which prompted Rainbow to talk.

“Oh come on! I mean, it’s obvious” The cyan pegasus told her

“It is obvious WHAT?” Rarity asked, only this time a bit more enraged, tired of her friends “riddles”.

“Well, it’s that-“ “TWILIGHT!” Twilight was interrupted by none other than Pinkie Pie.

“FOR-EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!” The pink pony exclaimed with a serious face, as if to remember her something. Ah…right…the Pinkie promise.

“Oh, right. Sorry Rarity, you’ll have to figure it out on your own. But your dance was very nice” The studious unicorn said, trying to change the subject. This of course flustered said white pony even more.

“Oh dear!Humph! Very well then. Spikey-Wikey! There’s a very delicious, gorgeous, delectable emerald in front of you!” Rarity said in a sing song voice. The moment her words escaped her mouth, drool started coming from Spike’s mouth, who shook his head and said.

“Wha- Where?!”That statement brought all of us to laugh a little, while the little dragon had no idea what just happened.

“Woah! What happened? I just remember dancing with Rarity in a dream and then…nothing” Spike concluded, still a bit confused. My cue!

“Um, Spike? That DID happen now. But please don’t go all frozen on us. Please?” I begged him. This made him go wide eyed, but I think my message got through, because he shook his head again and nodded. Then he turned around but I could see he was going all dreamy. Mission accomplished.

“Well, I’m glad that you liked it Rarity anyway. I wanted to do a little something for tango because it’s very practiced in my country. And since it requires dancing…well, I couldn’t thought up of any better two to dance it at this circumstances” I explained to her. ‘Oso, Oso, mentiroso. (Our version of “Lier, lier, pants on fire” XD).If only she knew about Spike’s crush, and that that was the reason why I made both of them dance…she may be good about romance, but when it comes to herself, it’s like she shrouds herself in a veil of mystery…or something like that

“I see. I am glad that I was able to participate in such an…interesting situation” Rarity admitted again. ‘Interesting indeed

“Very well then.This was a song composed by Astor Piazzolla, may he rest in peace, and is called “Libertango”, although I’m not totally sure of the name of the song. Anyway, let’s get to the next song! Twilight, this could be considered as a song for you. Because, I think it somehow puts what you sometimes feel when you’re studying, or thinking for life, only with far more adjectives. To anyone learning English, it’s a nice way of learning adjectives” I told the purple unicorn while laughing a bit. This made her go “Oh? Really?” and with that face, I took my cue. Let the LOGICAL begin!

(I was wondering what the hell could I do for a song of Twilight. Then I thought of this. And then I thought why nobody had tried to this yet. EXPLAIN! XD. I’m serious! If anybody can recommend this song for a MLP parody brony music, then do so! I think it would be nice).

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily,
joyfully, playfully watching me.
But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible,
logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
clinical, intellectual, cynical.

There are times when all the world's asleep,
the questions run too deep
for such a simple man.
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegtable!

At night, when all the world's asleep,
the questions run so deep
for such a simple man.
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.

The song ended and I went to see what Twilight’s reaction to this song was. I was not disappointed.

“Well…I admit that it is a very interesting song, not to mention that I liked it. In sense, it IS what I’m feeling but it’s more when I can’t get what I’m studying and just throw the book to the floor. And you were right. I wouldn’t have thought of that many adjectives” She finished, giggling at her last comment. ‘I know declare an EXITO! For my attempt at a smart song!

“Yep! Sounds just like a song for Twilight with all them fancy words” Applejack commented. ‘Fancy words for the win!

“Ow! My head…all those words” Rainbow complained. ‘If only I could understand your pain Rainbow...Problem is I like saying long, complicated words

“With all those words, it is almost like it was 1000 years ago…” Luna reminisced. ‘Wow…I expected to make a smart impact, not a nostalgic one’

“Haha. Yeah. I’ll admit though, I’m not sure of the song’s true meaning, but I think that one not knowing the answer in some occasions is a part of it” I admitted as well. After all, who the hell puts so many adjectives in one song?! After my little explanation I continued. “This song was done by an interesting band called “Supertramp” and it is called, quite appropriately if I say so myself, “The Logical Song” I finished, which earned a little giggle on behalf of Twilight.

“Well, on any case, I’m glad you liked it. I wasn’t sure whether the song was going to work, but it seems to have done the trick. Anyway, I’ll be putting the next song. Now, this song and the next one will be a little different, because I will show you, alongside the music, a video that goes with said music. Or as we like to call them, a video clip” I explained to them, which in turn came the response from Twilight.

“A video that goes with the music?” She asked.

“Well, yes something. You could say it shows what the lyrics tell you in a way. Imagine a movie of some sorts, which means that what goes on is all staged, and none of it is actually real. They do the things yes, but no one gets hurt, or it is made so that no one gets hurt. Anyway I hope you enjoy it. And Pinkie, just in case, if you want to try anything that goes in the video, PLEASE be careful” I warned the party pony, because I KNEW something was going to happen. After I got her “Okay!” I went and put the video. I may not like this song, but I guess it’s only fair I show them that we have songs like this, not to mention what happens when people get together. PARTY TIME!

(I’ll be honest guys. I don’t like this song, but I guess that was very good to use it, not to mention more than one reader asked me to use. So…here it is, and it goes to everyone who asked for it.)

As I started the video, I kept on turning how they were reacting, and soon the first question arose.

“Woah!What the hay happened to them?!” Rainbow asked. And again she asks first. This is starting to surprise me more and more.

“Well…you could say that they partied WAY too much. Even more than Pinkie” I explained to her…wait a minute…did I just say that someone was partying MORE than Pinkie…?

“HAH! You’re kidding me. NOPONY can party more than Pinkie!” Rainbow retaliated. Yep, I did say that. It’s because I, am an IDIOT!

“I mean…they didn’t party more than Pinkie. What I mean is that it was too much for them to handle it. Ever had that feeling that you went too far in a party? Well, that happened to them. I mistook me erarlier phrase. NOBODY parties like Pinkie AND can handle it” I said, trying to amend my mistake. Next time, I better watch my mouth before I start saying that somebody cleaned the sky faster than Rainbow, or that someone read more books than Twilight. That would be suicide, if this wasn’t already,

“Ohhhh…now that’s better!” Rainbow declared, satisfied with the correction. As was I.

When it got to the part where they showed the “desolated” city, again, a question.

“My stars! Whatever happened to that place?” Rarity asked in dramatic tension. Honestly, when will Twilight ask?! This is too weird.

“Well…you’ll see soon enough. Can’t ruin the “movie”, now can I? Oh by the way, this shows a bit how our world looks like as well” I explained to her. Twilight was already scribbling again, but it’s like she managed to pay attention to both things. I wish I could do that.

And then came the weird guy shuffle-dancing…oh yeah, things are gonna get interesting…here and there.

“Ohhh…what’s he dancing?” Pinkie asked with a LOT of enthusiasm. Here comes the shuffle!

And right after came the guy trying to warn them about the “dreaded" song. After which the ponies and dragon were all “Huh?”

“Trust me. I know this is part of the show but imagine this situation. You find yourself in a world where there’s only one song played and danced ALL THE TIME. To compare, imagine Pinkie singing every single moment of her breathing life. Would you be able to survive?” I asked them back, wanting to see their hypothetical reactions. They say that if you suddenly sneeze or feel a chill, then most probably someone is talking about you. I know for a fact that did not happen to the 9 beings that shivered. I know what they imagined…and I can understand. If even Celestia showed some uncomfortable shudder, then it must be something. (What would you do?).

And then…came the whole purpose of the video that made it famous, both for song and video…the dancing extravaganza…

“Dah hahahahahahha! Is that dancing?! Hahahahah!” Rainbow laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world. And frankly, I agree.

“Oh dear…that seems a bit…embarrassing to say the least” Rarity commented, while she was trying to hold her giggles. Applejack, Twilight and Luna were all in the same state as well.

“Well…I have to admit that is something I have not seen…” Celestia said. Yep, impression to the goddess!...Now the wonder is if this is for good or bad…

“Oh my…” Was all Fluttershy could say before blushing a bit, embarrassed by the bizarre moves that were shown in the video.

“Hey! Look, this is fun!” The shout had come from none other than Pinkie Pie, who, as I had expected, was already shuffling the hell out of my floor. Good thing her physics allow her to be light otherwise…neighbors’ sue incoming!

Meanwhile, while the song and video kept on going, my body started to get that feeling of moving my legs. ‘Oh hell no you don’t! This is Pinkie’s dance! There’s no way I’m going to- Wait, what?!‘ Chastising, apparently, doesn’t work for keeping your legs unmoving. Eh, whatever. Let’s join in the shuffling if I have no choice!

By now I was already by Pinkie’s side, the video forgotten. However, I could see that the others were starting to get influenced as well. Spike was pretty much trying to dance what the guys at the video did. Failing a bit, but still managing. Twilight, Applejack and Luna were trying their best to NOT get influences by the song…and epically failing because I could see their hooves starting to slowly move. Rainbow was in her best “I shall not dance!” pose, which meant that she wasn’t going to move a hoof with this. Celestia was just…watching. Apparently, the anthem was not able to penetrate her regal stance. I can only imagine…GAH! Doctor, a lobotomy for the part in brain responsible for that image please! Fluttershy, was starting to slowly hide away, and Rarity was almost as immaculate as Celestia. No surprise there as well. Although I CAN imagine Rarity shuffling…I think.

By the near end of the song, me, Pinkie and Spike were pro choreographers by now. It’s like we couldn’t stop doing what the video did. Then Applejack, Luna, and Twilight finally broke down in shuffling together side by side. Well that was weird. Rainbow was resisting, even when her hooves were tapping at the rhythm of the music. Impressive! Celestia, while quiet, was showing that she clearly enjoyed the situation around her, Fluttershy was already hidden below the table because of the small commotion, however, after a while, she had warmed up to the whole dancing thing and started doing slow moves of the dance. And that was saying something. Rarity though was awfully quiet and VERY focused on the screen. What the hell did she saw? Finally the song had ended.

“Woooooo! That was fun, let’s do it again!” Spike and Pinkie exclaimed both at the same time. ‘Everyday I’m partying!...Gah! I need to shut up!

“Phew..ah have to admit that was…different, but enjoyable. But ah ain’t doing it again!” Applejack concluded. ‘Strange…she doesn’t get tired from hours of applebucking, but she gets tired from minutes of shuffling? Apparently, logic left the main field a long while ago. Wait a minute…why I’m even questioning that?’

“Never again…fun, but never again…” Twilight panted. ‘Ain’t no place like the library, no Twilight?

“Haha! You should have watched yourselves! This was totally something that needed to be filmed!” Rainbow guffawed. ‘Yeah sure, laugh while you can…it won’t last you long

“This was…something else” Luna said, looking perplexed. ‘Recently, I’ve heard that modern dances are a nice way to have fun Princess Luna

“You humans seem interesting when together…” Celestia said. ‘Insult or compliment. That is the question…but coming from Celestia, surely it was a compliment, right? Right?

“That was…fun. Scary, but…I think it was fun” Fluttershy whispered. ‘And that’s as much as I’ll get from her I guess. I should be happy!

“Arcanel…may I ask you a question?” Rarity suddenly inquiered. Okay, she’s breaking the ice. Let’s see what the hell she was focused on.

“Of course you can Rarity!” I assured said pony.

“Where do you…get dresses like of that um…I believe lady, was the word you used yes?” She asked me. ‘A question about the dress…never in my life I thought this would happen

“Well…I’ll be sincere, I’m not sure. Fashion is not exactly my cup of tea. And yes the correct word is lady, or woman” I explained to her. This is not how I imagined a normal conversation with my favorite pony. Then again…she is Rarity. I should have expected it any time soon.

“I see…that is a shame. I think that lady simply looked GORGEOUS with that dress. So much sparkle to draw attention, a good shade of black to make contrast with her figure, not to mention the curves of it…such beauty!” The white unicorn said dreamily. I think the people at Vogue and stuff like that would be VERY glad to have her with them. Actually, she would be a boss, never to worry about bad stuff in fashion, not to mention, how good looki-THE FUCK AM I THINKING! Rarity, I love you, but I WON’T let you take me to the side of clothes. It is a side reserved only for the brave…and the patient…and of course the likers of fashion…and I’m neither of all those.

“Well, I could always try to arrange for you something about fashion, but I’m not su-“ Oh, that would be absolutely too kind of you Mr. Arcanel. Please, do not mind my senseless pleas” Rarity interrupted before I could say anything else. Must…not…fall…must…go…on…must…keep…Isho-oh who am I kidding, if there was the chance, I would gladly go through a dressing session just to speak to her and be her friend. Although, of course, certain requirements would have to be meet first, but so long as I don’t get nothing too degrading I would be fine…wait…all of the things she does are, normally, things that I would be never caught DEAD wearing…DOH!

“Oh no worries. Besides, the least I could do is to SOMEHOW do something to make you more comfortable” I reassured her and the rest of the beings with me.

“That is very of you Mr. Arcanel” Celestia complimented. Ever had a growing sensation for accomplishment in your chest when you did something good? Well, I just had one and it feels great!

“Not a problem at all” I told them.

“However, you did gave me an idea for me to use personally” Rarity said, a little bit more…slyly. Uh oh! What is she thinking?

“Oh Rainbow Daaaaaash” Rarity called the cyan pegasus in a sing song voice.

“Yeah? What’s the matter Rarity?” Said pegasus called back.

“I think you owe me something after leaving me with Pinkie Pie going back…in the desert…on a filthy wagon (I know this is not the correct word, but you know what I’m talking about, right? I just don’t know how they are called)…all the way back to Ponyville…” The alabaster pony mentioned in a calm but a somehow dangerous voice. I…think she is a little mad…DANGEROUS!...That’s what you knowwwwwwww…(hopefully, you know that song XD).

“Oh…um…and what would it be?” Rainbow asked in semi-scared tone after remembering that little incident when Applejack had gone away of Ponyville and with Cherry Jubilee.

“Well…I was thinking that modeling for me would be a good way to make it up for me. After all, I lost precious time of work” Rarity again said in a calm voice, but not dangerous. ‘I think you might have easily lost her mind in there. I hope Celestia had mercy on her. But I fear a dim future for Rainbow Dash…may the forces of fashion be with you my cyan friend

“What?! No wa-“ Ponyville’s number one flyer wasn’t able to finish her sentence because the face that Rarity had directed to her, was worthy of the scariest face one might have ever seen in life. The moment Rainbow saw her face, she gulped and nodded.

“Okay then!” I quickly said, trying to make the cyan pegasus not lost any more composure, and to stop Rarity from giving me the creeps. “That song is called “Party Rock Anthem” and was done by a group called “LMFAO”. Believe me, the name is strange but it is nothing special” I explained to them. Sure, I may want to show them a lot of stuff, but I don’t think complicating them with abbreviations would be such a good idea. Although, Twilight does have BBBFF as one…oh well, better not risk it anyway.

“I’m glad you liked this song. Honestly I didn’t know what would happen…and apparently it wasn’t so bad…even if some ended up doing things, um, “against their will” I laughed. This of course made a few smiles come my way. Though the important thing was, Rarity stopped with the creepy face. THAT was the important mission. “However I don’t think I have enough energy, or skill for that matter, to what they do in the next video…and you’ll see why” I warned in a joking way. And with that, after looking at the interested, frustrated and even desperate faces behind me, I went and put the other video that was in my mind. If the king of pop doesn’t make any reaction, then NOTHING will…I think.

(I am going to do another song, later in the story, of MJ, but since I couldn’t leave him out…here’s this song. To those who requested dear MJ, here he is. May he rest in peace, and may you enjoy on his, and the ponies + dragon, behalf!)

“Remember when I said that these videos are supposed to be like movies, but of a song? Well, this will totally feel like one. And in it, participates the creator of the song…and one of the best dancers there ever was, with a choreography that goes over anything I have ever seen” I explained to them. MJ, I don’t how, but you still were one hell of a dancer. I’m sorry you didn’t live longer. May you rest in peace. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have important matters to attend to!

By the time the video started, I started watching the reactions that were ensuing behind me. The whole reaction was a big intrigue in their faces that, dare I say, if you were to mash all faces together, they would look the same, only with the face being more multicolored than Rainbow Dash, as impossible as that may seem.

However, VERBAL reactions started coming right when the dancing began…and from a most unexpected pony.

“Interesting…I cannot help but wonder how he moves in such a way that he stops without going any further in the movement, that is not to mention the fact that all those…people, correct? Could coordinate those movements as well…I must say, your race is quite the artistic one, Arcanel” Luna described in such a way, that made me feel she was from this world and she just didn’t know Michael Jackson…awesome.

“Well…I’m not too sure either” I lamely answered, to the disappointment of the night princess. “I really don’t know HOW he moves that way. It’s like only he can do it and no one else” I explained to her. Unsurprisingly, at the same time, Pinkie was already trying to do the same moves in the video…and for once, she couldn’t do it. Wait, what?!

“Wooo…these moves are super-duper hard to do…but I won’t give up!” Pinkie exclaimed, determination all over her body, voice and the whole thing altogether. Wow…Pinkie having trouble with something…I haven’t seen something like this since she had to take care of the baby Cakes, and even then she managed to do it!...This is a situation not expected nor now nor never.

However, things stopped going so smoothly once the “violence” started showing up.

“(GASP) Oh my stars! Is he alright!?” Rarity exclaimed in worry. Next time I’m showing them a video of MJ, let it be the one that DOESN’T contain some sort of criminal, acted or not.

“Yes Rarity he is al-“ “Are you sure?! He isn’t moving!” Twilight interrupted just as I was about to re-explain the whole thing. Which makes me wonder, did she for once not listen to something?

“Calm down. Remember what I said earlier? This is all staged. Rarity, you more than anybody would know of good acting when you see it, right?” I reasoned with the queen of all drama. At this, she put on her pensive face, and sighed.

“I guess you are right. I DO have to admit that for being an acting ruse, it seems quite real” Rarity admitted. Apparently, acting classes do pay off in this kind of situations it seems.

“Yeah! Relax Rarity! These guys are good!” Rainbow complimented. Once again, score for humans!

“Haha. Don’t worry. Besides, if this WERE real, believe me, this human right here would be one of the best in fighting, not to mention that suddenly disappearing would be real, which I know is not correct, right Twilight?” I laughed again, because as I was talking, the whole “fight” began.

“Yes…you’re right” Twilight conceded as she watched the would-be-murderer get shot and just disappear in the wall.

“Again, fret not. You won’t find this kind of things in the real world” I told them. Or should I say half-lied to them, considering that technically, the gangster era is over, only we have far worse things now…oh, yeah, this will be weird if it ever comes to it.

“And now…watch” I finished as the video entered its most dancing part. However, in between the watching, a single comment was made…and it was one I should have expected.

“Well, stage or not, I have to admit that the suit he is wearing is simply MARVELOUS and fits him from head to hoof…er, toe” None other than the owner of Carousel Boutique had spoken those words. ‘If the maker of MJ’s clothes is hearing me, beware. A fashion monster has been awaken, and she will not stop until the design she wants is found

It was going great…until the soldiers appeared.

“Oh my Celestia…that poor child” “Are you sure this was staged Arcanel?” “Was the artifact really necessary?” Fluttershy, Princess Celestia and Twilight all expressed their thoughts. Number one, note to self. A video clip to them is a movie, period. Number two, they may not know guns, but they can be intelligent enough to know what it does.

“Yes this is staged! And no, it’s just for the video so as to make it more cool” I tried to explain to them. I got only one response which fortunately, was the positive one.

“Meh, it could be 20% cooler if he could fly. Nice moves though” Rainbow commented. Did she just…okay, that was weird, ain’t complaining. At all.

After the video finished, I got just some answers, however they were much more positive than I expected.

“A good clothing, astounding dancing moves and a believable acting skills. A great human for sure!” Is what Rarity said. ‘I wonder if she would ever try moondancing…nah, not even in my dreams would that happen…or can it?

“The whole thing could have been cooler…but it was awesome anyway” Rainbow declared. ‘What she considers cool is to many the best of the best. I think I’m gonna need some heavy aerial cavalry…in the most literal of the senses

“Not in even in our castle would they be able to entertain us like this. Another artistic exposition that would be great for it!” Luna almost demanded. ‘Celestia’s going to be busy when she goes…if she goes back…’

“Hey! I think I did it!” Pinkie was the one who said those words. The problem was, her hooves had all my attention.
Somehow, she was managing to do moondance…of course. Ignore all the rest, but able to learn the best move…that’s Pinkie Pie for me!

“Pinkie…many would be GLAD to have you in their dancing auditions for sure!” I complimented her, at which she smiled. May she moondances forever, unless she has to bounce for transport, period.

“(giggle) Anyway, this song is called “Smooth Criminal”, a name which suits quite well with the video, and was done by the late “Michael Jackson”, may her rest in peace” I explained to them. “And with that, we have no videos for now, however songs are still to be heard! And this next one is for you Fluttershy!” I declared to the masses, which of course, caused the now common “Oh?” only in her case it looked cuter. “Just hear the next song…and relax” And with that, I put what is probably one of the most relaxing songs, as well as one of the saddest ones. Heh, solitude isn’t the thing Fluttershy wants of course, but I want to put this song on another meaning.

(angelicoreXX, you gave me this song…it was NOT going to be left out, pure and simple XD. The moment I heard this, I thought “what a great song to use for Fluttershy, given who she is” It may not exactly show the “coping with the world” thing you mentioned, but it sure does the rest. Here goes!).

I played the song so I could see the reaction of Fluttershy during the song, as well as the rest. During the whole song, everybody was with their eyes closed, and it’s like when you exit a massage you slump down your shoulders to relax. They did the exact same thing. All 9 of them were with their eyes closed in relaxation. I think I could even see Fluttershy daydreaming by the way she was on her posture, like starting to do things in her dreams. Cuteness aside, I could not help but feel that she doesn’t get as many moments as this one. As if, she wasn’t able to relax that much, even though that shouldn’t come as a surprise to me, now that I think about it. The song ended and everyone opened their eyes, and precisely, the one who I was interested more in the reaction, spoke first.

“That was beautiful. It would be the perfect ballad for when I’m taking care of the animals…or when we are doing a picnic…or when I’m simply strolling in the woods. And all the animals sounds blended so well…it’s like it was made for those things” Fluttershy declared in an almost dreamy voice. It’s like she was talking and having dreams right then and there. I wonder how she does that…

“Agreed” The scary thing about such a simple word? The other 8 in the room said it at the same time. ‘That goes to show me how much it suited her’

“Good for you Fluttershy. This song is called “A Path to Solitude” and was done by a man called “Dan Gibson”. I know the song doesn’t represent what you want, but the song itself is what makes you feel so good…despite it having a different meaning I think” I explained to her. Truthfully, there’s something that relates to solitude on her case because of how secluded she lives, but I don’t want to bring that subject up, let alone after hearing this song. After I got a nod from her I proceeded to play the next song. This was a far shorter thing than most of the songs. Probably because the general reaction was so consolidated into one big commentary.

“Anyway, here is the next song. This one is far more…heavy, and is done by a man who many would call him insane, myself included. However, this one here is a classic of this genre. You DON’T say you like the genre and you haven’t heard this song” I explained to them. I didn’t thought that this song required Fluttershy out, ironically, because, sure, the music is heavy, but it isn’t unholy…you know what, risk, is not an option right now.

“Fluttershy, you might want to be our for this one” I warned the yellow pegasus. And after her exit, I proceeded to put the song. Let the crazy begin!

(Now, I wouldn’t have thought of this, but then again, I think that it SHOULD be fair that they know about the metal side too. tubaguy, this is for you man! Enjoy your crazy train! XD)

Crazy, but that’s how it goes
Millions of people living as foes
Maybe it’s not too late
To learn how to love
And forget how to hate

Mental wounds not healing
Life’s a bitter shame
I’m going off the rails on a crazy train

I’ve listened to preachers
I’ve listened to fools
I’ve watched all the dropouts
Who make their own rules
One person conditioned to rule and control
The media sells it and you have the role

Mental wounds still screaming
Driving me insane
I’m going off the rails on a crazy train

I know that things are going wrong for me
You gotta listen to my words

Heirs of a cold war
That’s what we’ve become
Inheriting troubles I’m mentally numb
Crazy, I just cannot bear
I’m living with something that just isn’t fair

Mental wounds not healing
Who and what’s to blame
I’m going off the rails on a crazy train

By the time the song finished it was time for the truth upon putting such a song.

“Well, it was cool! Great for any race I’m running! The heavy and great, for the best of the best!” Rainbow exclaimed. ‘Ego aside, I think it WOULD suit her more than I thought it would…huh, never thought of it this way

“Ugh…how crude! Your race definitely shows some…variety, Arcanel” Rarity commented in half-disgust, half-intrigue. ‘Rarity and Ozzy Osbourne do not mix. Imagine them in the same room…either she will faint because of how Ozzy is, or him will faint because of how Rarity is…no, scratch that. I have no idea what would make Ozzy faint, even if he is in front of his anti-thesis, so to speak…even more because he is totally crazy and he MAY do something bad to Rarity…and that I just CAN’T let that happen

“Oooooohhhh…so…he rides on a crazy train? Cool!” Pinkie guessed. ‘I have the slight feeling that she and Ozzy would be friends if it ever happen…and I don’t know why

“He sings like he is in pain…did something happen to him?” Twilight asked concerned. ‘…I did not expect that. Ozzy, know that you have a pony worried about you. For some reason now beer isn’t necessary to believe that!

“Er…no Twilight. That’s kind of his voice” I explained to her.

“Are you sure? He just sounds so…raspy” She told me. (Sigh) never ever again show raspy voices…otherwise, unnecessary worries are to be held…and nightmares of what would happen if said people were to find out that someone like Twilight is worrying about them as well.

“I like him. He seems like the tough guy to hang around” Spike commented. Of course, Twilight already started worrying about wondering what would happen if they were to meet. ‘It wouldn’t be THAT bad but…yeah, I don’t think Ozzy would be the best influence for a baby dragon. Although, would-be-epic brohoof between those two would be epic! Like, Spike would provide the fire for fireworks for Ozzy’s concerts…ooohhh…the possibilities…

“Heh, I think it would be a bit farfetched sugarcube. Them music is nice though” Applejack giggled a bit. ‘Country girl plus metal equals…………okay, I got nothing

“I think I can understand the song. It’s about how the life is not something we can predict. I can relate to that” Princess Luna said. ‘…I think we just found the perfect partner for Ozzy Osbourne. The princess of the night with the duke of darkness? In a band?...I say HELL YEAH!’ (I am seriously asking you people to tell what the hell would happen if this were to happen in our world XD)

“Oh Luna…you are not the only one who can” Celestia said in a semi-condescending, semi-joking voice. ‘Heh they have lived for a LONG time. They can explain better anybody how crazy life is’

“Haha! This song is called “Crazy Train” and was done by a man called “Ozzy Osbourne”. Like I said, the man is, to many people, including me, insane, but that’s how we love the guy. Besides, he is an icon of this genre, and I don’t know what would have happened if he didn’t exist” I explained to them. One does not simply mess with the power and legacy of Osbourne. You can’t, plain and simple.

“Here’s the next song as well. Fluttershy, I think you can come back now. This one…is for you Princess Luna. I think you’ll fins that you can relate to this song fairly well in a sense” I explained to them, which prompted the curious face of Luna. Sadly it won’t last long with this song. But I feel like I need to show her this. May the thousand years of happiness begin…from the thousand years of solitude left behind.

(I have been wondering for a good Luna song…and while this wasn’t what I had in mind, it certainly fits too. rekolot06, I thank you for recommending me this song. Tis for you dude!)

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more

The song ended and I went to see the faces upon this beautiful song. As I was almost, tears were found in the face of Luna.

“That was…beautiful…” was all the princess of the night could say. Apparently the song affected her even more than I thought.

“Oh Luna…” Celestia sighed. The moment she finished her words, she went and hugged her younger sister for all that she was worth it. Meanwhile, Twilight and co were all in tears as well, Rarity with a “So beautiful!” face, and Pinkie crying rivers in the most literal way possible…oh dear…I’m gonna have to clean that afterwards…dammit!

“I know the song is meant to be a more romantic tone but…I think that it represents how much waited for your freedom. To be out of that solitude. And given how the song mentions as much years as you and to wait well…I thought you would like to hear this song” I explained to her, moved as well by the little display of affection between the sisters. I have to say, many things moved me like this, being an emotional guy and all but…very few ones did it like this.

“T-Thank you, Arcanel, for letting us listen to this song. It sure gives me more hope than you could think after being alone for so many years. I was trapped and waited, and this song represents that exact thing” Luna told me. I could not be gladder that I made her happy. Of course, Celestia was starting to get more suspicious, because the face she put when she let go of her sister was one that said “I’m watching you”…I think they will run out of patience FAR faster than I thought. Of course, I’m kind of not making it that difficult to lose patience…the only thing stopping her from purring her horn in my throat is probably fact that she trusts me enough. Or…at least I think so.

“I’m, glad you liked it Princess Luna. This song is appropriately called “A Thousand Years” and was sung by a woman called “Christina Perri”. Honestly, I thought of this song just recently so, since you came, I kind of already had it in mind” I explained to them. Celestia had softened her expression, but she was still serious when looking at me. That’s your protective Celestia for ya’!...Even it is directed against me heh…

“This next song is one that I like to say is great for causing feelings” I shortly said to them. Here comes the iridescence we like!

(I like many songs of this group, but sadly, I haven’t heard their last album. Seems like I’m missing out on something XD. Ghost2291, this is for ya’, ya’ Linkin Park fan and awesome guy!)

When you were standing in the wake of devastation
when you were waiting on the edge of the unknown
with the cataclysm raining down, insides crying save me now
you were there and possibly alone.

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failiures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go.

And in the burst of light that blinded every angel
as if the sky had blown the heavens into stars
you felt the gravity of temper grace falling into empty space
no one there to catch you in there arms

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go.

(Multiple Voices)
Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go,

let it go
let it go
let it go
let it go

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
you build up all the failures all you've known
remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go.

Once more the song ended for me to watch the endless reactions of interdimentional and very cute beings in my house upon songs of out world…I need to stop sounding so scientific…

“That was beautiful…so inspiring…” Rarity and Fluttershy sighed once more. ‘Honestly, I think that in some occasions, this song would suit Rarity quite well. Then again, if I ever tell her that, she will utterly kick my ass back to oblivion. Or rather, send me to the moon. She is way to classy and educated to kick some alien ass directly. Although she did kick some ass back in the castle against the changelings…ah, that was so awesome…and I can’t forget Fluttershy. She kicked ass without even meaning too! That requires skills…and why the hell did I deviate so much from the original point?

“If only I could let go more than I ever did with my frustrations” This was said by Celestia and Twilight at the same time. ‘I don’t know whether that’s scary, or so awesomely coincidental’

“(Sigh) That song makes ye’ feel lonely if ye’ ask me” Applejack commented. ‘For some reason, I’m not surprised she is saying that. After all, she is much more happy go lucky than one can think. Not as much as Pinkie or Rainbow, but she is there. She prefers to fight the confrontations head to head

“Another beautiful song with a deep meaning. Your race certainly is interesting Arcanel” Luna declared. ‘Why the hell I heard that like she was a journalist or something? Ugh, get your head together Arcanel…

“You guys are intending on making songs for me, aren’t you?” Rainbow said. ‘…I do not mind that comment in the slightest, but if she continues, I am not to be make responsible for future bruises due to massive ego. At least she isn’t Trixie in that way

“Phew…this is too much feeling for these few songs” Spike panted. ‘It’s like he is starting to get physically affected by the songs…I wonder if he could survive through a concert…’

“These guys are on the right track of life, yessiree!” Pinkie exclaimed. ‘Agreed Pinkie. Linkin Park knows its stuff pretty well if I say so myself

“Yeah, I agree with you on those. This song is called “Iridescent” and was done by the band named “Linkin Park”, don’t ask about the name, I don’t know. I have another song for you now in my head, and this one…well, let’s just say you will have all the feelings you can get on a song” I explained to them. Yeah…this is gonna rock! A rhapsody for the ponies and the dragon will begin now!

(I had in mind doing this song the moment I thought of putting songs in here. Queen was not going to be left out and it would be blasphemy if I did. So here it is! And if you say “Why this song and not another one?”, simple. This song is the one I feel generates different feelings at the same time, and I kind of needed that, this being my favorite song of Queen, aside. So anyway, enjoy!)

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooo
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooo - (anyway the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

“Wow...this song is really sad…why do you say that it has more than one feeling?” Twilight asked me. Oh she knows nothing…may she resist the sudden change.
“Heh heh…hear for yourself dear Twilight…you’ll see that sometimes, a song can transmit more than one feeling throughout it” I warned…here comes…

I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo Figaro - magnifico

But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go (never)
Never let you go - let me go
Never let me go - ooo
No, no, no, no, no, no, no -
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me
for me
for me

“Were you saying Twilight?” I asked her in the most smug way possible. The look she put on was absolutely priceless. Complete and absolute “WTF?” state in its most pure form…again, priceless! Also, Pinkie seemed to be enjoying herself a lot…OH HELL YEAH! Oh and Fluttershy hid a little at the thunderbolt part. Even if I didn’t know any better, I think she actually heard a thunderbolt. Why can’t she enjoy such musical greatness? Oh right, super cute scared-of-everything factor…case closed.

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh baby - can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters - nothing really matters to me

Anyway the wind blows...

By the end of the song, I went to see the reactions of my little beings…and I did not just say that! Mind, would you please stop mixing my reason with the reality? Thank you!

“I…I can’t believe that such a sad song so quickly…so radically, and it still sounded good during the whole song…that was amazing!” The purple pony complimented. ‘Logic 0- Queen(plus ponies) 1. Enough said

“It was REALLY cool…but the hay is “scramuche” anyway?” Rainbow asked. ‘Oh girl, do not try to understand Freddy Mercury…just, don’t

“Um...actually, I have no idea. And by the way it’s “scaramouche” I corrected her, to which I got a “scaramouche shmaramouche” response. That failed so badly in so many ways…

“I must admit that never in my whole life I have heard of such a type of music…it is most interesting and delectable” Luna said. ‘And another one for Luna! At the rate we are going, I better buy her a freaking iPod or something…wait, that would be too weird, even with the situation at hand

“Ah don’t even know how to say something of this one…” Applejack admitted. ‘Apparently, Queen has caused more than one to enter in a state of “I don’t know what to say”…and it is glorious!

“This song…is just unbelievable. I cannot even begin to describe what the song is exactly, nor how the singer manages to reach all those voices…” Rarity commented. ‘Don’t worry Rarity. No one can, nor do I think someone ever will. Which is awesome in a sense

“Will you do the fandango?! I will and I will let him go too!” Pinkie exclaimed. ‘For some reason Pinkie on stage with Freddy would be an interesting sight to watch, that’s for sure

“This song tells many things, I can see that. Whoever did it has gone through a lot. Even if it sounds a bit too…exaggerated” Celestia told me. ‘Of all the songs she had to go and analyze, this was the one she choose? Logic, you chose a bad timing to enter in Celesta’s head

“It was nice…but then it got scary! I swear I heard a thunderbolt somewhere! But then it got really weird, and then it went more calm…oh dear, so many things…” Fluttershy declared. ‘Ah, so she was the one ending with the feeling rollercoaster…about time my cute Pegasus!

“I felt just like that Fluttershy! You’re not the only one! It’s like you went in a train with different wagons!” Spike compared. ‘Okay…unexpected comparison for the win, but it’s still weird that he said that. Maybe the song made him go a little nuts?’

“Well, anyone who hears this song rarely understands it fully at first, if ever. This was created by one of the best bands in all history, “Queen” and this song, which is also considered as one of the best in history too, is called “Bohemian Rhapsody”. Again, I’m not sure of the song, but if you guessed from now, the song doesn’t make much sense as it progresses. The band is still together, but their singer, Freddy Mercury, some years ago. May he rest in peace. Few will ever match that voice of his, if none at all” I explained to them. I don’t know of someone who fully understands the song. And I don’t think someone ever will. Only Freddy will have the answer to that question, and he took it with him to the tomb.

“As for another song, here is this one for you Fluttershy. Believe me, it has a good moral to it” I told her. This one is better than any motivational speech…or something like that. Time to say what you need to tell!

(I didn’t know this song before…until it was brought to me. Truebolt, you freaking rock you know that? This is for you my friend!)

Take all of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all of your so-called problems,
Better put 'em in quotations

Say what you need to say [x8]

Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you'd be better off instead,
If you only could . . .

Say what you need to say [x8]

Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You'd better know that in the end
Its better to say too much
Then never say what you need to say again

Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open

Say what you need to say [x24]

After the song ended, I had the brilliant idea to say something, just to change how this had been going.

“This is certainly better than anything Iron Will told you, no?” I laughed little as I said that. However that was my mistake, because someone just lost the patience, because suddenly a recognizable blue blur was in front of me…and it was scary.

“Okay, that’s it! You even know of Iron Will? Even with Princess Luna’s imprisonment that was a very known fact, as much as that was bad. But that was something different. If you even know that Fluttershy had the whole problem with Iron Will, then you know too much. Now would you please stop delaying and tell us, HOW THE HELL DO YOU ALL THIS!?” Rainbow exploded. Wait, I think my breath is leaving…come back you idiot, I need you to live! I know she’s scary, but we’re going to do this together! Ya hear me!

“Um…Rainbow Dash…could you be a little further away so I can breathe?” I pleaded to her, which succeeded because she backed away…just a little though. Good enough for me!

“Thank you…and yes. I think I got a little carried away, didn’t I?” I nervously chuckled, trying to get a bit humorous to break the mood a bit, which didn’t work too much because Rainbow was still fuming.

“Okay, sorry. I can’t even apologize. Because that would be an insult. Yes, I think that it’s time to show, the reason why I know all this. Why we humans now you. Do you agree Princess Celestia? All of you?” I asked trying to settle this once and for all. The rest were margined a bit because of Rainbow’s outrage, but they were all with intrigue and agreement in their faces. And after a conjoint “Yes”, that was my cue. I just hope that the next events won’t mess up WAY too much their minds. Otherwise, I will be royally screwed…in quite the literal sense, because Celestia and Luna will more than probably send me to the moon, and then to the sun, just for good measure. And I like the Earth a lot. Well, here will go nothing!

And that, finally, is that. I have the feeling that Rainbow’s reaction in that last part was what many of you were thinking no? XD. Do not worry. The moment will be held no longer! I’m sorry for the big time it took me to do this. But between distractions and a lot of goings and lack of access to computer, made it a bit hard to continue. I also have a BIG announcement. In the next weeks, this is probably going to be the last chapter I’m going to do. Why? Because I am getting close what I think in English is the “Mid-term exam” or something like that in college. Which means that I will have to study. A lot. And that means that my free time will be SEVERELY cut down. Which is why I did my first +10000 words chapter now, so you would have something to read in the meanwhile XD. I MAY, and this is a big MAY, post another chapter in the midst, but until then, I’m not sure. I can say that by June 10th or around that I’ll be normal again. So, just wanting to clarify that. Also, for those who think about “Secret of my Excess” in terms of Spike and Rarity being together, I like to think that what Rarity did could have two meanings. Either “Tell me later, we will make it” or “You don’t need to tell me. I already know”. And while I wish to believe for the second one, for the sake of the story, I’ll use the first meaning. And finally, this is the moment many have been waiting for. I know, I have to study just when this moment comes out. Time is freaking SOB, it seems. I’m sorry, to those who were waiting, which is why I will try as much as I can to post something as quickly as I can. But like I said, no promises. In the meanwhile though, if the moment of revealing is coming, then that means stuff will HAVE to be shown. However, since I decided to go faster, plotwise speaking, that means this part will get shortened down. Next chapter will be all about the discovery of the sown, and the next one, will be about the showing of all videos and stuff. But it will be only THAT one chapter and no more. Therefore, if you want to send brony stuff for me to see if I can put it (music videos, the whole thing), then now is the time. Also, I’m sorry if this chapter got a little stale at some parts. Honestly, I did my best to make it as interesting as I could, but I’m not fully satisfied. You tell me. Hopefully, it went better than I expected. Besides, any songs you people put that didn't make will probably not go to waste. After all, who's to say that I can't use them as background songs for later, or as a specific scene (the requests for "Earth Song" and Three Days Grace, and "I Will Not Bow", come to mind). I think that was all I had to say. I’ll see you as soon as I can guys! Super rant over! Thus, the catchphrase: Comment, let your inner Grammar Nazi out, R&R, throw WHATEVER ideas you have at me, haters ignored, flamers abhorred, etc, etc. CPM out.