• Published 16th Feb 2012
  • 3,886 Views, 190 Comments

Pony Terrestrial - Arcanel

A mess up of Twilight, ponies being brought to Earth in several places, and misadventures happening.

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When the luck starts to swerve...

Phew! I’m back again beloved readers! And this time, much faster! XD. CPM here. Anyway, I said this chapter will be important, but it’s best if I leave it for the lower author’s note, so please read that one. It truly IS important that you read it, just so you know some stuff. And as such, I give you the next chapter of “The misadventures of MLP: FIM around the world”!

I do not own anything cool, and BroNYcon just proved it to me...Argentina…Y U so far away?! (Sigh) Anyway, I own nothing except fic…blah blah…

Chapter 25: When the luck starts to swerve…

After all the girls and guy in the room had finished, er, coming out from the video shock, I turned off the computer, in case somebody got curious, and that can be BAD in this case, and then I went to look at the clock to see just HOW much time it had passed. ‘Let’s see…hmmm…10 in the night? Wow…that surely took a whole lot more than I expected it to take…I think it’s best if I ask them if they want some food or something’ I thought, after seeing the clock on the over the cupboard next to my computer. Truthfully, I thought it was a bit earlier…I guess bronifying the moment and getting a lot of drama moments takes more time than you think it does.

“Um…It’s somewhat late here...would you like to eat or drink something?” I asked to the ponies and dragon in my house. Suddenly, a loud growl was heard.

“Eh hehe…do you think you got some gems or something like that?” Spike asked me, completely embarrassed at his body speaking for him. Uh oh…I gave him rocks and gems before because I was lucky to have them in my house…where the hell am I going to get them now?

“Uh…sure…I think I have some somewhere around here. Does anyone else want something?” I asked, in case somebody else was hungry. I was met with a “Sure!” from the mane six, after some hesitation, and Celestia and Luna said “Yes, please” this time, probably BEING hungry, since they didn’t eat before. Okay, I have my hands full.

After their words, I went to search the house for gems. ’Where the hell am I going to…oh…right…dammit!...Well, there ain’t nothing else. Anything for Spike’ I thought, cringing at what I would have to do. I had a stash of gems and rocks in my room because I like to collect them as a hobby. I was always attracted by the forms, colors, texture and stuff, and honestly, the possibility of becoming a Mineralogist wasn’t that far away from Engineering, in my scale of want. Of course, I always keep them as a sort of collection for me, and I always told my mom never to touch them…I never thought I would have to sacrifice them for the sake of a baby dragon’s hunger…expect the unexpected they said…you’ll see it coming, they said…

Regardless, I went to my room and picked all the rocks and gems that I was able to collect, of course, nothing precious or great, since they are stuff you get at shops, so it will be like a $5 meal, or something like that. Then, I went to make the sandwiches and the apple juice I did for the lunch. Fortunately, I SOMEHOW had enough of the ingredients and juice for everyone around. I was the last one to put juice in the fridge yesterday, so I was lucky there. Also, since my mom usually has everything planned to not run out of anything too quickly, she always bought a little bit more of food and the like. Normally, I would hate it when the “What if” enters in the game, but it saved me this time…I should probably do it more, from time to time. When I was done preparing it all, I put it all in a big tray, and then carried it over to the living room.

“Here you go everyone!” I shouted, so as to let them know, that dinner was ready. The tray was a bit heavy, but I could still manage. Of course, I never hide any strains, so others did pick up it was heavy.

“My, Mr. Arcanel! Don’t you need any help?” Rarity offered me, a tone of concern for her voice. Before I could politely refuse her, as I was NOT going to let her help with something so simple, may they forgive once more my Applejack stubbornness, somebody else spoke.

“Ah’m gonna have to agree with her. Need a hoof there?” Applejack also asked, she too seeing that there was a lot of weight in my arms. And speak of the devil…well, angel in her case, but whatever. I really didn’t want them to help. After all, it was a simple task.

“Heh, no worries my friends! I can handle this-WOAHHH!” I wasn’t able to finish because I had tripped with my left foot making me drop the whole tray, and thus making it crash in the floor and breaking every glass break and dropping everything to the floor…OH HELL NO!

“FUUUUUUUUCK! I can’t believe this!” I screamed, very loud for everyone to hear. But since in my flat, screaming isn’t that rare, I was sure I wasn’t going to start any “HEY! Stop that!” or something like that. However, I wasn’t the only one concerned.

“Oh my gosh…Why didn’t it work?!” Twilight asked, completely confused by what just happened. I wasn’t really sure WHY she had said that. I mean, what did she do?

“Mr. Arcanel, are you okay?” Celestia asked me in concern, but she too looked a bit confused.

“Oh, no worries, I’m fine, thanks for asking. I’ll have to clean this up though…but what’s the matter? You, Princess Luna, Rarity and Twilight seem…confused.” I asked them, not knowing what was happening to make them look like that.

“Wait…it did not work for either of you?” Rarity asked, surprised as the others.

“Not at all…” Luna responded, in a state of shock as well. What the hell happened?

“Um…if it’s not too much to ask…can you tell me what’s going on?” I asked once more, eager to find out what had happened.

“Well…apparently, all of us tried to levitate the tray and the rest of the things…but we couldn’t.” Twilight explained, in as much confusion as she could muster, the face of the rest being on the same way…I see…wait…

“Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that ALL of you were trying to levitate the stuff from the tray, and NONE of you were able to do anything?” I asked, my face in absolute perplexity over what just happened…okay, seriously now, what the hell’s going on?!

After my words, I got a nod from everyone…well…this is something that I hadn’t taken into consideration…the possibility of them using magic…I better try to make this clear.

“I know you could do magic, but I didn’t expect the subject to come…let alone, that you would have trouble with it…” I said, still in shock. This is not something they prepare you for in school! Why the hell don’t they teach us stuff like “When ponies can’t do stuff, panic attack” lessons or something like that! Celestia looked very concerned, and so did the others. Then again, why wouldn’t they?

“This is not supposed to happen…none of us should have any trouble lifting some small things, unless we were VERY tired…hmmm…we should probably test if we have actually lost any magic power when we came to this world. Mr. Arcanel, do you have anything that we could use to levitate that is not breakable or important?” Celestia asked me in a serious tone, as well as a nod from the magic users to respond the situation. Okay, now I’m getting asked for magic testing…the night is getting great and weird, that’s for sure.

“I think so…hmmm…Here, use this little ball.” I told them, picking up a small white foam ball that was on the little table behind the large dining table. I put it on the ground for them to use and one by one they started using their horns and magic to levitate the little ball. Rarity looked very strained trying to levitate it, Twilight had a little less effort from it, but she still look strained, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had far less effort than the others, but I could feel that they could have done it even easier if they were in their world. I think I know what this means…

“It seems my theory was correct. We have lost magic power when we came here. We probably have FAR less magic than what we used to. Even me and Luna had to do a little strain to lift that ball.” Celestia informed us, letting everyone in the room with shock.

“WHAT?!” Twilight exclaimed, disbelief written all over her face. If anything, it looked as if they told her that something illogical just happened…which to me it is.

“But how?!” Applejack questioned before anyone else could make the question, her face the same as Twilight and pretty much everyone in the room by now.

“I am not sure…perhaps since this world does not work with magic, and the fact that we came over a teleportation in the wrong way, we probably lost our most of our magic there.” The white alicorn explained. This was pretty much a shock to everyone in the room…well, correction. It was more than it already is.

“It cannot be…we just lost magic like that? It doesn’t make any sense! Even if I failed a teleportation spell, nothing should have happened to us!” Twilight retaliated, doing her best to give reason to what just happened, and probably in denial too.

“She is right sister! There has to be something else that must have done something to us!” Luna argued, she too denying what just happened and trying to give reason for such a thing to happen.

“I know it should not!” Celestia shouted, for the first time raising her voice against someone in the room that wasn’t me or the TV, or the PC. This made Luna and Twilight give a step back, which made Celestia instantly bow her head in apology.

“I am sorry…but I too do not understand what exactly happened, and it frustrates me too. The best thing I can tell is that, as I said, since this world does not work on magic, it may have powered us down…but anyone who is a unicorn, or even an alicorn, should have magic by nature. Transportation to a world with less magic SHOULDN’T affect us…Mr. Arcanel, does your world have any magical affixation?” Celestia asked me, her face turning to look at me, still looking very serious. Okay…something is going to go down…and I don’t like where it’s going.

“Not quite. In fact, if anybody saw the things you could do, there’s a LOT of people who would think that it’s a trick of some sorts or something like that. Nobody would believe you if you told them that you can raise the sun. Or even something simpler as levitation. Granted, we have people who call themselves “illusionists” or even “magicians” that seem like they use magic, but it’s all in how to use the angle of a camera, some body skills, etcetera. It’s not really magic like you do. So…yes, this world doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with magic.” I explained to Celestia, my face not showing any like at the fact that, thanks to my world, they may have been severely weakened. (For the record, I love Criss Angel XD)

“I see…then…something in your world about its lack of magic is making our own natural magic to be…blocked, in a sense. Neither of us can tap in our true magical strength, as if it was blocked.” Celestia proposed, trying to see if she could figure out, WHAT exactly, was going on. I think that made sense…but something was still off. And I wasn’t the only one who thought that apparently.

“But that still leaves WHAT in this world is blocking our magic!” Twilight once more exclaimed. Anybody who loses magic, which is, in your case, your primary source for doing stuff, I too would be frustrated.

“I am not sure what causes it, my faithful student. I cannot think of anything that would do such a thing.” Celestia responded, her face with disappointment in herself for not knowing such an important thing. I too didn’t know anything about it. Hell, I understood less than any of them did. Wait a minute…if they don’t have enough magic…

“Oh no…How will you go back to your home then?!” I asked, concern in my voice. I DIDN’T want them to go, but since Equestria was their home, and they CAN’T stay here, I had to know if there was a way back.

“I am not sure…I really do not have an idea of how we will go back home…maybe we could try gathering all of our magic together?…No, I don’t think we have enough to do so.” Celestia told us, a sudden solemn look on her face. Immediately after that, everyone went once again in shock. This is too much. First, I make a stupid mistake. Then, I learn that the ponies have very little magic. And now, they have no chance to come back…Oh man, I wanted to end this night well…not like this!

“You’re kidding me!....Wait a minute…oh HAY! The weather team must be totally freaking out over where I am! And Tank will be wondering where the hay am I!” Rainbow suddenly exclaimed. ‘I think there was a lot of willpower from her part to NOT just start kicking stuff like there was no tomorrow.

“Y’all mean we can’t go back until we find some way!?...Oh no! Sweet Apple Acres and the Apple family! They will panic when they notice ah’m gone! And Big Mac will have too much work on his hooves! At least Winona is safe…” Applejack asked, raising her voice, probably for one in a few times not wanting the truth to be it. ‘Oh dear…Applejack is, with Big Mac, the only workers in the farm. Without her, things will go down…and her family will go nuts! If what happened in “The Last Roundup” is any indication, then they will!

“Oh no…all of my little animals…(GASP) Oh no! Angel!” Fluttershy said in distress. ‘Oh no, her life is about all that! She would probably almost kill herself before she ever stopped taking care of the animals, especially Angel!

“Oh, horseapples! I don’t want to stay here!...Although now that I think about it, now I don’t have to clean up the library…” Spike mumbled, the last part to himself, but I was able to hear him. ‘Heh, at least someone is seeing the plus side…even if it is for lazy reasons.

“No…what will happen to Equestria?” Luna asked to herself, absolute worry and concern embedded in her voice. ‘It’s true! They can’t watch Equestria being on another world!

“Oh my stars! Sweetie Belle and the boutique! No one will be there to watch over them while I am gone! Oh please may Opal be safe…” Rarity exclaimed, almost going into one of her drama faints. ‘Oh damn…Rarity too would look affected by all this! Now that I think about it…isn’t there the possibility of stealing!?

“The library! And Owlowiscious! Oh my gosh, what is going to happen to them?!” Twilight exclaimed as well. ‘I think I can see some her hair strands going off…uh oh, that’s not good! This is a disaster!

“Nononono! The Cakes need my help with Sugarcube Corner, and Gummy must be crying wondering where I am!...No, I must think positive! Even if I’m in another world, I can still do parties here, and someone will probably lend a hand to Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and someone will find Gummy, and take care of him!” Pinkie reassured herself, but I could see the tiniest of falter in her smile. ‘Not even Pinkie Pie can make herself smile…this is bad, REAL bad!

Suddenly, in the midst of the whole scene, there was a ringing.


Now…who the hell could that be?! At this moment?!

“Arcanel, what’s that?” Pinkie asked in curiosity, forgetting for a second the whole situation. I’m glad she is still herself, if for the moment, at least.

“Oh, it’s called a phone. Lets us speak to other people if they are far away, we use this to be able to communicate even though we can’t actually hear them. Please excuse me for a second.” I told them, going quickly to the phone to avoid missing the call. It could something important after all…ponies and dragon panicking in my living room aside.


“¿Quién es?” (Who is it?)

¡Hola hijo!” (Hi son!)

“¡Hola pa!...¿¡PAPA!?” (Hi dad!…DAD?!) ‘¿¡PAPÁ!? Pero, porque…’ (DAD?! But, why…)

Te llamaba para decirte que ya estamos por llegar a casa. Nos tardamos un montón porque había mucho tráfico, la película era muy larga, y además nos quedamos viendo un poco de mas en el shopping sin darnos cuenta de la hora.” (I was calling you to tell you that we are almost home. We took a long time because there was a long traffic, the movie was long and also, we stayed looking a bit more in the mall without realizing the hour)


¡Nos vemos en un rato! ¡Chau Arcanel!” (We will see you in a little while! Bye Arcanel!)

“Nos vemos pa…” (See you dad…) And with that, I cut the communication. I asked for trouble, I got it…’UNHOLY CRAAAAAAP! I had been so distracted that I forgot that my family was out…I don’t think they even told me they were out!...Why must they be so forgetful as me?!...’ I thought, absolute disaster spelled in my face. What the hell will I do now?!

“Um…Arcanel…is something wrong?” Twilight said, probably sensing my not-so-covered distress. Oh, right. They can’t understand Spanish.

“Well, my family had been out all this time and I didn’t know. Since you came not so long after I woke up, I barely even noticed they were missing, especially with all that went here. I can’t risk them seeing you! This could be a total disaster! If they see you, they could totally freak out, pass out, call the police and a whole lot more, and I can’t let that happen! I didn’t get too shocked because I DID know of you. They don’t! And since you can’t go back home, and your magic is very little right now, I can’t risk you doing something to save us…okay, I have to think…” I quickly said, almost losing my composure. This is not what life trains you for, ya know?! Meanwhile, everyone else was very attentive at what I was doing, even after their worries checklist, and I’m pretty sure they had worried faces, but I was so focused that I didn’t really know. Finally I got an answer…I just hope that it will come in time.

“Okay…looks like we have no choice. We will have to get out of here.” I informed to the ponies and dragon. This of course, created controversy.

“But how do we do that? And don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” Celestia asked, in concern for her ponies.

“And won’t your family be worried about you?” Fluttershy asked, she too with a lot of concern for me.

“I’ll just have to tell them that I went to a party in the night or something like that. I’ll have to leave a note or something. And no, it’s too risky. My reaction was not too big, but that is because I know you, and fantasy is something that I always wanted in my life…but my family isn’t like that. They are a bit more…normal, so to speak, and they don’t know you. They would totally freak out. I have to take you out, for your sake…and until we find a way to keep you safe. Because, I don’t want to make my parents worry too.” I explained to them, my voice in a serious and worried tone. I love my parents to death, but I can’t just let them pass out. Then questions will happen and the whole situation would be too much to handle. Since I don’t go out a lot, or be involved in much social stuff, they will probably be happy that I went out…even if the party is a lie. This got way too complicated way too quickly…seems to me that I have no true choice.

“Would you agree to accompany me, until I can keep you safe, and we know what to do with you returning home?” I asked the beings beside me. Now, this would totally make me look like a guy who will go on an adventure, be brave, have a lot of crazy stuff happen…but this is not something common!

“You are the only one we know here…and we trust you. If we can trust somepony to go out and look for a way to make us go home, then I can trust you.” Celestia told me, not a single bit of hesitation in her words, which made me feel very important…incoming blush for me.

“Yeah, you’re the only one who can get us out of this mess. But you better don’t mess it up!” Rainbow jokingly threatened, trying to make me feel better...and probably herself too.

“Ah’m not one to ask for help…but we REALLY need it on this one.” Applejack conceded, smiling at the end. Well…I don’t know if it’s good or bad that even Applejack relented. Because it means she now can call for help more easily…or that the situation is MUCH more serious that at first…more likely to be the latter…damn.

“Indeed. We have got ourselves in a situation far more…strange and serious than normal. And you have proven yourself to be of trust. We would like your help, Mr. Arcanel.” Luna told me, a smiling face on her. Okay, once again, Luna needs to do lessons for speeches. That was, one more time and unsurprisingly, awesome!...It is also starting to make me blush…dammit!

“We will GLADLY take your help, Mr. Arcanel. Besides, we have no pony else to turn to. And you DO posess the knowledge of this world. And you have been very kind to us so far.” Rarity assured me, with a smile typical of hers. If I blush and Spike sees me, I will not care, because I will NOT be able to avoid it!

“You’re a good guy. AND you tried to make us feel nice. That’s an okay in my book!” Spike told me, giving me a thumbs up. You’re the man Spike!...Er…make that dragon. Whatever! You’re it!

“We wouldn’t mind your help Mr. Arcanel…I mean, thank you for being so kind to us.” Fluttershy semi-whispered once again, she too with a smile. Must…not…fall…overdose…of…dawwwws!...many people would kill to be in my position…problem is, this situation, as much as it is pleasant, is not good for the ponies plus dragon. And THAT, is bad. Therefore, I shut the hell up.

“We’re going on an adventure! Weeeeeee! This will be so much fun!” pinkie exclaimed. And of course, the pink one has fun as always…and it is glorious.

“Thank you for going out of your way to help us, Arcanel. We really are glad you are helping us.” Twilight told me, and as the others, with a smile on her face.

This was too much, I almost broke in tears again…I can’t believe how much things had to change in mere minutes! (Sigh) I just wonder what will be with my family…whether we can make it them noticing or not. Well, here goes nothing anyway. If I have to, then I must, for everyone’s sake…I just hope I won’t screw it up.

“Thank you. I’m really glad you think so of me. I hope I won’t disappoint you. Now, to start things, I need to make a phone call. Please wait a minute.” I told them, first thanking them for all their support with me, and then going to grab the phone and pressing the number buttons of someone I normally spoke for casual things, but who had a job that would be very useful right now…I just hope he will accept.


Come on…pick up please!


Come ON!


Who’s this?

“Royce, is that you?”

Arcanel! What’s up man?

“Um…I need a favor to ask…like, NOW!”

Uh, at this hour? What the hell do you need?

“I need your Unicenter truck…”

End of part one

And that, my readers, concludes the end of part one in the first arc of the story. In the recent edit to my first chapter, you’ll find that I have put the part a name. And in a future edit of a previous chapter, there WILL be a mention to feeding Spike, which I totally forgot to do when I first wrote chapter 10. There are obviously some more things I have to mention here. And the “Unicenter” thing is a name. In the next part of this arc, you’ll see what exactly. Although, those living in Buenos Aires will probably know what the hell I’m talking about XD.

First, this is how it’s going to work. Before we go back for the second part of the arc, all the other arcs will have their part one first. That is, we won’t be coming back here in a while. That is how my story is going to work in general. I’m sorry if the chapter seems to rush things up, but I honestly didn’t want to prolong this part of the arc any longer. It isn’t in my plans to make it so long. So I’m sorry for anyone who wanted more brony stuff, but I had also the timeline to follow. As you see, doing all that stuff took 2 hours in the story, and I didn’t want to make it so late.

Finally, if you want to guess on what’s going to happen on the next arc…well, I can only give you clues. First the next place involved, will be in USA. And second, three ponies are the one involved in it. Two are musicians and the other is a worker. I cannot tell you more if I don’t want to tell you XD. However, you will notice one thing. On the next post, the character tag will be changed according to this. The previous will remain (or at least so is the plan. I just hope I will be able to do so)…but others will now be on the surface. So, if you manage to remember that by the next time I’ll post, you’ll see what characters will be in the next arc. Also, it's not THIS group that will travel. It's the story. The next arc has characters that will have NOTHING to do with this one, in a sense. For anyone that may have got confused. It's just that I don't want anyone confused with the difference between "part" and "arc". "Part" is a moment of the "arc". "Arc", the correspondant group of characters. There's a reason why NOBODY had realized anything yet. And that's because the next chapter will start with different place, different characters and NONE of the previous ones. And I think that's it. Each arc has characters that have NOTHING to do with the previous one. The characters tags remain because, technically, they are still part of the story. In the future I may need to remove some of them because Fimfiction doesn't allow me to put more than a few.

That is all I had to say, I think. I hope the cliffhanger will not make you hate me, but it’s how it’s going to work. If anything, I will tell you that the next arc will be faster paced, and you’ll see why. I had been waiting to change the scene for a long time now, and finally the moment has come. And one more thing. This part of the arc may have been boring to you, but remember, that this is where all the stuff in the house happens, hence why it might seem boring to you. Final thing, Royce belongs to Ghost2291 (I hope you don’t kill me dude…I really mean it XC). That is all, and see you on the next arc! My catchphrase: Comment, R&R, let your inner Grammar nazi out, throw WHATEVER ideas you have at me, haters ignored, flamers abhorred, etc, etc. CPM out.