• Published 25th Jun 2013
  • 28,037 Views, 1,513 Comments

Family - FleetlordAvatar

Applejack finds a starving colt hiding in her barn, one that knows a lot more about her and her friends than he should.

  • ...

Some Time Later...

“Very good Reiver,” said Cheerilee. “Your hoofwriting is much better than when we started.”

Reiver put down the pencil as he stared at the Equestrian script. Despite his tutoring they still looked like squiggly lines, although now he could partially understand them. The exercise he had just completed was one that helped develop his hoof control, reading and writing abilities. It was thanks to these lessons that he could now pick up and hold objects firmly, as well as read, albeit with a little difficulty.

It undoubtedly helped that he had been gaining strength since being put back onto solid foods. His gluten intolerance still kept him from eating everything, but thanks to the Apple Family, and Pinkie Pie, he no longer looked like one of the walking dead, although he was still skinny.

He looked up at Cheerilee as the mare inspected his efforts, he had been incredibly nervous around her when they started, it was also somewhat humiliating for him to have to learn these basic skills all over again. Thankfully, Cheerilee had been both patient and understanding during as she taught, patiently explaining the Equestrian language to the colt. He could see why the Ponyville foals loved her so much.

“It's still not neat,” he replied, a little disappointed.

“Maybe it isn't neat, but it is clear and readable,” she replied. “Remember, I’m going to be continuing these lessons after you join my class on Monday.”

Reiver inwardly groaned, school had been difficult enough the first time around, plus there was the fact he hadn’t really left the farmhouse ever since his arrival, in truth he was a little scared of going out into Ponyville. His time in the Everfree Forest had left some mental scars that weren't healing as easily as his body. The nightmares had thankfully subsided, but he had never left the house because he was still afraid of being attacked by something.

Thankfully he wasn't going in blind, or alone. Cheerilee had also been tutoring him on the basics of the Equestria curriculum, Reiver was grateful for that because at least he wouldn't look like a fool if called on to answer a question. Furthermore, the Cutie Mark Crusaders would be joining him in school, something that made him feel a bit better about the whole thing.

“I think thats enough for today,” she continued. “I’ll leave some supplies so Applejack doesn't have to go hunting for schoolbooks over the weekend.”

Reiver began to tidy up his desk, it had been a broken down old thing that Big Mac fixed up for him, beautifully restoring the woodwork to its original lustre. When he saw it, the foal was amazed at the skill and effort the stallion had put into it, no one had done something so generous for him in a long time.

The desk wasn't the only addition to the Apples guest room, which had effectively become Reivers room. The walls were now adorned with hoof drawn pictures, a result of his hoof practice. Cheerilee had suggested it as a way to track his progress and there was a definite improvement between the first and most recent image in the sequence, although they were a long way from classical painting.

Gathering up her teaching aids, Cheerilee set aside a exercise book.

“What's in there?” asked Reiver.

“Something to help neaten up your hoofwriting in your spare time,” she replied with a smile.

“Thank you,” said Reiver, returning the smile.

“You are welcome, I look forward to seeing you in class on Monday.”

As she left with a wave, Reiver glanced at the clock. It was late on a Friday afternoon and they had been working for hours. Deciding to leave the workbook until tomorrow, he set it aside and pulled out a diary from the desk drawer.

He hadn't kept a diary back on earth, however Twilight had suggested he do something to help pass the time as he recovered, presenting him with a beautiful, leather bound notebook and pencil set. Since then, Reiver had been using it to keep track of his own thoughts, alongside theories he and the Crusaders had on Bedlam.

The strange entity was one of the more confusing aspects of his time in Equestria thus far. He had been appearing more frequently and Reiver suspected it was because he had got stronger. What was unknown to him, was that Bedlams new abilities had also been growing, and the entity had been experimenting with them in private.

They had not resulted in anything major thus far, but Bedlam felt that with each twist he made, to what he realised was the very fabric of the universe, something would happen elsewhere. He suspected that with enough practice, time and space would be like putty in his hooves.

As Reiver finished his entry about today, he was interrupted by the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hey guys," he greeted.

"Hi Reiver," replied Apple Bloom. "You done yet? Only, we saw Cheerilee leaving."

"Yeah," he replied. “I’m done for now, she gave me some hoofwriting books so I can practice for Monday.”

“Oh yeah, you’re in our class aren't you?” chimed Sweetie Belle. “Which means, we can all hang out afterwards.”

Despite his apprehension, Reiver smiled a little at the thought.

“Then we can go out Crusading!” said Scootaloo.

“Speaking of which, have you seen Bedlam today?” asked Apple Bloom

“No,” he replied. “He’s been unusually quiet.”

“Maybe he’s just taking a break,” replied Scootaloo. “We’ve been bothering him with so many it might be wearing him down.”

“Possibly, but I worry about him sometimes” said Reiver. “The way he behaves...I feel like he’s something I’ve seen before, something that I should remember…”

“Dude, you’re spending too much time thinking,” she replied. “We’ve been at this forever and no one is closer to finding what he is? Maybe we should just stop for now.”

“Yeah,” said Apple Bloom. “Sometimes walking away from a problem can help find the solution. Its helped us with Crusading.”

“Although not that much,” muttered Scootaloo.

Reiver looked back at the diary, before gently closing it.

“I guess you’re right, I have been obsessing a little...maybe I should take a break.”

“That's the spirit! So what do you want to do?”

Reiver thought for a moment, they could play some board games, he happened to know Big Mac had some RPG games hidden under his bed. However, his gaze came to settle on the sleeve of his threadbare jacket. He had been wearing it ever since his arrival in Equestria as it was apparently the only piece of clothing to survive his transformation.

He hadn’t taken up Rarity on her offer to fix it because he had been scared, the garment had been a gift from his mother and her death had caused him to wear it wherever he went. As a result, it was already worn when he fell into Equestria, but since then it was on the verge of collapse.

He sighed.

“Do you think Rarity will still be willing to fix my jacket?” he asked Sweetie Belle. “Only...I think if it might fall apart if I don't do something.”

“I’m sure she will,” replied the unicorn. “Let's go and see what she’s up to.”

As the Crusaders made their way outside and along the road towards Ponyville, Reiver stuck as close to them as he could, nervously eyeing every shadow they passed.

“Are you alright?” asked Apple Bloom after he bumped into her for the fourth time.

“Sorry,” he replied. “Just a little nervous, shadows aren't so forgiving in the Everfree forest.”

“Well, then it's a good thing we’re in Ponyville,” said Sweetie Belle as they approached to doors of Carousel Boutique.

“Because you don’t have anything to worry about here,” muttered Reiver, sarcastically.

Entering caused the door chime to signal their arrival, causing Rarity to appear a moment later.

“Hi Rarity.”

“Oh Sweetie Belle it's lovely to see you,” said the alabaster unicorn. “I see you’ve brought your friends as well.”

She spied Reiver, timidly sticking close to Apple Bloom.

“Reiver, you’re looking so much better than when I first saw you.”

“Thanks Rarity,” he replied. “Umm, I came over because I wanted to ask if your offer to fix my jacket was still open.”

“Of course it is sweetie,” she replied, running her eyes over the threadbare garment. “It might take a few days though.”

“Just...be gentle with it, please.”

The unicorn smiled.

“I remember how important you said it is to you. You have my word I will treat it with the utmost care.”

Cautiously, Reiver removed his jacket, passing it off to the unicorn who gently folded it in her magic. The colt shivered as its warm embrace left him.

“Could you have it ready before Monday, please, I’d like to wear it to school.”

“Certainly darling, I shall have it looking like new,” she declared.

Thanking Rarity for her generosity and kindness, the group headed back out into town. Passing the town hall, they saw that a large notice had been posted on its message board and it was attracting a crowd. Moving to investigate, they saw that it bore the Equestrian crest.

Official Notice

Recent magical and weather monitoring indicates a build up of wild magic.

Princess Celestia’s student has confirmed that a Storm of Magic is imminent.

Supplies to arrive this month.

All ponies to attend Town meeting on how to prepare.

Reiver turned to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who wore concerned looks.

“A Storm of Magic is bad isn't it?” he asked..

“Really bad,” replied Apple Bloom. “Granny said they had one when she was young and the town was nearly destroyed. We need to get back to farm and warn everypony!”


At Ponyville General, Nurse Redheart was doing her rounds. Checking each room she ensured that each patient was comfortable and enquired about their needs, although her business-like manner made a few wonder if she was interrogating them. As she went about her duties, the nurse-mare was mentally noting who would be able enough to move and who would need to be moved by the staff before the storm hit.

Having worked her way around the hospital, she reached the last room on her list. It belonged to the ‘John doe' stallion. He had been in their care for close to two months and, thanks to some magical medicines and supplements, his vitals had been slowly improving.

Entering the room, Redheart looked him over. He didn't look as starved as he had been, but any weight he had put on was minimal. Supplements did not effectively substitute real food and while they ensured he lived, they did not make him look less like a sunken eyed wrath.

Moving to the bedside, Redheart checked the stallions chart before moving to check his pulse. Machines were good for most, but sometimes she just had to be sure. Her gaze wandered to the stallion's chest and she watched as it slowly rose and fell in time with his pulse.

The hoof she held suddenly jerked in its restraint. Looking at the stallion's face, she saw one of his eyes had snapped open.

“I see you’re awake,” she said calmly.

“Get the hell off me!”

The aggressive, and raspy, declaration was punctuated by a round of struggling from the bound stallion. Redheart sighed, she had dealt with enough patients to remain calm in the face of a frantic pony.

“My name is Nurse Redheart.”

The stallion just glared at her as he continued to aggressively test his bonds.

“That won't work,” continued Redheart. “Those bonds are magically reinforced, I’m sorry we had to do it but you did attack several members of staff.

He ignored her, continuing his efforts to break free. However, Redheart knew his weakened state would eventually catch up to him and sure enough, after a minute of attempted escape, he fell back with exhaustion.

"I see you've worn yourself out, don't do that in future if you want to recover swiftly.”

The stallion glared at her in resignation as he huffed and panted on the mattress.

"Where...where am I?" He asked.

“Ponyville General,” she replied. “You have been in our care for a while now.”

She watched as he slowly looked around the room, his position sinking in.

“Might I ask your name?” she said. “It would help in contacting any family.”

“My...name?” he replied, his brain struggling as it came down from the adrenaline rush.

“It’s Scott...Scott Reiver.”

Author's Note:

Okay, sorry this took a while to get out, to be honest I wrote it once, decided it didn't work and so I started over. This version is far from perfect but I wanted to get the plot moving along again.

I've looked at all my projects and I think I've overextended myself a little. I'm finding that three stories are difficult to balance so what I'm going to do is finish Zootopia: Lightning first as its the furthest along, then return to Family and Tomb Kings of Equestria and write alternating chapters for the two.

Anyway, thank you for your patience once again.