• Published 25th Jun 2013
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Family - FleetlordAvatar

Applejack finds a starving colt hiding in her barn, one that knows a lot more about her and her friends than he should.

  • ...


"Oh it is so good to be out of that book," said DIscord, stretching his serpentine body into inhuman shapes. "I must say, you took way too long to find it."

"D...Discord!" spluttered Reiver.

"Present!" replied the Spirit of Chaos.

"W..what are you doing here?"

"Well, isn't it obvious?" he replied, leaning in close to Bedlam. "I'm here to see this little gem."

"Me?" queried the entity.

"Yes, you," replied Discord. "You see my shadowy friend, you are the most interesting creature in this room. After all, it's not often I see another draconequis."

"Now hold it just a dog gone minute!" exclaimed Applebloom. "That book said a lot of things, but it didn't say that Bedlam was like you!"

"Of course it did my dear," replied Discord, holding up the book. "Right here on the page, Q was consumed by wild magic and I was born. Just as Reiver will be consumed and Bedlam will emerge as a beautiful chaotic butterfly."

"But I'd never do anything like that to Reiver!" countered Bedlam. "He's been a friend to me since I started existing!"

"I'm afraid, there's not a lot you can do about it," said the Spirit of Chaos.

Reaching into the book, Discord pulled out the image of Q in the Storm of Magic. Setting it in the air before them, he pulled a pointer out of his ear and slapped the end onto the picture.

"Wild Magic was never meant to be used by anypony," he explained. "It's 'Wild' for a reason after all, it wasn't long after Q's experiment that I came into being."

He demonstrated by conjuring some silly putty and moulding it into models of both Q and himself.

"I was alot like you back then. Initially I was just a copy of the pony that was my host-"

"What do you mean, host?" interrupted. Apple Bloom.

Discord turned to the filly.

"Because that's what he was my little pony, a host for my growing chaos. You see, the magic had saturated every part of his being and actually taken a physical form, namely me. But that wasn't the end of it."

"What do you mean?" asked Reiver, dreading the answer.

"As you read, Q was consumed as I took form, but I can assure you, despite my...chaotic past. I did not willingly destroy him. "

He pointed a claw at Bedlam.

"Much like you won't willingly destroy your friend. The magic kept absorbing power, first what had been absorbed by Q's own cells, then his own magic. Poor Q didn't understand what was happening and tried everything, even an exorcism, to get rid of me, but...well, you know the rest."

He snapped his claws and everything returned to normal.

"So you see my shady friend, there is nothing you can do. Eventually you will be born, and he will die."

"But this is impossible," said Reiver. "I haven't been exposed to Wild Magic."

"Are you sure?" said Discord, pulling out what looked like a Tricorder from Star Trek. "Because this thing has been beeping and booping at me ever since I got near you."

"I'm sure, there's no way I could have...been...exposed..."

Reiver trailed off, realisation dawning as his gaze fell to the book once again.

"How could I have been so stupid!" he exclaimed, kicking the ground in frustration. "It was there, it was literally just explained to me and I missed it!"

"What? What was explained?" Asked a concerned, and puzzled, Sweetie Belle.

"Look at that image, the one of the Storm of Magic! What is it surrounded by?"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Bedlam looked at the page, quickly reaching the same conclusion.

"Wormholes," whispered Bedlam.

"Indeed," said Discord. "Though I notice that Twilight failed to mention this in her presentation, I really should speak to her about that."

"But, the storm hasn't happened yet?" queried Scootaloo. "How can he be here now?"

"Um, what part of 'Wild Magic' didn't you get?" said Discord, briefly conjuring an explosion to make his point. "It's Wild, untamed, uncontrollable and oh so deliciously chaotic! If it created a wormhole now, who's to say it wouldn't close and open elsewhere, sending somepony into the past, the future, or even into another universe! I believe mister Reiver was pulled into one that opened into his world, then re-opened into our past, completely saturating him with Wild Magic. The result, an almost mini me!"

The Spirit of Chaos created a plushie of himself that danced around Bedlam in celebration, but the shadow pony was having none of it.

"There's got to be a way to stop this," he said, firmly, before bucking the plushie into Discord arms. "I'm not going to just let Reiver die, can't you do something?"

"Well..." mused the Spirit of Chaos, stroking his beard. "I suppose it might be possible to separate you two."

Before anyone could say anything, he snapped his fingers.

Reiver screamed as a flash of light engulfed him.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw three concerned fillies, a frightened Bedlam and a very confused Discord.

"Odd, that's never happened before".

"What's never happened?" asked Reiver, nervously. He looked himself over, everything was where it should have been, four hooves, eyes, mane tail. In fact, he was completely normal.

"Nothing...happened?" he asked, cautiously.

"Exactly!" exclaimed Discord. "Nothing happened, and nothing has never happened before!"

He looked over his claw.

"Perhaps I did it wrong?"

He snapped his fingers to a chorus of dismay from the foals, only for nothing to happen for the second time. He tried again, and again, and again, getting increasingly frustrated with each snap until he finally threw up his arms in defeat.

"That's it, I've had it! This isn't supposed to happen until I'm at least four thousand!"

He huffed and folded his arms.

"For whatever reason, my magic isn't working."

"Then what do we do?" replied Bedlam, practically pleading with the spirit of chaos.

"I suppose we need to get somepony else with awesome magical power to do it," huffed the Spirit of Chaos. "Somepony that knows and understands the intricate nature of spellwork.

"Somepony like Twilight," said another voice.

The group fell silent and looked to the edge of the bookcases. Spike was stood there, arms folded and looking straight at them.

"Hi...Spike," said Reiver, nervously. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough," replied the dragon. ""I was sorting the shelves and couldn't help but eavesdrop, although when I heard him," he jabbed a thumb at Discord. "I really started listening. Then there was a scream and I thought you might be in danger."

Approaching Bedlam. He stopped in front of the shadow creature and stared.

"Although, this was not what I expected."

"What did you expect?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"That he had turned you all into something strange."

"There's still time for that," replied Discord, cracking his knuckles. "Maybe my magic will work on normal ponies, care to try?"

"NO!" was the unanimous reply.

"Spoilsports," he muttered.

The dragon's gaze moved from Bedlam to Apple Bloom, then Reiver, who looked anxious.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Not really," replied the colt. "I really didn't want to bring too many people into this. I'm afraid I'll be taken away if I trust the wrong pony."

"I see...listen, I can't pretend to understand everything that's going on, but I'm not going to leave a pony when he needs help."

"Like we've been doing," said Apple Bloom, stepping forward. "Cutie Mark Crusaders for life."

"Yeah," replied Scootaloo. "You're one of us, we don't leave fellow Crusaders behind."

Reiver looked up at the smiling fillies, and one drake. He felt something lift in his chest, like a weight he had been carrying was gone.

"Thanks guys," he replied with a smile.

“Aren’t you all worried about how she will react to little old me?” interrupted Bedlam. “I’m all for seeing Twilight, but she hasn't the best record involving things she doesn’t understand.”

“Shady pony has a point,” said Discord. “Remember Pinkius Pieikus?”

“She’s also the smartest and most powerful unicorn in Equestria,” countered Spike. “No pony knows as much about magic as her.”

Bedlam looked over at Reiver, silently asking his opinion.

“You know that she’s aware of me.”

“But not of me! You’re not the only one that doesn’t want to become a science experiment! I’m tied to you, she might take us both!”

“We won’t let that happen!” interrupted Apple Bloom. “When we said Cutie Mark Crusaders for life, that means you to!”
“Yeah!” affirmed the other fillies.

Bedlam was taken aback, he hadn’t really thought of himself as ‘one of the gang’, just a strange creature that didn't fit into the world he was in. But now, as he looked at each of them, he slowly realised he was a much part of this group as Reiver.

He took a deep breath.

“We really don’t deserve them, do we?”

“No, we really don’t.” replied Reiver, his voice hitching.

“Alright, I’m in, but I’m not showing myself until we are alone with Twilight,” replied the shadow pony, fading from sight.

Reiver looked over at the group as they stood there, determined and ready to risk themselves to help him and Bedlam. He felt, maybe for the first time, that he was part of something and as his eyes started to water, he realised it was because he done something he had never done back home.

He made friends.

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, the colt wiped away his tears.

“Where do we find her?”

"I've memorised Twilights schedule,” said Spike. “I know exactly where she is right now. Follow me"

Spike took off towards the doors, the foals following.

"Oh, won't this be fun!" cheered Discord, floating after the group. "I can't wait to see what the princess of organisation makes of all this."

Author's Note:

I hope this is okay, I've been having some doubts about this chapter. Any and all feedback is always appreciated, as well as any constructive criticism. I also apologise for the wait, but things got a bit hectic here for a bit.