• Published 25th Jun 2013
  • 28,037 Views, 1,513 Comments

Family - FleetlordAvatar

Applejack finds a starving colt hiding in her barn, one that knows a lot more about her and her friends than he should.

  • ...


The Next Day

It was as they were finishing breakfast that the Apple family were disturbed by a knock at the front door. Reiver and Apple Bloom watched with interest as Applejack opened it to reveal a pure white stallion in the gold armour of Equestria's royal guard.

"Sorry to disturb you," he apologised. "But I'm here with a shipment of Waystones. We were instructed by Twilight Sparkle to place them around the farm."

"Glad to hear it," replied Applejack. "Give us a moment and I'll show y'all where to set them."

With a salute, the guard left.

"Alright everypony,” announced the farmer, re-entering the kitchen. “This is going to be one heck of an operation, so it's all hooves on deck. Big Mac and I will help them canterlot ponies with unloading, Granny y'all can tell them where to go. Reiver, Apple Bloom, get some flags from the Sisterhooves Social out of storage. I want you to mark where the stones are going."

“No problem Applejack,” declared Apple Bloom. “Reiver and I have got this, ain't that right?”

“Huh? Oh yeah we got this…” mumbled Reiver, causing Apple Bloom to frown.

Since their conversation with Discord, the colts mood had dropped. The farm filly had done her best to talk to him, but he had been quiet and distracted all of last night.

“Alright Apples, let's get to it!” exclaimed Applejack.

Cleaning away their dishes, the family of farmers headed outside. Reiver was right at the back of the line when Applejack gently pulled him aside.

“You alright partner?” she asked. “Your very quiet.”

“Oh...just a...little worried,” he replied, slowly. “I’ve never seen a Storm of Magic before.”

Reiver wasn't meeting her eyes, Applejack might not have been a truth detector like some ponies think, but she could still see when a pony wasn't telling her the whole truth. Something was bugging Reiver and he didn't want to say what.

“You sure?” she pressed.

“I said I’m okay!” he snapped, surprising Applejack.

“Alright partner, I get it,” she replied, gently laying a hoof on his shoulder. “But if your ever not ‘okay’ then you can talk to anypony here. Now, before you go, I’ve got a small favour to ask.”

Standing up, the farmer went to one of the cupboards and retrieved the sample kit.

"Nurse Redheart left it," she explained, carefully. "She just wants to make sure you are doing okay. I promise, there is nothing strange about it.”

Reiver eyed the swab and plastic jar suspiciously, he knew Applejack was a terrible liar, something that was always brought up on the show. But he also knew she wasn't incapable of lying. For example, her explanation made it clear she wasn't telling him the whole story, which wasn't technically lying.

“Ironic.” mentally quipped Bedlam. “Neither of you are telling the whole truth to the other, this is almost funny.”

The colt let the entity's words sink in for a moment, he was annoyingly perceptive. Whatever this was, it was not to check his health. However, despite whatever this was, the Apples had still taken care of him when he had been at his worst, and if there was one group of ponies he felt he could trust, it was the Apples. So, giving Applejack benefit of the doubt, he let her take a swap from his mouth to send to Redheart.

WIth that taken care of, they exited the farmhouse, Applejack immediately crossing the farmyard towards the cartload of Waystones. Big Macintosh was already assisting several Earth ponies with unloading, astonishing them with his ability to lift one of the gigantic monoliths all by himself. Granny Smith stood to one side, barking orders like a drill sergeant as ponies scrambled to carry them out.

"Git those things around the main fields and farmhouse pronto! I ain't going to be caught out when that storm hits!"

"Do you want some around the zap apples?" asked Applejack. "Might help to keep some of this magic away from them."

"Heck no!" exclaimed Granny, slapping a waystone with her hoof. "If these things absorb magic, they'll do a number on the zap apples. Those trees survived the last storm and by applesauce they'll survive this."

Applejack turned to Reiver.

"The flags are in the apple cellar, Apple Bloom ought to be down there right now. Help her get them up and then Granny will tell you both where to mark out."

With a nod, Reiver went to do as instructed.

"Did you get that sample for Redheart?" enquired Granny Smith

"Sure did, but I really hope that stallion they've got isnt Reivers daddy, if he is I'm gonna buck him into next week for what he's done."

"Might have to get in line young un," agreed Granny. "But how about we put that thought in the apple cart for now. Get that thing to the hospital and get back here as quick as you can, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover and not a whole lot of time to do it!”


As expected, Reiver found Apple Bloom in the apple cellar under the barn, the filly was rummaging around behind barrels and boxes as she searched for the flags, muttering to herself as she found cones, banners and running hurdles, but no flags..

"I was sure they went back here," she grumbled.

At the sound of hooves on the stairs, she popped her head up from behind a crate and saw Reiver with a pensive look on his face.

"You alright?" she asked, concerned.

"Redheart left a sample kit, he replied. “Applejack just wanted a swab to take to the hospital."

"Well, that's not so bad,” noted the filly. “But, why you look so down?"

"Not down, just...confused. I've been well enough to go out for a while now. Why would Redheart suddenly want a sample to check on me?"

"Maybe she wants to be sure you really are doing well?" echoed Bedlams voice.

"Yeah," agreed Apple Bloom. "She's a mite stuffy, but she always takes care of her patients.”

"Possibly..." mused Reiver.

“Of course this doesn't explain why Applejack isn't telling us the whole story.”

“Hold your horses,” interrupted Apple Bloom. “My sister was lying to ya’ll?”

“Not lying...just being economical with the truth,” remarked Reiver. “She needed that swab, but it wasn't to check if I was well.”

“So what was it for then?”

“I don’t know, but things like that are rarely good,” shuddered Reiver, irrational fears of being taken away resurfacing in his mind.

“Whatever it is mate, we can handle it, your not alone in this remember?”

“Bedlams right” agreed Apple Bloom. The colt smirked.

“Thanks guys, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Your a Cutie Mark Crusader, we stick together.” declared the farm filly. “We will help you and Bedlam get through this."

After another search, they finally located the flags and clambered back out to find Granny, following her instructions Reiver and Apple Bloom methodically worked their way around the farm, marking spots beside barns, tool sheds and the animal enclosures.

However, Reivers mind soon wandered and he began to lag behind.

"There's something else isn't there?" enquired Bedlam. “Something you haven't told Apple Bloom.”

The colt sighed.

"It’s just...everything has decided to go wrong! I finally get away from my dad and his crap, then I end up somewhere I never thought I'd be in my wildest dreams! Only just as things are calming down, I discovered the strange creature inside my head is going to accidentally kill me!"

He fell to the ground, hooves splayed out around him.

It was as he lay there that Apple Bloom came back to find him. Sitting down next to his prone form, she laid a hoof on his back.

"Y’all okay?"

"No," was the muffled reply. “But thanks for asking.”

"No problem. Hey, the way I see it, lying here ain't going to do anything, good or bad. Reiver, this is Ponyville! Things have a way of working themselves out somehow. I don't know why, but they do."

Reiver looked up at the farm filly as she offered a hoof.

"So, I say that instead of moping, you could be looking forward to all the things we are going to do when this is all over. I can only imagine what crusading we can try with a spirit of chaos with us."

"Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Bedlam. "She's right, I'll be a full fledged spirit of chaos, imagine the fun we could have with that power!"

"Yeah! We could try anything to get our cutie marks!"

Reiver smirked at the fillies excitement, he had to admit, it was an appealing prospect.

"Why don't we discuss a few ideas," he said, letting Apple Bloom pull him to his hooves. "It might get my mind off things."


Ponyville General

Scott leaned up in his bed, over the course of the day he had been hearing snippets of conversation from the corridor, managing to piece together that the staff were worried about some sort of fast approaching storm.

He sighed in frustration and flopped back onto the pillows. If he had been fit enough to move then he might have helped, he had worked in logistics for years and if there was one thing he hated it was being useless. However, right now useless was all he could be until he was fully recovered.

"Hi Applejack," came a cheery tone. "Shouldn't you be at the farm helping set up?"

He tilted his head towards the door, at least these conversations were a useful way of getting information.

"I'm heading back in a minute Tenderheart" replied someone with a southern twang, obviously this ‘Applejack’. "Just got to drop this off for Redheart."

"Ah yes, she’s been waiting for this," said Tenderheart, he heard something being pulled from a bag, followed by approaching hooves.

"Redheart!" exclaimed Tenderheart. "Applejack was just talking about you."

"So I heard," came the businesslike reply. "May I take those samples? We are all very busy preparing and I want them to go straight to the lab before the storm."

"Redheart,” asked Applejack, apprehensive. “If those come back positive, what do y'all think we should do?"

"For now, don't worry" reassured the nurses voice. "We have much bigger things on our plate. Once the Storm of Magic is over, I will get the results to you and help formulate a plan."

He raised an eyebrow at that last statement, but continued to eavesdrop until the speakers said their farewells, but he heard one set of hooves coming towards his open door. As soon as he saw Nurse Redheart pass by his doorway, the stallion called out.

"Nurse! What's going on? What's this ‘Storm of Magic?"

Redheart stopped mid-trot and turned towards him.

"Seriously?” she said in exasperation. “You do not know what a Storm of Magic is?"

"No, surprising as it may sound," he responded, condescendingly.

Redheart aggressively snorted.

"Long story short, it's a big tornado of magic that destroys everything in its path," she snapped. "Due to your condition, you will be moved to a secure, windowless ward, with some of the other patients."

She took a firm step towards him.

"Furthermore, I do not appreciate being spoken to in that manner. Refrain from doing so again or I will find a way to make your stay...unpleasant."

Before he could think of a retort, she turned on her hooves and left.

Scott bristled. No one had spoken to him like that in a long time, not his wife, co-workers and certainly not Reiver, at least until the funeral. He took a deep breath and flopped back onto the bed.

Why did he even retire? At least in the military he was respected and no one talked back to him like he was an idiot. He resolved that if he found a way back home he would re-enlist, his experience would put him back like he never left, and he wouldn't have to put up with disrespectful civilians.

These musings were interrupted as a pair of ordelies entered, one briefly explaining they were there to move him to the secure ward.

The stallion took a last look out the window before his bed was wheeled out the room, noting the roiling clouds that were gathering over a dark forest. He hoped these ponies got their act together, because this storm was going to be big.

Author's Note:

Finally got this ready after procrastinating for an unknown amount of time. Sorry for making you wait, as always, constructive criticism is appreciated. I hope you enjoy.