• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 855 Views, 18 Comments

Everharted - Camlio

Slightly inspired by the main character of the game malicious in which you are placed in the role of a vessel of souls.

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Chapter 5: Ticket Trouble or... Celestia damn it Pinkie! (The Ticket Master pt. 2)

"The vessel has great power that cannot normally be tapped, but with enough focus and the drive to do it's duty, the soul within the vessel can make the impossible possible... at least for a little while." - The elder on Shatter Mode

As you climbed the stairs into the Library proper, you found that there was a reason for the butter-colored mare's rather odd choice in apparel, besides the fact that she was wearing anything at all. But that's another topic for another pony to clear up. As your eyes scanned the softly sparkling library, you were glad your body floated near constantly while you had the cloak's hood up. It had undergone such a thorough cleaning from when you'd awoken earlier in the day, that even your cloak and clothes had apparently been cleaned and placed back on you.

"Oh I hope that's not why she was nervous and ran off." You said with a slight sigh as you looked around the library. It appeared that you had just missed some form of confrontation between the butterfly bearing pegasus and Twilight. Though the fact you heard music from outside drew you to investigate, as well as hover beside the rather distressed looking Pegasus mare.

(I forgot the lyrics to the song so please accept this Video as a substitute.)

You wanted to question if the pink pony was always like that, but the mob of colorful equines that soon began chasing Twilight caused a searing pain to flow through your right arm until you rushed after them. The mark on the cloak and a strange design on your arm burned harshly, as if to represent her distress. Though they didn't glow for some reason as the mark had when it appeared on the cloak.

After several minutes of following Twilight, and watching some admittedly amusing developments, it seemed that she had finally become cornered when your body began to hurt all over. At your breaking point, you begged for there to be a way to cause the pain to stop and help the one who needed you. In response to your mental calls for aid, a loud shattering noise startled the other equines causing them to turn to where it sounded. They failed to notice the hooded cloak flowing over their heads, only to drape across Twilight Sparkle's shoulders and maintain an odd flowing appearance.

P.O.V. Change, Twilight Sparkle

"S-Spirit?!" I could only stare at the cloak as it fluttered around my shoulders in a non-existent breeze. That shattering sound, I'd heard it once before when Spirit nearly died last night, and hearing it again nearly caused me to break down crying. "S-Spike... can you see him?" I asked the young drake on my back, barely holding in the worry in my voice. He stood and stared above the crowd of seemingly mesmerized ponies like the great assistant he was, searching for any sign of the crimson maned youth.

"I can see something, it's like a glowing ball that's kinda just sitting there... it's really pretty to look at." He said before suddenly seeming to seize up until the cloak fluttered and touched him, pulling him to rest his belly onto my back with the cloak seeming to lay over him.

"You can make your escape now, don't worry the orb won't affect you though it will only last for a short time." The voice seemed to echo into my head, it was Spirit's voice. He was helping me and Spike get away! That also seemed to explain why Spike was frozen when he looked at whatever the rest of the ponies were staring at.

"Okay Spirit... thank you." I said as he ran off towards the library. Hearing the other ponies starting to come out of their trance as I turned the corner and kept on running towards home.

"Huh? Where'd she go?" was said by one mare. "Darn we lost her." a stallion said. I hadn't realized that there was a stallion in the group of ponies chasing me till that point. The thought actually brought a bit of a smile to my face, though I was still extremely worried about what had happened to Spirit.

P.O.V. Change, your perspective

The ball of light that you'd unwittingly created had dispersed and your body began to reveal itself once more as you ran besides Twilight. "Are you alright?" You asked almost if on instinct, causing Twilight to stop and stare at you, and then angrily buck you in the stomach.

"Do you know how worried I was?!" She cried out at you with tears in her eyes, the door to the library slightly ajar. "The last time I heard that shattering sound you'd nearly died!" She said pressing her head to yours as you kneeled over in pain. "I-I'm sorry Spirit... I-I just don't want you to hurt yourself over something as dumb as tickets to the grand galloping gala." The other ponies had apparently been listening in and began to question Twilight about it.

While Twilight informed the other mare's about your little trick, a pair of hooves helped your cloak find you again. They were from a soft yellow pegasus and seemed to shy away after making sure it wouldn't come off easily. "T-Thank you... for helping Twilight." A soft voice said before your eyes began to roll closed.

While perhaps not lethal, that shattering noise could most likely be tied to your low energy. Before falling asleep you distinctly remember fur sneaking it's way under your form and lifting you, as you fell into sleep’s embrace. A golden ticket had been tucked into your pocket, one of eight matching ones. The day was long indeed, but the group your ward was part of seemed all the more stronger for the trial they were placed in, and apparently you'd be going to this gala thing with all of them.

Author's Note:

Right, and that wraps up the ticket master bit. The next chapter will be set between it and Applebuck season for sure, as I promised myself I'd do little slice of life chapter between each episode.

More thanks to my prime friend Nocturnal Loner for the proof-reading. (Sorry bout the lover thing last time.)

New power acquired!
Shatter Mode: This power is unique to the Equestrian Vessel as it is driven by the strength of the vessel's bonds. Shatter mode will always cause a shattering sound when activated and taps into a unending reserve far surpassing it's normal finite abilities. Though the Shatter Mode also has a side effect, when the shatter mode ends the Vessel will enter another state known as Shattered. While shattered the vessel will barely respond to the soul inside it and appear to be tired even going as far as to sending signals of requiring sleep to the vessel's mind.

There are three things that will access the shatter mode. 1: A ward must be in imminent peril with no way to defend them normally. 2: The cost of a spell, skill, etc. being far to great for the vessel's current level of development. 3: When the vessel's essence is near death this one is a critical state and is used to allow the Vessel to escape from battle with wards in tow in order to fight another day.

Magic Upgrade acquired, New Spell!
Stealth Magic spell Sound of Solidify: this spell causes the vessel to become intangible while passing the cloak to it's ward, the spell's effect unable to touch the vessel or the cloak holder. This spell is actually a two parter and is for advanced magic users only as it takes quite a bit of mana to pull off.

'The shattering noise is created as a way to draw attention to the paralyzing light of the sphere that takes the physical place of the Vessel's body. The amount of mana needed to maintain the vessel while intangible is extremely drawing and can even cause the vessel to be unable to fight properly due to using up nearly all it's mana reserves and becoming too tired to move. Be that as it may, the extremely wide range of the spell's effect makes it great for rescuing a ward from a large group of enemies therefore making it a gamble worth making.'