• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 855 Views, 18 Comments

Everharted - Camlio

Slightly inspired by the main character of the game malicious in which you are placed in the role of a vessel of souls.

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Chapter 12: Dealing with Drama and Twilight's First Visit to the Inner World (Part 2)

Children, while honest, tend to cause problems without context. This is because they lack the capability to filter themselves, as they cannot comprehend the implications that adults share with them.

"W-What do you mean you have two mommies now?" Twilight asked, startled as she looked between you and Luna. Both of which seemed a bit sheepish when asked the question.

"Well, he's daddy, and she's mommy." Dream said while pointing at You and Luna respectively. "They said something about me being their filly because daddy's spirit made me new after some mean pony tried to take over." She explained, not exactly sure what she meant.

Luna sighed and motioned for Twilight to come closer. "Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to explain..."

"You better explain! I just gave my purity to someone who's already got a child?!" She shouted, looking quite upset for an obvious reason.

"Twilight! Calm down." You said with a bit of agitation in your voice, seeing as Dream looked upset. "Sweetheart, go outside and play a bit okay? I'll talk to your mommies." You asked the filly, while leaning down to pet her head before she nodded.

"Okay daddy, love you~" She said, hugging your leg before running off, causing you to smile.

"Now..." You could feel your eyes glow and a tea table with three beanbags around it formed. "Both of you sit, we're going to talk about this like adults." Your voice was a bit commanding and caused both mares to look a bit shocked. They complied but you didn't really feel right yelling at them. However, they needed to learn not to jump to conclusions.

"Twilight, Spirit and I have not done anything that could result in Dream's conception." Luna said, trying to placate the purple mare. "She is conceivably our foal but, this is because she was reborn from the essence of Nightmare Moon through Spirit's desire to give her a new start." She explained as Twilight's eyes widened and she looked at you.

"Y-You mean she's..." She managed to stammer out, suddenly feeling really bad for the filly as indicated by the expression on her face.

"Trapped in here. No physical body to return to. Her spirit is far too different from mine now. Since she was in fact part of me, it seems fitting to call her my daughter." The Princess of the Night spoke out, before her eyes widened. "That reminds me, Ser Spirit. You are hereby requested to arrive in Canterlot the day after tomorrow at the behest of my sister and myself." She said. This caused Twilight to become very worried.

"What?! Why!? Did he do something wrong? Princess Celestia hasn't sent me a letter or anything!" Twilight yelled, panicking.

Luna smiled and shook her head. "No, quite the contrary in fact. My sister wishes to see Ser Spirit's power for herself, as well as to discuss the best course of action we should take in regards towards acquiring a body for Dream." She explained as she gazed upon you softly, causing you to shift uncomfortably in your seat.

"T-That doesn't explain the lack of a letter!" Twilight countered, becoming somewhat defensive as she moved over to the beanbag chair you occupied to cuddle up against you.

"Well, when I told my sister that I had planned to visit Spirit and Dream tonight, she had asked me to pass this message along personally. I think she knew you'd be here, I must admit." Luna stated, causing Twilight's face to suddenly turn beet-red.

"When do I leave?" You asked, worried that you'd end up missing Pinkie's party if you had to leave soon after waking up.

"You may come at your own discretion, although we would advise catching the morning train tomorrow, seeing that you have plans for today." Luna motioned to a large pink clock that was viewable from the window. "When there is something that rests heavily in your mind, it can and will, manifest itself here." She explained, which caused Twilight to nod.

"I'd love to study this place... Spirit, promise me that when you get back, you'll bring me here with you. Okay?" She asked with a smile and an expression that nearly melted your heart, causing you to nod.

"I promise." You said with a smile as you noticed the air around you wavering. "Luna, what's happening?!" You asked confused, noticing how she seemed to be fading out.

"It appears someone is trying to wake you both by force. Don't worry, I will tend to alerting Dream of her new mother figure, please go enjoy yourselves." Luna said as she faded from your vision as both you and Twilight woke up.

Twilight's PoV

"Twilight?! Wake up!" Spike was panicking. Not only did he come back to find his pseudo mother figure in bed with the guy whom she had found, but he was also was having a hard time waking her up.

I yawned and looked around. "S-Spike? What's wrong? Why are you yelling?" I asked sleepily, as my mind realized that I must be able to gain actual sleep while in Spirit's inner world.

Spike pointed at Spirit's sleeping and... while covered by the blanket, still naked form. Which I must admit was an oversight on my part. "Him! Why's he in your bed Twilight?!" Spike cried out, obviously not liking this at all.

"Oh... well, um..." I couldn't find the right words to tell him, honestly. As I heard Spirit groaning as he awoke from his sleep, I couldn't help but think, "It's gonna be a loooong day…"

Author's Note:

And as promised here's the second part of Twilight's first visit into the inner world arc. Before you ask yes this will be a three part arc. Mainly due to the heavy references to Pinkie's party in this chapter, I felt it would be productive to include it in the arc as well.

On that note, thanks once again to the nocturnal loner for being my amazing proofreader. And the next chapter should be out sometime after new years.

New Weapon Gained: Nightmare Spear: Fueled by Dream's love for you the vessel can now harness the immense might of the Dark Goddess of the night in the form of a fearsome spear. This weapon sadly is limited in it's potential until a compatible cinder of hope is created.

Magical Lavender abilities gained.
New Ability Gained: Blink: Thanks to the affections of Twilight Sparkle you can now preform the teleport dash ability known as a blink, to do so simply dodge while wielding the Magical Lavender Cinder.
New Ability Gained: Staff Mastery: Using the Magical Star staff is easy to do though difficult to master, with this ability unlocked you may now learn how to unlock the weapon's full potential.

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