• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 855 Views, 18 Comments

Everharted - Camlio

Slightly inspired by the main character of the game malicious in which you are placed in the role of a vessel of souls.

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Chapter 6: Playing with Dream, and a brief meeting with Royalty

"The Vessel by it's very nature is given high status in nobel circles, as it's purpose is to safeguard all life, with its ward’s placed at the top of this list. Though in worlds the Malicious will bear down upon this is not the case, as the dark creature twists the hearts and minds of those the Vessel must defend. However, in worlds where a Malicious cannot manifest, this tradition is still observed. So don't be disturbed if some random passerby calls you “my lord” or bows to you, okay?" Lesson from H.R.H. Princess Celestia.

Sleep... for the first time since you were put into the vessel, proper sleep. At least from what you could tell as the world around you shifted and danced with images and color. Though it clicked that you were not sleeping when you were suddenly tackled from behind and hugged by the little filly whose soul occupied a spare portion of the Vessel. "Daddy! You came back!"

Her calling you “daddy” honestly stunned you, though it was possible with each visit your soul had imprinted itself on the spirit that made it's home alongside yours. For some reason, information on this phenomenon wormed it's way into your mind, like whenever you gained a new power. Instinct, it seemed to drive the vessel and teach you everything you'd need when you needed it. But for now, you had other things to focus on, rather than how this new body worked. Mainly, a promise to a child that you'd play with her.

"Right, I did promise didn't I, Dream?" you asked as the filly finally released you from the hug and smiled at you while you righted your stance to sit facing her. The hug you received was not unpleasant, though you were still trying to process why she was calling you her father.

"Yay~ Daddy remembered!" She said happily, her eyes sparkling with joy as she nuzzled into you, just enjoying your company. Although this was a dream, it seemed that your interactions with her were just as real as the events taking place in the waking world. "So can we play fort daddy?" She asked as a child's fort made from pillows formed from the ether of the dream world.

"Sure, let's play fort." You said as you followed the filly into the pillow construction. Suddenly, you had the distinct feeling that you were being watched. Becoming wary, you hoped that nothing would become of it, or else you and Dream might be in danger.

Several hours seemed to pass as you played with Dream in the world of sleep. Although that nagging feeling in the back of your mind never ceased, and caused you to keep your guard up. Until finally, another voice entered the world. "What couldst thou possibly be thinking? Does thou not see thine soul hast been invaded?" The voice belonged to a young mare that strikingly resembled Dream, if she were quite a few years older anyway.

A flurry of cloth and energy surrounded you as the cloak formed upon your shoulders before turning into the blade you wielded before. "Yes, I believe it's rather easy to tell when you just walk up and point it out. You're not very good at this are you?" You say as you hold the blade tighter, instinctively taking a stance as Dream cowers behind you. While a silent apology from her beamed toward the larger pony.

Your choice of words left the mare stunned. "W-What?! We are not here to accost thine soul, the being behind you! That nightmare is the creature of which we speak!" The mare said, obviously still shocked that she'd been accused of something like that.

You simply raised the blade higher and pointed it at the unknown intruder. Her reaction was the only thing causing you to pause in an attack.

She blinked twice. "Y-You do not know us... do you? Lord Soul of the Vessel?" She asked now putting it together. "W-We are sorry... we had forgotten that you were not present at the celebration my sister's student and friends had thrown for my return and release from the Nightmare." She said somberly, while sitting down and lowering her stance.

Dream seemed to notice the change as well. "Daddy... can I go talk to her? Please?" The filly asked, after tugging on the hem of your pants. "I promise I'll be careful."

"Alright... just promise me that if she tries to hurt you, that you'll step away from her." You said as Dream nodded, before walking closer to the mare. Unfortunately, it was at that time you felt the tug from the waking world, which caused Dream to turn.

"D-Daddy! I-I'll be good, I promise... so come back soon okay?! You and I can play with Mommy then!" She called out as your eyes whited over and the world of sleep became closed to you. The image of the mare sitting behind her with a tearful and honestly confused expression was the last bit your subconscious could absorb before you awoke.

Author's Note:

The tense standoff between Luna and the former Nightmare filly... how will it go? Well sorry but, I'm not telling. Pinkie made me swear not too, and just what does Dream mean by Mommy? Things just continue to get complicated huh? Find out some answers to all this soon.

Once again edited by the amazing NocturnalLoner.

Sword Power Upgrade Acquired
Star Crescent: Dream's bond with you has grown and in turn so has the powers you wield. Star Crescent allows you to fire Star Bolts while using the Cloak's blade form.