• Published 9th Jul 2013
  • 2,031 Views, 32 Comments

Exiled - EquestrianBros

A group of exiled changeling, get sent to the Everfree and told to never return. They grow and mature under their own guidance. See the secrets to their past and follow them into the future. Will it bring them closer to their dreams of acceptance?

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Realization of many things

NOTE: Think of this as being told by a narrator, like a Christmas story. Only when you get to the journal pages does it switch to first person.

NOTE #2: Please leave comments, suggestions, idea, quotas, mantras, beliefs, and anything else that may benefit me/you/the story in anyway, or if you just feel like saying it.

Back within the forest, 30 minutes before the main six reach the village:

"FLICKER!" Was all Flickering image heard before getting tackled by a miracle in itself. Shadow managed to get back, but looked worse for wear. A swollen eye adorned his right cheek, only to be complimented by a steady flow of blood flowing down his forehead. Pooling at his chin before dripping onto the ground. Before the next droplet of blood managed to fall, they were wrapped in a comforting embrace.

"You were gone for so long, we didn't know what to expect. They kept on saying what a good Blacky you were and that it was such a tragic loss, but I knew. I new you would com...." The rest was lost as he cried into his friends shoulder. He thought that no more needed to be said, but that's where he was wrong.

"Everyone needs to leave." Shadow spoke, interrupting the warmth of his friend.

"Why?! You just got back." Flicker shouted.

"Because the only reason they would let me go is if they could follow us. I don't know if they were just following me or all of us, so I'm going to stay while everyone else leaves across the lake to the hidden waterfall." Flicker felt like getting angry, but just seeing his friends eyes showing noting but determination, set that emotion ablaze and left it to burn to ashes. Like a phoenix, a new one took it place. This feeling was sadness and understanding.

"Fine i'll do it, but just so you know. I hate this, even more then I hate those pesky hydras." Now Flicker really hates hydras, because they destroyed his house. Four times, and didn't even touch anything else in the village. Lets just say him putting his personal vendetta behind him like this wan't to be taken lightly.

"That much huh. Well stop lawly-gaging about, and get to it." Flicker dove down the road, warning everyone he came across. It wouldn't be long now, so Shadow makes his way to the center fountain to get a drink. Now he knew all he needed was love to survive, a lesson he had to learn early in his life here, but that's just energy. If he sustained physical damage, he still needed to eat to gain nutrients to heal his body. While the love never hurt, it sure didn't do anything to help stop his bleeding.

The fountain was just a natural spring. Rigged to spray upwards, and irrigate the crops through the irrigation canals. Surrounded by a low hanging cobble wall, he layed on top and started to write what had happened.

Five minutes before the main six reach the village:

Shadow still sat upon the low hanging wall. The village had been deserted, and they took all the animals to. Including his dog, Twitch. It was a fitting name, because ever since he was a pup his ears would twitch at the tiniest of things. Now he was gone, force to leave as well as everyone else. How stupid he had been to come home, now everyone was in danger.

"*sigh* Well at least they're safe now." He said to no one in particular. All he could do was look over his badly abused body. Most was from the rushed journey home, but some of it had been caused by those sadistic ponies. What did he ever do to them to cause this? What had any of them done? His mind drew a blank and was carefully observing a mark on his back.

It looked like a star of some kind, with smaller stars in between the protrusions. It seemed familiar, but he couldn't think from were he knew it from. He constantly racked his brain for answers, before he remembered. It was something that purple one had on her flank. Then it dawned on him, that's how they were tracking him. He tried rubbing it off, but it seemed to be fused with him.

"Now just to figure out how to get it off." He pondered it for a second before coming up with an answer, "I got it."

Back to Twilight after the teleportation of the CMC:

"Um, Twi. I know you're a skilled unicorn and all, but don't you think we'd have found it by now?" Applejack asks, still eyeing the town wearily.

"I know it's around here some were. The spell I used fused with his skin, and can only be broken if a unicorn stronger then me broke it, which is highly unlikely. It would work unless he took off his skin, and I find that to be even less likely." The confidence in her voice was only to mask a hidden fear she might have slipped up in the actual spell.

"OHOH. You mean like this Twi?" Pinky shouted looking into the fountain.

"What are you goin on about know Pinky?" Aj says, walking over to the fountain. A gasp escaped her mouth as she looked in it. A black heap layed at the base of the water, unmoving. She uneasily lifted it over and out of the fountain.

"You were sayin Twi." Aj muses, as she rolls it over to reveal it was just a exoskeleton.

"UGH! I forgot changelings shed, but this seems unusual. I've seen some before and they were more rugged and firm. This seems more...." She was at a loss of words, so Pinky answered, "Rubbery?"

"Yeah. I don't know what could have caused that, but I'm guessing this changeling isn't like the rest. However, that doesn't mean it's not a love stealing, ponynapping, brother hurting, vile creature. We need to bring him back, and as much as I hate to admit it. I was wrong to try and use it to lead us to the hive, I should have just kept it so it couldn't escape." The last part was said low enough so the others could barely hear, but enough was heard.

"You did what you thought was right Twi, and that's good enough for us. Sure you made a mistake, but everyone is bound to at some point or another. It's better to made them sooner, so you can learn from them and not make them later on in life." AJ spoke, while wrapping a comforting hoof around her.

"I didn't know you could be so deep AJ."

"I'm not. I got that from Big Mac, when I took on the entire apple crop that one time." AJ says with a sheepish smile, before turning around and heading of to gather the other two mares.Twilight stood dumbfounded, for good reason. Big Mac doesn't talk much at all, and for him to say that was just beyond her. The rest of the gang approached her, as she still tried to contemplate Big Mac saying more than four words in one sitting.

"Hey, Equestria to egghead. Do you read me, over?" Dash said knocking on Twilight's head, pulling her out of her trance.

"Huh, oh yeah I'm here. Since the changeling is gone, we should probably go home now. I also want to ask Celestia about this village. Maybe she might beable to shed some light on this." Right as she said that, Pinky burst out laughing and rolling around on the ground.

"What so funny that it's got you rolling around in the dirt." Rarity said, curious tone. Pinky managed to stop mid way through a roll, a feat only pinky could mange and spoke,

"She said for Celestia to.....Shed some light," and then she started laughing again, but this time everyone joined in. Eventually the started heading home, being unable to teleport them all home. Not far behind, Shadow watched the whole event and was trailing them. Maybe he could understand why they did this to him.

Meanwhile, Inside the Library:

"Hey isn't Chrysalis the changeling queen?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Yeah she is, and if this guy is her child then he must be a changeling too. Where did you guys say you got this, because Twilight is going to want it." Spike said with a bunch of suspicion being made known in his voice.

"We found it in the forest." Sweetie said coyly.

"Well since she's not here yet, let's continue reading." Scootaloo said, ignoring their whines and pleas.

Entry #1

I guess I should start by saying hello or something, so here it goes. Hello journal. What no reply? Anyways today has been really weird. I know how to read and write. I know that that berry bush is edible and that that plant would cause drowsiness, but I don't know what I am. The others don't know what we are either. We have insect like wings, some stiff rubbery like skin(it's still pretty soft), a horn that seems to have shifted to the side a little ways up, holes in our hooves, but no matter, what I can't find a name. I guess we'll just make one up.


Entry #2

We managed to find a cave and rest in it for the night. It was pretty scary, because there were howls and noises through the whole night. I doubt anyone got any sleep. We started coming up with names for each other. Some fit, others just seem to be for fun. Oh, and we decided to call ourselves Blackies, because of our black skin. Not very creative I know, but it seemed to have stuck.

I also met this guy we deemed Flicker. He's pretty nice and we decided to stick together. I guess that means were friends.

p.s. Flickers full name is Flickering Image

Entry #3

It's been a week since I last wrote in you, and we managed to do some stuff. First off we finished naming everyone, not that big but its nice to know who you are. Apparently I'm like a moving shadow so i got stuck with Shadow Spot. Not the best, but I could have done worse.

Secondly, we ended up building a small roof thing to the entrance of the cave. So if it rains, the clean water goes into this hollowed out portion of the cave floor. It was Flickers idea and it seemed pretty cool.

Another group ended up making some beds for everyone, not the cloth beds, but some soft grass/leaves kinda thing. It wasn't much but it'll help us sleep during the night.

- Shadow Spot

Entry #4
We've been out here for a month and no ones eaten anything. It's getting kinda freaky because I thought living things were suppose to eat, but whenever I'm hungry and walk by my friends I'm no longer hungry. It's kinda weird, but I always get this really good feeling afterwards.

So I guess I should give a progress check. We build our first, outer cave shelter (It doesn't look that steady, but I guess we'll Improve it over time). I also found a timber wolf pup. I don't know what I had learned about them, but it was wrong. The thing was adorable, and so full of energy. I took him home with me, and everyone loved him instantly.

That reminds me, I think that's what we feed off of. Love. Don't ask me how,but as soon as I accidentally got my friends angry at me I started to get hungry. And once I apologized, and they started to have positive emotions towards me again I was full.

Anyways, I haven't figured out what to call him yet, but I think his constant twitching might come into play in naming him. I think that's all for now, so have a good night journal.

- Shadow Spot
p.s. I found out everyone got their own journal, from this Chrysalis person. I'm not sure I can call her my mother, because I haven't even seen her before. Let alone that she banished us. I'm not sure about that, but I'm sure i'll talk about it later with you.

Author's Note:

Applejack is one word right? I'm having some issues because Apple Blooms name is separate and hers isn't. Just doesn't seem right, but it could just be some OCD slippin through. Remember their brains got fast forwarded, their mental state is around that of an eight year old at least, twelve year old at most in the journal. Anyone know who said "This is spooksville" yet? I'll give you a hint, its a cartoon involving a van.