• Published 9th Jul 2013
  • 2,031 Views, 32 Comments

Exiled - EquestrianBros

A group of exiled changeling, get sent to the Everfree and told to never return. They grow and mature under their own guidance. See the secrets to their past and follow them into the future. Will it bring them closer to their dreams of acceptance?

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Assimilation and cupcakes

Authors note: It's been too long so if you wan't to hear my ranting and what not as to why this is late, then stop by the actual authors note.

Fluttershy's cabin, Shadow:

Shadow enters the kitchen and sits upon the stool closest to the entry way. Watching as Fluttershy gracefully works her way around the kitchen, never making a mistake or misstep. Watching as she set the table, with some silverware and full bowls of a tasty looking broth. Watching as she sat down slowly, as if she were about to break the chair just by sitting on it. Ha, just that though is funny in itself, but back to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy picks up a spoon and gingerly scoops the soup, blowing ever so lightly on it. Shadow, now having something to do, started to eat the nice broth at a fairly rapid pace. It had been a while since something had tasted this good to him, if at all. Imagine a party in your mouth, were everyone is Morgan Freeman. Yeah, that awesome. It could also be the fact he hasn't eaten in a long time, about a few weeks other than a few bites of berries here and there. After about Fluttershy's third spoon, Shadow was already starting to ladle out a new bowl.

"Wow, you must have been hungry. Even more so then AJ and Rainbow Dash after the running of the leaves festival," Fluttershy spoke, and almost immediately followed it with, "If you don't mind me saying."

"Why would I mind." He says before his mind actually decided to be considering. " You know what, scratch that. Thank you for this wonderful meal."

"It was nothing, really. Just something I make whenever my friends come over." He small smile growing just a bit, before a expression of curiosity appears, if only for a second. "So where did you come from? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

Now Shadow would have responded, but he reached the awkward impasse everyone encounters when eating and someone asks you a question. Currently he had a sizable biscuit inside his maw and it appeared it wasn't going down anytime soon. Now he could answer but answering your mouth full is beyond rude, regardless of what you say or how you say it. However if he didn't say something then the silence could be taken as him trying to make up an excuse or lie. This would have been very bad on his part either way.

'Come on. Chew faster.'

'Mhm Mmmhmm!'

'Your in your head, you don't have to make the chewing noise in here, numb nuts.'

"Ohh, yeah. Anyways, I'm trying but these things are like infused with molasses, injected with jam, coated with this sugary layer of awesomeness, and honey. The thing will take at least a few minutes to chew, not that I want it to leave my mouth. My goodness this is tasty.'

'Well if we don't acknowledge that question soon, we'll be subject to suspicious thoughts.'

'.......Taste it.'

'What? I'm you, so I'm already tasting it.'

'If you could taste it then you wouldn't be nagging at me to get it out of my mouth. Now taste it.'

'This is ridiculous.'




'Ok, ok. calm down. we don't want to blow a gas- MARY MOTHER OF ALL OF NAZARETH! What is this angle gracing my tongue!'

'Told you.'

'Ok you did, but still we need to think about our predicament here.'

'Haven't we spent like a minute talking to our self already. I say we just do the suspicious thoughts method.'

'You do have a point.'

'Of course I do. Now to more important matters, is that cinnamon I'm tasting.' As he starts to come back to reality, his ears hear talking. Now he was curious, so he tries adjusting his out of focus eyes. Slowly the picture come into focus, as does the chatter.

Now circling the table were six figures, instead of the one that was there when he spaced out. All looking at him with expressions of curiosity, apathy, glitter(that can't be right, but...... her eyes are literately glittering at him. Hmm, maybe glowing is the right term.), caution, interest, and........sheer.......happiness. His chewing became slower and slower, but never stopping as he recognized who they were. Even in the face of danger, he would still be munching on the delectable delights.

The purple one, or as you liked calling her 'The Warden', spoke, "Shadow spot is it?" He nods in response, because his mouth is currently occupied at the moment, "Fluttershy was telling us about you and how you've been friends since flight school." At this he looks at the timid pegasus at the corner of the table, and catches a quick wink before her normal stoic expression reappears.

He just nods again.

"I still don't see how I don't know him. I made it my personal goal to challenge and beat everyone at that academy, and I don't even remember hearing about you." The poly-chromatic pegasus states. He just gives her a quick questioning glare, still chewing.

"Why dontcha talk?" AJ asked.

He just made his chewing more pronounced, hopefully to get the point across. Just as he did however, he felt and involuntary throat movement and all the food in his mouth just moved down his throat to his stomach. He glances around frantically and sees a slight purple glow fading from around the unicorns horn.

"DID YOU JUST MAKE ME SWALLOW?!?!" He exasperates, but before the mare in question could answer, a pink blurr of sugar appeared in his vision, and again he is staring into vast blue eyes. However, before he dazes off again, hes snapped out of his slight trance by an onslaught of questions,

"Are you new here? You must b new here, because I know everypony here, and I don't know you. SO that means you haven't had a surprise 'Welcome to Ponyville' party. Aww it can't be a surprise now, because you know. Unless I'm super sneaky, and-" She was cut off by a purple hoof that clogged her mouth, but did little to prevent the muffled noise still coming out.

"Anyways, IT's nice to meet you Shadow Spot." She wasn't met with a reply however, as Shadow had already bitten another biscuit. This was going to take awhile.

Author's Note:

Long time no see. I'm so sorry about the delay, but with the new semester starting up, having another niece born, studying like crazy for my AP classes, my unrelenting apathy, and procrastination skills I just didn't find the time. Anyways, I'm going to be writing more often. Also brownie points to anyone who can say where the quote "DID YOU JUST MAKE ME SWALLOW?!?!"
is from (answer, but cast your vote before you see it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibfbq1kdF2M)