• Published 9th Jul 2013
  • 2,031 Views, 32 Comments

Exiled - EquestrianBros

A group of exiled changeling, get sent to the Everfree and told to never return. They grow and mature under their own guidance. See the secrets to their past and follow them into the future. Will it bring them closer to their dreams of acceptance?

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Natural Instincts pt2

Authors Note: Sorry for the long wait. I was on vacation, then spent some time with family, and also received the money bank virus so I'm sorry for the wait. Anyways let me stop chatting and write this story already.

p.s. I might be adding a romance to this story if ya'll what me to. I'm perfectly fine with what I have in mind, but it's up to ya'll. Leave a comment regarding where you stand please.

Main six(excluding Shy) at Zecora's house:

The residence was one striking similar to Twilight's own home, yet vastly different. It was yet another tree turned house, with the inside being hollow, without costing the tree its life. It was a elder willow, gracing the forest with an eerie beauty of knowledge and life. Spanish moss adorns it's low hanging branches, concealing a small pulsating light coming from within the humble abode. The source was that of a fire with five mares circling the hearth. Shadows dancing behind them, always in perfect balance with the fire.

Each mare had different thoughts running through their head, but none spoke aloud. They just watched the flames as they slowly danced back and forth, depicting what could have happened or what should have happened. Sometimes why it happened, once even that it shouldn't have happened. Regardless, the flames continues to dance.

Silence was flowing through the home, and even when one was about to speak, the need to just disappeared as they know nothing needed be said. So once again their gazes were locked on the fire, and its never ending battle for dominance over the shadows. Each relentless, both equal in strength and importance, but sometimes one side is looked at as better then the other. The peaceful tranquility was disrupted as one of them couldn't take the unknown. Questions needed to be spoke, even if there was no answer to receive.

"UHGGGG!!! It makes no sense! Why would it try to save us?! Is it trying to trick us? Will it come back and kill us itself? Are we just a part in a bigger game its playing? Does it take satisfactio-Hrmf. The rest was lost as a pink hoof now occupies Twilight's mouth. The rest gaze at her with eyes filled not with sadness, anger, or sorrow; but instead with understanding and fear. Some fear of the unknown, some fear of what is known, but it was still apparent within those windows to the soul.

A small smile forced its way upon her mouth, not for the others, but for herself. The need to feel at ease, even when you face the unknown is always easier with friends. A small sigh left her lips as she rested her head on her hooves. Still gazing at the fire, watching the flames dance as sleep creeped over her and her friends. Slowly, the darkness started to push back the light, until it eventually won as she closed her eyes and drifted off into a peaceful slumber along with her friends.

Unknown location with Shadow Spot:

The dance of light and darkness played across his eyelids. At first the light was but a small speck. However, within a bit of time, was a raging light and now winning against the shadows. They continues to fight for dominance as Shadow just observed, silently hoping for the darkness to win so he could return to his sleep. His wishes are in vein as, he begrudgingly opens his eyes to meet this overwhelming force.

The filter his eyelids gave him now gone, had allowed a large sum of light to pierced his eyes causing more than mild discomfort. Squinting his eyes shut, a unknown headache now making its presence known, along with some rather uncomfortable itches and pain coming from his legs, back, and just about everywhere else.

'Well this sucks. I can remember much.'

'Yeah, I can't remember either.'

'......you do realizes the redundancy in that statement right?'

'Yes, but lets get around that and back to the current predicament. What happened'

'Well we shed our chitin armor, then I think we hid from those ponies. Still don't know why they are so mean. We didn't even provoke them or anything.'

'Yeah, I know. Anyways, we then followed them for a bit. Had a little mishap and fell out of a tree, then we........YOU ASS!!'


'You made us distract that Jackle. You could have killed us, or worse.'

'Whats worse than death?'

'Next time a Jackle comes by, do nothing. Then you'll see.'

'Fine you made your point. No more helping others at the risk of our own life, even if it means more die.'

'Now your just making me feel like an ass.'

'That's the plan, besides figuring out where we are.'

'Yeah, if we open our eyes then you'll have succeeded in both tasks.'

Slowly the light gains access into his eyes, allowing him to see the area around. He lay on a rather comfy, leafy green couch. A window behind him allowing the sun to bring its light within the room, showed a rather nice scenery of gentle flowing brook running under a graceful little bridge. Small blades of grass dancing in the wind, along with some branches slightly swaying to the invisible force. He pulls his sight from the window and observers his other surroundings. A rather ornament looking lamp resides next to the couch, a small rug placed withing the center of the room. Some wooden furniture placed rather well around the room. The place gave off a happy, lively vibe. A door slightly to the side of the room, a staircase to his left and a kitchen could be seen just around the opening door.


Not much more could be said as a yellow coated pegasus gently trots into the room, placing some half empty bags of animal feed to the side of the door. Gently humming to herself, as she was still unaware of the awoken guest. Shadow couldn't move. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the mare in front of him. Both the fear of being in captured like he was last time, and the beauty she gave off kept his gaze transfixed on her. She continues to take off her saddle aswell, then turned around as locked eyes with him. That is, albeit for a brief second before she hid behind her mane. That's when all the fear he felt earlier had been in vein, by the looks of her she couldn't even hurt a fly. She'd even probably try to help the fly out anyway she could.

"....um, hi..." But all Shadow heard was a inaudible mumble. Now his brain was having all kinds of synaptic misfires and erratic messages within his head.

"I couldn't hear you. Could you speak up a bit." Was what he found himself saying, but all he wanted to do was run back home. However his body stayed rooted in place.

"..hi..." A little bit better, but he had to strain hard.

'Maybe she'll speak up more once we start talking'

"Whats your name?"

"Fluttershy, and yours?"

"Shadow Spot."

"I guess that would explain your cutie mark." That's when all the gears in Shadows head grind to a screeching halt, and start to back track. 'Cutie mark. Isn't that something ponies get? I'm not a pony so why would she say that? Now i'm kinda scared to look at my flank, but I better now then never.'

He carefully lowered his gaze to his rear, and saw a faded dark blue coat and a black spot in the middle of his flank. Slowly his gaze traveled up his back, noticing some neatly tucked feathered wings the same color as his coat, slowly darkening until it was black at the tip of each primary feather. His mane and tail were roughly the same, a worn, faded looking dark blue that gradually became black the closer to the end it got, aside from one sickle portion of his mane that draped over his right eye that was a void black. His eyes held almost no color to them, and even the light that refracted of his eyes seemed to darken. He had no horn on top his head, though he could still feel his magic, although considerably weaker.


'Calm down we'll figure this out.'


'I said calm down!'

'AHHHHHHHHHHH-' He mentally slapped himself repeatedly, until he regained control.

'Now look at the silver lining. They think your a pony, so that means they wont attack you. However, I don't know how long this will last so we better keep out guard up.'

"I did't offend you did I. Please don't hate me." She said srinking back into her mane, losing volume the more she talked.

'Oh damn. I didn't even do anything and I feel like an ass for making her cry.'

"It's fine. Sooooo........mind telling me what happened?"

"Ok." Slightly coming forth from the pink mane she used as a barrier. "I was walking home from the market when you came hurdling out of the forest. I was scared that you were dangerous so I hid behind a tree. Finally I decided to see if you left, only to see you fall to your knees and stiffen like a board . I was worried you might be hurt so I rushed over to you, and saw you were badly hurt. So I brought you here and took care of you. I had to give you some medicine that might make you drowsy, so if you can't move well right now don't worry."

'Well, that's a huge relief. I guess the only thing left to do know is to thank her and go'

"Well thank you Fluttershy, but I mu-must ge-ge-get going-THUD" The medicines full effect barely kicked in, as he slumped over the couch in a peaceful sleep.

Meanwhile in the library:

"Scootaloo, I think its time we head over to Applebloom's. We don't want to be late, you know how granny smith is." Sweety said gazing up from the journal.

"Yeah I guess your right. Lets go, and Spike,"


"Can you keep this for the night. We might lose it." Scootaloo says sheepishly. Meet with a nod, they venture out the door and to Sweet Apple Acres.

"What to do, what to do." Spike says glancing around the Library, noticing all the books are still unshelved. "Well I guess that answers my question." He hops up to continue the reshelving, leaving the Journal on the ground. In the middle of the room. Oh god, why spike.

Author's Note:

I can't talk in Zecoras rhyme, so i'm keeping her parts in this small, if any, in the future. I know I got a bit philosophical, but i think it fit well. It's been a while but here it is, in the flesh,er text. Anyways please leave any comments, questions, or concerns in the chat and have a good night/day - A Friend