• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 19,856 Views, 919 Comments

Heart of Diamonds - APoeticHeart

Rarity discovers an abandoned human child during a nightly stroll through Ponyville.

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Chapter Ten

As nightfall arrives, we are aboard the Friendship Express, heading toward the Grand Galloping Gala. We chose to travel via train, because we thought it would be better than last time we attended, which was by carriage. That year was such a debacle that it gives me the shivers just thinking about it.

I just hope I don’t run into that pompous, pitiful excuse for a prince, Prince Blueblood.

I sit with the girls on the train as I look over at Connor sitting with Spike, smiling softly on the outside, but on the inside, my heart is aching after what transpired earlier ago. How can such a creature as horrid as that ‘Sir’ hurt a young, defenseless like Connor? The thought of the little darling getting hurt like that jabs at me like a jagged shard of crystal.

“Um… Rarity, are ya alright there sugarcube?” I am taken out of my focus on Connor by Applejack, and I turn to her.

I let out a heavy sigh “Well Applejack darling, no… no I’m not.” I frown at her and the others “Girls, can I tell you something?” I look at them with a hopeful look, and they all nod at me.

“Of course Rarity, you can tell us anything. What is it?” Twilight looks at me with a curious, yet bright smile.

I look over at Connor as my smile betrays me, turning into a frown. “Before we left the boutique… I kind of yelled, and I scared Connor.” They gasp at me “Well, it wasn’t like I did it on purpose though. It was a complete accident, and I was yelling at myself.” I lower my head, looking at the floor.

I feel a hoof on my shoulder, and lift my head to see Applejack. “Why in tarnation would ya be yelling at yourself Rarity?” She asked with a concerned look on her face.

I let out content sigh “Well… I’ve been having this voice in my head that has been nagging me about how I should handle this situation with Connor. However, it’s also been speaking hurtful things about the little one and my heart fights back at it…and…and…” I clench my eyes shut as a single tear falls to the floor.

“That’s your conscience fighting back at the voice in your head Rarity.” I look up to see Twilight looking at me with deep worry. “And I believe that voice in your head is your doubts of how to care for Connor.” I sniffle, wiping away my tears with a hoof, and let out a heavy sigh.

I look over at him “Also, he told me more about what that ‘Sir’ done to him and it was horrendous.” I can’t help but purse my lips in anger at the thought.

“Whoa there Rare, what did the little guy tell you?” Rainbow asks me as they all leaned in closer and waited for me to continue.

“When I fixed him something to eat before we left, he accidentally dropped his glass of apple juice, making a mess. My heart broke when I saw fear in his eyes, afraid that I would hurt him for making a mess, and he curled up in a little ball on the chair, trembling like a leaf.” I sigh heavily before continuing “After I wiped up the apple juice and swept up the broken glass, I pulled him to me in a hug to calm him down.”

Applejack reached over to rub at my shoulder “Then what happened sugarcube?”

“He told me that ruffian would yell at him for making a simple mistake such as a mess, but what’s worse is that he would beat the defenseless child with a leather belt.” I clench my eyes shut tight, shaking my head allowing more tears to flow.

I feel warmth surrounding me, and I open my eyes to see the girls giving me a big, warm group hug. I give a soft smile “Thank you girls. I needed that very much.” I let out a soft sigh, sniffling, and wipe away the remainder of my tears.

As we approach the train station of Canterlot I look nervously at the girls “Also girls, I have been thinking.” They look at me curiously as I make sure Connor is still out of hearing range, and I turn back to them. “I have been thinking about… maybe… uh… making Connor a permanent member of my family.” I swallow nervously as the others look at me with a mix of reactions.

Silence is the only thing that occurs between us as the train comes to a stop. We carefully stand up to exit the train as I trot up to Connor. I smile warmly down at him “Connor darling, would you like to ride on my back or would you like to try and walk?”

He looks up at with the lightest of smiles. “Ms. Rarity, if it’s okay… I think I will try to walk, but could I stay close to you so I don’t get lost?” He looks up at me with a hopeful smile.

I give him a nod, smiling warmly “Of course sweetheart. I promise Connor, I won’t let you get lost, and you will have a good time at the gala.” I gently kiss him on the top of his head, and turn toward the others who have warm smiles on their face, but I can tell they are conflicted with my possible decision.

As we exit the train, I take in one final deep breath, and exhale deeply. Well, it appears that it’s going to be a long night.

We begin our trek to the castle for the Grand Galloping Gala.

Author's Note:

I apologize for this chapter being the shortest, but I wanted Rarity to let the girls know more about what Connor told her about 'Sir', and also her choice of possibly taking in Connor for good.