• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 19,856 Views, 919 Comments

Heart of Diamonds - APoeticHeart

Rarity discovers an abandoned human child during a nightly stroll through Ponyville.

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Chapter Twelve

A shocked look mixed with surprise creeps across my face as I eye the Master of Chaos, or so that is what he likes to call himself. All the guests have left the gala, leaving only me, my fellow Elements of Harmony, the princesses, and now Discord. As I trot toward the group with the draconequus standing in the center, he bows his slithery form to me.

“Well good evening Rarity, and how are you doing on this fine night?” He asks in his usual sly, smooth tone, and giving me a grin.

I give him a nod of my head. “I’m doing quite well Discord darling. How are you, yourself doing this fine evening, and why are you here at the gala of all places?” I look up at him curiously as I trot over to sit with my friends.

“Well my little ponies, Discord is here to inform us about the young human you have come to care for Rarity.” Princess Celestia gives me a warm smile, in which I return. “He gave us this information after we received your letter, and we thought it was of high importance for you all to hear from him as well.”

Discord gives a nod to the princesses, turning his attention to me. “Before I begin, I hear that you’ve come to have a liking for this little one. Am I right my fair Rarity?”

“Yes indeed, Connor has been such a precious little boy, and he has touched my heart deeply.” I give a warm smile, my heart melting inside at the thought of the sweet little darling. I let out a heavy sigh as I look at Discord. “Now if a lady may ask Discord, what kind of information do you have on Connor?”

He sits down on the floor giving all that signature sly smile of his as he lets out a soft sigh. “I’m very glad you asked me that Rarity. I bet you’re wondering how the little human boy arrived here in Equestria in the first place?”

We all give him a firm nod as I swallow deeply. “Wait… are you trying to imply that you’re the one that brought Connor here?” I ask, quirking an eyebrow.

He lets out a chuckle. “You would be right my dear.” His grin grows wider, giving my guess a little round of applause with his talon and lion paw.

Twilight spoke up with a look mixed with shock and confusion on her face. “Discord, why would you do such a thing? How did you even get to this world called Earth?” We all nodded in agreement looking at the draconequus curiously.

He closes his eyes as he takes in a deep breath, exhaling deeply, and opening his eyes back to look at. “Well Twilight Sparkle, after your fellow Element of Harmony, Fluttershy reformed me, I decided to take a little vacation for myself and explore outside of Equestria. “

“Wait Discord…you didn’t cause any chaos now, did you?” Fluttershy asks with a stern look in her eyes.

He crosses his arms giving her a pouty face. “Now my dear, dear Fluttershy, do you think I would do anything bad with the friendship that you all have given me? Of course I didn’t cause any chaos, but I have to admit, it nearly killed me without doing so.” He lets out a heavy sigh shaking his head slowly.

She gives him a big smile, hovering up in the air, and patting him on the head. “That’s a good draconequus.” She lets out an excited squee, earning a light-hearted giggle from each of us.

He gave Fluttershy puppy dog eyes at the patting of his head. “Please continue Discord.” Princess Celestia speaks giving him a stern look.

He shakes his head. “Oh yes, sorry.” He clears his throat as he continues. “Well, for my vacation, I decided to visit the planet known as Earth. As Master of Chaos, I can traverse through different worlds.” This grabs our attention as we look at him with intent curiosity. He puts his lion paw and talon up in front of him “And before you ask, yes I did transform into a human so I wouldn’t attract any unwanted attention.”

I let out a sigh. “That sounds good and all darling, but how exactly did you come across Connor?” I ask, letting out a sigh of annoyance due to his rambling.

“Tsk…tsk… such impatience you have Rarity, even for a lady.” I let out a sarcastic chuckle at the comment, rolling my eyes. He lets out a heavy sigh of his own. “I can remember like it was just yesterday…”

“I was just making my way down a busy street in this place called New York City, until I came upon a building where a little boy came running out of, crying his heart out. I was going to go follow him until a grown human came stomping outside, stopping at the bottom of the steps. What heard next just tore even my chaotic heart in half.”

“And don’t you ever dare come back you little nuisance! No one will ever love you! You are nothing but a worthless breath of fresh air!”

“I watched him stomp back into the building slamming the door.” I gasp in horror at what Discord repeated what this ‘Sir’ said to the small child, and I could see a single tear fall from even the eyes of the Master of Chaos. “I wanted to cause a little bit of chaos to that poor excuse for a stallion, but I knew I had to go and find the child….”

“When I was searching for him, I could hear crying, and I followed the direction of it, until I found him in one of the alleyways.” As he tells his tale, I can feel tears threatening to escape.

How can such a wretched creature treat one of its own with such cruelty? I’m glad I discovered him that night. A tearful smile creeps across my lips at the thought.

“Ah can’t believe that low down no good dirty dog would say such hurtful words to the sweet little feller.” Applejack speaks up shaking her head in frustration, her lips forming into a snarl.

Celesita and Luna sadly nod in agreement as Celestia speaks. “Please Discord, continue your story.”

He nods, taking in a deep breath, and then exhaling deeply. “When I saw him, I got to admit it made me feel uncomfortable, because he was sitting down against a brick wall, huddled up against a dumpster, and his face buried in his lap…” I watch as he lifts one of his fingers of his talon, and wipes away a stray tear.

“And as shocking as it is to hear from me, the chaotic one, I just didn’t have the heart to walk up to him, because I felt I would scare him worse than he already was. So with deep concentration, I snapped my fingers making us vanish, and then reappeared here in Equestria.” He lets out a heavy sigh.

I stand up looking at him sternly. “Then why did you leave him in a dirty, lonely alleyway all alone for Discord? Why was I the one to find him?” I stomp a hoof wanting answers.

“Calm down my dear Rarity. I placed him in the alleyway of Ponyville, because I didn’t want to just put in the center where every pony could see him, and chaos run wild, although I’d love that. I didn’t’ want the ponies to feel threatened by a mere child, and I didn’t want him to be afraid of being hurt again. As for you finding him, that was just out of pure luck for Connor.” He folds his arms with a smirk on his face.

I smile warmly at that as Celestia speaks up. “Well, the question now I think on all of our minds is what do we do with the child?” I look around the group who has thoughtful looks on their faces as I raise a hoof. She nods to me. “Yes Rarity, do you have any ideas?”

I swallow nervously, bowing my head to the princesses. “Yes your highness. Ever since I found Connor alone, broken, and in horrible conditions in that alley, he has touched my heart like no other pony, except for my dear sister Sweetie Belle.” I take in a deep breath, exhaling deeply. “I’ve been thinking Princess Celestia, and I believe this is the right decision, but I would like to adopt Connor.” I see a couple smiling faces on Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, but Twilight and Applejack give me looks of concern.

“Ah am proud of ya Rarity for taking on such a task in adopting the little feller, but are ya sure can handle it? Ah mean ya never taken care of a colt, let alone a human child.” She gave me a worried look.

I sigh heavily giving her a nod, smiling warmly. “Yes Applejack, I’m very aware that I haven’t ever raised a colt before, but I’ve watched over my sister countless times, so I’ve had practice.” I feel my pride flow freely inside me.

Twilight speaks up next. “What if you meet a stallion one day Rarity, how do you think he will feel about you having a human child as a son?”

“W---well, whoever comes into my life, if I am to meet a stallion to wed, he’ll just have to accept the fact that Connor is my son.” I smile proudly nodding my head firmly. Reluctantly Twilight and Applejack both give me a nod in understanding.

“Well my dear Rarity, I think that your choice is a wonderful one.” Luna gives me a warm smile, nodding her head to me. “That is why you are the Element of Generosity my friend, for you are generous to those in need, and this little boy is in need of a loving home. I’m very proud of you my friend.”

Princess Celestia nods in agreement. “I agree with my sister, so therefore we would like to bid you all a good night’s rest tonight, and we will go get the proper paperwork ready for you to sign Rarity.” I smile brightly at the two princesses, and we all bow our heads.

“Thank you very much Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I promise I will not bring shame to my element, and I will care for Connor with all my heart.” They nod to me as they trot out of the dining hall.

I let out a soft yawn turning to the girls. “Well girls, I would say it’s time for us to get some shuteye. I have a big day tomorrow in finalizing the adoption of the little darling.” They nod as Pinkie suddenly blasts off into the air causing a small explosion of fireworks.

“Yippee! That means I can throw the little cupcake a ‘Welcome to Equestria Connor and Congratulations on becoming Rarity’s son’ party!” She bounces all over the dining hall, earning a giggle from each of us.

I shake my head softly. “Yes Pinkie, you can throw a party for tomorrow’s occasion.” I smile warmly as I let out another yawn, blinking my eyes tiredly. “Well, goodnight girls, sleep tight, and I’ll see you all in the morning.” I wave a hoof at them as they return the wave.

“Goodnight Rarity.” They say unison as I exit the dining hall and make my way toward the bedroom Connor is sleeping.

I carefully enter as I see him sleeping peacefully curled up under the covers. I quietly shut the door and trot over to the bed. I smile warmly at the little boy as I think of something I haven’t done since Sweetie Belle was just a newborn foal, and mother and father left her with me to babysit.

I gently levitate the covers up over Connor so not to wake him and I carefully levitate him above the bed just for a moment. I climb up into the bed, lying on my back, and I lower him down toward me, reaching for him with my forelegs. I gently grasp him and cradle him to my chest with his head lying on my shoulder. I finally levitate the covers back over us as I snuggle under them warmly still holding him close to me.

I see a small smile on his face as he sighs peacefully in his sleep, his small chest rising and falling with each breath he takes. I allow a stray tear to roll down my cheek and I lean in to kiss him tenderly on the forehead.

Goodnight Connor darling, my darling baby boy. I promise I will be the best mommy I can for you, showing you all the love, care, and tenderness that you truly deserve. Sweet dreams.

I close my eyes softly, drifting off to sleep with a warm smile across my face.