• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 19,883 Views, 919 Comments

Heart of Diamonds - APoeticHeart

Rarity discovers an abandoned human child during a nightly stroll through Ponyville.

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Chapter Twenty

After experiencing yet another horrendous nightmare, but having assistance from Princess Luna to deal with it I wake up in my bed with a sigh of relief escaping my lips. I remove my sleeping mask from my face and blink my eyes open That was an equally awful dream as the past ones, but I’m glad Princess Luna came to chase it away before it got worse. However, if I have any chance of ridding my mind of this imposter for good, I’ve got to face her on my own. I let out a heavy sigh and decide to trot over to Connor’s bedroom to check on him.

When I open the door to look inside I gasp, because he isn’t in his bed. As I’m about to call out his name I catch a heavenly scent Mm… what is that wonderful smell? Wait… I hope my little boy isn’t. I shake away my thoughts and quickly turn to trot downstairs. Approaching the kitchen, my jaw drops as I can see the table all set up with breakfast and I turn to see my baby boy standing on a chair at the sink.

Being careful not to scare him, I very quietly trot closer to the table to examine what he prepared. I hold my hoof to my chest as tears sting my eyes, because what I see is a delectable looking breakfast that I’m stunned that such a young child could make. On the plate before me are two pieces of toast with pats of butter on them, two perfectly cooked eggs, and a glass of orange juice. I look over at him My baby boy made his Mommy breakfast, the sweet little dear.

I can’t help but let out a sniffle, which causes him to jump a little and he turns around. I see him shake a little “Good morning Mommy. I wanted to fix you something for breakfast, I hope you like it.” He gives me a little smile as he climbs off the chair. I look to see that he was washing dishes and they were sparkling like a set of diamonds.

As soon as he gets closer I gently reach out my foreleg and wrap it around his little shoulders, pulling him to the warmth of my chest. I hug him warmly and lean down to kiss the top of his head “Oh Connor darling, I love it!” I smile warmly down at him as I feel him hug at my chest and I gently rub up and down his back. After a couple minutes we break the hug and I look down at him “How did you learn to cook like this sweetheart?” I help him up into his chair before I trot over to mine.

“Sir always told me if I wanted something to eat, I would have to get it myself.” I can hear a faint whimper in his tone as I begin using my magic to cut up the eggs “I had to wake up real early in the morning if I wanted to breakfast and fix it myself, because if I was late waking up Sir would make sure I didn’t eat until he was ready for me to eat.” My blood starts to boil as I hear this admission about this ‘Sir’, another barbaric creature I wish I could just give a good ol’ thrashing to.

I give a sad smile as I reach over with my hoof to gently rub at his arm as I see him about to cry “Shh… it’s okay dear, there is no need to fear anymore from that foul beast. Mommy’s here to protect you, and I’ll always let you have whatever you want to eat whenever you get hungry.” I reach my hoof up to gently stroke at his hair.

He gives me a little smile in return and sniffles “Thank you Mommy, I love you.” He reached up to hold at my hoof and nuzzle his cheek against it. My heart melts at the gesture and I smile affectionately as I see he made himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

“Mommy loves you too darling.” I start eating at my food and after I swallow a few bites I look at him softly “Hey Connor, what do you say after we enjoy this marvelous breakfast you prepared we go see your grandparents and Aunt Sweetie Belle?” I give a blushing smile knowing that should excite him.

I am correct as he gives me a big, bright smile “Oh, I’d like that Mommy!” I let out a giggle at his enthusiasm. I give him a nod as we went back to eating our breakfast.

After finishing our lovely morning meal, I wait for Connor to go get dressed by the door. As I wait thoughts begin to stir in my head I just hope mother, father, and Sweetie Belle will be okay watching after him for a while. I don’t want him to be anywhere near me when I get ready to face this voice of mine once and for all. I sigh softly as I look up to see my baby boy coming down the stairs.

“Ready sweetheart?” He gives me a nod and I crouch down to let him climb up on my back and I stand back up. I trot out of the boutique and lock the door before turning and heading toward my parents’ house.

Canterlot Castle - Princess Luna’s P.O.V

I pace back and forth within my chambers thinking about last night’s events. Helping Rarity was the least I could do, but I could sense that there was something terribly off about her doppelganger. I could feel some dark and powerful force just waiting to come out, but I don’t understand why it didn’t in her dream last night. My thoughts are interrupted as the door to my bed chambers open.

My sister trots in “Good morning Lulu.” Tia gives me a warm smile in which I return. She trots up to me and wraps a foreleg around my neck, giving me a soft hug. After pulling apart she can see that there is something bothering me “Sister, what’s the matter? You look like you’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed.” She lets out a giggle and I just sigh softly.

I look up into her eyes “Tia, last night I appeared in our dear friend Rarity’s dream to chase away a vision and help sooth her worries. However, when I arrived, I could feel something very off about the vision.” I sigh heavily and turn my head away.

She places a hoof under my chin and turns my head to look at her “Lulu, what was it about this vision that has you so concerned? I can see that it’s bothering you.” She gives me a soft smile, always being the caring big sister she is.

“Tia, I’m afraid that this imposter Element of Generosity is much worser than Rarity or I can fathom. I feel that if she doesn’t take the opportunity to rid her mind of this voice, then it’s going to manifest into not only hers, but my worse fear.” A look of fear creeps on my face.

Tia gasps “Luna, you don’t mean her, do you?” I can sense her deep concern for the possibility.

I give a solemn nod “Yes Tia, and if Rarity cannot overcome this dark and twisted sub-conscience of hers, then I feel that we might be in serious danger.” I slowly turn away from her and look toward my window “Tia, do you think you could write a letter to Twilight Sparkle and notify that her and the other Elements need to come to the castle. I believe we all can help Rarity beat this thing before it completely comes to life.”

“Of course my sister, I will write a letter right away.” I turn my head and give a nod to her as she turns to trot out of my room. I turn and trot out to the balcony of the castle to look out at the horizon with my sister’s sun washing over the land with it’s warm light. I take in a deep breath of morning air and a look of determination forms on my face.

I won’t let you return and take over one of my friends… Nightmare Moon.

Author's Note:

:pinkiegasp: It looks like that Nightmare Moon is trying to return, but through the means of Rarity this time :twilightoops:. Can Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, and the Elements of Harmony help Rarity beat her doppelganger in time?