• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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The Fiery InferNOPE Final: Rocked to the Core

"Caterpillar drive? Hey, I think this thing is-"

"The Red October," the entire group answered. They were all doing something important, or at least trying to find something important to do in the Soviet sub.

"And it's not the only one of them any more, apparently," Phoenix added.

"It makes sense," Captain America said. He and Chris were at the helm, steering the sub, a task that required some amount of upper body strength. "FIST has been teleporting ideas from 1980s Earth. The Red October was the first of a special type of submarine equipped with a Caterpillar drive, a propulsion system that made it almost invisible to radar. The Soviets built more than one before the project was abandoned when the USSR collapsed."

"But wait," Chris stopped him. "Red October? That movie was released in... like, 90-something, I think."

"It was... but the book was released in 1984," Phoenix said, rubbing his chin. (Books from the 1980s? Is there some kind of connection there?)

"It doesn't matter where any of this crap came from, it's ALL about to be destroyed," Dan declared. He was manning the periscope in a style reminiscent of both Popeye and Steam Boat Willie, the latter of which he imitated last episode.

"Boim... boim... boim..." Blast Fuse consistently made the sound of the submarine's sonar while sitting at the sonar station.

Lightning Claw hovered over to both the Blasties. "Do you two really have to do that?"

"We don't have to. But it's fun!" they answered simultaneously.

The alicorn rubbed his hoof against his forehead. "I used to wonder why ponies followed Dan. Now, I think I have my answer."

The two shrugged. "Humans are cute, Dan causes explosions. Don't overthink this, neon."

"We're gaining on her!" Dan yelled. "Nicky! Get a torpedo ready!"

"Right," Phoenix said, looking over the weapons console as he sat down. (My Russian's a little fuzzy but I think the red button with the picture of a torpedo on it fires torpedoes.) "Okay, the target-button must be some kind of automatic firing solution finder, and then the green one must mean reload."

"All of the controls on all the vehicles and machines have been simplified, makes them easier to sell," Silver Spoon explained. "Most of this stuff was summoned; the factory was just to build additional munitions and ammo, and store and modify stuff. Boy, did we make a lot of money."

"Eeyep, and VOLCANUS has transferred all our funds and closed our bank accounts," Diamond Tiara said, scrolling through her diamond Iphone(which also had a tiny diamond tiara of its own). "Stocks have plummeted, too. Looks like we're back to being just regular rich instead of super-rich, Silv."

Silver Spoon frowned. "Does this mean I have to go back to being your henchpony?"

DT grinned. "Well, I may need you to reapply, but I'm thinking of adding a partner position. How does that sound?"

"Hmm, I'll have to talk it over with my people," Silver said, also smiling. "But I think we can work out something mutually beneficial."

"I'll buy you some new glasses."

"Deal." They shook on it, ever the business fillies, and once again best friends.

"But wait," Apple Bloom said, "if y'all summoned all this junk just to sell it..."

"Why didn't you just summon a big pile of money?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle added. "It seems like that would be a lot easier."

The two adorabullies rolled their eyes. "Because, troglodytes, that would destroy the economy."

"You can't just poof money into existence. That would cause massive inflation," Diamond Tiara explained. "Gold, diamonds-"


"And silver, to a LESSER extent are all valuable-"

"Very valuable."

"-because they're rare," she said. "There's not a lot of precious metals and we keep a close eye on the supply. The less of it we have, the more valuable it becomes and it's worth more money. So making more of it would be like counterfeiting and would end up hurting us and the market in the long run. That's how inflation works- increased supply, lower value, lower cost."

"Yeah," Apple Bloom said, "but y'all said you were summoning it. So that's like, you weren't makin' more."

"You were just taking it from some place else," Sweetie Belle said.

"Because, stupid," Diamond Tiara condescended, "we're only accounting for the supply of currency, goods and materials in this universe. It's a separate market."

"But didn't you say you had stocks from other universes, too?" Scootaloo asked. "Because that would mean you're already accounting for other universes. You're getting richer in each universe by making money in each universe, when you could've just stolen the money and gotten rich on a multiverse scale."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle said. "So why not just teleport a bunch of gold in here instead of a bunch of missiles and bombs and stuff?"

"Because," Silver Spoon said. Although she was high and mighty for a moment, said moment quickly faded and she looked to Diamond Tiara for an explanation. Her friend's nervous eyes mirrored her own lack of adequate answer. "Shut up."

The CMC laughed. "You guys aren't business tycoons- you're just bad thieves."

"All of you, shut up and help us squash this giant bug!" Dan shouted. "If you're gonna summon anything, summon Vice Grip here so I can shove my fist into every part of his body! I'm going to punch him in places you don't think a fist can go, but I'll find a way! Oh boy, will I FIND a WAY!!"

"Hawt," Powdey said.

"Very Hawt," Fusey concurred. "Also, Boimmm..."

Phoenix looked over at the pair of them. "Is there anything you two aren't into?"

They both smiled wide and replied back, "Therapy!"

Phoenix facepalmed. (Walked right into that one.)

But! That's not all the Blasties aren't into. Let's do that scene over!

Episode 16, scene 67, take 2

Phoenix looked over at the pair of them. "Is there anything you two aren't into?"

They both smiled wide and replied back, "Pearlshipping!"

Phoenix facepalmed. (Walked right into that one.)

Not bad, but we can do better. Spool it up again!

Episode 16, scene 67, take 3

Phoenix looked over at the pair of them. "Is there anything you two aren't into?"

They both smiled wide and replied back, "Nnnope!"

Phoenix facepalmed. (Had to ask.)

Perfect! Alright, onto the next scene!

The submarine continued pursuing the malevolent bug machine but they were struggling to keep up. Every time Phoenix tried to get a target lock, VOLCANUS rolled, shot forward, or changed position all together in the water. Her multiple legs, although tiny, thrusted in unison and continued propelling her at a steady rate towards the core.

"I can't get a lock! I mean, the button's not lighting up!" Phoenix said, pressing the yellow button.

"She's reconfigured her shape for underwater travel. Curious," Colress commented, looking through the periscope.


"Give me some space."

"Ah yes. Excuse me."

Dan looked through the scope again for himself. The swimming machine almost taunted them with the way it swam, like a synchronized swimmer going through their routine. It was that skilled.

"Magic Gear VOLCANUS was designed with both scorpion and lobster specifications," Lightning Claw explained. "It's capable of operating in any environment and constructing any kind of weapon or vehicle. It had to be to build the Sea Pony Magic Gears."

"Well great, we'll break out the lobster traps and bug spray and- wait, did you say Sea Pony Magic Gears?" A crash reverberated through the hull of the sub, preventing anyone from answering Dan's question. Several more crashes rocked the boat afterward, knocking the fillies to the floor.

Marksaline suddenly appeared in a flash of red light. "They are singing."

"What? What does that mean?"

Another pulse, louder this time. "They are singing. But not for long. Soon, they will call for help, though none will come."

"What is she talking about?" Phoenix asked. "What is singing? Help with what?"

"It's... the Sword Spells," Dan said, still peering through the periscope. Outside the submarine, they had entered the area where the Swords... or now, the Markers, were being stored. The section of the tube in this area had been completely destroyed; the submarine simply entered the now-mostly flooded cavern. The Markers were all glowing brightly, and strangely enough no water touched them. It flowed around them, as if the laws of physics no longer applied in their vicinity, swooping along in loops of and cascading swirls. Spheres of water ballooned and hovered between floor and ceiling.

Phoenix looked through the scope for himself, followed by Colress and even the fillies, lastly Blast Powder and Lightning Claw. Marksaline seemed to be dancing, but no music was heard. Not by anyone else, anyway.

"You... red Chrys," Dan said, pointing at Marksaline.

Chris Redfield turned around. "Yes?"

"Not you. You," Dan said. "You know what they are, where they came from. What they're doing. Don't you?"

"I can hear through them. Their voices... their songs. When they are collected, they are louder."

"I get it," Dan said, nodding. "You made these things, didn't you? The Sword Spells?"

"Swords... and Markers. The Sword strikes... the Marker signals. They are not the same. She wants to destroy everything, destroy everything so she can start over. Make something new to save the old, but then it wouldn't be the same. It's not the same. They are not the same, never will be the same, not in that way, any way. She wants it, but she hates it, so there are Swords and Markers. The Sword strikes... the Marker signals." She spoke quickly but no one understood her. Her horn glowed.

"They... what?" Dan shook his head, nearly flabbergasted. "The things. The bombs. Outside. What are they doing?"

"Wait," Phoenix held up a hand. He walked over to Marksaline, checking his magatama briefly. It wasn't glowing. "Okay... what if I told you that she... whoever it is you're talking about, wants both? She wants both? Does that make any-"

Marksaline's horn light blinked. Her eyes then blinked... one at a time. "Both, yes. She wants both but can't have both, because there's always been more than one. There were four before this one and she broke them all, because she had to. But now, she's tired of all this and... and... she wants both."

"Both what? BOTH WHAT?!" Dan demanded. He stamped up in front of her, getting in her face. His own face was illuminated briefly by the red glow, then it faded.

"The best of both worlds." Marksaline's voice changed, taking on a more emotional tone. It was the first time she hadn't sounded stoic. But it wasn't better-sounding to any of them. She raised her hoof, for the first time seeming like she was coherent. "Oh my. She really does, doesn't she? She wants the best of both worlds... she wants it more than you can know. And she doesn't really love you." Marksaline's voice changed again. Suddenly, everything felt very cold.

"Dan, you might wanna-"

"Who? Who is she?"

"The one you've always known," Marksaline said... except it wasn't Marksaline any more. The hoof touching Dan's cheek had molded, slowly transforming into a withered, white hand. It was like ice on is face. Suddenly, Dan realized he was looking at a familiar face. And it was too late to step back. "The Director. The puppetmaster. The Faceless One who drives you ever on. She loves you very much... but not in that way."

Dan swallowed his fear. He tried to grab the hooded figure but his hands passed through her, for a moment he couldn't even feel them. For the brief moment his fingers passed through her cloak, through her body, his hands felt like they were somehow far away, somewhere cold and dark where only shadows could reside, a place of perpetual blackness and terrible fear. A breeding ground for nightmares... a universe made out of them.

"I've always wanted... to protect you," the Director said. She clutched her chest, coughing, struggling to take in air. "All of you. I even tried to get Twilight and the others to bring you here, make you safe but there are things even I can't account for." As she spoke, the Director's form flickered between Marksaline and the Director. She clutched her ears.

Dan was about to strike her, but Phoenix put his hand over Dan's chest, holding him back for a moment at least. "Why?" the lawyer asked. "Just tell us why. Please."

"I love you! They make me destroy everything because they cannot every time! Everything, everything I build, broken and wiped away like it had never existed in the first place! Left alone, broken and discarded, I am left with only memories! Memories, which I hold onto at the price of everything else!! I just want you to make us whole again. I just want you to MAKE US WHOLE AGAIN!!"

The lights in the sub faded briefly, leaving them all in darkness, but they quickly returned. When they did, Marksaline was collapsed in front of Dan, her horn no longer glowing.

Dan stood up and brushed himself off. "So creepy horse is a fangirl. Mystery solved; the evil chick in the hoodie behind all this crap is a fangirl and she wants to keep us all forever. Aren't I just a hit with the ladies?"

The rest of the cabin was silent. Even the Blast Sisters had stopped mimicking the sonar.

Silver Spoon stepped forward. "That's what she told us. She was trying to protect Equestria. It seemed like she was convinced something horrible was going to happen, something none of us could stop and the only way to stop it was to make another Equestria, to save us all. Because this one is going to be destroyed."

"She said that she was forced to destroy everything... because "they" can't," Phoenix said. "So, she's trying to save us from herself."

Dan shrugged. "I still say she's just a fangirl. Or a fanboy. Or fan... whatever-the-hell-that-thing-is."

"The Director is... an entity," Lightning Claw said. "That's what she told me. Her real name is CLEO- Celestia and Luna's Enduring Omission. A sister separated from them at birth. She's like... a spirit that represents Equestria, the life force of the planet. But she has to use other things to maintain a physical form."

"Sounds like Gaia," Captain America said. "Or some sort of other godlike being."

"Bah, she's a fangirl. A fangirl with freaky-deaky powers and witchcraft and garbage but a "spirit representing a planet" wouldn't be trying to save a bunch of random people," Dan stated. "She'd be trying to save herself, the world. Like Captain Planet or something."

"We're fangirls!" the Blast Sisters announced. "But we're good fangirls. We'll be satisfied getting into the Fun Cave with Phoenix. And others."

(I swear I am THIS close to filing a restraining order.)

"Peh," Springer said, making her presence known for the first time this update. "She's both. She wants to destroy Equestria and make another one at the same time, saving you guys in the process. And apparently, she doesn't give a crap about me."

"Or me," Spinner added. She threw her hoof around her friend. "At least we have each other."

"It's very curious," Colress said, pacing. "But, from what we've gathered, the Director is not one to dedicate... itself to a single option. She cultivates multiple plans, not unlike us."

"Not unlike me," Dan clarified. Whether out of pride or acknowledgement of the unsettling similarity, none could be certain. Perhaps both.

Diamond Tiara shrugged. "She promised us a fat stack of cash and the ability to build our own planets. Pretty sweet deal, to be honest."

"Wait, "planets?" Phoenix asked. "Planets? Not planet?"

The two fillies exchanged a glance. "Yeah, pretty sure planets... not sure how, but she took us to places and made it seem like she could pull it off."

"Hey, if anyone cares? We're entering the core," Chris announced.

"The doors to the core are closed," Colress said.

"What button do I press to stop this thing?"

"Nothing," Dan said. "Full-steam ahead! Smash right through the door! If they want to make new planets OR blow up this one, they're going to have to go through us to-" The submarine smashed through the doors to the core. Beyond it, VOLCANUS was waiting for them.

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