• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Final: Redemption

Castle of Prophecies
The past

Dan hadn't seen this particular castle except as a ruin. But the Castle of Prophecies, known more simply as the Castle of The Two Sisters was impressive in its time. Sconces were lit with fires, the walls were high and regal. In the night, it looked large and imposing, very apart from the rest of Equestria at the time.

This was because Celestia and Luna had not yet reclaimed the Equestrian Throne. The current royal family was only related to them through adoption; Star Swirl the Bearded had adopted Celestia and Luna as his own daughters when their parents had departed. Because of their link to the prophecy of harmony, the Sisters of Prophecy were kept apart from the rest of pony society and protected. That would all end in a matter of days after Discord took over.

Fluffle Puff had led him here for a reason. And Dan knew exactly what that reason was.

"Thank you for helping me," Dan said. "I know what I have to do."

Fluffle nodded. "Thank you for being nice to me." She looked down. "Will I... will I see you again?"

"You will," Dan said, and hugged her tight. "But it'll be a long time."

She nodded. "I'll wait for you."

He walked on to meet his destiny.

"Wait," Fluffle said. He turned back to her and she asked him, "what's your name?"


They parted ways. It was the last time Fluffle Puff would see Dan... for a thousand years.

The castle had guards. But he knew how to give them the slip.

"Halt!" Royal Guards were the same regardless of time.

"Has pizza been invented yet? You know what, doesn't matter. I have a delivery to make."

"What is your business? Back away!"

Dan ignored him and kept approaching. The first one lowered his lance, and Dan grabbed it. He bashed the first guard in the back of the neck with his own lance, then smacked the other one with it. Too easy.

Of course, this was noticed by the guards on the palisade walls.

"Intruder!! The castle is under attack!"
"Alarm! Alarm!"

With a smile, Dan simply opened the doors to the castle and walked in. Using the lance, he barred the door. Immediately, he was in the throne room. And there, at the end of it, was Princess Luna.

"WHO DARES PENETRATE THE SANCTUM OF HARMONIES?!?" Canterlot Voice Luna, always fun.

Dan simply walked right up to her. "Hello, your highness. Nice to see you again."

"Why have you chosen to disturb the-"

"I'm right here, Lulu. Take it down a few notches."

She looked at him, utterly puzzled but not threatened. "You've assaulted my guards and broken into my chambers. What... what manner of creature are you?"

Dan grinned slyly. "A very dangerous one, your highness." He raised his index finger and pointed at his head, his brain. "Look into my mind, little princess! If you dare."

Luna looked phased but still, not threatened. She was a younger Luna, still full of confidence, fire and bravado, the pony she was before she returned to Equestria. Dan had to convince her, like he had in his time. She did not sense a trap, and although was cautious, was not as cautious as she would be in his time. Perfect.

Dan summoned up the angriest feelings, all the memories of fire and revenge, all his feelings of resentment and hate. He thought of everything hateful, all of his feelings and schemes and plans of revenge. Every burning hatred he had, he let it come to the front of his mind.

And Luna did peer into his mind. He horn glowed. He saw upon her face as it changed. She sifted through his memories and her puzzlement changed to shock and disbelief. And then... something else.

Dan's grin faltered. He was able to feel some of her feelings as well. It was plain on her face; she was seeing something else, something he hadn't intended for her to see. Before he realized it, it was already too late.

Was this fate? Something had changed in her. She saw it, and Dan was too late to stop it. She saw everything. Everything that had happened to him, that would happen to Equestria, that would happen... to her. To her sister. It was written plain on her face.

"Oh no..." Dan said.

Luna's horn stopped glowing. She panted, not from the exertion but just the astonishment. The shock. They just stood there, staring at one another. Luna paced, trying to process all she had just witnessed.

"Luna..." Dan said.

She looked back at him. "Yes... Dan?"

Before they could say any more, the entire garrison of Royal Guards filled the room. They stormed in from the balconies, broke through the front door, charged in through the back and adjoining hallways and lowered their weapons at Dan.

"Step away from the princess!"
"Surrender or die!"

"Stop!" Luna said. "This... intruder threatened me. And I alone shall decide his fate."

Dan looked around. There were too many witnesses, too many eyes. He couldn't fool them all. He looked back to Luna.

From high up on the balcony, they spotted Celestia. The older princess was watching, confused, bewildered. She'd been asleep, as was routine. But now, she had been roused and they all were seeing what was going on.

Luna stood before him and summoned all her strength. "For threatening a princess of Equestria, there is only one punishment fitting..."

Dan looked up at her, heart in his throat.

"Banishment! To the moon!" She summoned the Elements of Harmony from the altar in the castle keep. All six elements hovered around above in a circle. Luna rose to join them, her horn glowing brightly. The royal guards backed away, some shielded their eyes from the light. It filled the room, illuminated everything.

"May you receive what you deserve from your deeds!!"

Dan was so happy he could almost cry. He did cry. Facing judgment, his last words to Luna were, "Thank you."

"Sayonara, jerk!"

A beam of magic erupted from Luna's horn. It was joined by beams from the Elements, amplified into a massive and golden bolt. And when it hit Dan, it blasted him right out of the castle.

On a rainbow beam, Dan rocketed towards the heavens, towards the moon.

Very few ponies saw what transpired. A few did, and some wondered what it was. A bright beam of some kind shot up from the forest and up towards the moon, like a shooting star rising to the heavens. It collided with the moon and exploded, leaving a massive, cratered imprint of Dan's face on it.

Slowly, Luna turned the moon so that Dan's face was on the dark side. She was the only one who knew... and would be the only one to know.

She lowered back to the ground. The guards filed out silently.

Celestia approached her.

"Who was that? What happened."

Only Luna would know. Could know. "It was... nothing you need to worry about, sister."

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