• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Final: Turnabout Heroes

"So, I would really like to come."

"That's great, because we could really use your help, and-"

"But I'm gonna pass," Spider-Man said.

Phoenix felt his cheek muscles suddenly ache as he tried to keep up his smile. Being turned down by a superhero, much less so many in such short a time didn't leave you feeling with a lot of confidence. Walking down the Manehattan streets, he felt the urge to kick pebbles on the pavement to distract himself from the feeling of defeat.

He rubbed the back of his neck, trying again. "I mean, it's not gonna take that long. We just find him, Dan does what he needs to do and then we could get lunch of something."

"Yeah, Nick, how long have we known each other?"

The lawyer actually had to think back. "Uhhh... since a DLC, maybe?"

Peter shifted his head, nodded. "A long time, you'd say."

"Something like that, yeah."

"Would you say I strike you as the revenge type?"

"Well," Phoenix's lawyer instincts jumped, "there was that one time with the black suit."

Spider-Man actually stopped and turned. "Okay, we don't talk about that. Pretend that wasn't me. That was a different guy, completely different part of the Spiderversetm in no way affiliated with the present-day Spider-Man or related entities."

The Spiderversetm was pretty big. This particular version of Spider-Man, this Peter Parker was fairly well-known in Equestria, enabling him to walk with his suit on leisurely. In fact, it was actually beneficial to just walk around city streets like those of Manehattan in his suit because it deterred crime, made ponies feel safe and he didn't have to disappear to change. A human was already an oddity in Equestria, and most folks were nice enough not to harass him or overdo it with the pictures. He still posed with fans pretty often.

Phoenix nodded. "Right, right." (I wonder if he's just sensitive about Venom or Bully Maguire. Or both. Probably both.) "Do you happen to know of any other Spider-Men that might be able to help us out? Maybe Ant-Man? Another Avenger?"

"Nick, maybe you're going about this from the wrong angle."

"I'm listening."

Trying to be helpful, Spider-Man worked over ideas in his hands. "I mean, did you even try Ken Masters? Or Ryu? Chris Redfield?"

"Well, actually, the last one was here, and-"

"You know, you could probably get Frank West here. I bet he'd come just to get a story out of it."

"So, only my fellow Capcom characters, then," Phoenix said. "To be honest, I was kinda hoping for someone who could take care of this problem quickly."

Spider-Man looked over his shoulder. "What about that guy? You talk at all?"

Kent gestured up with his head. "Sometimes."

Phoenix leaned in to whisper. "He hasn't really been that helpful."

"My hearing's great, though," Kent announced. "And I do happen to know something that may help."

Both Phoenix and Spider-Man spun around to him. "Really, now? And what might that be?"

"Follow me."

Kent led them both down an alleyway between two different mechanic shops. It was a bit strange that there were two different auto shops right next to each other, and a little strange that they were even there to begin with considering there were no cars. I mean, maybe they worked on carriages and wagons but there's pictures of cars on the front so it's like, why is that even there? And why am I even bringing this up?

So anyway, they went down the stairs and into a storage building behind the two auto shops. It was a pretty seedy area, even for Manehattan. Kent opened a door and led them inside from the back.

They were in a dimly-lit room that was cold. Phoenix could barely see, but he recognized what the room was meant for. It was a meat locker. Spider-Man probably knew that already, but nothing could prepare them for what lay around the corner.


The server filled up a fresh bowl and set it on the tray. The pony receiving nodded, mumbled something and smiled. He was hunched over his tray, and slowly hobbled after being served with a half-stepping motion like he was accustomed to walking with a cane.

"You ever seen one of these before?" Kent asked.

"Well..." Phoenix started to say something, but stopped, trying to remember an answer.

"Yes," was Spider-Man's reply. "You know I'm from New York, right?"

"When was the last time you were in one?" Kent asked.

"Well..." Now it was Spider-Man's turn to struggle to answer.

Kent gestured to the line. "When was the last time either of you did some real service?"

"Next," the lone server said. Another homeless Equestrian stepped up, a griffon, and received a hot bowl of soup and a day-old piece of donated bread.

They were in a soup kitchen.

"I've done volunteer work before."

"Good," Kent said. "Experience will be useful."

Phoenix looked at Spider-Man, who was already donning an apron. He was ahead of the game, though, to be fair, it had been a very long time since he'd done any work like this before. But it didn't matter. He was here now and there was work to be done.

"You want to do something helpful, Nick? Helpful to our cause? Helpful to Equestria?"

He said nothing. Kent already knew the answer, so did Phoenix, so did all of them. "Where are gloves?" Phoenix asked.

Kent nodded. "Over here. Wash your hands first."

"Of course." Phoenix couldn't tell, but he thought Kent might be smiling under his helmet.

Truth be told, this was how Kent prepared before combat. Maybe it was just his way of doing things. Do some good, like give out food to the homeless before taking lives in combat. Despite everything, Kent fully intended on helping Dan deal with Rice, but first, he was going to help Phoenix Wright. And Spider-Man as well.

The three men served food for most of the day. It didn't matter that there were a hundred other things they could be doing, it didn't matter that there were criminals to fight, disasters to avert, even other needy soup kitchens throughout Equestria that needed a hand. They couldn't be everywhere. But they could make an effort to care just a bit more, make an effort right then and there not to walk away but to help. That was one of Dan's strengths: he never stopped caring about anything.

When they were done, former mob boss Reed Roamer was the first to thank them for stopping in. Then, they recruited him and his mobsters to their cause. Spider-Man might've been inclined to web them up, being gangsters, but they were also the ones running and funding the soup kitchen.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everybody! Alright so, been really busy with stuff this holiday season, so that's why this one is a bit shorter. Still working on the final conflict but it's coming soon. Hope everybody's having a happy holiday season and an even better new year! Merry Christmas, happy holidays and happy Hearth's Warming too!

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