• Published 11th Aug 2013
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Darkness Awakens 2: Chrysalis’ Duty - Tyler-the-Brony

Chrysalis struggles to find food for her dying race, until whispers of a land that would let her and all her race have gluttony instead of famine reach her ears. Part 2 of the Darkness Awakens Saga.

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Chapter 3: Priming the Princess

Chrysalis had taken a new form now since meeting the 3 mares, who she had only shortly after learned were named Lyra, Minuette, and Twinkleshine thanks to her feeding from them, and had continued forward to Canterlot Castle, certain she had to get to Cadenza as soon as possible now.

Chrysalis had gleamed the Royal Guards before now, but they were far less impressive than the pictures of them implied. All one had to do was been in Canterlot with the right kind of face, and they could go anywhere or do anything that didn’t leave a beacon in the sky above.

The form Chrysalis took now originally belonged to a pony by the name of Amber Shine, whom Chrysalis had observed entering and exiting the Castle numerous times, as well as interacting with the Royalty she directly sought, with no trouble whatsoever. As she trotted forward beyond the first pair of guards, she mentally smiled as they did no more than fleetingly glance and nod at her before refocusing on the rest of Canterlot.

Chrysalis would have skipped across the Castle’s grounds if she could. As it was, she contented herself with identifying the two ponies she sought more than any other. Identifying the Princess Cadenza would be simple enough, due to her species, but if her betrothed was not with her when she initially glimpsed him, it could cause problems later on.


Chrysalis was fortunate enough to come across Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza while they were eating at the top of one of Canterlot Castle’s highest peaks. Chrysalis hid and observed them carefully for a time to confirm their identities, but she did not have to wait long for a sign.

When Shining Armor took the Princess’ hoof in his own, Chrysalis tasted such an overpowering form of love it nearly made her faint then and there. Her information had told her of the love she would sense between these two, but still Chrysalis could not believe it.

As the pair of ponies descended the stairs, Chrysalis had a flash of inspiration on how to separate the Princess from the Captain of the Royal Guard. Chrysalis had viewed Amber Shine carrying multiple sewing tools and materials, as well as twice carrying a full dress around the Princess, which could only mean that she had been christened with the duty of making the Alicorn brides wedding dress.

In a spur of the moment as the couple descended a few more flights of stairs, Chrysalis, still disguised as Amber Shine, leapt out and hurried after the couple, hoping she could bluff well enough to part them for long enough.

“Princess! Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!” Chrysalis jokingly spoke with fake emotion through Amber’s voice as she galloped up behind the extremely happy couple.

“Oh! Amber Shine. I told you that you can just call me Cadence yesterday.” Cadence smiled at what she believed was her real dress maker before her.

Chrysalis put on her most sickly sweet smile as she answered ‘Cadence’.

“Of course Princess. It will take a bit of time to adjust to that new name for me is all.” Chrysalis smiled even more brightly for a moment before continuing. “I was wondering whether you could come with me. I’m afraid I made a grievous mistake in measuring for your wedding dress the other day. I forgot to include your wings as a measurement.” Chrysalis hoped that forgetfulness was a natural thing for this particular disguise of a pony, as it would again let her save energy.

Chrysalis continued to smile while Cadence looked at Shining Armor, clearing deciding whether she should go or not. Chrysalis again felt the love between them, but she could not let its effect show on her now. Cadence turned back towards Chrysalis and smiled at her.

“Oh Amber. You worry too much about the dress. You always have lovely work. If you’re that worried about it though, I can go with you for a while.” Cadence told the pony she though was Amber, just as a genuine sigh of relief escaped her and a genuine smile spread across her face.

“Thank you Princes……Cadence.” The name grated in Chrysalis’ throat, but she had to maintain the disguise for now.

Cadence nuzzled and quickly kissed Shining Armor as he continued along his way, and Cadence stepped forward to follow Amber. Chrysalis stared after Shining Armor for a moment after he began to trot away, eliciting a giggle from Cadence, and a retort from Shining Armor just as he rounded a corner.

“You’re more worried about the wedding than we are Amber.” Shining Armor chuckled as he yelled back at Chrysalis, eliciting a dark smile on her face for less than a second.

Chrysalis again resumed her disguise’s demeanour as she sauntered around the grounds of the Castle, Cadence behind her.

“Did you move your work back to your shop? I thought we might be able to stay inside the Castle Grounds.” Cadence worriedly asked Chrysalis, eliciting a somewhat halted step from her.

Chrysalis had to answer quickly, or all her luck and work would be worthless. She pivoted around to face Cadence as she answered.

“We’ll be back at the Castle before my work is done, but I have to pick up some materials, and I’d very much like your opinion on them Princess.” Chrysalis loosely smiled at Cadence, hoping she could continue to rely on luck.

Cadence smiled and nodded at Chrysalis, allowing Chrysalis to sigh in relief again once she turned around. Chrysalis’ eyes flared dark green for second again as she led the Princess of Love as far away from her normal protection as she could.


Cadence lay heavily injured on the clay-like ground before the now transformed Chrysalis, who lightly laughed and pranced about the Princess as she felt the energy she had just now taken from Cadence flood her body.

“My my Cadence dear. You certainly do feel strongly about Shining Armor don’t you?” Chrysalis taunted the defeated alicorn before her, causing Cadence to attempt to rise to her hooves again, only to have Chrysalis’ magic lash her again.

“Leave…him out of this….” Cadence breathed heavily, all her energy spent.

Chrysalis laughed louder at Cadence’s order, issuing a sneer from her. Chrysalis leaned down and lifted up Cadence’s face with her hooves.

“Oh, but he’s the key to my plan. When I take control of the love you two share, nopony will be able to stop me. Then me and my Changeling’s can feed forever.” Chrysalis felt immense happiness at her words, but she kept it bottled inside her, not wanting Cadence to try to gain any of her strength back.

Cadence tried to respond to Chrysalis, but the Changeling Queen dropped her, and then began to trot away, morphing into Cadence’s form as she did. Cadence’s eyes widened as she saw this, and she felt tears begin to form as Chrysalis engulfed herself in green fire to free herself from the caves directly underneath Canterlot Castle.

“As Cadence weeps here, Mi Amore Cadenza will make Canterlot her own. Niyahahahaha!” Chrysalis made her reflection appear on the walls of the cave to torment Cadence more as the young alicorn finally broke down and cried about what she now knew was coming, but what she was now powerless to stop.