• Published 11th Aug 2013
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Darkness Awakens 2: Chrysalis’ Duty - Tyler-the-Brony

Chrysalis struggles to find food for her dying race, until whispers of a land that would let her and all her race have gluttony instead of famine reach her ears. Part 2 of the Darkness Awakens Saga.

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Chapter 5: Positions

Chrysalis stared down at the courtyard below, watching as Twilight Sparkle galloped quickly across it, a look of intense determination on her face. Chrysalis chanced glaring down at the mare for a moment and was able to conceal its presence as Princess Luna addressed Twilight herself.

“Try how she might to foil me, one mare can do nothing alone. Making her friends my new bridesmaids was a good decision. My old ones would’ve broken soon anyway. They work so much better as Prison Guards. Wouldn’t you agree dear?” Chrysalis cooed to Shining Armor, who stood stock still in the corner, his eyes entirely glazed over green.

Chrysalis giggled for a moment at her fake fiancé before enveloping herself in fire and travelling to the caverns below again.


“My Queen…” Lyra, Twinkleshine, and Minuette all bowed in Unison as Chrysalis appeared before them, their eyes as heavily glazed as Shining Armors above.

“Be on guard Girls. You’ll have another one to watch come tomorrow.” Chrysalis explained as she trotted past them, eliciting a nod from the mares before the raised their heads up and set off on patrol yet again, not that Cadence required much watching with as weak as she had become though.

Chrysalis passed into the cavern where her subjects lay, and flitted her wings as her eyes pulsed green, indicating the Hive Mind Message to ‘Rise’ that she had just issued.

Within minutes of Chrysalis stopping her steps, the entirety of the Changelings had gathered below her, her Councillors, Migyaf and Nro at the head of the gathering. Chrysalis lifted her head high and stared into the eyes of each Changeling.

“Tonight you will at last have your freedom from this cave. Tomorrow is the rehearsal for the Wedding, and the actual ceremony shall be the next day. I wish for you all to station yourselves strategically about the perimeter. Do not be afraid to use Hive Mind. It will be a great asset in the coming battle. And you must battle. But do not worry my subjects. Fear has made the ponies above weak, and their love has made us strong. We will be victorious. I will now assign Commanders.” Chrysalis explained, as excited whispers swept through her mind as the Changelings practiced their Hive Mind.

“Praid. You and your Legion will attack a short ways outside of the nearby town of Cloudsdale. This is certain to draw away the younger of the 2 Alicorn Queens, Luna.” Chrysalis mentally assigned 2 and a half dozen of the smartest Changelings to follow Praid’s every word as she addressed him.

“We’ll draw her all the way to Galloping Gorge My Queen.” Praid saluted and took off, his Legion following him carefully, eager to plan.

“Gremiar. You will attack the West Side of Canterlot. Hajk, you shall take the East. Combine your forces as soon as you can and restrain as many guards as possible.” Chrysalis nodded towards a third of the Changelings below, indicating that they would each lead half for a time in the Invasion.

Gremiar hissed loudly and spiralled into the air, waving a hoof at his forces as he lead them out of the Cave and off into the sewers of Canterlot, where they could wait and hide in equal ease. Hajk nodded and puffed out his chest as he took off, his Legion directly behind him as they climbed into the Cloud layers high above Canterlot, where they could easily observe everything and everypony until they were needed.

“Migyaf. Take all but a dozen of our Warriors and occupy the building where The Elements of Harmony are held. Without them, Canterlot is immensely easier to conquer. I leave this to you, the Last of our Titans.” Chrysalis mentally transmitted an image of the building to Migyaf’s mind, and felt her acknowledge and memorize it within moments.

Migyaf roared as she took to the air, a vast majority of the remaining Changelings swarming behind her, eager to taste the magic the Elements exuded naturally. Only a scant hundred Changelings remained below, and only 20 were able to battle.

“To those with young; It is your duty to preserve our newest numbers. I trust you with this. If the Invasion fails, fly to the town of Appleloosa. Love overflows there, and it will nourish our young immensely. To those who are veterans of our last war; I salute your readiness to battle, but I must ask you to remain behind and protect those who cannot fight for themselves. Understand?” Chrysalis sincerely asked each of her remaining subjects, issuing a gentle nod and a mental promise from each.

As the Changeling civilians departed, Nro and the remaining warriors took to the air, ready for the Queen’s final order.

“Nro. You and your warriors are to cloak yourselves with a Adaman Enhanced Disguise and accompany me personally to the Wedding. Your duty there will be to restrain the masses of the Chapel. I will handle Celestia and those pesky Bearers.” Chrysalis explained, issuing a few shocked gasps, and a solid salute from each Changeling, and even a few tears of pride from Nro himself.

Chrysalis too felt tears bead in her eyes as a smile spread across her face. She was now truly ready to believe this invasion really could save her race and restore her to the Glory she had once held amongst the masses.

As Nro and his warriors flew off and Chrysalis returned to the castle, a strange dark laughed echoed through the walls of the cavern, sounding as eager for the invasion to begin as any Changeling was.