• Published 11th Aug 2013
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Darkness Awakens 2: Chrysalis’ Duty - Tyler-the-Brony

Chrysalis struggles to find food for her dying race, until whispers of a land that would let her and all her race have gluttony instead of famine reach her ears. Part 2 of the Darkness Awakens Saga.

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Chapter 4: Inbound Threats

Chrysalis exhaled as she finished refreshing the spell she used to keep Shining Armor under her full control, taking a seat on the nearby couch not long after. As Chrysalis watched Amber Shine’s dress burn in the fireplace, she cursed that merely dismissing all of Cadenza’s current wedding staff had not been enough to ensure her full control over the entirety of the ceremony.

Hissing as she remembered the injustice she had heard of earlier in the day, Chrysalis massaged her temples as she made an earnest effort to suppress the rage that had sprouted within her. Once she found out that the Princess Celestia of all ponies, the ruler of Canterlot herself, had long ago volunteered to send out all the invitations and keep backups on file for the catering, dress, entertainment, music, and wedding planner, she had nearly revealed her true form in anger.

As Shining Armor laid down in the bed a ways away, Chrysalis did feel lucky that he’d been so easy to control, and even easy to manipulate in public. His will was strong, and he was certain to break free if he ever learned of Cadence’s actual location, but Chrysalis knew she wouldn’t be that careless.

Realizing she had only days to correct the oversight Celestia had thrown into her plans, Chrysalis flared her eyes green and trotter forward to the portal she had just created a distance away.


Cadence feebly raised a hoof at Chrysalis as she appeared near her in a burst of green fire within the cave system that was her prison.

“Save your strength for the important things Princess. I’m not here for you right now anyway.” Chrysalis sneered down at the once proud alicorn, who was now malnourished and dehydrated from her imprisonment.

Chrysalis trotted away from Cadence, dissolving back into her original form as she did, and proceed to pass through another portal that she created at the cave’s far wall.

Emerging a moment later on the other side, Chrysalis found herself once again standing on the platform she had addressed her subjects a mere 11 days ago. Many of the Changelings below her were fast asleep, but as Chrysalis hoofsteps echoed within the cave, a select few raised their heads up. Nodding at each in turn, the conscious Changelings quickly gathered at Chrysalis’ side.

“I am glad you are awake my councillors, and you as well Migyaf and Nro. It saves me precious time away from the illusion I’ve managed to create in Canterlot by not having to search for you.” Chrysalis quietly addressed her subject, all of whom bowed at her acknowledgment.

“What is it you need my Queen? Shall we attack at dawn?” Gremiar asked Chrysalis, eagerly flapping his wings as he did.

“We shall not attack until the day of the wedding, which remains 5 days away. It is integral to the plan’s success.” Chrysalis explained, hoping her absence above would not be noticed for a while longer.

“What may we do for you in the meantime your Highness?” Hajk spoke up, an inquisitive look visible even on his indistinct features.

“I need you all to issue a vague threat against Canterlot. It will tighten security and further allow me to control who resides within the city and what they do. There is too much free will for me to manipulate as is.” Chrysalis explained, looking at Praid and Migyaf in particular.

“Of course my Queen. I shall send the message at dawn’s end tomorrow. What would you like it to entail?” Praid questioned Chrysalis, eager to put his particular skills to use.

In response, Chrysalis looked to Migyaf, a direct descendant of Bijoryan, last of the Changeling Titans, the greatest of Warriors that Chrysalis’ Great-Grandmother, Silekn, had squandered in a futile attack on the dragons long ago. Even though her Titan blood was diluted, her form was larger and bulkier than any other Changeling, and her roar could instill pure fear itself.

“I would like you to ensnare a roar from Migyaf and send it with a threat of invasion written in Fadklanm.” Chrysalis explained, knowing her councillors knew well how to ensnare both words and sounds within the ancient Changeling language of ‘fire blood.’ Migyaf inhaled deeply and nodded at Chrysalis, who took that as her agreement.

“It shall be done Queen Chrysalis. If you have no objections, my blood will personally be the catalyst to properly convey the reality of the threat.” Nro spoke up, offering his full service as the last of the Adaman Bloods, a race of Changelings whose blood was the most potent for using the ancient Changeling arts, including Fadklanm.

“I would very much appreciate that Nro. Simply do not use too much of your blood. It is too valuable to not have with us during the attack.” Chrysalis thanked Nro, offering him a gentle smile as well.

The Changelings showed minor shock at Chryalis differentiation from her normal demeanour, but each hid it not long after and flew off, intent to perform their latest task well for their queen.