• Published 23rd Feb 2012
  • 15,735 Views, 27 Comments

Spike's Apology - SmegAndTheHeads

A sort-of short story about Spike during Sweet and Elite.

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Chapter 1

Spike’s Apology

Note: This is a short story, meant to take place during and after the events of ‘Sweet and Elite’, focusing on the whereabouts of Spike.

The early evening sunshine laid itself down on the citizens of Ponyville, and today was a day for celebration. Today was Twilight Sparkle’s birthday, and her friends had gone to Canterlot in order to prepare for her party. She had to come back to Ponyville quickly to tie up some loose duties she had left unfinished and to pick up Spike. But everything in the library wasn’t all cheerful, as an argument had broken out between the two.

Twilight called out to Spike, “For the last time, Spike, I do not get panicky in a tight schedule!”
Spike replied, “That is the lie of the century, Twilight! You remember the time where you thought you were going to be sent back to Magic Kindergarten for not sending a letter to Princess Celestia?”
“Spike, that was one time!”
“One time, ONE TIME?! Alright, remember Trixie, when you thought your friends were going to hate you for showing off your magic to stand up to Trixie?”
“Spike, I wasn’t getting panicky.”
“No, but you were getting worried like you are now, aren’t you?”
“Spike, please, this is no time for this! I’ve been so busy making sure that everything goes under way, and I don’t want to argue any more like this!”
“I know, but I’m making a point!”
“Well, I don’t WANT you to make a point!”
“I can make all the points I want to!

They were now in each other’s faces, their noses literally touching. Spike was right in the sense that Twilight tended to blow things out of proportion and panic, but she didn’t want Spike to be this angry at her.

Twilight shouted, “I just think you’re becoming unruly!”
Spike replied, “You panic too much, Twilight. This is a time for you to relax, and you’re not making this any better!”
“Neither are you! I was hoping to take you along to the party, but if you’re going to be at my throat, I might just not bother!”
“Fine! Be that way!”

Spike said nothing else and stormed off in a huff. He walked up the stairs and slammed the door behind him. Twilight said nothing and checked that everything was in order, and left in anger.

Spike walked to his bed and sat on it, muttering angrily to himself.

“It’s just not fair. Twilight always get panicky whenever she tries something new and she blows things out of proportion. I should’ve proved my point, but we just got angry at each other and accomplished nothing. The thing is I’m right. Twilight always makes mountains out of molehills, and she always gets into a worry whenever something like this happens.”

Spike sat on his bed some more, thinking about what the situation accomplished, which was nothing. It just made him more bitter thinking about it, and decided to clean up a few books which were strewn about the library. Spike got off his bed and picked up the books, climbing up the rolling ladder and placing them in their correct shelves.

As he cleaned up the place, Spike let the situation sink in. He had never gotten Twilight this angry before, and he never planned to. It was his fault for bringing up the situation matter to begin with. He just said casually that Twilight panicked when she had to do something new, and she took it the wrong way. He didn’t think much of it, being the fact that he proved his point, not to a great ending, but he proved his point. Spike’s anger started to turn to worry, but he shook it off, thinking of it as nothing.

Then he remembered something, something that struck him hard. He looked at the cupboard resting beside his bed, and walked towards it. He opened it up and pulled out a cake in a box he tied up. It was custom made at Sugarcube Corner, and he made the box himself. He put it down, trying not to make the matter worse. He got out a gift he picked out himself. A ruby necklace he bought with a large deposit of money he saved up. His worry turned back into anger, thinking of what he had done. He also saw the banner he made, and pulled it out.

It read, ‘Happy Birthday, Twilight!’ The banner was a creamy-brown colour, and the words were painted in black. He looked at the banner, thinking of the argument that passed earlier. The banner was a symbol of his hatred that flowed through him. It was like the banner was mocking him, never to be used now.

Spike said to himself, “Stupid banner... This banner represents the fact that I blew a great surprise I had for Twilight.”
He looked at the banner, and heard mocking laughter in his head.
“Shut up...”
The laughter grew louder.
“Shut up...”
The laughter grew louder with each passing second.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!”

He eventually let his rage out and grabbed the banner, tearing it up in the process. He tore the banner into large shreds, to make the laughter stop. The laughter eventually started to die down as he tore up the banner in his rage, but the echoes still rang in his head. When the banner was no more that large slivers of paper, he sat down and started to cry, clutching his head in depression. He looked around, his eyes getting puffy with his tears, and clambered onto Twilight’s bed. He sat down, letting out his depression in quiet sobs. He wanted to reassure himself that it was going to be alright, but nothing could cheer him up now, nothing in the world.

He looked at the bedside table, and saw a picture frame. It was a picture of Twilight and Spike, standing beside each other, with smiles on their faces. His tears stained the plastic window of the photo, and started sobbing again. He had never gotten into an argument this heated before, and thought this would shatter their friendship they’ve held so dear to them. To him, Twilight was everything in his world. She was the only one he has to call family, and he treasured her and loved her not like a friend, but as her son.

He held the picture close to him, and said, “Oh, sweet Celestia, what have I done?” His sobs became wracked and depressed, lying on the bed holding the picture close to his heart. He thought of all the wonderful moments they had together, such as what happened after the gala with the rest of his friends, the incident with Owlowiscious, and his birth. He had so many fond memories, and he thought that this argument could end all their happy moments. Now he was the panicky one, and he had to do something about it.

Getting off the bed, he picked up the torn up banner pieces and placed the pile downstairs. He went into the basement and got a large piece of black fabric, some glue, and a gem box he kept, and settled it beside the pile of banner scraps. He always wondered what the glue was made of, but that wasn’t important for now.

He laid out the fabric horizontally, and pasted some banner pieces on the fabric. He got the banner pieces and started to spell out some words. Spike worked late into the night, and the banner was eventually finished, and now Spike could put the next part of the plan into place.

He ran back upstairs and got the cake and the gift. He brought it down and placed it above the banner, and placed some candles in the cake, and lit it. Spike knew that Twilight would be home soon, so he decided to wait for her, to surprise her and apologize for his rude behaviour.
Spike said to himself, “Alright, this should satisfy her. Now all I’ve got to do is wait for her to come back.”

Spike waited and waited, but Twilight did not come back. He stood there for a while, and eventually sat down, somewhat downtrodden. About an hour had passed, and there was no sign of Twilight, and the candle had started to melt, just barely lit. It was 11:30PM, and Twilight had still not come back. Spike felt his heart drop like a stone, and felt that his work was all for nothing. Twilight wasn’t going to come back, and he had waited too long for her.

He buried his head in his hands and sobbed, defeated by his efforts. He stood over the banner and let his tears drip onto the banner pieces, staining them. He felt truly depressed, tired, and frustrated, and walked upstairs, weeping quietly. He sat on Twilight’s bed, looking out the window. All hope was destroyed, and his friendship had come to an inevitable halt. All was lost.


Outside the library, Twilight was walking down the pathway back into Ponyville. She looked somewhat saddened by today’s events, and stopped when the library came into view. She sighed at what she was going to expect, and had no longer felt angry, but upset that she argued with him. He was right. She does panic a lot, and wanted to set things right. She walked towards the library door and opened it up.

Twilight quietly said, “Spike, are you awake?”
She closed the door behind her, to no response.
She called out again, “Spike? Are you here?”
She looked at her dress she was wearing, and then looked at the tiny candle light glowing, walked towards it and stopped when she felt fabric on her left hoof. She used her magic to light a lantern and bring it towards her, and she saw what she had stepped on. Her breath hitched when she saw the banner.

The banner she had stepped on was the creation Spike had made. The banner was covered in his gems, sparkled under the lantern light and the banner-made words read, ‘I’m Sorry.”

She looked at the cake barely lit and the present sat beside it. Her heart warmed up and felt a sudden sting when she inspected the banner. She looked closer at the letter ‘Y’ and saw some tear stains on the banner pieces. She noticed that the banner was made from another banner he made earlier, which may have spelt out ‘Happy Birthday, Twilight.’

Twilight could feel some tears of her own forming as she admired the banner and the work put into it. She now knew that Spike waited for her, and her lateness drove him away.

She said to herself, “Oh, Spike...” and began to cry, thinking what a horrible mother she had been towards him. She heard some crying upstairs and listened. It was obviously Spike, and it sounded like he wanted to say sorry. Twilight picked up the gift with her magic and climbed the stairs up to her room and looked at her bed. She saw Spike perched on the left side of the bed, quietly weeping.

She climbed up the stairs, and said softly, “Spike?”
Spike sniffled and turned to Twilight, replying, “Twilight? Is that you?”
“Yes it is. Are you alright?”
“No, I’m not. I’ve been a horrible person today Twilight.”

Twilight felt another sting in her heart, and sat beside Spike, settling the present beside her.
She asked, “It’s about today, wasn’t it?”
Spike nodded, looking away from Twilight.
Twilight said, “Spike, I know how upset you are, and... I just wanted to say that you were right.”
Spike sniffled again and replied, “I was?”
“Yes, Spike. I know you wanted to call me out, because I do have a tendency to panic, and I took it the wrong way and you got in on my face about it.”
“I didn’t mean to... I was just angry.”
“I know, and it’s alright. Everypony has arguments over the silliest little things Spike, and today was no exception.”
“But, Twilight... I thought that the argument meant it was over between us... I thought you were late back because you didn’t want to see me.”
“No, of course not, I just had a small incident at the party.”
“Really, what was it about?”

“Well, Rarity had gotten connections with some of Canterlot’s finest, and she attended a garden party with them, which was on the same date as my birthday party. She swapped between the two and wanted to uphold her position, but we decided to gatecrash it.”
“Oh dear, how did that turn out?”
“Better than expected. Rarity apologized for her behaviour, and she still friends with the attendees, but it was afterwards that really brought me to apologize.”
“What happened?”
“Well, it was shortly after we left Canterlot—“


Over the night sky of Canterlot, a chariot was being carried over the city towards Ponyville, manned by 2 Pegasus guard ponies. The chariot contained Twilight and her friends, save Rarity, who had to stay there one last night to tie up some affairs and gather her stuff.

Rainbow Dash said, “I’m telling you, that was one AWESOME party!”
The rest of the girls cheered in agreement.
Applejack replied, “Well, it’s not usual that gate crashing a large party such as that would give off a better reaction than expected.”
Rainbow Dash added, “At least we didn’t get thrown out.”
Fluttershy raised a hoof and replied, “But, we kind of were, weren’t we?”
The girls said nothing, remembering that they were.
Pinkie Pie said, “Still, what an awesome party. I didn’t know how it couldn’t be any better.”
Applejack replied, “Yeah, too bad Spike couldn’t come though.”
Pinkie Pike replied, “Yeah, shame he had to work. He would’ve really enjoyed it.”

Twilight then turned a deep red, hoping that no-one would ask her about Spike’s whereabouts.
Applejack said, “Twilight? Is there something wrong?”
Twilight stammered, “N-no. It’s just... It’s just...”
Fluttershy replied, “Twilight? Is there something you’ve been keeping from us?”
Twilight sighed and said, “Look, I’m going to come clean. Spike didn’t have to work today.”
Rainbow Dash replied, “What? Then, where was he?”
Twilight said, “I uninvited him after we got into an argument.”
Applejack gasped and said, “Twilight, how could you do that?”
Pinkie Pie added, “Why was he banned?”
Twilight replied, “We argued about the fact that I get panicky about something I’ve never done before or I’m on a tight schedule.”
Rainbow Dash replied, “Well, you do, don’t you?”
Twilight added, “Yeah, but I was trying to defend my case.”
Applejack replied, “No offense, Twilight, but you do get worked up over nothing at times.”

Twilight was shocked to hear such comments from her friends. She was getting somewhat worried now.
Fluttershy said, “Well, you remember Trixie, when Twilight thought she’d be showing off when she stood up to that Ursa Minor and Trixie?”
Pinkie Pie added, “Yeah, that wasn’t showing off, that was putting her in her place, AND saving Ponyville.”
Twilight said, “That was what Spike said, but I—“
Applejack butted in and said, “Look, Twilight, we’re just sayin’ that you took something the wrong way, and Spike wanted you to calm down.”
Twilight said nothing and sighed, saying, “Maybe you’re right, girls. I’ve been a bit harsh on him, and he was right to call me panicky.”
Applejack replied, “I think the best thing to do is to go home an’ apologize. It’s the least you could do, Sugarcube.”

Twilight looked down at her dress and said, “Yeah, I suppose I should.”
Applejack slung her hoof over Twilight and said, “Yeah, come on Twi. Show him you really care about him!”
Rainbow Dash added, “Come on, he’s everything to you, Twilight. Show that you love him!”
Pinkie Pie said, “I couldn’t imagine our circle of friends without him. He’s done a lot for you, Twilight.”
Fluttershy said, “Twilight, he may be a baby dragon, but he means a lot to us. He’s very grown up for his age, and he helped you find friends and settle into Ponyville. He’s the closest thing you’ll have in your life, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled again and said, “Okay, girls. When I get back, I’m going to apologize.”
The girls all smiled and gave their appreciation. Twilight saw Ponyville come into view. The chariot rested on the ground and they all got out. Twilight saw the library in view.
Applejack turned to her and said, “Well, we’ll see you later, Twilight. Make Spike proud, Twilight.”
Twilight nodded and walked towards her library, her friends watching as she walked towards it.


Spike added, “So, our friends wanted you to apologize to me?”
Twilight said, “Yeah, and they were right. It was a silly argument.”
Spike started tearing up again. “Twilight, I thought you were still going to hate me when you came back, and I just wanted to say how much you mean to me.”
Twilight started getting teary-eyed as well. “Spike, you’re going to make me cry now...”
“I mean it, Twi. I really wanted to surprise you today as well. But when we argued, I knew it was over.”
“Was that banner you made created from another banner?”
“Yeah. I tore up the old one in a fit of rage, and it was stupid of me to do so.”
“Yeah, Twilight?”

Twilight took off her dress with her magic and said, “I know we haven’t had our great moments in the past, but I just want you to know, that no matter how many arguments we get through, I will still love you.”
Spike looked up at Twilight and said, “You do?”
“I love you SO much, Spike. You’re my first friend I could cuddle up to, someone I could share my life with. You grew up with me with a smile on your face, and a bond that would never break.”

Twilight sat back on the bed and put her hoof on Spike’s shoulder.
Spike said, “Twilight, I knew from the start that we would be friends. We’ve had our moments and I do get upset that one day, we will no longer be together... But I want you to know how much I love you. You’re everything to me, Twilight. And I never EVER want that to end.”
Twilight wiped her eyes and said, “I love you Spike.”
Spike smiled through his tears, hugged Twilight closely and said, “I love you too, Twilight!”

Spike wept into Twilight’s chest, and she smiled, holding him close. She lay on her back, her head resting on the pillow, and Spike cuddling her close. Spike laid on Twilight’s chest, burying his face into her fur, as Twilight ran her hooves over his back, embracing him.

Twilight lifted up Spike’s head and said, “Spike, is there anything I could do to make it up to you?”
Spike thought for a moment and said, “I can’t ask for another party, as that would just be selfish of me.”
Twilight cut him off and said, “Spike, if you want another party, that’s fine. I can do anything to make it up to you.”
Spike thought for a moment and said, “Can you Twisty Tail promise me something?”

Twisty Tail promises were actually quite important to the two, as they had done this long before Pinkie Pie Promises came into their lives. It’s done by twisting the tails of the two people that want to make a promise, and they break the twist once the promise has been set into place.
Twilight smiled and wrapped her tail around Spike’s and said, “Alright, what’s your promise?”
Spike said, “Never stop loving me, Twilight.”
Spike kissed Twilight on her snout and smiled at her. Twilight smiled and said softly “Consider it done.”
Twilight returned the kiss and untwisted her tail from Spike’s tail.

Spike then said, “Twilight, do you want to open the gift I got you?”
Twilight sat up and brought the gift to her with her magic. She opened it up and saw the ruby necklace resting on a small velvet cushion.
She picked it up and said, “Spike, it’s beautiful. Where did you get it?”
Spike replied, “I saved up a bit of money and got it at the jeweller’s. It’s not much, but it was the only thing I could get that would suit you.”
Twilight put on the necklace and looked at it. She replied, “I love it, Spike. Thank you so much.”
She gave Spike a kiss on his nose and a hug. Spike returned the hug and laid back down with Twilight.

As Spike rested his head on Twilight’s chest, Twilight added, “Spike, do you want to do something fun tomorrow?”
Spike replied, “Sure, what?”
“I was thinking about going kite-flying tomorrow. Do you want to do that with everypony?”
“Sure, that sounds great.”

Twilight giggled and held Spike close. Twilight had a mischevious thought and said, “Spike, are you sleepy yet?”
Spike replied, “Not really, why?”
“Just wondering, so I can do this.”

Twilight started running her hooves across Spike.
Spike asked, “Twilight, what are you doing?”
His speech was cut off by her tickling Spike’s belly. Spike couldn’t do anything but laugh as ran her hooves around his body. Spike managed to break free and run her hands around her body, sending her into a laughing fit. Twilight retaliated and tickled underneath Spike’s tail, pinning him down. Both were in hysterics as they tickled each other. Eventually they rested, their laughter filling the room. They embraced each other and laughed themselves to sleep.

Spike drowsily said, “Twilight...”
She replied, “Yeah, Spike?”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”

Twilight planted another kiss of Spike’s head and held him close to her chest. She stroked Spike’s head as he fell asleep.
Once he had dozed off, she whispered to herself, “Spike, no matter what happens; you’ll always be my best friend.”
Twilight kissed Spike’s head once more and fell asleep. She used Spike’s soft snoring as a lullaby, and cuddled him close.

The End

Author’s Note: Another Story done! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did making the story. Any comments and criticism is appreciated.

Comments ( 27 )

Nice one here. Though I have to ask how come Rarity didn't hear about this? I expected her to be there as well.

when i saw "hooves around his body"
i was like
-sees the rest-
Oh...your lucky

I liked this story. it was a good quick-read and seemed pretty cannon (except for the tickling part, but that may just be my filthy mind at work). Favourite'd, Thumbs-up'd.

D'awwwwwwwwww :heart:

Awwwww that's so sweet( and not elite)

Darn it, Spike doesn't see Twilight as a mother. Aside from the master/servant relationship they have at times they pretty much speak/treat one another like equals (something not possible in a mother/son relationship).

I felt that in the early half Spike was suffering a bit too much, but I felt a little better by the end.

:moustache: Watching them interact after the makeup was very touching.

251244 She stayed in Canterlot at the end of Sweet and Elite, if I remember correctly.

253505 Well, I'm not a great writer, so there may be a few character breaking moments.


And that sums up this story!

254887 Well I sort of expected her to hear about Spike not being there, and that she give her own two bits on the whole fight thing.

255026 Well, as I said in the story, Twilight said she had an argument on the chariot home, and not when she was at Canterlot. Since Rarity stayed at Canterlot for the night, she wouldn't have known about it. I could've added in a bit where someone voiced for her opinion since she wasn't on the chariot, but ah well, what's done is done.

255031 Fair enough I guess. Not a bad fic overall, and it is a good explanation as to why Spike wasn't at Twilight's party.

Oh yeah! Spike wasn't at Twilight's party! Why is that? I'm just gonna say this happened. :pinkiehappy:

Epic work bro, love the story :) :moustache::twilightsmile:

Seem to have something in my eye..:fluttercry:

*sniff sniff* why does it have to end in tears:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

Very nice, sweet slice of life story.

Of course, Spike does have a point, given that Sweet and Elite does take place very shortly after Lesson Zero anyways.

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