• Published 23rd Aug 2013
  • 6,810 Views, 651 Comments

Sweetie Belle Gains a Soul - Bad Dragon

In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.

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10 - Alive?

Stiffness. All over my body. Dryness in my throat. I couldn’t even feel any saliva.

I pulled in my tongue, closed my mouth and opened my eyes.

A big muzzle above me uttered a raspy laugh, “Kekeke-ahh-ha-HA!”

I gasped then sighed with relief right after when I noticed the stripes. “Zecora?” No, something was off. I've never seen a smile that big before. The face lifted, and I could see it whole. I gasped again.

It was a zebra, but it wasn't the zebra that I knew. I yelped at the sight of a stranger above me. The fang-infested mane was red; the same color as her twirling eyes. They danced around as if she wasn’t able to focus on just one thing at a time. A nose bone protruded out from her nostrils. She was adorned with many necklaces, each bearing a different kind of skull.

Her head cocked as she gazed at me. “Convenient poppet, for the dreaded soul a bucket! E-hehe! And even had you expired, for my personal usage your soul would not be required. Your bones are tiny and sweet, I could make myself a hefty treat.” The rattle of her bony mane filled my ears as she reached out to me.

I slid back on the table and dodged the approaching hoof. It wasn’t okay for me to talk to strangers, let alone have them touch my body.

The scary zebra picked up a cup from the edge of the table I sat on and offered it to me. “It is a brew of many ingredients, it will replenish your lost nutrients. This tea should give you some much needed might, though likely not enough to outrun the night.”

Zecora came into my view. I opened my eyes wide as I looked at her.

“Do not fret, what she offers is not a threat. I myself have made the tea, there is no reason for you to flee.”

I grabbed the liquid from the strange zebra and brought it to my mouth.

When I tilted the cup, the liquid just gushed through my gulping hole all by itself. The tea was hot, but I had no problem drinking it. I didn’t even have to swallow. It emptied after just one sip.

Zecora opened her eyes to their full extent as she gazed at me. Her mouth was ajar.

I didn’t know I could drink without swallowing. She was apparently surprised at that, just as I was. I smiled at her.

After tilting back her head, she pressed her eyebrows together as her upper lip lifted above her teeth.

I raised my eyebrows as I looked at her.

Zecora groaned. “Thy life's plight was quite dire, your soul nearly had expired. Xerath’s aid I sought, lest thy fellow ponies with anger and sorrow here be brought.” She faced away from me. “But now dark forces work within your horn. You, of the potion consequences I did warn! I wish in regards to you I could chose inaction, but you forced me into a wicked interaction.” She looked back and thumped a hoof against the floor. “I've contacted the tart and helped her restart your heart; but from here on, it's time for you to play your part. Avoid dark usage or pay the toll, evil magic is not a toy for a foal!”

I didn’t really pay attention to Zecora’s riddles because my horn was what really mattered to me. Looking up, I observed the slick cone. It was there, alright. Yet, it seemed different, somehow. Bigger?

It was fine. No, it was more than that. What I felt before me wasn’t a mere accessory like my tail or mane. It wasn’t just attached to my body. I was connected to it with my being as if there was a soul there. It encompassed me like the roots of a tree embrace the ground beneath. When I looked up, the corners of my mouth drifted back into a grin. It was complete. I was made whole again.

“Inserted now is the mole in your soul,” said Xerath. “No longer imprisoned; he’s now on parole. His power in renewing you played the main role. With your frail body augmented you’re now more than whole.”

I caressed the bony surface with a forehoof. The presence of my horn felt gratifying. I guessed it was because I had broken it that I started to appreciate it so much more.

Xerath placed a hoof on my forehead. “Your horn was centered by the ghost, at least for that assistive host.”

Zecora jerked her away and drowned her out. “The horn now needs its time to heal! In magic usage you should not deal. A weak, at least, must pass, I feel.” She wagged at me with a hoof.

“Whaa...” I opened my eyes wide as I looked at her. So much rhyming in such a small span of time overwhelmed me.

Zecora sighed. “Xerath saved you from permanent death. I thought that would acquit me from my regret.” She bowed her head. “But the consequences could present an even greater threat.”

Xerath nodded in agreement. “Consequences there will be, that is why I brought this book for you to see.” Whispering “Klaatu Barada Nikto” under her breath, she leaned sideways to her saddlebag and slowly pulled out the black, distorted tome. Her eyes half-closed when she laid it on a hoof. “Necronomicon contains the magic used, but it should not be reproduced!” Her eyes fixed themselves on me for a second before jerking around again. “Read it only to learn about the magic effect, so that the negative changes you can detect.”

Zecora knocked the book off Xerath's hooves. “It is forbidden, evil magic, that is known, it's why out of Zebrabwe you were thrown.”

Bones rattled as Xerath shook her head. “Zecora, don’t be absurd, evil is quite sloppy of a word, your view of necromancy is too blurred!”

“What you touch is what you taint!” Zecora struck a hoof on the floor. “If there’s any redemption in you, it’s too faint.”

Xerath narrowed her eyes as she looked at her. “You brought me here, do not forget. I also saved you from an awful threat. Townsfolk would be most upset, had they learned the filly draws no breath. It’s on you that her life you failed to protect.”

Zecora bowed her head and stood there for a moment in silence. Suddenly, she swung her head around and looked into my eyes. “You must prepare, take care, and stay your course, else your life will take a turn for worse. This entity is able to corrupt your soul, don’t pay it heed in your life at all, and make avoiding it your goal.”

Xerath raised her voice at Zecora, “Ignorance is not the way to go. It can only lead her into woe! At the start, corruption is limited in its effect, but it’ll spread fast if left unchecked! She still has her primal soul, she could learn to stay in control.”

“She’s a little filly, innocent and weak, what you’re suggesting is too bleak.” Zecora leaned both forehooves against Xerath and pushed her away from me. “Pony love and friendship is the way, such positive things should keep it at bay. Doom can only spread when exposed to anguish or betrayal. Ponies are good folk, that’s plain to see”—she placed a hoof on my cheek and looked into my eyes—“alone with your terror, they won't let you be.”

“Zecora, your solution is not bright.” Xerath shook her head, filling the cabin with the rattling of bones. “In time you'll see that I was right!”

I lifted my head so I could see the weird zebra whole and not just her wrinkled face. The soggy, striped coat hung from her body, tightened only at her flank where a crumpled saddlebag was strapped. Her back was covered in scars, running flat along her torso. They made the upwards black and white stripes look as if they were saws.

She stopped at the door and our gazes caught. Her eyes hinted at the book on the floor before she shoved it under a broken wardrobe. The foreleg she used to push the tome was bandaged. There was a bright stain of blood on the patch, indicating that the wound was fresh.

When I looked up at her, she smiled and winked at me. “If you need some help, then seek it out, you will need it, I’ve no doubt!”

Zecora raised her voice, “We are done here, you may leave!” She bowed her head. “Just depart from here and let me grieve.”

“There’s more to this than what you think. By denying them, the effects won’t shrink!”

“Xerath, thanks for helping me, I’d lose her were it not for thee, but she’s okay now, as is plain to see.” Zecora pointed a hoof at me. “Out of danger, safe and sound, despite the corruption we have bound.”

“I do still strongly disagree, but despite that I’ll let you be.“ Xerath opened the door of the hut. “Even though by you not wanted, I’m free—no longer haunted.” She looked back, smiling. “I’m off to be alone. You’ve helped me more than you will know.” Her head lifted high as she moved forward. “I’ve fulfilled my part of the deal, to peace and quiet I can now appeal.” The door swung shut behind her.

Zecora still eyed my horn. A tear drifted down her muzzle. She lifted my head with a hoof. “Forget the witch for she is mad.” She turned toward the door. “If she's gone for good, then I am glad!”

I sat up on the wooden table and noticed that I was inside the red circle.

“You're not the same, but you'll be fine, goodness in you through darkness shall shine.”

The strange symbols drawn within and without the messy circle were also new to me. They were of sorts that I’ve never seen before.

“Your innocence will keep the bad abate, pony's love and friendship will prevent its hate.”

I looked at the mess in Zecora's hut. It was like seeing the aftermath of a Pinkie Pie party, just much, much worse. The shelves were mostly bare with only a few melted candles stuck on them. Potions and pots that had occupied the shelves lay broken on the floor. Liquids and ingredients mixed and formed strange patterns on the planks. The mirror in the corner lay shattered, glass pieces strew all over the hut. It looked as though those two partied hard while I slept.

I faced Zecora to ask her about the mess, but her head shied away.

“Xerath and me—we went overboard beyond extremes—” Her voice broke as she looked at her bandaged foreleg. A red stain leaked through it. “What she had me do, I wouldn’t dare think of even in my wildest dreams!”

It all made sense to me at that point. I had been to one of Pinkie Pie’s parties, and I knew how they worked. There are rules that need to be followed or the host will have a bad time. The most important one is that every breakable item should be removed before a party starts. My parents followed that rule at home all the time, even though we didn’t host many parties. After I visited the Carousel Boutique a few times, Rarity adopted that percussion as well. Zecora clearly didn’t know about the rule and was sad because most of her things got broken in the midst of the festivities.

There might have even been cider involved. It would excuse all the damage in the hut and explain why they had been rhyming nonsenses since I had woken up. They had probably also done some mature thing while I was asleep. That would account for Zecora being ashamed to talk about it.

My skin itched. I felt as if I was covered with a spider web. Yet, there was nothing on my plain old coat. Well, except for all the dirt, but that was nothing unusual.

The ominous feeling persisted. It was as if my own skin touched and poked me. I scratched my hip with a forehoof. My body was almost numb to the touch, but I did sense a bump beneath the coat.

I leaned in and took a closer look. There was a piece of glass stuck in it. I carefully clenched at it with both forehooves. It didn’t even hurt as I pulled out the intrusion; a little pinch was all I felt.

Zecora leaned back as I showed her the red glass on my hoof. Her reluctant hesitation was weird because it was very obvious what she should do next. Wounds should always get bandaged. That’s why everypony who knew me always kept bandages at hoof’s length. I knew that first-hoof since I had injured myself in many houses throughout Ponyville. Rarity, for instance, had a whole drawer of them at the ready just for me. I blamed her evil cat Opal for most of my wounds. Zecora had it even worse because she had to put up with Timberwolves, so she must have had an extra-large stash of bandages. Surely she could spare one of the smaller ones for me.

Yet, her legs stayed fixed as if they were nailed to the floor. She just stood there and gazed at me with a blank stare.

I laid the glass on the table. Leaning back in, I tried to find my injury so I could poke at it. There wasn’t any blood on my coat that would guide me to the wound. I brushed through the hair on my flank with a hoof, but I couldn’t locate it. Maybe it was just a skin scratch, after all. The glass I pulled out of it was quite big, though.

Zecora shook and gasped as I raised both forelegs in her direction. Clenching her teeth, she jerkily drew closer but froze just before touching me.

I pressed my buttocks together and took a leap of faith toward her.

She intercepted my flight and abruptly laid me on the floor. After taking a step toward the wall, she observed me with her head leaned back.

My limbs seemed to drag when I tried to move them. I also felt dizzy.

“The magic used must not be shown because to judgment pony folk are prone, centuries of narrow-minded isolation, ignorance in them has sown. Your broken horn as a secret must stay. If the change in you is shown, you’ll feel the burden as a dray.”

Her eyes half-closed as she gazed at the table with the red circle drawn on it. “What transpired today nopony must know.” She kicked a leg of the table, snapping it in two. “My dark veracity hatred from ponies toward me would draw.” She kept hoofing at the old wood, breaking it apart into smaller pieces. “They don’t trust me as it is; if they find the truth, I’ll have to whizz”

Distress was evident in her voice, and it scared me. I didn’t understand what got her so spooked. Sure, some stuff got broken during the celebration of my saved horn. But that’s what stuff does. It gets crushed. Usually, a bit less stuff gets shattered when I make an effort not to break it. The table was one of the few things which wasn’t damaged much. She should be happy that at least something stayed whole, not angry at the surviving furniture.

I figured that she probably didn’t like the circle on the wood. Maybe that’s why I wasn’t allowed to draw on the walls at home. We’d have to tear down the whole house if the pictures wouldn’t be pretty enough.

Zecora pointed toward the door. “You should go while there is still light.”

My shaky legs swayed me to the exit. I wasn’t feeling like myself yet, but Zecora seemed to think I was well enough. I trusted her judgment. Despite that, I hesitated a bit after opening the door.

“You do not want to wait for night.”

I'd rather see if she escorted me home since I wasn’t in my top shape. Things just seemed off a bit, and it wasn’t merely because of the aftermath of the party. I couldn’t quite point a hoof at the wrongness; I just didn’t feel like my usual self at the time. Then again, it could have very well been the world that was off. Thanks, Twilight! Messing with reality again...

Zecora collapsed in a corner and buried her face in both forelegs. “Go, Sweetie Belle, just let me be, this excuse for a zebra tonight no pony should see. I'll rid of the evidence, tracks leading to me, but the memory of my actions never shall flee.”

I felt uncomfortable seeing her so unhappy. She wanted me to go away, but it didn’t feel right to just walk off like that. “I'll see you around, okay?”

There was no answer. After I stepped outside, I slowly closed the door behind me.

I looked to the sky and sighed. It wasn't daytime anymore. I could already see the stars, but it wasn't a full night either. There was still some light on one part of the sky. Yet it was fading fast.

Zecora warned me not to walk at night in the forest. I thought of asking her if I could sleep over until the morning. My hoof stopped just before touching the door. The image of Zecora wailing inside forced itself on my mind. She probably wouldn’t be happy if I came back in. I knew I wouldn’t be if I were upset with something. Even Rarity didn’t have the nerve to disturb me in my room whenever I got emotional. Zecora had stated plainly that I should leave her alone. Besides, I had enough problems on my own hooves.

The sight of dark silhouettes among the old trees made me gulp in fear. I had only been in Everfree Forest at nighttime once and it was scary. The daylight was in its last glints, and I was wasting the last flickers of light by just standing about. Yet, I found it hard to move from the spot because I shuddered at the thought of walking the shady path alone in the night.

I trotted forward on the path toward Ponyville, looking up at the stars through the mist. My body tensed ever more, and I needed some calming down. Since there was no grown-up available to give me attention, I figured I could please myself, instead. There was a time when darkness would terrify me to the point where my tail would start to shiver. Whispering a song before falling asleep had always brought me some comfort. I’ve been told multiple times not to sing at night because it presents a distraction to me and the world around me, but getting my mind away from all the scary shadows in the forest was exactly what I needed. Under the influence of the rhyming bonanza in Zecora’s hut, I tried to draw inspiration from those two rhymers to compose a happy song about the night sky. I had always been quite proficient in making them up.

I heard something behind me and the rhymes just flowed from my mouth by themselves.

I hear strange sounds behind my back
it sounds like a clamorous laugh

That wasn’t the inspiration I was hoping for, but I had to work with something. It was probably just Xerath amusing herself while strolling back to wherever she had come from.

With growing scare I'm going home
I’m afraid I'm not alone

That didn’t cheer me up at all! I felt as if I was being watched. I tried to focus on my first idea. A happy song about the night. Thinking positive was the key to beating my fears.

The night is scary dark and deep
From a distance I hear a shriek

I quickened up my pace to get away from the ever-louder noises that sounded like barking.

The shadows grew ever longer. It felt as if they were stretching from the trees and reaching out to foil my escape.

Shadows are dancing toward me
I ask myself if they can see

There was something more than just the darkness about. The fog formed all around me, creeping onto the path I walked on.

I never have believed in ghosts
But now I see them on the roads

Destructive force is following me
I fear this night is last to be

Growling-like sounds behind me got louder.

Panic grabs me I look behind
I feel loud beating of my heart

The bush, I had just passed, moved! I broke into a gallop in the opposite direction leaving the path behind me.

Begin to run begin to hide
I just want to save my life

It's not a dream this nightmare is true
I don't know where I'm running to

I was out of my breath and had to stop singing. For a moment I sensed a light among the trees. Perhaps it was coming from Ponyville’s public lighting? The trees seemed to be getting smaller and sparse. Most of the surrounding growth was just shrubs and bushes. It looked as if I was nearing the edge of the forest. In the distance, I saw the light again. There was an opening in front of me. Two trees guarded it with a big bush standing between them. I knew I could make the jump if I had more speed.

I pushed on harder. When I neared the bush, I jumped, but my hooves slipped a little on the moist leaves. I spread both hind legs so they wouldn't entangle in the bush, but I was still flying too low. The upper part of my thigh got hit with a branch, making me yelp in pain. Luckily, I still had enough momentum to make it across. Just before the impact, I extended both forelegs to ease my crash. A hoof graced the earth. My head and body followed along, rolling me onto my back I slid on the grass until I hit a molehill.

I was finally clear of the evil forest. The bush behind me shook. I didn't wait to see what caused it to move. I just launched myself on all four and limped toward the Ponyville lights as fast as I could.

I came to my house, I don't know how
They didn't catch me, I'm all right now

It was time for some happy last rhymes to end the song on a good note.

I step indoor, turn on the light
Yet nothing happens, it's still dark

I see movement in the next room
I hope It's not my final doom

In the darkness I look twice
But still I see their glaring eyes

The screaming voices in my head
I'm not prepared for bloody death


“Sweetie Belle, is that you?” Daddy put both forelegs from the window down onto the floor. With his mouth, he slid a match across the table and lit a lamp with it.

“Please, tell me it isn’t true!” Mommy ran to me and squinted her eyes as she gazed at my horn. “Could it be? Has Nurse Redheart lied to us? Oh, let it be so.” She shuffled my mane to the side. “My sweetie still has it!” She stroked my head as she turned to daddy. “She still has it!”

“I has what?” I asked.

Daddy smiled as he approached. “You still have your horn! Nurse Redheart ran throughout Ponyville all afternoon long, convincing everypony that you broke it.”

“She also claimed you tried to pee on Twilight’s lawn,” Mummy added. “That should have been our first clue not to trust her. I should have known my Sweetie is decent enough not to do that again.” She ruffled my mane.

He continued, “Nurse Redheart even organized a search party to find you. We chose to believe her and helped her out. Ponies who came to us were directed to the places you usually hang out at. Of course, we’d join them if we could, but somepony had to stay in the house in case you’d come here. And you have indeed come home!” His hoof joined the stroking party on my head. “I’m glad to see you unharmed.” He lightly poked at the bony part of my head and focused on it. “Nurse Redheart claimed your horn was literally detached.”

Mommy sat on her tushy and placed both forehooves on my cheeks. “We were so worried about you! You weren’t at any of the usual places, and we even had Big Mac check Winona's doghouse.”

I neighed and whipped with my tail left and right. “That was just one time!” My cheeks warmed up, and I shuffled a foreleg on the floor. “It looked comfy...”

“Well, you weren’t there, either,” she said. “So, where were you all this time? Why didn’t you come home after school? What happened to you?”

My mouth opened to blurt out everything that went down that day, but Zecora's warning dawned on my mind. I didn’t want to disappoint her trust after seeing her so sad. By distorting the truth a little bit, I could fix everything. It was just going to be one little innocent lie. “My horn is fine.” There! Nothing to worry about anymore.

“If that is so, then why did Nurse Redheart claim you had it torn off?” Daddy pursued the issue.

“I—pranked her?” I said instinctively.

“Why would you do something so naughty, Sweetie Belle?” Mommy slid back and stood on all fours. “You had us worried sick! And why didn't you come home after school?”

“I—was hiding?”

“From whom?” daddy asked.

“Nurse Redheart?—In case she got mad—because I pranked her?” I was pleased with myself. That lie sort of made sense.

Dad turned to mummy. “I'll go call off the search.” He took his hat off the hanger and adorned his head with it. “You get her to bed and make sure she stays put.” He lay down the lamp from his hoof and opened the front door. “I'll fix the light tomorrow. It’s probably just a burned out bulb.” He closed and locked the door behind him.

“Come, Sweetie Belle. You look exhausted.” Mommy waved me up the stairs.

“I am.” I trotted up behind her.

“Do you want me to bring you something to eat?”

Despite not having eaten anything since school had ended, I didn’t even notice being hungry. It was when she said it that I felt the emptiness of my stomach. My lips retracted from my teeth. “I guess I’m starving a bit.” I put a hoof on my belly to dampen the rumblings.

I followed her to my room and jumped in my bed.

She tucked me in and put a hoof on my chest. “Don’t go anywhere, you hear? I’ll be right back with a cabbage salad.”

I nodded and leaned back my head. So much had happened in a span of a single day that I couldn’t keep up with it all. I could have tried to make sense of everything, but shutting down my brain felt easier. Nothing mattered, anymore. I finally felt safe enough to rest for a bit. My body got number by the moment. Both forehooves just dropped to the sides and I was gone.

Author's Note:

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