• Published 23rd Aug 2013
  • 6,800 Views, 651 Comments

Sweetie Belle Gains a Soul - Bad Dragon

In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.

  • ...

25 - Endemic

A voice came from a distance, “I’m back.”

I opened my eyes and jumped on all four legs. “Whaa...” Books surrounded me from all sides. It wouldn’t be the first time I woke up out of my room. In the past, my sleepwalking had led me to even stranger places than a library… Looking down, I saw the boring book and the memories came back to me. “Oh…” I couldn’t blame this one on being displaced.

Twilight stood by the door, rubbing a towel around her face. “So, how is your reading coming along?”

I wiped my drool from the book’s cover. “I’m done with it.” Floating it up back to the table, I walked up to the shelves to choose an actual book.

She raised her voice. “No, you’re not done with it until you read it whole!” Engulfed in a purple aura, the book floated back to me.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at her. “May I get another book now?”

“Tell me, what are the elements of friendship?” Twilight asked.

“Um, Responsibility? And, er…”

“No, responsibility is a duty of an individual within a civic structure.”—She pointed a hoof at the book on the floor—“Which is something you are also lacking, along with most of everything else that you didn’t bother to read!”

“But it’s getting dark and you’ll want to throw me out of the castle. I won’t be able to borrow another book and then I won’t be able to learn about magic in school.”

“You’re always welcome to come here, even after the closing hours, if you can get your parents’ permission. No pony with a book fetish gets thrown out of my library—I can promise you that. As for reading in school, I don’t think Cheerilee would approve of you paying attention to anything other than her class.”

“I read on school breaks,” I said as convincingly as I could, so she would drop the issue.

“How come you don’t play with your friends during breaks anymore?”


She focused on me. “You know, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo,”—she half-closed her eyes—“Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara.”

“I’m not a Cutie Mark Crusader anymore. I don’t need others to help me with what I want. As for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they’re just mean bullies.”

“Are they now?”

“They enjoy hurting others just because they have the power to do so.”

She sighed. “I see... Read your book now. Maybe there’s something in there, like kindness for instance, that you can apply toward them besides your projections.”

“I doubt it.”

Her head shook. “I had a period similar to yours, Sweetie Belle. I thought that I didn’t need any friends. But I was wrong. You’d be surprised, how much other ponies can help you out if you just open up to them.”

I sighed and opened the book on the first page. “If you don’t mind, I need to hurry up with this, or I won’t be able to read it by the end of the day.”

“You definitely won’t be able to read it whole today, but you sure can read a few chapters. This time tomorrow you might be done with it, and then you can get another book of your choice.”

Doing that wouldn’t be fast enough. I wanted a book that would make my classes interesting, not even more boring. “Hmpf.” I looked at the book. It wasn’t that thick. I hoped I could just quickly suffer through it.

“Friendship is something that ponies have an intuitive understanding of. It’s not uncommon to see toddlers form intimate connections with each other, even before they learn to form sentences. By understanding the core principles of friendship, one can deepen one’s relationship with fellow ponies…”

I sighed. So boring…

“While you read, I’ll inform your parents where you are, so they won’t worry about you.”

“…Without the guidance of friendship, an individual can turn destructive toward others and oneself…”

“Spike, isn’t all this mess making you ache, to clean it up?”

“I’m sure it aches you even more since it’s your smut, to begin with.”

“Fair enough. I’ll re-shelve the books myself, but before that, we need to write a letter to Sweetie Belle’s parents…” They both moved to a room connected to the library. It was probably where they kept their writing equipment.

As soon as I gave the book in front of me an angry look, an idea struck me. Why would I try to memorize the content of a boring book if I could just read the answers out of it?

I levitated the book with one channel then launched more channels along the first one, sliding them between the pages. It became a part of me. I felt the book from within and without; the leftover of my drool on the cover, a wrinkle on the first page and more. There were countless soft, inky shapes strapped to the paper. When I closed my eyes, I saw the letters that the magic painted in my mind: Friendship is something… I could read the text! And I didn’t even need my eyes for it. All I had to do was focus the endpoints of my channels, and I felt out the written words.

Twilight walked from the side room. “Your parents know you’re with me.”

“I’m ready to borrow a new book.” I slowly opened my eyes and grinned at her.

“No! Our deal was that you read the book I gave you.”

“I’m done with that book. I want to get another one now.”

“There’s a difference between reading and shuffling through a book. I thought I already made that clear.”

“I didn’t shuffle through it. The whole content of it is at my mind’s reach. There’s no need for me to waste more time with it. You can ask me something from the book if you don’t believe me.”

“Look, you’d have to have a photographic memory to read the book in such short time frame. From anecdotes your sister told me, you have anything but. Reading takes time and patience—”

“—Prove me wrong if you can!”

“Fine… What are the elements of friendship?”

“Um…” I closed my eyes and focused on my spread out channels between the pages. Elements… Elements, where are you…

“Well?” She raised her voice.

My channels seemed to shuffle through the pages as if they had a mind of their own. They ceased shifting at the second half of the book. I focused and saw the answer in my mind. “Kindness, loyalty, generosity, honesty and laughter. When the five elements are ignited by 'The Spark' that resides in the heart of us all, they create the sixth element. The Element of Magic.”

“You—recited it…”

I opened my eyes. “I can tell you everything that this book says. There’s no reason for you to abuse me with it anymore. Can I borrow one that’s cool now?”

She smirked. “One does not simply recite a book, but let me humor you.” Her smile turned to a grin. “What’s on page 42.”

That one was easy, I just had to shift my focus on that page. “… and to mutually benefit from it via sharing.

“The further benefit of extending friendship to those that significantly differ in personality arises from the very divergence. Though the inner concordance may be harder to achieve, the overall functionality of a group of friends is higher than one of the same minded individuals.”

Twilight opened her eyes to their full extent. Her mouth gaped.

“Are we done? Can I borrow another book now?”

“I… I guess you can…” she whispered, looking to the side with raised eyebrows. “Could it be that we’ve all underestimated you thus far?”

I floated the lavender book toward the table of equally boring books.

She cringed as it fell on the lavender pile. “You can still keep the book I gave you, Sweetie Belle.”

“Nah, I’m good.” My horn glowed darkly. Eyes closed as if by themselves. The channels spread out and caressed the books on the shelves all around me. I could feel the letters on the covers and read them just by focusing on the symbols that the magic painted in my mind.

Twilight spoke, “So, um, Sweetie Belle, since you didn’t like my book, what kind of reading material would you like? Given that you’re already quite—versatile with basic magic, I don’t think that’s an area that needs most of your attention.

“To be honest, as thrilled as I am that you want to learn more about it, I’m also a bit concerned.”

I opened one eye and glanced at her.

Twilight rose a hoof and talked to it, “The increase in magic potential and mental capacity could be indicators of a neurological restructuring.” She sat down and the second foreleg joined the first one in the air before her face. “Then again, one should never be held back by somepony’s unproven speculations. The recent change in behavior could just as well be a consequence of increased enthusiasm...”

I raised an eyebrow. “Huh?”

“Sorry, I was thinking aloud again.” She stood on all fours. “Just tell me the subject you’re interested in, and if it’s appropriate for you, I will get you the book that presents your chosen field the most fully.”

“This one should do the trick.” A book floated in front of me. I wasn’t even sure where I pulled it out of.

Twilight read the title, “The Inner Mind.” She looked at me. “ Is this really the book you want?”

I shrugged my shoulders while my head nodded.

“Well, it’s a very good book if you have anxiety problems. Do you?”

I shrugged my shoulders again as my mouth opened, “I desire this book!”

“The author is a neuropsychiatrist. She goes into various technical details on the inner workings of the brain and meditation techniques. I’m not sure you’ll be able to understand everything that’s in it. However, if this is the book you want, you can borrow it freely. Though foals aren’t its target audience, there’s also nothing that could be considered ‘mature’ in it.”

“I want it!”

“Yes, you already said that. Here you go. Don’t hesitate in indulging yourself fully with it.”

Twilight’s nostrils widened when she whiffed at the air and yelled in the direction of the adjacent room, “Spike, your cookies are burning! Again!”

The book slid into my saddlebag. “See you tomorrow, Twilight.”

“On it...” Spike sighed.

I telekinetically opened the door to the hallway and stepped into the black fog.

Twilight trotted behind me “I’m glad to see an increased interest for books from you, Sweetie Belle.” She turned back to the library and yelled, “I didn’t start the fire; I’m not putting it out. Not this time. It’s your mess. You fix it!”

“Yeah, yeah!” A grumbling noise came from the library. “On it...”

She calmly turned back to me. “I am, however, curious, where the sudden shift in your interests originates from.” She coughed.

Spike ran out of the library to the opposite side of us. At least that’s what it sounded like. I couldn’t see anything through the dense smoke in the hallway to confirm what I heard.

“Are you sure you aren’t aiming for a librarian cutie mark, after all?” She gurgled and coughed some more.

Waving a hoof before my face cleared the smoke just enough for me to spot the exit. I telekinetically pulled the knob of the door. When it opened with a creak, I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with fresh air. “It’s not even about the cutie mark anymore.”

“What is it about then? The fun of learning?” She loudly swallowed as she slightly nodded at me.

I shook my head. “I was stuck before, and I plan on breaking out. Gradually, I’m gaining control.” I walked outside the castle.

Twilight shuddered and stopped in her tracks. “Um, Sweetie Belle… Just a hypothetical question. What if I told you that you may not come here anymore?”

“I’d come anyway. You have no authority over me. Nopony does!”

“Sweetie Belle!” Twilight banged a hoof on the castle’s door.

“What?” I half-turned my head and looked at her with only one eye. “Do you think that just because you’re a princess you can boss other ponies around?”

“Of course not! But there are limits that shouldn’t be crossed, Sweetie Belle. Our whole system is based on protecting pony kind, and I’m entrusted to defend the local pony population and society at large. If you try to break it, the system will break you back!”

“Rules are what we make of them!”

“No, that’s not true…” Twilight bowed her head to the ground.

I turned forward and trotted on. Her whole argument was invalid and pointless.

“Sweetie!” Twilight yelled from the front of her castle.

I kept on walking without turning back.

“If you’ve ever trusted me, Sweetie Belle, trust me now. Lie low for a bit. Keep your head down. Don’t stir up anything else anymore, and things will calm down eventually. Just stay out of trouble for a while, okay? Please!”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Princess!” I yelled into the air as I shook my head and laughed. “You’re not the boss of me. Nopony is. Not anymore.” I kept my pace on the path. My shadow on the pavement before me, formed by the firelight from the castle, grew larger with every step I took away from Twilight.

Author's Note:

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