• Published 23rd Aug 2013
  • 6,810 Views, 651 Comments

Sweetie Belle Gains a Soul - Bad Dragon

In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.

  • ...

27 - Consequences

I levitated up Twilight’s book about meditation in the air and closed my saddlebag. After shaking the adventure pack off my back, I shoved it under a bush by the castle’s entrance. I didn’t want Twilight thinking anything was off. It would just make her ask pesky questions about my baggage, and that wasn’t what I came for.

Surprisingly the castle’s door was unlocked, despite the early hours. I walked to the library entrance and peeked inside.

Among the towers of books, the lavender Alicorn lay on her back with both hind legs spread apart. The tousled tail was wedged between them, covering her tummy. Twilight’s forehooves rested on her chest as both wings spread on the floor. A familiar red tome floated above her head.

With a hind leg, I shut the door to get her attention.

“Huh?” The light of her horn faded as she looked at me. The book fell on her face. “Ugh!” She flapped her wings against the floor rolling herself to a sitting position catching it on her forehooves.

“You okay, Twilight?”

“Yes, I’m perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with me!”—She charged her horn again and levitated the book behind the other red books on the top shelf. Rolling herself over, she scrambled up on all fours.—“I sometimes prefer to read while lying down. And just so you know, it’s not weird at all!”

“I didn’t say it’s weird.”

“You didn’t say it because there’s nothing to say about the way I spend my leisure time. It’s not weird and neither am I for indulging myself in the matters of diversity from time to time!”


“Twilight, you’re weird!” came Spike’s voice from a neighboring room. “And so too is the letter you made me write.”

She sighed, put a hoof between her eyes then glanced at me. “What happened to your biorhythm, Sweetie Belle? Mornings used to be a calm before the storm, but lately you’ve made them your own.”

“I woke up early,” I said simply.

“Well, I can’t really complain about the disruption of my routine. It’s actually a nice change of pace. Almost nopony comes here, despite my working hours spanning from noon to dawn. It can get a bit lonely in this dull place, especially since Starlight Glimmer went on the chronic friendship mission. At times, I wonder if I should even be coming to my own residence. Perhaps I could be more useful elsewhere, yet, the map keeps showing me my cutie mark around this very castle. It’s as if I’m supposed to be stuck in this cage of a home.” Her eyes spread wide. “Wait—I’m expected to be here, but you’re not! Today is a school day. Will you be late again because you came?” She clenched her teeth.

“The school bell hasn’t even rung yet.”

“Oh... Um... Okay then.” She nodded, but her face remained stif. “We better keep our ears perked up. Cheerilee and the others wouldn’t want to see more deviations from you.”

“I’m gonna need another book. I’m done with this one.” My charged channels floated it to her.

She closed her eyes as she sniffed at the covers. “Mmm. Since so many moons ago, it still smells as fresh as grass.” After snatching it with her channels, she glanced at me. “Have you tried the relaxation exercises described in it? They worked wonders for me when I had a rough time.” Extending a forehoof, she slowly exhaled, demonstrating the breathing technique.

She then turned back to the book. It rotated in her magic field. Her eyes half-closed as she focused on the back cover.

I swallowed my saliva and took a step back.

“Sweetie Belle!” A judging gaze pierced me. “What have you done to it?”

“I fell.”

“It has grass stains all over...”

“I fell on it on the lawn.”

“I entrusted you with the book in hope that you would take good care of it.”

“It’s just a book.”

“And you’re just a reckless filly who can’t even be trusted to preserve a book.”

“I’ll be more careful next time, okay?”

“Will you? Will you, really? I very much doubt it. I’ve seen what you did with the precious book that I’ve previously lent you.”

“What?” I raised my eyebrows

She telekinetically ripped a book out of a shell and abruptly stopped its flight in front of my face. “Tell me; what is this?” The scribbled pages opened in front of me.

It was the book about magic types I’d read in school the day before, with all my corrections intact. “I fixed it,” I said proudly and extended my neck, so I could see Twilight behind the covers.

“This was my favorite one, Sweetie Belle!” She thumped a hoof against the floor. “The book was a gift from Celestia after I passed her personal open-mindedness test when she tutored me. I took such good care of the precious… and you—ruined it!”

“It’s better now!”

“I remember you being more responsible than this.”

“I’m respons able. In fact, I’m responsing right now.”

She gazed in my eyes “What happened to you, Sweetie Belle?”

My sister had always called me irresponsible. Yet, there was Twilight, implying that I had been actually more responsible before. I wished past Rarity could have heard her say that. If she knew the future sister I would become, she’d be grateful for past me. Knowing that things would only get worse, Rarity should have commended me instead of resorting to regular scolding. I smiled at the uplifting thought.

Twilight sighed. “I’m sorry, Sweetie Belle, but I can’t lend you any more books.”

I pressed my eyebrows together as I looked at her. My teeth were clenched because I didn’t like what I was hearing.

“You can still read them, but I won’t let you carry any of them from the library. Now, you really should hurry to school. If you happen to be late again, please don’t say it’s because of me. I have a bad reputation as it is. Everypony left and right is trying to find fault in me lately.”

Just when I was about to protest, a knock on the door interrupted our argument.

“Ugh! What now?” Twilight snorted. “Come in!”

There was no response.

“That’s odd” Twilight shuffled the book back on the shelf as she approached the library’s exit.

A note slipped under the door. I could hear hoofsteps of somepony running away.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I have no idea.” She levitated up the bent note.

After glancing at me, she raised both eyebrows. “Aren’t you going to school?”

“Mom said that she’ll tell miss Cheerilee that I’m sick.”

“Is that so? Now why would your mother say something like that if there’s nothing physically wrong with you, I wonder.” Twilight spread the paper before her muzzle and shuffled her eyes left and right. “Oh, my!”

“What does it say?”

She kept on reading.

“Can I see it?” I raised myself on the hind legs and leaned both forehooves on Twilight’s shoulder as I tried to stretch my neck far enough to read the note.

Twilight’s eye glanced at me then focused right back on the text. After a sigh from her, the field that levitated the note collapsed, cramping the paper into a compact wad. The ball slowly spun around its axis while Twilight stared at it motionlessly.

I cocked my head from curiosity and dropped on all fours. Twilight’s posture seemed to be frozen in time. I stepped under the floating paper orb to check the expression on her face. It was blank. She just stared past the rotating white ball in an undefined distance.

“Since I don’t have to go to school today, I’m staying here. You don’t mind, do you?”

Her gaze was fixed on the wrinkled ball. After some time, her mouth finally moved while her eyes glanced at me. “Do you think I’m a bad influence on you, Sweetie Belle?”

“Well, you do get in my way sometimes, but if you fix that, I’ll have no problem with you.”

She sighed and turned to me. “Do you really think I’m holding you back, Sweetie Belle? Is that the way you see me? As an obstacle in your path? And what is that path of yours exactly?”

I stiffened my body and tilted my head. Up to that point, she’d been manageable, but it sounded like she was about to get into my business. I half-closed my eyes as I tried to rate the threat.

She leaned back her head. After biting on her lip, she glanced to the side and took a deep breath. Her eyebrows pressed together. A moment later her eyes popped wide open again and a grisly smile forced itself on her face.

“I’m sorry, Sweetie Belle! That was—mean of me.” She leaned forward. “I’m just, um, jealous that you can do things with your magic, which I didn’t even dream of when I was your age. But I don’t want to limit you. I, actually, want to help you out. How about we join forces. Instead of standing in your way, I’ll support you from now on. What do you think about that?”

“You’d do that?” A grin snuck itself onto my lips. “If you join me, no obstacle could stand in our way; we’d be unstoppable! Even Princess Celestia couldn’t hold us back. Nopony would dare to oppose us.”

Twilight crumpled on her behind. She clenched her teeth and talked to both forehooves. “I wish they were right, and I really was the sole problem. If that were the case, I could just remove myself from the picture, and everything would get back to normal. I wouldn’t have to deal with this responsibility. The bad isn’t going away by itself, though, is it? This disturbance has to get fixed, and it’s my duty to do so for the future’s sake. If I will have failed to prevent the threat before the turning point, bad things will fester from then on.” The paper ball before her burst into flames. “I know what must be done. There is no other way.” Her horn dimmed as the ashes fell to the floor. “It seems they’ll have their way, after all...”

“Who are they? What are you talking about?”

Her gaze shifted toward the room connected to the main library hall. “Spike!”

His eyes peeked from behind the doorway.

She stood up, spread her legs and spoke loudly, “That letter that we wrote earlier—the weird one I told you we wouldn’t be sending… Send it!”

“Twilight, are you sure?”

Her head lowered. “Oh, how I wish I wasn’t...” Her head jerked up. “But I am! The future depends on taking the necessary actions. This is the last chance for preventive measures. I can no longer ignore the signs. If I don’t act, things could spin out of control beyond my ability to contain them.” She sighed. “Do it, Spike. Send it, now!”

That was odd. Just when I was making progress with Twilight, she opted to ignore me. I shifted my gaze to Spike. “What letter?”

Spike turned around. “Sending it now!” He shut the door behind him.

They were secretive about something, so I walked toward the room Spike disappeared into to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Twilight raised a hoof in my path. “It’s just a letter. I sometimes write letters in advance, as a contingency plan, so I can send them instantly if the situation calls for that. I don’t want you to worry about it, though.”

The sound of erupting flames came from the neighboring room. “So, what was the occasion for sending this letter, then? What did you write in it? Who did Spike send it to?”

She looked away from me. “Some ponies hope for a better future. I’ve seen what horrors a future can bring. I was forced to watch them over again and again. Hope alone is not enough to stop horrendous things from happening. That’s why I don’t hope for a better future anymore—I plan for it.” She turned to the side room and yelled. “Spike!”

He slowly opened the door and peeked out.

“Go. Now!”

Without a word, he left the library, shutting the door behind him.

I half-closed my eyes as I looked at her. Something was amiss. I could sense a devious agency in the air, but I couldn’t quite put a hoof on it.

Twilight turned back to me and sighed. “Not all possible futures are good futures. Some have the potential to be very bad.”

“What are you on about?” I asked.

She walked toward the chalkboard that hung on one of the walls. A chalk, engulfed with a purple aura, levitated up. “Imagine that this is the predicted timeline with an assumed bad outcome.” She drew a line from left to right with edged waves from the middle point on. The waves grew steeper toward the right end of the line. “Then, if you were to change one variable early on, you could alter it.” She crossed the right part of the line and drew a parallel straight line leading from the middle of the first one.

“What’s any of this have to do with the letter you sent?”

“I wrote a request for intervention to—an organization, which has—helped me in the past. It’s what they specialize in. Helping... They will attempt to make a better future for somepony and everypony around her.” She gulped her saliva and looked away. “They will take over from where I have failed.”

“And what was in the note that you crumpled and burned to ashes with your magic?”

“It was an indication that help was needed.”

“Something needed to be done and you had some ponies do it. Seems like an obvious choice to me.”

“Believe me, Sweetie Belle, it’s one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made. Heavy is the crown I wear… Yet wear it I must!”

“You’re not wearing any crown.”

“Perhaps I should in order to remind myself of the obligations I bear.” Her muzzle stiffened, but she forced it into a bitter smile. “But that’s quite enough about my tedious princess’s duties. There will be plenty of time to justify myself after. I said I won’t hold you back, and yet that’s exactly what I’m doing now... I presume you came here for books. Take your pick. Any book you like. It’s the least I can do for you at this point.”

“Um… I don't suppose I could borrow that book from the bearded dude for a little while, do ya?” I pointed at the shielded book in the corner.

“Over my dead body!” She put a hoof before her muzzle and gasped. “Umm… I’m sorry about that.” Her horn glowed and the barrier around the casing glowed with a purple tinge as it thickened. “Even at this time—especially at this time, that book has to stay an exception.” The barrier pulsated at the rhythm as if the beats of a heart were supplying it with energy. “It’s irreplaceable and very dangerous in the wrong hooves. I can’t risk it.” She pointed a hoof at me. “But you can have any other. Even the mature ones that I didn’t want to lend you before. They’re back on the top shelves. You can help yourself to any book you like. I’ll be out of your way, preparing to make a future a pleasant place to live in.”

“Princess’s duties?” I smirked.

“You could say that...” Twilight sighed and levitated down a black book from the top shelf. With it in her field, she retreated herself to the corner of the library.

I tore my gaze from the book behind Twilight’s shield and smiled at all the forbidden knowledge on the top shelves, ripe for the picking. Not knowing where to start, I walked around the room, focusing mostly on the biggest tomes.

Twilight placed her book on the bookstand and opened the pages in the middle. After shuffling back and forth through them, her pupils dilated and ears perked up as she read in silence.

I tried to focus back on a certain big tome I had my sights on but felt an urge to sate my imminent curiosity first. What was it that caught Twilight’s attention in the book? I walked toward her and asked, “What ya’ reading?”

She sighed. “I want to brush up on a particular spell. The future depends on me being prepared.”

“What kind of spell?” I glanced at the drawing of channels, weaving in spirals to form a spell. “Maybe I could learn it, too.”

“As far as I remember, you don’t view this branch of magic manipulation to be useful. Loads of work with only one purpose: to produce as little effect as possible. Specifically, this book is about barring brute magic. I want to confirm that I haven’t forgotten anything about the practical applications. Cutting channels midway is pretty straightforward, as you’ve experienced first-hoof twice already. Containing charged endpoints, on the other hoof, is bound to be substantial to a much higher degree. Even for a pony of my stature, it will be a struggle. In more ways than one...”

I heard a noise coming from the hallway and so too did Twilight as I concluded from her peaked ears.

“Sweetie Belle, you will soon find yourself in a situation that might look threatening to you.”

I half-closed my eyes as I glared at her. It was ominous how she changed the subject.

“I want you to know that it’s better if you don’t get spooked. In the end, things will turn out for the best and in time you will be grateful for our intervention. I understand that you don’t fully trust me, but know I’ll be there for you. I’ll help you out in every step of the way, I promise.”

Twilight talked a lot but wasn’t saying much. I remembered Rarity acting that way whenever she tried to dodge a question. I pierced her with a suspicious look.

She sighed. “I’ll give it to you straight, Sweetie Belle. Things aren’t alright. Far from it. Your escapades haven’t gone unnoticed. The ripples you’ve caused are taking major effects.”

“My escapades?” I asked

“Using magic with the intention to hurt ponies is very bad, Sweetie Belle. You shouldn’t have done that.”

“Is this about what I did to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon? ”

She nodded in silence.

“I should have known they wouldn’t keep their mouths shut.” They had been the ones who started it. “Those two meanies shouldn’t have even touched my bag. They deserved what they got!” I had just been protecting my stuff. “When did you learn about this, anyway?”

“I’ve known it since right after it happened. It’s a small town; rumors spread quickly. Everypony knows what you did. You’re out of control, Sweetie Belle; can’t you see that?”

That couldn’t possibly be right. “For the first time in my life, I’m in control!”

“You’re abusing your powers.”

“I’ve always been treated like a filly. I’m sick of it!”

“But you are still a filly.”

“It stops now! I’ll make it big; you’ll see. I’ll show everypony there’s more to me than what they thought and that I’m not just some foal they can push around. I’ll show them all!”

“It’s my fault…” She bowed her head. “I let it get this far. They wanted to react sooner, but I convinced them to back off. I thought I could reach you. I hoped I could show you that you can belong, despite being different. Friendship is much more important than you think, and I wanted to prevent you from making the same mistake I made when I was young. There was never a need for you to distance yourself from everypony.”

“What do you mean? They wanted to—react sooner? React how?”

She looked at me with teary eyes. “I’m sorry, Sweetie Belle.”

“Sorry for what, exactly? What’s going on?” I spread out all four legs, crouching down.

She took a deep breath and charged her horn. Facing the exit, she yelled, “You can come in now!”

The door opened and two ponies burst into the library. Spike peeked behind the door frame.

I swiveled one ear in their direction but still kept one turned at Twilight.

The shorter brown Earth pony glanced at the tall gray pony and exclaimed to him, “Guard the door!”

In response, he quickly nodded back and took a position under the doorframe. He was a Unicorn, yet there was a stump where his horn should be.

The Earth pony smiled at Twilight. “Hello again, Twi! I trust all has been well with you since we last saw each other.”

Her body cringed in response as her head shied away.

“The world is still standing; that’s a positive sign. No doomsday machine in your basement counting down the time, I would hope.”

“Not at this time in the current timeline, no.” She scratched the back of her head with a forehoof.

He turned to me. “Misses Sweetie Belle, I presume? I’m Binder Strap, and this is my assistant Cast Achiever.”

The brown Unicorn with black stripes slowly raised a forehoof in the air and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say hi.

Binder Strap turned toward him and raised his voice. “My assistant doesn’t talk too much!”

Cast Achiever slowly put down the leg on the floor and bowed his hornless head.

Binder Strap turned back to me. “We came to help you, young Unicorn.”

I tensed my muscles. “I didn’t ask for any help!”

“We’re here to protect you and the defenseless ponies in your vicinity. Calm down now, and we’ll take care of everything. Just let us do our job, and nopony will get hurt unnecessarily.”

“If the control of magic doesn't come from within, it has to come from without,” added Cast Achiever.

“Twilight, you just talked about helping me? Are you a part of this?” I narrowed my eyes as I looked at her.

“I know you feel threatened, Sweetie Belle, but I assure you, we only want what's best for you. The letter I had Spike send out... It was a call for their assistance. I had thought that I could help you myself, but I was wrong. I see this now. It had been way too optimistic for me to think a filly like you could control the power of such magnitude and use it responsibly. You need professional help, and they are professionals.” She wiped her eyes with a hoof.

“Horn abuse is not a valid magic use,” said Cast Achiever.

“You think my parents are just going to let you do this?”

“Sweetie Belle… Your parents suggested it in the first place. They were considering the procedure after you bullied your classmates. I managed to talk them out of it then, but after you attacked your parents this morning, you left them no choice but to go forward with it. They’re afraid that the order could get disrupted again and they’d be judged and forced to take the blame for everything. The idea of moving again because of a bad apple in the family is not a pleasant one for them. They’re willing to do anything necessary to prevent the tragedy in their past from reoccurring.”

“How do you know what went down this morning?” I asked

“The note that was slipped under the door—it had your dad’s hoofprint on the bottom. Your parents just want the old Sweetie Belle back.” A tear drifted down her cheek. “We all do.”

“No! They’d never do that! You lie!” I targeted her with my horn and launched out my channels.

They disintegrated as soon as I extended them.

“If one is spoiled by a gift then one is better off without it,” Cast Achiever spewed out.

I looked up at my charged horn. It glowed, but the aura was overlaid with another layer. The top halo was smooth and—purple. It must have been Twilight’s magic at work! I should have seen the signs. She had charged her horn, just before the two ponies burst in the library. And before that, she had been reading a book about magic cancellation. There was a clear purpose behind revising the blocking spell. She had intended to use it on me from the start. The traitor was a part of it all along!

“I won’t let you do this to me!” I bent and stiffened my hind legs. I pointed my horn toward Twilight and leaned forward, prepping myself for a jump into her.

Something hard hit me on the back of my neck. I crumpled to the floor under the force of the blunt impact. With every passing moment, my vision tunneled more. Darkness encroached toward the center of my vision.

“Hey!” Twilight yelled. “Was hitting her really necessary?”

“She was a danger to herself and everypony around her. Just let us do our job, Twi!”

“If you abuse it; you lose it…” The bowing of the gray pony’s hornless head was the last thing I saw before my eyes rolled around and consciousness ceased.

Author's Note:

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