• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 519 Views, 3 Comments

Ponyville Friendship Letters - destinedjagold

It seems that everypony in Ponyville are now given a chance to write a friendship report to either the Princess of the Sun or the Princess of Friendship. Hey, everypony learns something new, if not everyday, then every other day?

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Friendship Report From Jay [OC]

Dear Princess Celestia,

Yesterday was the first time that I joined the annual outing of the company where I work. And boy, have I learned a thing or two from that experience.

First, I rediscovered that I was somewhat good in volleyball. It's been decades since I last tried playing that. I think the last one was during P.E. back in high school.

Second, always remember to stretch and do warm-ups before doing any heavy physical activities. Ow... My body's aching all over...

Third, there's a chance that a drunk coworker will bite your leg. The pain wasn't helping me in that weird situation, but I at least was able to stop myself from hitting him. But I think it's mostly because I have absolutely no idea how to handle that situation I was in. At least he apologized when he got somber enough. Eh, it was all in good fun anyway. I hope.

Fourth and the most important thing I learned was to have fun. And boy was it fun.

Well, maybe I should end my letter here. Thanks for reading this, princess.

Your little pony, Jay.

Author's Note:

Dear Princess Celestia,

As Jay walked out of the friendship castle, a thought suddenly occurred to me. Maybe we can all go have a vacation together. You, your sister, Cadance, Shining Armor, Baby Flurry, my six friends and Spike, too! It'll be fun, I just know it will!

I hope to hear from you soon!

Your faithful stu...erm, your prot...uh...

Okay, Spike. Can you send this letter to Princess Celestia, please? I'm going to start a list of fun things to do in a group vacation! Oooh, it'll be fun! I just know it will!

PS: Hey princess. This is Spike. Could you, uh, tell Twilight not to overdo her 'advance planning'? The purpose of a vacation is to relax and have fun, and maaaybe if things don't follow her list, she might start freaking out...again. Thanks! Spike out.

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