• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 1,058 Views, 33 Comments

Night Rain's Cupcakes - Raidah

Night Rain's number is pulled, but her tongue just might save her skin.

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Night Rain's Number

Pinkie Pie woke up as she usually did on a Wednesday. She got out of bed, and made breakfast. But, she then remembered that it was that special time of the week again! The time when she get her special ingredient for cupcakes. She went to her number jar and pulled out a slip of paper. On the paper in very neat mouth-writing was '115, Night Rain'. Pinkie Pie smiled, she would finally have a friend with her while she worked! She quickly made preparations for her friend. Making sure that all of the knives and such were sharp and clean. She then took one of the cupcakes from the cupboard and poured the sleep syrup on to it. Then, she went looking for Night Rain. For today was going to be fun!

Author's Note:

Well, I guess I couldn't help myself could I? I just HAD to put Night Rain into 'Cupcakes' didn't I? Don't worry, nothing bad will happen, yet.