• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 1,058 Views, 33 Comments

Night Rain's Cupcakes - Raidah

Night Rain's number is pulled, but her tongue just might save her skin.

  • ...

Keeping Their Trust

Rainbow and Night Rain were walking along in Ponyville, minding their own buisness.

"So Night Rain..." Dash began, trying to spark up a conversation. "I noticed you were a little uneasy yesterday after my... you know. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing." Night Rain replied, trying to keep her cool.

"Come on Night, how stupid do you think I am? I know you were spying on me, and I want to know why."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't give me that! You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Night Rain sighed. "Alright, fine. Pinkie wasn't sure that you'd pull through, she thought that you'd crack and let him go and tell everypony in town what was happening. I'll admit that I was a little afraid of that also, but I'm not the one who started all this, I know how hard it can be to... do it. Look, Dash I trust you with my life. Pinkie's the one who thought you were going to let him go."

"So Pinkie doesn't trust me... That's a first." Rainbow said under her breath.

"I'm sorry that we've been lying to you, Pinkie was just worried with you missing all those days that you were supposed to show up for. She thought that you were telling people, and she wanted me to make sure that that isn't the case. You have been keeping our little secret haven't you?"

"Yeah, I haven't told anypony, even though it did cross my mind a few times."

"That's good, because if you did I don't think that it would end well for either of us... You because you told somepony our secret, and me because I'm the one who talked her into letting you live."


"If I told somepony, then I could live with the consequences, but if you did... I'd never be able to live with myself if you got yourself killed."


"Because it's my fault that you're alive."

"I know that, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well I don't really like the thought of losing you, and for more reasons than you think."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dash asked, a questioning look on her face.

"Uhhh... nothing." Night Rain looked away, trying to avoid Dash's gaze.

"Night." Dash stopped Night Rain in her tracks, and forced her to look at her.


"You're trying to hide something from me again aren't you?"

"No, I just..." Night Rain was blushing.

"What is it?" Rainbow was trying to stare Night Rain in the eye, but Night Rain kept avoiding her gaze.

"I uhh... I gotta go." Night Rain flew off, heading nowhere in particular. All she knew is that she had to lose Rainbow Dash before she did anything stupid.

Author's Note:

I'm doing it... This will become a romance type thingy... Between my first OC and Rainbow Dash... :facehoof: Celestia help me...