• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 1,058 Views, 33 Comments

Night Rain's Cupcakes - Raidah

Night Rain's number is pulled, but her tongue just might save her skin.

  • ...

Rainbow's Decision

When Rainbow Dash came to, Night Rain and Pinkie Pie proceeded to tell her what was going on, and Rainbow did not like what she was being told, because not only were her two best friends telling her that they have been killing innocent ponies left, right and center, but Night Rain, out of all the ponies in the world, was keeping secrets from her.

"And so..." Pinkie Pie concluded after several minutes of explaining, "that's why you have to help us, because SOMEPONY doesn't care if we are behind schedule." She shot an accusing glance at Night Rain, who was hanging her head in shame.

Night Rain didn't dare make eye contact with Rainbow Dash, for she knew that there would only be distrust in those rosy eyes.

"Night Rain..." Dash said, her voice monotone. "Night Rain look at me."

Night Rain raised her eyes, just barely making eye contact. But instead of sheer seething hatred in Dash's eyes, she saw something she never would have expected in this type of situation, concern.

"Is it true?" Rainbow asked.

Night Rain slowly nodded, tears starting to well up in her eyes again.

"Well, you can't think that I'm going to just sit here and let myself die can you? Of course I'll help, but only so I can keep Night Rain from getting in over her head. And it looks to me like she already has by negotiating my being set free."

"And her own." Pinkie chimed in as she went to untie Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah..." Pinkie looked back at Night Rain, who was still hanging her head.

After Pinkie finished untying Rainbow Dash, then Night Rain, the trio went outside.

"Since I had to let another harvest go, I have to go pull somepony else. Be right back." Pinkie said as she went back inside.

Once Pinkie was out of earshot, Rainbow grabbed night Rain by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eye.

"Come on night Rain, we have to tell somepony about what's been going on here."

"What? No, Rainbow we can't."

"Why not?"

"Because you know what happens when you break a Pinkie Promise."

"What does a Pinkie Promise have to do with..." Rainbow's eyes widened as she realized what Night Rain meant by this.

"I Pinkie Promised that I wouldn't tell anypony what goes on here, because if I didn't, then I'd have died a long time ago, and there'd be nopony here to save your skin."

Rainbow took in every word that Night Rain said, and was a little more than happy that Night rain had risked her life trying to keep her alive.

"Alright Night Rain." Rainbow Dash said, releasing her friend. "I guess I should say thank you."

"Don't mention it." Night Rain said, relieved that, for now, that Rainbow was on her side. "Now, let's see who Pinkie pulled, shall we?"

Author's Note:

I think that you will like the outcome in a few chapters hehehe...