• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 10,679 Views, 1,738 Comments

Crisis of Infinite Twilights - defender2222

When Twilight Sparkles from alternate dimensions begin popping up in Equestria, it is up to Scootaloo to round them all up and find a way to send them home and retrieve her world's Twilight.

  • ...

Apollo Fury

"Night Light." Twilight Velvet nudged her husband. "Night Light." The stallion grumbled, pulling the blankets a bit tighter around his body. Velvet sighed and, with a violent yank, ripped the blankets from the bed. Night Light curled up a bit, his forehooves searching for his missing sheets. "For Celestia's sake, WAKE UP!"

"Poopie trim," Night Light mumbled, blinking eyes. "Sweet heart, what-?"

"I just woke up with the most horrible feeling," Velvet said softly.

The head of B.U.T.T.S. grimaced. "No... no, it can't be time for that! I track your flow in my calendar and-"

"Not that you idiot!" Velvet snapped in frustration. "I just have this feeling that Scootaloo and her team are in grave danger."

"Is that all?" Night Light asked. He waved his foreleg dismissively. "My love, we've talked about this. Scootaloo is in perfectly capable hooves. She has two princesses, a sea god and our own son with her to make sure she is safe."

"I know..." Velvet said with a sigh, sinking back down onto her pillow. She looked up at the ceiling, as if expecting it to have the answers she sought. "I'm just worried. She is the only one that can find all the Twilights and if she should fail-"

"She's perfectly fine," Night Light reiterated. "Now, get some sleep... things will look better in the morning."

~Meanwhile, in Trotyo...~

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Cadence screamed, waving her forelegs in terror as Twizilla stomped towards them.

“Quick, take your Cyanide pills!” Luna wailed, grabbing a bottle of pills from her bag.

“Those are Tic Tacs,” Shining grunted.

Spike gulped. "I... I have to admit my sins! I stole 20 bits from Cadence's saddle bag!"

Cadence sniffed. "I stole 20 bits from Aunt Luna!"

"I've been making counterfeit bits for years," Luna said sadly.

(And I stole that bit from Family Guy. See, none of us are perfect.)

"Did I get glomped again?" Tydal repeated, trying to shake the cobwebs from his brain. If one were to look closely, they would see little semi trucks spinning around Tydal’s bruised noggin.

"I apologize for striking you," Twilimus Prime stated solemnly. The robot pony turned around, her horn transforming into a cannon that fired off several energy blasts. Twizilla roared, trying to bat away the projectiles. "Obviously that dragon is one of Moonatron's doomsday weapons. Let us just hope that the Great and Powerful Trixscream is not nearby."

"Of all the days not to have my pamphlet!" Spike complained.

"Why are you all so freaked out?" Twiley asked with a huff. "We can so take her!"

"NO!" Scootaloo screamed. "You aren't going to fight that... that thing! I don't want you to die."

"Aw, thanks Scootaloo, but I wasn't going to fight her."

"You weren't?" Shining asked, motioning for the others to join him in hoping into an abandoned cart. Twilimus transformed back into a truck and latched the cart to her rear (which sounded dirtier than it was). Her wheels spun a moment before she darted off, dragging the group away from the rampaging Twizilla.

"Of course not, big brother!" Twiley exclaimed. "I don't need to! We have a secret weapon!" Twiley snatched up Baby Twilight and held her out. "Ok, go and defeat the dragon with your dark chaos magic, little me!"

"...nap time." And with that Baby Twilight shut her eyes.

"I know you're faking," Twiley complained.

"Nope...snore... snore..." Baby Twilight made a grand performance out of pretending to be asleep.

“She’s Discord’s kid, alright,” Spike muttered.

"Well, that is about our luck," Luna mumbled.

"If the other Ponybots were here we might have a chance," Twilimus said. "Their disappearance must be the work of Moonatron."

"Actually you've ended up trapped in another dimension," Scootaloo said.

"Moonatron has truly-"

"Moonatron isn't involved!" Spike snapped.

Cadence began to cry, Twizilla's roars filling the air. "Oh... this can't be the end! There are so many moves in the Pony Sutra I never got to try out! You hear me, Fausticorn, I'm too sexy to die!"

"Me too!" Spike sobbed.

Luna placed Baby Twilight back into her saddle bag. "I have an idea but we need to buy ourselves some time." She looked over at Shining Armor. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"You know what you need to do."

"...hey, I'm not going to fight that thing! You ponies all made it clear the royal guard is a joke but now, when you need help-"

"Not that," Luna said, nodding towards Tydal.

"Oh... OH!" Shining exclaimed. He looked over at the woozy and banged up capricorn. "You can't kill her but everything else... permission granted."

Tydal instantly snapped to attention. "Well well well..." He hurried to the front of the carriage. "Get us near the water, now!"

"Why?" Twilimus said. "Did Moonatron-"

"Geez...one track mind much?" Twiley complained even as Twilimus took a head right and brought them within a block of the water. "Now what?"

"Now you flee as fast as you can," Tydal said, eyes narrowed as he leapt out of the rumbling carriage. "This is going to be FUN!" He tucked into a roll, tumbling off the road and into the lapping surf.

"Why is he leaving us?!?" Scootaloo complained. "He was supposed to save us!"

Spike scoffed. "Apparently the OC-"

"OC?" Twiley asked.

"Oceanic Creature," Shining stated.

"-is all talk," Spike complained.

"Actually he isn't," Luna said, watching the shore as Twilmus pulled them back into the city. "What you see of us divine beings is only 1% of our true power. If we were to show our true forms the world could very well be ripped apart. Nightmare Moon, for example, is my form when I reveal 10% of my true power." Twizilla opened her mouth to let loose a blast of atomic fire, only to snap her jaw shut when she heard a great bellow coming from just offshore. The group themselves looked back, watching as the ocean churned and foamed. "Mares and Gentlecolts... I give you Lord Tydal... at 47% total power."

It would have been wrong to claim that something rose from the water. No, it was the ocean itself taking on a new form. Where once had been a capricorn their now towered a great behemoth. He stood as tall as the dragon, his skin and bones having turned into dark water and black stone. Tydal's head remained the same basic shape, only now his mane seemed to be made of storm clouds. His body had radically been altered, however, and Scootaloo was remained for a minotaur’s great frame. He was bipedal now, his forehooves transformed into hands which were currently clenched into fists. Where his back legs should have been there was a writhing mass of tentacles, each one ending with a smaller version his lead and framed with stone crab claws.

Twizilla let out a roar.

"You dare challenge me, mortal?" Tydal bellowed. "The God of the Sea!" The lord of capricorns rushed forward, punching the dragon in the gut. Twizilla stumbled back, her eyes narrowed in anger before she fired off a blast of atomic fire. Tydal brought his arms up, the water turning to steam as he tried to douse the flames. Not to be outdone, Tydal opened his mouth and sent a blast of salt water at Twizilla. "Is that all? Is that all you try and bring against me? I am the sea... I am the storm!" The sea god raised his hands and lightning cracked in the sky above Trotyo. "I am the mansoon! I am the typhoon!" Several of his tentacles lashed out, grabbing Twizilla's arms and restraining them. "Mine is strength and power and destruction! I AM TYDAL!" A bolt of lightning rushed down, striking Twizilla and causing her to bellow in pain.

"Well, that isn't cocky in the slightest," Spike grunted.

"He's saving our lives, give him a break!" Scootaloo complained.

"Shining," Cadence cried out, "what does the scouter say about his power level?"

"Please don't make me do that joke," Shining whimpered.

Twipool, meanwhile, was clinging to Twizilla's shoulder as the dragon fought against the sea monster. "Ok, while I am the first to admit that this is so awesome, the big battle is getting in the way of the Scootaloo killing."

'If you have a suggestion I'm all ears'

"I'm all toenails!"

"Don't worry, I'm here," Twilight Twilight said dully, leaping up to join Twipool on Twizilla's shoulder. The vampire pony was sparkling in the sunlight, thus making her the biggest eyesore in all the land (and this was a world that had ponies made of friggin' crystals).

"Great, use your vampy powers!" Twipool said with glee.

"Ok, I will," Twi Twi said, staring at Tydal. "You... stop."

The monstrous capricorn punched Twizilla again.

"...do something else," Twipool complained. "Come on, you must be use to people dying because if you!"

"Because I am a vampire?"

"Because you suck."

"Again, because I'm a vampire?"

"...whatever helps you get through the day." Twipool looked skyward and sighed. "Looks like I have to take care of things!" Twipool pulled open her pocket and, rummaging around, finally found a large wooden staff with a big hoop at the end. "Magic staff! Make my Twi Twi grow!"

Twizilla and Tydal broke apart at the vamppony began to enlarge. Twi Twi looked around; even though she was now huge and powerful she still looked like someone had carved her out of wood.

"That water guy took Sweetie Bella!" Twipool called out.

"He... did... what!?!" Twi Twi snarled (though, strangely, even that was with little emotion).

"Use the kaioken!" Twipool called out.

"Kaio-what?" Tydal asked seconds before Twi Twi leapt at him and began to smack him around. Twizilla quickly joined in on the act, firing atomic flames at the sea god.

"Well, so much for that," Spike said dryly as Tydal fought to regain the upper hand.

"Grumpy goat-fish is in trouble! We must assist him, mechanical me!" Sparkle-San declared.

"Well that's just prime!" Twilimus declared, converting back into robot mod. "Allow me to call my armory!" Twilimus turned towards a sidestreet and the group watched as a trailer appeared... a trailer with Spike's face on it.

"Oh come on!" Spike whined. "I'm the trailer?"

"Bwahahahahahaha!" Scootaloo and Twiley laughed.

The trailer quickly transformed into power-armor, which Twilimus donned: a helmet with a larger cannon-horn, chest and leg guards, and metal wings with two jet engines on her back. "Harmony is the right of all sentient beings," Alicorn Twilimus declared. There was a clang and a mouth piece slid over the lower half of her face while two energy swords appeared on her forelegs. "But what is also their right is having their faces ripped off by me!" Twilimus took fly, cannon blasting at Twizilla, allowing Tydal a chance to take on the rampaging giant vamppony.

"My turn," Sparkle-san said, a ring of glowing energy forming around her. The area around her once more became utterly dark as she closed her eyes and bowed her head. "Element of Magic, you are called upon. Make me much strong with very good and noble strength and speed!" She began to spin around, her legs elongating, butterfly wings appearing on her back, and her schoolgirl uniform becoming much shorter and more revealing. "The battle is joined!" She declared, holding out her forelegs; within seconds a samurai sword appeared in them. She drew her blade and a blast of cherry blossoms swirled around her as she leapt up, letting out a cry as she began her attack.

"I could do that but I don't wanna," Twiley said, crossing her forelegs

"Ok, this is just getting ridiculous," Scootaloo complained, watching as the school girl-turned-samuari mage joined with the robot and the sea god in attacking the dragon, vampire, and assassin.

"It is?" Cadence asked, tilting her head. "For Ponpan- hold that thought..." Cadence leapt to the side, a stream of atomic fire roasting the spot where she stood. The princess of love's mane went completely blonde and an aura of energy swirled around her. She narrowed her eyes. "Kamahamaha!" Cadence thrust her forelegs out and sent the blast directly at Twilzilla. "Anyway, for Ponpan this is actually pretty normal."

"Then we must make it less normal!" Luna declared dramatically.

"Please no," Shining begged.

"Please yes!" Cadence begged.

Luna reached into her saddle bags and pulled out several brightly colored spandex uniforms. "Cadence, Shining, Twiley, Spike... put these Super Sentai outfits on." Luna nudged Baby Twilight, the infant letting out a yawn and blinking her eyes. "You get to be the red ranger."

"...yay!" the baby exclaimed before promptly taking a morpher and gumming it.

"Scootaloo, you're with me!"

"Wait, what?" Scootaloo asked seconds before Princess Luna scooped her up and rocketed into the sky. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

"Stop screaming," Luna complained. "You act like you've never flown before."

"I don't fly!" Scootaloo complained. "My dad is an earth pony!"

"That's your secret origin?" Luna complained. "Lame." Landing outside of town, Luna pulled out a dagger flute. "Now then, time to bring out my secret weapon." Scootaloo looked around in confusion as Luna played the tune (which was an instrumental version of Daft Punk), only to let out a scream when a giant metal biped fell from the sky right in front of them. Standing as tall as Twizilla, the robotic being was a polished back with veins of glowing blue running along its limbs and chest. Upon its back were two large, fan-like devices with blades that looked to belong to a giant lawnmower. The 'head' looked like a samuari's helmet topped with a sideways cresant moon.

"Scootaloo, I present my jaeger, Apollo Fury!" Scootaloo, still sitting on Luna's back, let out another cry as the Princess took fly, landing on the jaeger's shoulder and quickly hurried inside. "Put this on."

Scootaloo didn't have time to complain as Luna used her magic to dress the filly in white space-age armor. A helmet slammed down on her head and then, just to make Scootaloo really terrified, she was forced into a strange frame that locked onto her limbs.

"I knew the moment we met that we were flow compatible," Luna said as she allowed herself to be put in the frame. "Now we will share one mind and create something beautiful."

"I... I need an adult," Scootaloo whimpered.

"THAT JOKE IS OVERPLAYED!" Luna laughed and slammed a button with her hoof.

'The Jaeger will activate in 3... 2... 1...'

Scootaloo's mouth opened in a silent scream as Luna's memories flooded her brain.

"THE FUN HAS BEEN DOUBLED!" Luna cried out in glee as she commanded Apollo Fury to join the battle.