• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 10,686 Views, 1,738 Comments

Crisis of Infinite Twilights - defender2222

When Twilight Sparkles from alternate dimensions begin popping up in Equestria, it is up to Scootaloo to round them all up and find a way to send them home and retrieve her world's Twilight.

  • ...

Captain Sparkle

"This way!" Scootaloo shouted, rushing down the busy Canterlot street, zipping under the legs of any pony that might have gotten in her way. They were, luckily, not fighting a panicked crowd, as most in Canterlot were use to chaos happening (in fact, Princess Celestia had begun offering punch cards; survive five Armageddons, get a free sub!). "Come on!"

"Scootaloo, we all know which way to go!" Spike complained. "There aren't that many pillars of magic around!"

"Yeah!" Cadence said, flying overhead. "Just this one and the daily 2:16 one from Luna's lab!"


"Damn Furbys, stop blowing up!" Luna screamed somewhere off in the distance.

“Huh, it was a minute early today,” Shining said, glancing at a nearby clock.

"Dang, I knew I should have stayed on the farm!" Zapapple complained as she shoved jet Set and Upper Crust out of her way.

"You farm apple trees not those of sap, but still I ask you to shut your yap!" Twicora grunted, annoyed with her alternate self and her constant complaining.

"Yeah, Big Me!" Twiley said from her perch on Shining Armor's back. "You are such a grumpy rumpy!" The filly's eyes lit up. "That rhymed!" She quickly looked at her flank only to sigh when she saw no ‘rhyme on a dime’ cutie mark. "Shoot!"

Coltson rolled his eyes. "I should have agreed to be the liason for the God Squad."

"Trust me," Shining said, "you are better off staying away from our madness."

The large group turned a corner, only to skid to a stop, nearly tumbling over each other as they came upon a guard stationed at a roadblock.

"Halt!" the royal guard said. "None shall pass!"

Scootaloo tried to adapt her most innocent look. "Pwease let us thwough."

"No," the guard said, "and your cute eyes will not work on me, for I have been trained to resist all methods of infiltration!"

"What if we bribe you?" Spike asked. "Get me a large slurpee cup and I can get you some caramel."

"That will not work either! There is only one way you may pass!"

"And how is that?" Scootaloo asked.

"You must stump me!"

The group looked at each other then back at the guard. "Say that again, soldier," Shining asked (wondering for the 100th time why he was the only sane pony in Celestia’s royal guard).

"You must ask me a question and if I fail to answer it correctly, you may pass. But choose well, civilians, for you may only ask one!"

“That is the dumbest thing I ever heard,” Spike complained. “Who came up with that idea?!?”

“Princess Celestia,” the guard said. “Her Highness loves gameshows… she was even on the Price is Right once.”

~Several months ago…~

“Princess Celestia, what do you think the price of the toaster is?” Dew Carty, the host, asked.

“200 bits,” Celestia said.

“I’m sorry, but the price is 150.”

“No… I hereby decree the price is 200 bits.” Celestia laughed as the chimes went off signaling she had guessed the price correctly. “I hope I get to play Plinko!”


“I hereby decree I get to play Plinko,” Celestia said sternly, glaring at the host as he weakly motioned for them to get rid of the Yodeling Hiker game and bring out Plinko.


Scootaloo tapped her chin, deep in thought while the others began to debate each other on what question they should ask. "How does Pinkie Pie do what she does?"

The guard blinked, swallowed... then sadly stepped aside. "Ye may pass."

"Nice work," Spike said as they hurried past the blushing guard.

"Thanks," Scootaloo said. She spotted the pillar of magic but, instead of running towards it, turned her to left and began hurrying along the road. "There, I sense the next Twilight over there."

"You sure?"

"GET IN LINE, MAGGOT!" Twilight's voice rang out ahead of them.

"Pretty sure," Scootaloo said as they hurried over to a square filled with royal guards. Standing on a raised platform was a new Twillight, this one marching back and forth as she berated the guards. She wore the same armor as Celestia's private guard, only hers was colored differently... darker, like the inside of a deep cave. Her face was stern as she marched up and down, glaring at the gathered royal guards.

"That must be Captain Sparkle," Coltson said dryly.

“Huh, she’s a little short to be a Celestia Trooper,” Cadence said, tilting her head.

"You!" the Captain shouted at a guard. "Where are you from?"

"The Crystal Empire, sir ma'am sir!"

"The Crystal Empire? The only things that comes from the empire is mutts and sluts!"

Cadence shrugged and whispered, "She has us there."

"Are you a dog, soldier?" Captain Sparkle shouted at the guard.

"No sir ma'am sir!"

"That must make you a slut then, right private? Private dancer, dances for money! Loves the singles, makes it rain?" Twilight leapt down and got in the soldier's face. "What is your name, private?"

"My name is Rio, sir ma'am sir. The only dancing I used to do was across the sand! I danced across the dusty land!"

“And when she shines she really shows you all… she… can…” Coltson trailed off and blushed. “Are we not singing this time? Ok.”

Cap. Sparkle, who hadn’t noticed the groups’ arrival, nodded to herself before leaping back onto the platform. "Now then, I know that all of you aren't happy that my rangers and I have come for these War Games but you are just going to have to suck it up, Sally!"

"Sally isn't here today, she called in sick!" one of the guards shouted.

Cap. Sparkle ignored this and continued her pacing. "Now that I set off the magic pillar, my rangers will begin to make their way into the city; it is your duty to detect them and ambush them. You must take them out before they take you out. My rangers are tasked with making it into Canterlot Castle.”

“Oh, like the changelings?”

Cap. Sparkle frowned. "The changelings aren't an imminent threat."

“Yes, they are,” Shining said, stepping forward and making his presence known. “They built an amusement park near Zebrica… the food is really overpriced there.”

Cap. Sparkle leapt down and rushed towards Shining, glaring at her older brother. "I told you that I could handle these War Games on my own! What are you..." she paused, looking down at Scootaloo. "Why is Nocturne's filly here?"

"Nocturne?" Scootaloo said in confusion.

Cap. Sparkle tilted her head. "Nocturne... your mom." She looked at Spike, her brow furrowing in further confusion while Scootaloo tried to figure out when her mom had changed her name. "And what is Miss Rarity's little drake doing here?"

"I'm liking her reality more and more," Spike said with glee, rubbing his hands together. "Captain Sparkle, are me and Rarity married or are we just dating?"

Cap. Twilight swallowed once, twice, three times before letting out a horrified gagging noise. "WHAT!?!?!"

"Be prepared for a mess… her reality you’ll like less and less," Twicora said with a smirk.

"You... and your mother?!?! EW!"

"That's what I thought!" Twiley said, leaping off Shining's back and landing before Cap. Sparkle. "Cool armor! Do you have some in my size? Or a sword? I'd like a sword! Or a mace would be coo! Ooooh, or maybe a morning star! I've used one once... well, technically I used it in a game of Hedgemazes and Humans... I'm a Level 53 architect!"

Cap. Sparkle looked at Twiley, then back at her brother. "What magic is this?"

"Crazy kind," Shining said.

"We have a pamphlet!" Spike said helpfully, holding one out to the Captain.

"Little pervert," Captain Sparkle muttered before grasping the pamphlet and looking it over. "Well, Shining, it seems you've gone a long way towards interfering with my War Games."

"Huh?" Shining said.

Captain Sparkle spun on her hooves and marched back towards the soldiers that were still awaiting their next orders. "I told you I could do this on my own! I know you disagree with the scenario I have chosen and wanted to do one based on the changeling threat, but I believe that rouge bands of anarchists are a greater threat to Equestria! We will be doing the war games my way!" She puffed out her chest, trying to look brave, but it was clear to all of them that this Twilight was nervous about something.

"Twilight, you don't understand," Cadence said, stepping towards the purple captain. "Something has happened-"

"Yes, you are all trying to take over my War Games!" She stomped her hoof in frustration. She took a deep breath, reigning in her emotions. In a softer, but much more powerful voice, she said, "I know you are worried about me. I know you think that I am letting my guilt about what happened to Princess Celestia cloud my vision. I know you think I am going to be all skittish coming back to Canterlot. But you need to let me do this on my own, Shining. I am still a captain... Luna's Rangers and I have been doing good work and we deserve to have a bit of faith put towards us. I am not going to shatter being back in Canterlot-"

"Twilight," Shining said just as softly, "I don't know what happened. I have no clue. I... I am not your brother. At least, not the one you know." Cap. Sparkle opened her mouth but Shining waved her off. "Just listen."

And so the group laid out for her everything. What had happened to the real Twilight. How there were alternate Twilights running around. What Scootaloo and Spike's roles were. Zapapple begrudgingly spoke of her own world, as did Twiley and Twicora. Coltson pointed out the differences between their worlds, such as a newspaper that clearly had a picture of Princess Celestia in it (the article detailed how Celestia had spent the day before trying to keep her brother Tydal from razing the Opera House to the ground for their poor performance of The Magic Flute) and NOT any reference to any ‘War Games’. Cadence described what their Twilight was like and Shining asked the soldiers to back them up, which they were happy to do.

Cap. Sparkle stared at all of them after all of this... then burst into laughter.

"She's lost it," Spike complained.

Cap. Sparkle wiped away a tear. "Oh, oh I haven't laughed like this in a long time." She turned around and clicked her hooves together, rolling her eyes as she did so. "Well done, well done! You almost had me! I am sure you will all be awarded Gropeys this year." (Gropeys, of course, being the annual award given out to stage actors… it was a poorly named award). She turned back to Shining and chuckled. "Nice try, but I remember the hazing from Boot Camp and while this entire show was quite well thought out, I am not falling for it." She marched back towards the platform. "Now, if we can get back to the war games..."

"This wasn't a prank, you…stupid soldier!" Scootaloo shouted.

Cap. Sparkle narrowed her eyes. "I will be telling your mother about that potty mouth, little filly."

"You don't know my mother, you… poopie face!"

“You really suck at insults,” Spike muttered.

“My arch-enemy is a rich little snob in a tiara who thinks having tea at 4:30 is a scandal. Yes, I suck at it.”

Cap. Sparkle rolled her eyes. "Everypony, enough! I get it... you knew I was stressed about coming back here for the War Games and wanted to pull a prank on me to lighten the mood! Ha ha... but we have things to do-"

"I know our words to you seem quite rank, but I tell you this: we pull no prank!"

Cap. Sparkle shook her head. "I admit that getting these three to dress like me was a nice touch, brother, but you overplayed your hand… or hoof… or whatever. What sounds more likely: that I am from a different dimension and was transported here along with a dozen other Twilights... or this is a prank."

"She has us there," Spike admitted.

"What else do we need to do to convince you?" Scootaloo said in frustration, angry that this Twilight kept talking down to them. "Do we need another Twilight to fall out of the sky?"

Something did fall out of the sky at that moment. It wasn't a Twilight, however, but a heavy slab of marble, ripped from a tall opulent building to the right of the square. Everypony turned, watching as a metalic snake-like tentacle emerged from the hole in the building... then another, then another. The guards, being the cream of the crop of Celestia’s Royal Guard… promptly ran away, screaming for the Elements of Harmony to come and save them all (Shining hung his head in shame at that). Soon three metal tentacles were grasping the edge of the hole while a fourth appeared holding a large bag of bits.

"What in tarnation?" Zapapple said as the figure controlling the tentacles exited the building.

"What do we have here?" the strange pony said, one of the metal tentacles that was attached to her back moving towards her face and lifting the pair of sunglasses she was wearing up so she could get a better look at the group. She was wearing a long brown coat and her mane was frazzled as if she hadn’t run a brush through it in weeks. Also startling was the fact that her horn had been broken in half, the upper part flopping about uselessly. "A swarm of soldiers, huh? I suppose the Princess thinks this will stop me?" The mare's tentacles lashed out, grabbing a column from the building and ripping it free, sending it crashing to the ground and forcing Scootaloo and her group to leap out of the way. "Well, I'd like to see you try! No army has any hope of defeating Doc Twiock!"

"...ok, that will work," Cap. Sparkle said dryly as her horn glowed and she pulled out her sword.