• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 10,686 Views, 1,738 Comments

Crisis of Infinite Twilights - defender2222

When Twilight Sparkles from alternate dimensions begin popping up in Equestria, it is up to Scootaloo to round them all up and find a way to send them home and retrieve her world's Twilight.

  • ...

The End of Insanity

"Ok, I get the chains..." Shining Armor said, watching as the Agents of BUTTS worked with the Doctor and the Time Lord Twilight to ship the Evil Twilights back to their own dimensions. Once Baby Twilight had frozen them all in place the battle had finished within seconds with the heroic Twilights the victors. The mixture of chaos and dark magic had made it impossible for even Delirium to escape (and she was too busy mumbling about Derpy Sparkle and the power of muffins). The Doctor had revealed once the battle was done that TL Twi and him had been working with other time travelers (including Doc Brown, Booster Gold, Come-and-go-me, and a bunch of ponies who liked hot tubs) to gather up every Twilight that had appeared in Equestria. The power of the TARDIS and Kinshy's equipment was more than enough to create portals to ship every Twilight back to their correct dimensions. Now the Heroic Twilights, The Elements of Harmony, the Saints, the Time Masters, and the God Squad were watching as the last of the evil Twilights were booted back to where they belonged."But why exactly did we shave their manes off?"

"Because it’s funny!" Spike said with a grin, the electric razor still in his claws.

"And those that didn't have manes got some," Twiley said with a giggle, waving to Darth Sparkle who was now sporting an epic beard that had once been Twiock's tail.

The retrievals had been... interesting... to say the least.

Some worlds had tried to reject taking their evil Twilights back, forcing them to shove the wicked mares into the vortexs and then shutting them down before they could be tossed back out. Other realities, like Twibane’s, had accepted custody and made it clear they were going to make sure the villain was locked up. And then there was the world of Spider-Mare…

"Twiock!" The Pink Goblin said happily, giving the tentacled villain a hug. “I am so excited you are ok! We’ll have to throw a ‘Twiock is alive and back and now we can kill Spider-Mare!’ Party!”

"Thank you so much for helping bring her home," Flutters the Hunter said with a slight blush. It would have been cute if she weren't wearing the skins of several animals like a cloak and the skull of a bear as a helmet.

Twiock looked at her enemies, shaking her hoof. "You will rue the day you-"

"Come on, Twiock, we're going to go to Sugar Cube Corner and get some cupcakes!" Electrodash exclaimed.

"...bye!" Twiock quickly hurried off, the Heroic Twilights all tilting their heads in confusion.

"Ah... surprise twists," Wall Breaker said with a sigh before walking over and grabbing the leader of the League of Evil Twilights. “but sadly for you, there are no twists for you but instead a final goodbye and a promise for vengeance that sets up potential sequels.”

"You won't get away with this!" Nightfall screeched as she was shoved towards the portal to the anti-matter universe. "I'll... uh..." She blinked, looking very Twilight-ish as she searched for what exactly she would do.

"You'll gather an army of like-minded ponies," Twilight Velvet whispered.

"Yes! I'll gather an army of like-minded ponies!"

"You'll prepare for war."

"I'll prepare for war!"

"You'll pay for this!"

"I'll pay for this!" Nightfall blinked, realizing what she'd said. "Mother, I swear you will die first!"

"How sweet," Velvet said dryly. "Flim, Flam? Could you?"

The two brothers nodded and stepped forward. They hadn’t fought in the battle and had, once retrieved by the heroic Twilights, pleaded for leniency, claiming they had been forced to serve as the dark mare’s messengers. Flim pulled out a tuning whistle and blew into it.

Flim and Flam

She tried to beat this nation
This evil mare of sin
But her plan sucked so bad
there was no chance of a win

Now her hopes are dashed
Dreams popped by a pin
She really sucks
She lost it all
Everypony saw her fall

She blows

The League of Evil Twilights
Is disbanded once and for all
Velvet's team kicked your flank
so you can suck our... mall

And so dear evil mare
Shut up cause we don't care

Just give up
Be a doll
You can not win
Bye bye Nightfall!

Nightfall let out one final profanity-laden scream as she was shoved through the portal, which Kinshy promptly shut behind her. "And that is the last of the evil Twilights!" The tech wizard of the Ponyville Saints looked around at the last few heroic Twilights who had remained behind. "And I guess this is where we part ways."

"Damn straight," Boss Twi said. "I still need to go drive a horseshoe up Zinyak's ass." The gangbanger looked over at Scootaloo and took off her Fleur necklace, placing it around the little filly's neck. "Ya did good, squirt. If you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods, know the Saints have your back."

"Thanks!" Scootaloo said, knowing that was the only polite response to give a mare that could kill ponies in more outrageous ways than Scootaloo could think of schemes to get cutie marks.

"Let's go already!" Rainbow Gat shouted, already pushing Apple "Motherbucking" Jack into the portal. Rariti rolled her eyes but followed after them with the Proffesor close behind. Boss Twi nodded before leaping through herself with Kinshy and, with a final bzzzzz, the portal closed.

"I'm gonna miss them!" Twipool said.

'I'm not'

"You mean you are going to miss seeing them or miss at shooting them?"

“I thought we pushed you through already!” Coltson complained.

“Meh, what’s one more plothole?”

"Someone shove her into the portal already," Night Light said, rolling his eyes.

"With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!" Twipool proclaimed. "Always wanted to say-"


"Well... that leaves us then," GL Twilight said, looking around at the much smaller group of Twilights that were left. "Not that I don't mind waiting to go last... makes sense considering how crazy things have been for us to air on the side of caution, but I don't see why we are sticking around now. I mean, I like you girls but I've got a sector to get back too."

"Me too," Rider said.

"Luna's Rangers are waiting for me," Captain Sparkle stated.

"I'm the one that suggested to Director Night Light that we few Twilights remain," Princess Aurora stated. "We have grown rather close during our time here-"

"Getting drunk and all that," Faith stated, receiving a swift kick to the side from Abstract Twilight for his jest.

"-and the battle against Nightfall and her League proved that we work together as a team."
"You ain't suggestin' we all stick around, are ya?" Zapapple asked. "Cuss yeah, I like ya Princess, even if ya are a magic-usin’ pony, but I wanna git back ta my Mac and my farm."

Princess Aurora shook her head. "Oh no, nothing like that. No, what I am suggesting is a bit...different. Dr. Velvet?"

Twilight Velvet's horn glowed and from a metal briefcase at her side emerged some simple mirror compacts. "While the Doctor was working on transporting the Twilights home I studied the effects of the dimensional rifts and was able to create these." Abstract Twilight took one and let out a yelp of surprise when she saw Sparkle-San staring back at her from the mirror's surface. "These mirrors are a blend of science and technology. They are able to cross the dimensional barriers and serve as communicators. They also can open personal rifts from one dimension to the next... but only if both parties agree to it."

"I think I hear what you say, my friend... with these mirrors this isn't the end?"

"Exactly, Twicora." Night Light began to pace. "You see... I am a pony that believes in diversifying. Things tend to go better when you have many spoons in the kettle corn than trying to cook it all at once."

"Stop, you're making me hungry!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, rubbing her tummy. "I knew I should have asked evil Pinkie and Gangster Pinkie for some snacks! I bet they even hide snacks around here in case of emergency snacking situations!"

Night Light continued on as if he hadn't been interrupted. "Already Equestria is protected by several different groups and agents. The Royal Guard protects Canterlot. The Wonderbolts are our rapid response team. My daughter and her friends, the Elements of Harmony, take on ancient evils and foes. The Doctor, though he doesn't directly work for me-"

"And never will, my good stallion!" The Doctor said with a grin. "Never like to stay in the same place twice, don't want to be nailed down and such.”

"-he and his family protect the Time Stream. Princesses Celestia and Luna have created their 'God Squad' which will deal with international threats that we in Equestria could not legally face."

Polar Vortex laughed. "This Squad sounds like good vesel'ye! How do I join, brat'ya and sestry?"

"We'll see about getting you an interview," Luna said.

"But there will be times when threats will arise from other dimensions that are greater than all the power in our world... or in yours." Night Light leaned forward and grinned. "What I am suggesting, mares and stallions, is the formation of a new team. Nightfall had her League of Evil Twilights... I believe we have the makings of a Legion of Heroic Twilights."

"A...LHT?" Cadence said, brow furrowed. "Those letters don't spell anything related to private parts or buttocks!"

"Yes, I double-checked his work," Velvet said with a smirk, enjoying the way Night Light was glowering at the accusations that everything he named ended up with a dirty-sounding acronym (and the worst part of it was that Velvet was right and he couldn't counter he claim).

"A Legion of Twilights..." GL Twi said, nodding slowly. "That... sounds like a good idea. I mean, I am already part of the Super Friends of Equestria and that has worked out real well for us..."

Captain Sparkle clicked her teeth together. "And as much as I might prefer to work on my own... even I have to admit that there is strength in numbers."

Twizio lowered her hood. "I have long fought with a Siisterhood of like-minded ponies. But to fight with ones such as yourselves would be an honor."

"I would be most honored to be of the great help, many mes," Sparkle-san said with a bow.

"Lets me kill things?" Seafoam Tremor said. "Count me in!"

"That's my girl," Tydal said proudly.

Their decision made the Twilights began to journey back to their own worlds, knowing that this was not goodbye but merely a farewell for now. There were some tears, such as when Luna waved goodbye to Baby Twilight, the foal smiling at her as the Nightmare Moon of her world gathered her up and took her back. There were also promises to keep in touch; Faith's own speech about goodbyes was quickly cut short when everyone decided that they were tired of hearing his monologues.

Soon the only one to remain was Twiley, who took a moment to hug Scootaloo tight. "I know you aren't my Scootaloo but... I am going to miss you all the same."

"Hey," Scootaloo said with a watery smile, "I think that kinda makes me your Scootaloo."

"...yeah!" Twiley said with a grin. "And thanks to the mirrors we can be interdimensional pen pals! I bet we get our cutie marks that way for sure."

"I think you are right," Scootaloo said, giving the little filly a way. "Talk to you later, Twiley."

"You too, Scootaloo!" Twiley waved to them all one last time before darting into the portal.

"Alright, everypony, brace yourselves!" Velvet called out, flipping on a device that looked like something Nikola Tesla would have made (...look him up, kids, ok?). Scootalooo and Spike looked up and, for the first time, noticed the air around them looked to be filled with thousands of fireflies. "That was the last Piece of Twilight... all we have to do is draw them all together... careful... careful... now!" Velvet threw a second switch and the room exploded in lavender light. Those that remained in the transporter room shielded their eyes against the gaze, cringing in pain until, at long last, the light consolidated into a single form.

"Twilight?" Spike asked, taking a step towards the alicorn mare he knew so well. The Twilight that stood before them looked like their Twilight but they'd dealt with enough surprises to know not to judge a book by its cover.

"Blarrrrg," Twilight managed to get out, rubbing her eyes and opening and shutting her mouth like she was chewing on a large piece of chewing gum. "Blag... bla... blorg."

"It’s a King Sombra Twilight!" Cadence shouted. "Quick, somepony throw me at her!"

"Wiggles?" Tydal said hopefully.

"King... Sombra? What?" Twilight looked around in confusion. "What... where the hay am I? Spike? What is going on?"

Spike took a cautious step forward. "Twilight... is thine a word?"

"I don't care what anypony says, Mr. Dictionary doesn't include it so it-

"It's her!" Spike exclaimed, running up and giving his friend a hug. Scootaloo quickly joined him, as did Velvet, Night Light, and Shining Armor.

"AAACK!" Twilight exclaimed. "Seriously, what the hay is going on!"

"Its a long story," Scootaloo said.

"One with many spelling errors and that ripped off at least 30 different intellectual properties!" Wall Breaker said happily.

"Wha?" Twilight said as her friends moved to join in on the hugging. "Seriously, some pony tell me what's going on. Uh, girls? Please? What is... girls! Stop hugging me and tell me what is going on! Girls! Scootaloo! WHAT THE HAY IS GOING ON!?!?"

The End

Comments ( 92 )

And thus ends 'Crisis of Infinite Twilights'. It has been an insane ride but one that finally comes to an end.

But never fear, fans of my crazy stories! The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted will be returning by this time next week with all new adventures starring Celestia, Luna, Shining, Cadence, Discord, Chrysalis, and Tydal.

But until then... thank you for reading!

Justice mares?
Since I am the one who you let be in charge of earth 52 I already established the jl of that universe is the super friends of equestria


Ooh Discord, I sense reality being screwed over and a distinct lack of things making sense. This was a fun ride, insane, nonsensical at many times and filled to the brin with gags, songs and shout outsm but it was all worth it, and a hell of a lot of fun.

It's been quite a ride, sad to see the insanity is finally over. :eeyup:

Will Tirek be included in the new season of The God Squad?

I know who Nicholas Tesla is! He invented the remote control and inadvertently made obesity a real thing!

...or made obesity a common thing...and made us lazy as f*ck...and gave us remote control cars...

Okay. Of all the lazy typos and shit... I can ignore most of them because obviously no fucks are given. But! I cannot excuse misspelling Nikola Tesla's name.

Will we ever know the future of Baby Twi?

Well... that's over. I'm not sure how to feel about that.Ah well, been fun! :scootangel:

Well. It is over, but now we can have a sequel. I can't wait for it. Good luck.

Well, it's finally over. I wish HUMAN Twilight would've made an appearance, but beggars can't be choosers I guess. At any rate, it's been a great ride and I'm happy at least one of my suggestions for an alternate Twilight made it in. I had fun reading this and it's helped fuel my creative side all the more. I may check out the God Squad next, if for no other reason then to see more of Lord Tydal. :pinkiecrazy:

~The lizardman is finished

There was no Danny Phantom Twilight. I am going to hunt you down...:twilightangry2::pinkiecrazy::flutterrage: Or, you could put in in the sequel.:twilightsmile::scootangel:

good fic but like all good things it must end some day. (or go to an eternal hiatus but i prefer when they end)

Twilight, you just missed out on one of the best crossover fics I have ever read.... :twilightsmile:

The only chapter without insanity. If and when you get a sequel out, make sure it has Twipool. I like Twipool. Twipool is best Twilight. Twipool.

Great end! I enjoyed it!

I don't want to be that guy, but it's "Nikola" not "Nicholas"

"It’s a King Sombra Twilight!" Cadence shouted. "Quick, somepony throw me at her!"

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Best line in the story


Both corrected

...she, uh, did. Equestria Girls Twilight appeared in the final battle and in the Griffland/Saints Arc.

*Grins* An odd and excellent trip indeed. Can't wait for more God Squad though!

Well, that was delightfully insane as usual! Excellent work!

4511072 Notice I said HUMAN, not human. I had suggested way back near the beginning of the fic as well as a few succeeding chapters the inclusion of the Twilight from my HUMAN series, who was responsible for creating humanity through fiction with a little help from her friends. I thought it would be funny if, instead of helping in the final battle, she was distracted by human Twilight and wanted to examine her in thorough detail. :pinkiecrazy:

But alas, the opportunity has passed by. Regardless, I was still happy to see my other suggestion of Twilight the Tank Engine make it in. :twilightsmile:

~The lizardman is finished


Might have been a better gag if Agent Night Light had instead come up with:

the <League of Good & Benign Twilights>

So, thinking he had come up with a non-mockable acronym; and then facing a long awkward silence from the assembled cast, before someone whispers into Night Light's ear about its other reference.

A wonderful end to the insane ride through the madhouse. Slightly wishing Nightlight had made another bad acronym.

Oh boy, we got a doozy of a story here. :pinkiecrazy: The insanity of each chapter only seemed to grow as the story progressed and what little semblance of plot was almost completely gone by the end.
And I loved every second of it. :pinkiecrazy:
Crisis of Infinite Twilightsgets an infinite amount of
Thanks a whole dang bunch defender2222 :raritywink:

this was a fun run

I wonder if there was a glow cloud Twilight? All hail the glow cloud.

4510691 Twipool is indeed best Twilight. She's even contacted Luna about making a video game starring her.

"It’s a King Sombra Twilight!" Cadence shouted. "Quick, somepony throw me at her!"

And that, for some reason, is the first line in several chapters that made me bust a gut. Though much as I love your dismissal of canon Cadance, I'm a tad disappointed that you were very determined to keep her most obnoxious canon quality (pre-Equestria Games) attached. She went on a whole smegging adventure with Spike, and never once in this entire smegging story did she ever smegging acknowledge his smegging existence! *sigh*

Anyway, now that I'm finally finished with this one, I can at last start reading "The Doctor of Oz"...with a little less enthusiasm than I had before chapter 27...

Very nicely wrapped up, man. And as a contributor to the group of stories for which you should be blamed, I'm grateful to you for leaving the Heroic Twilights with a mechanism for future crossover potential.

As long as it doesn't result in one of us going the DC Comics route and pulling a New 52 on everypony. :twilightangry2:

Yet in the midst of these ponies joyous reunion with Twilight Sparkle they overlooked a seemingly innocent bag of flour with a Twilight face taped to it. But this was no mere bag of flour, for it was really the most evil Twiflour!!

*Twiflour starts laughing evilly until a pink hoof grabs it and yanks it off screen*

Atleast it was until Pinkie Pie got hungry and decided to bake muffins.

Which of course lead to an uprising of evil killer muffins that Doctor Whooves and Derpy had to stop to save all of Equestria.

But that's yet another story that I'm not getting paid to narrate so forget it!


Great final chapter and awesome story. I look forward to reading more of you're work in the future.

And so it ends. For now. Until the next story appears.

"Wiggles?" Tydal said hopefully.

This made me feel a little sad. I want to see Tydal play with his pet horseror.


Yeah, I realized at the end that I wanted the Heroic Twilights to be able to remain friends. They are just so much fun together.

All in all that was a really fun story. Onward and upward for more God Squad.

Well, that was fun! 5 hours of my life are now gone and I don't care cause it was worth it!


I aim to please. Now go check out the God Squad.

Well, that was quite a ride.

"It’s a King Sombra Twilight!" Cadence shouted. "Quick, somepony throw me at her!"

I really do love your Cadance.

4524042 Been following that for a while. Don't know how I missed this though.

"Ah... surprise twists," Wall Breaker said with a sigh before walking over and grabbing the leader of the League of Evil Twilights. “but sadly for you, there are no twists for you but instead a final goodbye and a promise for vengeance that sets up potential sequels.”

There better be a sequel or so help me i'll.........WRITE AN ANGRY LETTER!!:twilightangry2:

There were a LOT of Twilights.
BUTT now, LET there be one.

Okay, so, I have issues. I read this all in one night.:pinkiecrazy:
You sir, are bonkers, and that is why I love you. Also because you are not sand(Bonus points if you get the reference):eeyup:


Go right ahead!

What was that comment again? All I can think of is a faint whiff of vanilla...

Wow. so much rip off. many laughs. Well done:rainbowlaugh:


...I just told you.

hmm bit disappointed the alliance of time travellers (and the quantum leap guy as rainbow dash...long story) didn't make an appearance in thsi story despite being used to tease it in the god squad (though the doctor doesshow up ehre and you did mention their involvement at least) and I kinda wanted the story to go on a bit more, but oh well I enjoyed it :3

though shame our main antagonist got curbstomped but eh, you got a reference out of it

I hope someone does fics for the delerium and spider mare universe, and maybe some others i can't recall atm. I myself am thinking of doing a story for twishark's world, of all things.


Velvet called out, flipping on a device that looked like something Nikola Tesla would have made (...look him up, kids, ok?).

Why would I have to look him up? He's the badass king of geeks.

Also, you know you have to write a tale revolving around Seafoam now, right?

5211084 Probably some time around the time I get my cloning machine working so that one of me can do my day job, another can spend all day writing, and a third to binge on video games.

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