• Published 2nd Mar 2012
  • 2,435 Views, 53 Comments

Abstracted Spectrum - Abstract Spectrum

Rainbow Dash finally becomes a Wonderbolt, but things don't always turn out as expected.

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Chapter 11: Who Needs Loyalty?

Ponies below her sat looking out their windows at their accomplishment. She'd gotten what she'd deserved, at least that's what they thought. However, Rainbow Dash saw this as going too far. Far, far, too far. Without saying a word, or crying a tear, she flew off. Ponies walked out of their houses to see the result of their work. Most were disappointed, not seeing a tear from her, but they digressed.

Back into the Everfree Forest Dash went. This time, she went looking for The Shadowbolts. Calling out their name in between the trees, hoping the echo would bounce off them so they'd hear her. Returning to the sanctuary where she'd first idled in the Everfree Forest, she yelled out their name one last time, with enough force for it to be loud, but not to make her cry. The shouts for help reminded her of a dream she had the same night she discovered her mother might be dead. She was a filly, in the middle of a riot in front of town hall. Crying and calling out for her mother with tears in her eyes. She pleaded with a guard to leave her mother alone as she was forced to sit back and watch her get beaten to death, eventually being woken up after being sucked into a black void.

Rainbow Dash stood with a blank face in the middle of the ruins she'd first sat at as she remembered that dream. The hoofsteps behind her brought her back to reality again, though.

"You called?" The Shadowbolt leader asked.

"I'm in." Dash replied, flicking a tear off her eyelid.

"Good to hear. Welcome, Rainbow Dash. Come with us, we'll teach you our ways." The Shadowbolt leader responded, flying off and gesturing for Rainbow to follow her and the other members to their sanctuary.


"It's a pleasure that you've decided to join us, Rainbow Dash. You won't believe how much we need you right now."

"Pfft, you and me both. *sniff*. I hate that town, Ponyville, it's so washed up. And I can't believe that all of my friends don't even give a fuck. It's like... one minute they're my friends and the next they're... just... jerks." Rainbow Dash explained, eyes still bloodshot from crying. She tried to power through it as much as possible though.

"You don't need your friends. They are your enemies now. We will help you, please, follow me."

The Shadowbolt leader led Rainbow Dash into a large, circular room with steel walls and a small tube in the middle.

"What's that?... uh... you..."

"Please, call me Shiva. This device is our intelligence enhancement chamber. It teaches everything that should be known about flying, fighting, and so much more. Please, step inside."

"Well... whatever you say."

Rainbow Dash cautiously stepped inside the chamber, the glass door sealing behind her.

"Hey, what's going on? Is it supposed to do this?"

Shiva nor the other Shadowbolts could hear her, so they began the procedure without her consent.

Rainbow Dash panicked at the dark smoke emitting from the holes in the floor of the chamber. She tried holding her breath, but the substance in the air somehow found a way in. Rainbow Dash rammed her head repeatedly against the glass barrier, trying to break it. No good. Before she could try anything else, the edges of her vision began to fade to black.

The chamber door opened, as Rainbow Dash's unconscious body fell out, hitting the hard metal floor with a loud thump.

"Are you sure this was necessary, Shiva?"

"Necessary enough. Take her to the operation room for her final procedure. Afterwards, set her outside. She'll come back to us."

"Yes ma'am."


Rainbow Dash's vision was blurred. She couldn't see anything, she could barely feel anything, and she couldn't hear a sound. She shook her head as an attempt to knock herself out of the trance, no good. She thought she was drowning, and squirmed around and tried to call for help. Only thing was, she couldn't breath either. Now she was almost sure she was drowning, so she began to swim back up to the surface.

A mysterious dark figure emerged in her vision, and it was holding something that looked sharp. Rainbow continued to pretend to swim up in a panic, until she felt a painful pinch in her neck. With one big gasp, her vision came into focus, and her body became less numb. She relaxed for a moment, rubbing her eyes, and trying not to faint from her dizziness. She sat up, opened her eyes, and let her eyes focus on the figure in front of her.

"S-s-s-Shiva? Is that y-y-you?" Dash stuttered. She took one glance out a window to see the sun rise, to shine on the mysterious silhouette.

"Shiva? I'm not sure what you're talking about, Rainbow Dash. That must've been some crazy dream you had." The doctor told her.

"D-d-d-dream? W-w-w-what dream? I was i-i-in... damn, now I c-c-c-can't seem to r-r-r-remember..." She stuttered again.

"I assume that's pretty normal for a pony who's body was found outside of a cave. I'll need you to lie down again, there seems to be a strange scar on your forehead." The doctor instructed.

Rainbow Dash proceeded to do what she was told. Whilst the doctor was doing his work, she asked him a couple questions.

"W-w-w-wait... first of all, why am I s-s-s-stuttering?"

"You may have fainted in mid-air and hit your head on the outside structure of that cave. That's what I'm trying to fix now. Hold on, you may feel sharp pain." The doctor warned.

"GAAAAAGH! YOW! SON OF A... oh... it stopped! Okay, second of all, why are you helping me, doc? I thought everyone in Equestria hated me!" She asked, rubbing her forehead.

"The name's Downes, Robin Downes. Please, call me Doctor Robin. I'm one of the other doctors here at the hospital. This whole place knows that what you did to Soarin' was unintentional and you apologized at least, so not many of us hate you for it."

"Right... okay. How'd you find me?"

"One of our search and rescue teams heard a crash noise off in the area where we found you. We assumed there was an avalanche, so we took you here."

"I see. Can I leave? I got some important business I need to take care of." Rainbow said with a devilish grin. She didn't know why she said that, or did the creepy smile. But when she did, her forehead started hurting again. She powered through it, though, and hopped off her bed.

"Well, I guess so. There doesn't seem to be anything else wrong with you. Just, try not to crash into any mountains out there, got it?"

"Whatever, get outta my way!" Dash said, pushing the doctor aside.

The doctor's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped at how Rainbow Dash left the room,

in a wispy, black mist.