• Published 2nd Mar 2012
  • 2,434 Views, 53 Comments

Abstracted Spectrum - Abstract Spectrum

Rainbow Dash finally becomes a Wonderbolt, but things don't always turn out as expected.

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Chapter 2: Show Time

"No... no... no... no!" Several clothing items were thrown across Rainbow Dash's bedroom. "C'mon, Dash. You're meeting the Wonderbolts! What should you wear? Should you wear anything? What if it's too much? Should I be casual or formal?" She told herself. "Okay... okay. *sigh*. Calm down, Rainbow Dash, you're getting yourself worked up too much over this. Maybe I should just... be normal. Yeah! None of my other friends are dressing up for this, so why should I?...Because I love the Wonderbolts... that's why..." Rainbow sulked.

*knock knock*

Dash's head sprung up, and she walked downstairs from her bedroom to answer the door. "Hi, Rainbow Dash!"
"Oh... hi Fluttershy."
"Something wrong?"
"Well... nothing important. Just can't decide what to wear, but it's no big deal. So what'd you want to tell me?"
"Pinkie and the others are gonna meet at Twilight's house before we head out. So meet us there, okay?"
"Got it, Twilight's house. No problem, thanks Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash yelled to her as she flew back to the ground.

Rainbow Dash closed the door and sat down in the middle of her living room. "Alright Rainbow, you can do this. YOU CAN DO THIS! YEAH, LET'S DO IT!" She cheered to herself. She ran upstairs to quickly prep up her mane a bit and grab a photo of Soarin' for him to autograph. She stuffed them both in her bag and flew out the door to meet the rest of her friends at Twilight's house like Fluttershy told her. She saw them gathered around Twilight's front door when she flew over to land. Each pony had their own bag of belongings to bring to the show. Rarity had her camera with her, and she said she'd give Rainbow Dash a photo album for her to keep with a few pictures from the show in them. Everypony was ready to head out, so Twilight proceeded to enable her ground-bound friends including herself to walk on clouds again, and they all hopped on her hot air balloon to head up to Cloudsdale and catch the show.

Twilight was the first to break the silence in the basket with idle conversation.
"So what do you think the show will be like? Being the 100th anniversary and all..."
"There's not doubt that it's gonna be SO AWESOME!" Rainbow cheered.
"Well, ahm kinda hopin' that we see some more fancy tricks and stuff at this here show. I reckon it's gotta be the best of 'em all!"
"I'll have to agree with Applejack, this will be the best Wonderbolt show of all time, I guarantee it!" Rarity said.
Everypony shared their expectations for the show as the slowly arrived at Cloudsdale. Each of them stepped off, and looked around for the Cloudasium. Rainbow Dash was the first to point it out, and over the Cloudasium was a large banner that read "WONDERBOLTS 100TH ANNIVERSARY SPECTACULAR!".
"There it is! C'mon girls, let's hurry!" Rainbow Dash cheered.
As the group stepped up to the stadium, there appeared a huge line outside of ponies waiting to go inside once they were cleared to. To the left of that line was a special entrance for the 6 ponies that managed to get the backstage tickets in a local contest, and somehow, Pinkie managed to win all 6. Rainbow didn't question how she got all of them, she was just glad to be there with her friends.

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped at the sight of how empty the Cloudasium was. She'd never seen any sight more beautiful before in Cloudsdale. It was almost difficult for her to believe that she was going to be sitting in the front row, closest to her heroes, in addition to getting even closer to them afterwards. Her and her friends took their seats at the very front, and waited for the show to begin. As time went by, ponies from all around Equestria were taking their seats, and the cloudasium slowly filled up. It was almost time for the show to start, and Rainbow Dash was shaking with excitement.
"Are you okay, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked.
"Oh yeah! Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeah. I'm fine. It's just this is SO AWESOME I CAN BARELY TAKE IT!" She shook. Twilight giggled at her, but suddenly her attention was taken by the voice of the announcer.
"Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome, to The Wonderbolts' 100th Anniversary Air Show!"
Everypony cheered and roared with excitement.
"YEAAAAAAAAAAHEHAHAAAAA!" Rainbow Dash yelled, whistling through her hoof and clapping repeatedly.
"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, THE WONDERBOLTS!"
Everypony viciously cheered and clapped once more, as The Wonderbolts took their places on the stage to greet everypony to their show.
"Thank you, thank you! Thank you." Spitfire began. "Thank you, everypony, for coming to the 100th Anniversary of Equestria's greatest air performance team! Before we start, though, we'd like to dedicate this show to a very special pony, who turned 28 yesterday!"
Rainbow Dash froze, and her jaw dropped to the cloud she sat on. SHE had turned 28 yesterday. Maybe it was somepony else? She was sure maybe other ponies had birthdays yesterday, too.
"We, The Wonderbolts, dedicate our 100th Anniversary performance, to the winner of the "Best Young Fliers Competition" last year, Ms. Rainbow Dash!"
Everypony locked their eyes on her, sitting in the very front. They all began to cheer for her, and she just blushed and smiled for everypony. She couldn't believe this was happening. All her friends were looking at her and clapping as well, but they also winked at her. Rainbow Dash built up tears in her eyes, hugging all of her friends. They were surprised at how hard she was hugging, they attempted to pull away because they swore if Rainbow had held on a second longer, she would've suffocated them all. Rainbow Dash released her grip, and waved to the crowd, still blushing.
"Happy late birthday, Rainbow Dash!" The Wonderbolt team said together into the microphone. Rainbow Dash's heart exploded, and she cried amazing tears of joy and happiness at her heroes wishing her a happy birthday.
"Alright, everypony, let's get this show on the road!" Spitfire finished, her and her team performing an amazing liftoff in smoke as they rose towards the sky.

Their performance was already off to an amazing start. There were hundreds; maybe even thousands of tricks performed that day that no other pegasi had even dreamed of before. Several of them involved so many flips, spins, hops, skips, jumps, twists, and turns that barely anypony could keep up with what they were doing. A lot of ponies were puzzled by how the team didn't get the least bit tired or break even a single sweat, but they cheered on regardless. A few tricks in the beginning and middle of the show involved birthday messages for Rainbow Dash from all 12 of The Wonderbolts, which of course she was shaking with excitement and happiness about. There were even a few moves in there that Rainbow Dash had sent as entries into a contest to see them performed here, as a matter of fact, they all were. Her ideas may have been somewhat erroneous and impossible, but you bet The Wonderbolts managed to pull every single one of them off, no matter how dangerous.

As the show went on, each trick became more and more advanced and complicated. It was almost difficult for everypony to follow what they were doing. Some even rubbed their eyes in amazement because they couldn't believe what they were seeing. But Rainbow Dash was wide-eyed the whole time, and she knew that she could believe every single thing she was seeing because it was all her idea. But just like Rainbow Dash's birthday part, it had to end eventually. The Wonderbolts gave a signal to Rainbow Dash as they performed one last trick, where they all grabbed onto each other and huddled up, with Rainbow Dash in the middle.
"RAINBOW, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Spitfire yelled.
"YEAH! WHAT DO YOU GOT FOR ME?" Rainbow yelled back.
Rainbow Dash sniffed.
There they were, 13 ponies on a collision course with the ground. Everypony in the huddle contributed as much speed as they could, as did Rainbow Dash as she pushed herself to do more than that. And in 10 seconds flat, an incredible enormous explosion filled the sky with rainbows and smoke. Everypony in the huddle pulled up as fast as they could when it happened, or they would've hit the ground at mach 1000. Circling around the Cloudasium in every direction, Rainbow Dash cheered her lungs out.
"NICE JOB, RAINBOW DASH!" Spitfire yelled again.
"THANKS... THANKS A LOT!" Rainbow Dash yelled back.

The Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash landed on the stage, and waved to the crowd goodbye. Soarin' instructed that the 6 winners of the backstage tickets were to proceed through a nearby doorway to their left. So Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy all grabbed their stuff as they sprinted quickly towards the door. Before Rainbow Dash flew off to gather with her friends, Spitfire put her hoof on her shoulder and stopped her. "We'll meet you backstage in a bit, okay Rainbow Dash?" Spitfire told her. "You got it, I love you guys! Seeya in a bit!" Rainbow Dash replied. Soarin walked over to talk to Spitfire. "Twenty-eight, huh? Do you think it's time? Her friends seem to be happy with where she might be going."

"Oh yeah, it's time."