• Published 2nd Mar 2012
  • 2,435 Views, 53 Comments

Abstracted Spectrum - Abstract Spectrum

Rainbow Dash finally becomes a Wonderbolt, but things don't always turn out as expected.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Similar Reactions

Spitfire looked up from her desk and the papers she was studying when Soarin' suddenly barged through her office door.

"I think I like her!" He shouted, covering his mouth with a hoof afterwards.

"Yeah, sure you do." Spitfire said, rolling her eyes.

"But she kissed me! Which must me she likes me too!"

"Soarin, just because there's a new girl on our team doesn't mean... wait what? She kissed you? When? Why?"

"Just a few minutes ago! And if I knew the why of it then you wouldn't need a new door now, would you?"

"What were you doing?"

"Well, I was training her, trying to get her to nail down this one trick, okay? Then when she kept failing, I kept encouraging her to try again and again. Then when she finally got it, she just kissed me outta freakin' nowhere!" Soarin' shouted.

"So... just like I did a few years ago?"

"Yeah! That's super weird, right?"

"Well you know what, Soarin'? I think you should go for her."


"Yeah! If it means you'll get out of my office!"

"Oh *ha ha* Spitfire. But you know what? I will go for her, and I'll get her, you'll see!" Soarin' said, slamming the door that was hanging on one hinge.

Spitfire sighed. "This is gonna be just like our relationship all over again, I just know it. Hmm... maybe I should call somepony about fixing that door..."


Twilight looked up from the book she was studying when Rainbow Dash suddenly barged through the door of her house.

"I think I like him!" She shouted, covering her mouth with a hoof afterwards.

"Yeah, sure you do." Twilight said, rolling her eyes.

"But I kissed him! And he didn't shove me away which must mean he likes me too!"

"Rainbow Dash, just because you've gotten into the Wonderbolts doesn't mean... wait what? When? Why?"

"Just a few minutes ago! And if I knew the why of it then you wouldn't need a new door now, would you?"

"What were you doing?"

"Well, I was at training, trying to nail down this one trick, okay? When I kept failing, he kept encouraging me to try again and again. Then when I finally got it, I just kissed him outta freakin' nowhere!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"So... just like that dream you had a couple days ago?"

"Yeah! That's super weird, right?"

"Well you know what, Rainbow Dash? I think you should go for him."


"Yeah! If it means you'll get out of my house and let me get back to reading!"

"Oh *ha ha* Twilight. But you know what? I will go for him. And I'll get him, you'll see!" Rainbow Dash said, slamming a door that was hanging on one hinge.

Twilight sighed. "Not all dreams come true..." She heard Spike groan behind her. "Especially ones with houses made of ice cream!" She giggled. "Hmm... Spike, could you fix the front door, please?"
Spike groaned again, hopped of the windowsill he laid on every afternoon and grabbed a hammer out of a miscellaneous tools bin Twilight bought earlier that day.

"I really hope Rainbow Dash knows what she's getting into. I'd hate to see her heartbroken..."

"Yeah well, most of the relationships you've been in, Twilight, didn't end well." Spike said, getting to work on the door.

"But... I haven't been in any relationships..."

"Exactly. You see what I'm talking about now?"

"Just fix the door, please."

"Yeah yeah... whatever. OW!" Spike yelled, dropping the hammer and sucking on his red pulsing thumb.

Later that night, in Soarin's room...

"Oh yeah... ooooh... oh that's nice..." Soarin' whispered on his bed, as he browsed a magazine filled with fancy suits at low prices.

"SOARIN'!" Surprise yelled, bursting through the door.


"I was about to ask you the same thing..." She said, squinting at Soarin', who held the magazine behind his back.

"Uhh... I live here... sometimes..." He said nervously.

"What's that behind your back?" Surprise interrogated.

"I um... I don't have anything behind my back, see?" He said, stuffing the magazine in his suit. He began to sweat as he became more and more nervous that Surprise might figure out his secret.

"Hmm... likely story... is it that spider?" Surprise said with a sly look on her face.


With one quick snatch, Surprise got a hold of the magazine. Surprise gasped at the sight of the cover.

"OH MY GOSH! FANCY SUITS? AT THESE PRICES? What are you up to, Soarin'?" Surprise asked, peering into Soarin's eyes.

Soarin' sighed, and gave up trying to hide it. "Well, I'm looking at suits for my first date with the new girl. You see, we kissed and-"

"Wait... new girl? You mean Rainbow Dash? But you've barely met! Has she even agreed to this yet?"

"Well... no... to be honest I'm a little afraid to ask her."

"Oh! Why didn't you say so? My sister Pinkie Pie knows her! I'm sure I could ask her to ask Rainbow Dash out for you!"

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Sure! It'd be so romantic! It's like... love from afar!"

"Well uh... that sounds great! Thanks!"

Surprise turned to leave, giving the magazine one last glance.

"Uh... Soarin'?"


"I don't think you'll need a suit. It's a bit much for a first date, don't you think?"

"But... don't I want to make a good impression?" Soarin' suggested.

"Soarin' ol' buddy ol' pal, listen to the professional on this one." Surprise said with a wink.

Soarin' only stared at her until she left the room, noticing her take the magazine with her.

"Aww man... those were some good suits..." he sighed. He glanced at the clock at his bedside, and saw that it was awful late. Soarin' slipped out of his suit and under the covers, stretching and yawning before laying down and drifting off to sleep.

That same night, at Rainbow Dash's house...

Rainbow Dash tossed and turned under her covers. No matter how much she wiggled she couldn't get comfortable enough to get to sleep. For some reason, she felt warmer than usual. It could be that she was still fighting in her mind about what she did with Soarin' earlier that day.

She groaned, slamming her face against a pillow repeatedly.

What am I gonna do tomorrow? What's he gonna say? she thought to herself.

Eventually, after more tossing and turning, she sat up and took a deep breath.

"I shouldn't worry so much about this. I like him, and maybe he likes me. Yeah... yeah maybe he does like me!" Rainbow Dash said out loud, falling back onto her bed. She slipped back under the sheets and looked at the clock. "Wow, I've been at this for a while, haven't I?" She said to herself. She took another deep breath before settling on a comfortable sleeping position.

A few minutes later, Rainbow Dash was asleep. Suddenly the smile on her face transformed into a frown, as she cringed and began to shake.

"You... you can't... do that... I... belong here..."