• Published 13th Oct 2013
  • 5,102 Views, 329 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Descent Into Madness- A Musical - Matthais Unidostres

Sweetie Belle has discovered that there is a powerful magic in her singing voice- a magic that allows her to pass judgment on those around her- a magic that is slowly driving her insane

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Act XXIII: ShOd Drastic soporifiC

. . . . . . . . .
Curtain Rise!

Act XXIII: ShOd Drastic soporifiC

Scene i: sorDid c

Everyone stared in shock at the large hole that Spike had disappeared into as the town became dead silent. Then, without warning, a huge fountain of pink liquid spurted out of the hole. Everyone shouted and ran as they were covered in the liquid.

Pinkie sniffed the air, and then broke out into a smile. "Ooh! Strawberry Milk!" Pinkie lay on her back and caught the sweet milk in her mouth. As she swallowed the sweet milk, her eyes sparkled and her mane and tail poofed back to its normal poofiness.

Pinkie wasn't the only one affected by the milk. As pink milk rained over all of Ponyvile, everypony who came in contact with it stopped in their tracks and gained an odd sparkle in their eyes. The milk even turned into steam and sought out anypony in doors.

In the midst of all this, Sweetie Belle was on the ground, trying to shake the milk out of her once pure white coat. "Oh, come on!" she complained as she wrung out her soaked mane. She turned to see everypony standing around in what looked like shock. She turned to see her friends standing close together. Silver Spoon looked over and saw Sweetie Belle staring at them. Silver Spoon gasped, and the rest of her friends turned and gave Sweetie Belle looks of horror. They immediately turned and ran.

"What-? Where are you-? Come back!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

Deep laughter quickly caught Sweetie Belle's attention. She turned to the pink milk geyser to see something slowly rising out of it. Her eyes widened as the Spirit of Chaos himself came out, with Spike clinging to his back.

Discord landed on the ground, and then levitated Spike to ground level. He patted the dragon on the head and said, "Go on. Be free."

Spike nodded, and he quickly ran in the direction of Ponyvile General Hospital.

Discord waved goodbye with his lion paw, and then turned to look at Sweetie Belle. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he said as he rubbed his hands together.

Sweetie Belle felt herself shake with fear, but then she gathered her nerve and stepped forward. "Why did you set Spike free? Don't you know what he did to me and Rarity? Aren't you supposed to be reformed?"

Discord actually face palmed with his paw. "Oh for goodness sake! Are you really trying to fool me? That's actually kinda sad."

Sweetie Belle's stomach lurched as fear began to fill her.

"You shouldn't have messed with Fluttershy, my dear little filly," Discord said as he approached Sweetie Belle while wagging a finger of his eagle claw.

Sweetie Belle turned to run, but then a section of the ground sprang up on a spring and tossed her right back to Discord's feet. The filly cried out and got up again, walking backwards from Discord.

"Give up yet?" Discord said with a smile.

Sweetie Belle trembled a bit more, but then she turned to the wet crowd around here and shouted, "See! He's still evil! The reformation didn't work! Just look!"

Sweetie Belle then turned back to Discord with a green glowing horn and started singing.

I'm not a fan puppeteers
But I have a nagging fear
Someone else is pulling at the strings

Something terrible is going down
Throughout the entire town
Wreaking anarchy and all it brings

I can't sit idly
No, I can't move at all!
I curse the name
The one behind it all!

Discord! I'm howling at the moon!
And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon!

Disocrd! Whatever did we do
To make you-


Out of nowhere, a giant banana cream pie fell from the sky and landed right on top of Sweetie Belle.

Alright, let's just sort this out. . .hmm. . .which song would be the best to school this filly. Hmm. . .this song sounds good. . .oh but that one is good too. Fine let's do this one first and then the other one. Okay, I'll just stick it here, and off we go!

Scene ii: erRoneouSlY decay nOt

Discord teleported over to the pie and effortlessly flipped it over, revealing Sweetie Belle lying covered in cream.

"Sorry, dear. But that's not gonna work, thanks to my magic milk shower and gave everyone," Discord said as he tapped Sweetie Belle's horn. He then swiped his claw across Sweetie Belle's forehead and licked the frosting off. He smiled, "Mmm! not bad! Don't get up. I'll get that for you." Discord then shot out his long serpentine tongue and wrapped it around Sweetie Belle, pulling all the frosting off of her and swallowing it all in one gulp.

"Auugh!" Sweetie Belle shouted as she jumped backwards, but soon realized that she was perfectly clean. He coat was pure white once again.

Discord laughed in amusement at Sweetie Belle's shock, and then flew close to her and nudged her on the side.

I must admit, your parlor tricks were amusing
I bet you've got a bunny under your mane!

Discord reached into Sweetie Belle's mane and pulled out Angel Bunny, who was soaking wet for some reason. He threw Angel to ground as he continued singing.

You had your chance to get the best of me,
But my hand was hot!
C'mon, Shores, is that really all you got?

You tried to slam me with your hardest stuff
But your double whammy wasn't up to snuff

I'll set the record straight
You're simply out of date
You're only second rate!

Discord snapped his fingers and made a tiger appear. Sweetie Belle screamed in terror as the tiger pounced on her. . .only to lick her face and purr like a kitten.

Discord just laughed.

You think your cat's a meanine, but your tiger's tame
You've got a lot to learn about the chaos game

So for your information,
I'll reiterate
You're only second rate!

There was a flash, and Sweetie Belle was suddenly standing in the palm of Discord's paw. To her horror, Discord's face was on every finger.

Mares cower at the power in my pinky
My thumb is number one on every list
But if you're not convinced that I'm invincible,
Put me to the test!
I'd love to lay this rivalry to rest!

Discord made a fist, but Sweetie Belle was teleported out of his hand and put on top of a big cake in the middle of Ponyvile. Discord suddenly burst out of the top of the cake

Go ahead and charm me with song surprise
Snap me in a trap, cut me down to size
I'll make a big escape
It's just a piece of cake
You're only second rate!

You know, your hocus-pocus isn't tough enough
And your mumbo-jumbo doesn't measure up
Let me pontificate
Upon your sorry state
You're only second rate!

Discord gained a set of skis and skied down the cake after the fleeing filly.


Dsicord's gonna grab ya!

Sweetie Belle turned and screamed when she saw that Discord had now grown 5 times bigger.


And this thing's bigger than the both of us!

So spare me your tremendous scare!
You're just filly, not even a mare!
And I can hardly wait
To discombobulate
I'll send ya back and packing in a shipping crate
You'll make a better living with a spinning plate
You're only second rate!

Discord reached out a huge claw to grab Sweetie Belle. She looked at it with wide eyes, and then turned back to see where she was going. It was then that she saw the huge hole. Sweetie Belle tried to stop, but it was too late. The filly screamed as she tumbled down into the dark hole and fell. She screamed louder and louder and louder as she fell down, down, down amid the darkness, which turned into a blur of infinite colors, which then turned into bright white light that caused Sweetie Belle to loose consciousness.

Scene iii: hiT alerT

It was silent, but Sweetie Belle felt the presence of many around her. She opened her eyes slowly, and nearly fainted again from shock. Sitting in front of her was possibly the entire population of Ponyvile. Sweetie Belle looked around, and she realized that she was in a courtroom of some kind. She turned one way, and she saw that Discord was the judge. He wore a white powdered wig and black robes. Sweetie Belle turned another way, and she saw that the jury was Button Mach, Dinky Hooves, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon were the jury. Sweetie Belle then suddenly realized that she was at the defendant's place.

The doors at the back of the audience suddenly opened, and the whole crowd burst into applause. Sweetie Belle's eyes widened as she immediately recognized who had just entered the room. It was that human, Phoenix Wright, the ace attorney that had proved Rainbow Dash innocent of murdering Ace Swift a while back. Hope arose in Sweetie Belle. Perhaps he had come to defend her from Discord.

The filly watched the blue suited human stride up towards the front of the courtroom where all could see. Mr. Wright looked over to Discord, then at Sweetie Belle, then back at Discord. He then took a deep breath, and spoke.

Good morning, Discord, your honor
Justice will plainly show

Wright pointed accusingly at Sweetie Belle, causing her to cower back slightly.

The prisoner who now stands before you
Was caught red-handed spreading chaos
Spreading chaos of an almost inhuman nature
This will not do

Sweetie Belle gulped, all of her hopes dashed to pieces.

"I call Fluttershy to the stand!" Wright shouted.

Seemingly out of no where, Fluttershy flew into the room. Her color was no longer grey. Her yellow coat and pink hair shone like a Crystal Pony. She flew over to the witness stand and spoke out strongly.

I tried to tell her what she did was horribly wrong, your honor!
If she'd let me have my way I could
Have reformed her into shape
But my hooves were tied
The bleeding hearts and artists
Let her get away with murder
Can you discipline her today?

Wright nodded, and he turned to Sweetie Belle, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

Sweetie Belle was rocking back and forth, her mind slowly collapsing under all the stress.

"My talent is singing Fate. Singing Destiny! I'm supposed to be in control! Why aren't I in control?"

Sweetie Belle hung her head as she began to realize that she was about to pay big time. She whimpered out her words miserably.

Bats in the belfry, I am crazy
Truly gone loony
They must have taken my marbles away

The entire jury nodded sadly. Scootaloo and Applebloom were actually crying. The whole jury sang sadly, "Crazy. Bats in the belfry, she is crazy."

"I call Princess Luna to the stand!" Wright said.

Discord snapped his fingers, and a beam of moonlight shot down onto the witness stand after Fluttershy left it. Princess Luna appeared at the stand and glared hatefully at Sweetie Belle.

You little brat, you're in it, now
I hope they throw away the key
You should have just given up all your magic to me, but no!
You had to go your own way, have you broken any homes up lately?

Luna leaned in close to Sweetie Belle with a vicious, violent, and dangerous look in her eye. She then gave a bone chilling smile.

Just five minutes, Discord your honor
Her and me, alone.

"Baaaaaaaaaaabe!" a voice shouted.

Everyone turned to see Sweetie Belle's mother rushing forward. However, Luna's two bat winged pony guards came in and restrained her. Pearl shouted out to Sweetie Belle, holding out her hooves to her.

Come to mother baby!
Let me hold you in my hooves!
Please, I never wanted her to get in any trouble
Why'd she ever have to do this?
Discord, your honor, let me take him home!

A guilt like no other arose in Sweetie Belle's heart. The gravity of what she had been doing slowly began to dawn upon her. Her insides began to scream in anguish as she recalled giving Rarity that potion, attacking Rarity, and framing Spike so he'd be burned. She even began to regret what she did to Princess Twilight and Diamond Tiara. This thought completely disoriented her, as her entire being believed that those two fully deserved what they got. As her head spun, Sweetie Belle moaned out pathetically.

Over the rainbow, I am crazy
Bars in the window
There must have been a cuckoo in the clock
Inside my head

"Crazy. Over the rainbow, she is crazy," the jury sang sadly.

Sweetie Belle looked slowly over to Discord. The Draconequis tossed his gavel up and down casually for a minute or two. Then, he snapped his fingers and transformed into the judge that was at Rainbow Dash's trial. However, the entire courtroom went dark and red spotlights shone on the judges face, witch was suddenly twisted in rage and hate. The judge stood up suddenly and began roaring with unbridled rage and disgust directly at Sweetie Belle.

The evidence before the court is Incontrovertible!
There's no need for the jury to retire!

In all my years of judging, I have never heard before!
Of someone more deserving, of the full penalty of law!

The way you made them suffer: Your sister, princesses, and mother!
Fills me with the urge to defecate!

Since, my friend, you have revealed your deepest fear!
I sentence you to be exposed before your peers!

An unbridled terror unlike anything Sweetie Belle had ever experienced, Nightmare Moon and the Cockatrice included, filled her entire being as she turned to the crowd around before her.

The judge turned back into Discord who shouted at the top of his lungs.


The entire crowd rose up and took up the chant.

"Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell!. . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . . . .Undo the spell!. . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .. . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .Undo the spell! . . .

. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .



Author's Note:

Turnabout Storm was made by NeoArtimus, and thank him so much for it. That series was so incredible, it brought so many feelings, and it was just a masterpiece. Please, all of you. If you have a few hours to spare, please check it out.

The featured songs were "Discord" by Odyssey Eurobeat Brony, "You're Only Second Rate" from Disney's The Return of Jafar, and "The Trial" by Pink Floyd, which was suggested by SCP Pinkamena. Thank you so much for that suggestion, because that song was what made this scene so climatic.

But don't worry, it's not over yet. We still have a lot of loose ends to tie up, and I'm sure all of you want to know what's going to happen to Sweetie Belle now. Well, to find out, just keep reading!

Okay, on the song list:
Liar by Disciple (Suggested by rainshy twiapple)
Discord by Odyssey Eurobeat Brony
WANT IT NEED IT by Jeff the Strider
Show Me the Way by Styx
Misa's Song from Death Note
Aviators- Her Darker Side
Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus (Suggested by diamondstartheunicorn)
Titanium by David Guetta (Suggested by diamondstartheunicorn)
Brand New Day from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Slipping from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Killing The Dragon by Dio
Monster by Skillet (Suggested by gamedude88)
Pretty Women from Sweeny Todd
Still Alive- Portal (Suggested by TheMainManeMaineBrony)
Want you Gone- Portal 2 (Suggested by TheMainManeMaineBrony)
<Song Name Redacted> (I still can't say this title. It'd be a spoiler)
Who You Are by Oomph! (Suggested by The Great Derpsby)
Your Love Is Killing Me by Oomph! (Suggested by The Great Derpsby)
Poor Unfortunate Souls from the Little Mermaid
Slaying the Dreamer by Nightwish (Suggested by Volossya)
Master Passion Greed by Nightwish (Suggested by Volossya)
Death, Death (Devil, Devil, Evil, Evil Songs) by Voltaire [Modified/Edited/Censored/Cleaned of course]
Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame
Friends on the Other Side from the Princess and the Frog
Stand My Ground by Within Temptation (Suggested by The Great Derpsby)
The Game by Disturbed (Suggested by The Great Derpsby)
Tear From the Moon by Conjure One (Suggested by Rametep)
Some Nights by Fun.
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
A True, True Friend
The Joker's Song by Miracle of Sound from Batman Arkum Asylum
Revenge by Madonna
In the Dark of the Night from Anastasia
What Have You Done by Within Temptation
He's Mine by MoKenStef
Everybody Plays the Fool by Aaron Neville
In the End by Lincoln Park (Suggested by Soundwave567)
The Apothecary by Enter the Haggis (Suggested by TheStratovarian)
Sad But True by Metallica (Suggested by Rametep)
It's Time For Action (Suggested and written by diamondstartheunicorn)
I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore by REO Speedwagon
Just Like You by Three Days Grace
Sister Hate by The Living Tombstone feat Mic the Microphone
Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin
You're Only Second Rate from The Return of Jafar
The Trial by Pink Floyd (Suggested by SCP Pinkamena)
Kidnap the Sandy Claws from the Nightmare Before Christmas (Suggested by Jdts7)
When Will You Die? by There Might Be Giants
Silhouette by Owl City (Suggested by Pylons)
That's What You Get by Paramore (Suggested by TwiLanes)

Those are a few ideas I have, but now I wanna hear from you. What song would you like me to incorporate into my musical? It can be from anything, and as long as you want. Just give me your suggestion, and I'll see if I can work it into the plot. Thumbs Up and Favorite!