• Published 13th Oct 2013
  • 5,122 Views, 329 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Descent Into Madness- A Musical - Matthais Unidostres

Sweetie Belle has discovered that there is a powerful magic in her singing voice- a magic that allows her to pass judgment on those around her- a magic that is slowly driving her insane

  • ...

Act III: Her Darker Side

. . . . . . . . .
Curtain Rise!

Act III: Her Darker Side

The Sun sent its rays through Sweetie Belle's window, attacking Sweetie Belle's face with a vengeance. The filly moaned and rolled over, covering her face with her foreleg. However, as she remembered the yesterday's events, she quickly opened her eyes to see Spike sleeping peacefully in his little bed with a smile on his face.

Sweetie Belle felt her heart grow warm once again. She made a mental note to borrow a few extra gems from Rarity's Boutique. She had so many, Sweetie was sure she wouldn't mind. . .as long as she kept her hooves off the baby blue sapphires.

The filly found herself just staring at the young dragon for a few minutes. Next Tuesday would be the day that he finally knew how she felt about him. She could just hear the words echoing in her mind right now. . .

Spike suddenly moved and broke the spell, so Sweetie Belle quickly lay back down and closed her eyes so he wouldn't know she was staring. The dragon yawned and got up out of bed.

"You awake, Sweetie Belle?" he asked softly.

The filly faked a yawn and sat up in bed. She nodded sleepily and got out of her bed. Sweetie went over to her dresser and picked up a brush and went to work on her mane.

"This would be easier if I could levitate things. . ." she remarked in an annoyed tone. "Another way life is ironic. I have all this magic and I can't levitate things."

Spike went over to Sweetie Belle and took the brush from her. "I can help you with that," he offered.

Sweetie Belle blushed, "You don't have to. . ."

"But I want to," Spike insisted, "I may not have let on last night, but I was a little worried about living alone. . .but you were there for me, and as a Noble Dragon, I want to be here for you."

Author's Note: Yeah, that's the ONLY element of "Spike at Your Service" that we're going to see in this continuity.

Sweetie's heart beat faster as Spike gently brushed her mane. It was as if her feelings toward him were getting stronger with each passing day.

"Maybe Rarity and I can teach you how to levitate things," Spike said.

Something strange awoke in Sweetie Belle when Spike said this. Something about the way he had said Rarity's name. . .she wondered what it was.

"Finished!" Spike cheered, putting down the brush.

Sweetie Belle looked in a mirror and smiled at the good job Spike did in parting her two tone colored mane on either side of her horn. She smiled and hugged Spike, "Thank you, Spike!"

Spike chuckled embarrassedly as Sweetie Belle broke of the quick hug, "Aw, sucks. It's no big deal. . ."

"Well then, come on! Maybe my parents will let me cook breakfast this morning!" Sweetie Belle cheered.

Spike smiled nervously. He had heard about Sweetie Belle's "cooking skills" from Rarity. "Uh. . . maybe we should cook something together?"

Sweetie Belle gasped and jumped for joy, "That's even better! Come on!" She then bounced out the door and down the stairs.

"Dodged a bullet," Spike quipped as he followed the filly towards the kitchen.

After an edible breakfast, Spike and Sweetie Belle walked towards the Library.

"I'll bet there's a book that can help you levitate stuff," Spike said.

"I wish there was a book to help your friends get their Cutie Marks," Sweetie Belle said sadly, "I feel bad for Applebloom and Scootaloo. I don't want them to feel jealous or left out."

Spike chuckled, "Well, here's another tidbit on the cruel, insane manipulations of Twilight Sparkle. She knew what your special talents were."

"She did?!" Sweetie Belle gasped.

"Yep!" Spike said, tapping the side of his head, "In fact, we all knew. It was so obvious to everyone else. But Twilight didn't want any of us to tell you. She made up some excuse about 'Letting them find out for themselves and having the pride and satisfaction of finding their destinies themselves'. It was all nonsense really. Probably some experiment she was doing on you three, seeing how much chaos you would cause before you went as crazy her."

Spike suddenly looked scared and he shook his head, "Not that you three caused any chaos. . .I mean. . ya know. . .I just. . .ooh."

Sweetie Belle laughed and said, "It's okay, Spike. The things we've tried were kinda crazy. I guess Twilight just likes chaos. She might be as bad as Discord!"

Spike nodded gravely in response, "Yeah. Hopefully she's gone to Canterlot to resign or something."

Spike and Sweetie Belle stood in awkward silence for a moment, then the filly said, "So. . .what are Applebloom's and Scootaloo's special talents?"

Spike smiled knowingly and cracked his knuckles. "Well. . ." he began, but was cut off when Rainbow Dash flew overhead yelling, "Princess Celestia is here! And she's brought Twilight!"

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened. "Oh no," she whispered. She and Spike exchanged glances, and then they followed Rainbow Dash to the center of town.

In front of Town Hall, Princess Twilight Sparkle stood in full regalia. The Element of Magic shone brightly on her head as she stood with a serious expression. Next to her stood Celestia, looking slightly angry. Spike and Sweetie Belle snuck up alongside the building to get a closer look at the two Princesses standing in front of the huge crowd.

"Citizens of Ponyville!" Celestia declared, "I hear that all of you have lost faith in my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. Has she not saved Winter Wrap Up? Has she not saved Equestria time and time again? Has she not protected this town from all the dangers that have come? Has she not proved herself a great leader with a kind heart? Many of you bring up something involving Parasprites and that unfortunate Want It Need It Spell incident, but don't we all make mistakes? Has she not learned from them? Yes, I believe she has! She has emerged a strong leader, who understand the Magic of Friendship! Didn't you hear the speech she made during her coronation? And what disturbs me the most of all is how her closest friends have betrayed her as well!"

"Not so fast!" Rainbow Dash shouted, flying in front of the Princess, "I did not betray Twilight. None of us did. We're just trying to help her!"

"Darn tooting, she's right!" Applejack said from the front of the crowd, "Twilight ain't Princessing material. She'd crack under the pressure like an empty walnut shell beneath a cow's hoof! Uh, no offense Sugar Cube."

Twilight just turned away sadly.

"Twilight, we care about you!" Fluttershy called out timidly, "But bad things will happen if you stay a Princess! Please, just give it up and come back to us. . ."

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Celestia roared in the Royal Canterlot Voice, causing everypony to cringe in fear, "Now, I am going to give you all one last chance. All bow before Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

From the side, Sweetie Belle and Spike were huddled together fearfully. They watched as ponies nervously exchanged glances and started bowing down before the purple Alicorn.

"No. . .No!" Sweetie Belle though in fear. It was just as she had feared, Twilight had too much power! Ponies were being forced to want her and need her, and she hadn't even used any spells! She had Celestia on her side! She was unstoppable. The filly turned to see Spike, whose eyes were closed and head was hung in defeat. Sweetie Belle's heart seemed to turn ice cold. Spike was going to become a slave again. That wonderful future she had planned for them was going to be snatched away. Tears fell from Sweetie Belle's eyes. If only Celestia could understand what she understood. . .

Sweetie Belle was suddenly struck with inspiration. She turned to look at the magical golden musical note on her flank. "That's it. . .that's what I gotta do. . ." Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, and walked towards the front of Town Hall, taking heavy steps that clopped against the ground.

"Sweetie Belle?" Spike said softly as Sweetie Belle walked forward.

Sweetie Belle didn't answer. She just walked up onto the platform in front of the building. The crowd went abuzz with talking as the young unicorn filly walked boldly towards the two Alicorns. Celestia turned towards Sweetie Belle and gave her a look of disdain. Sweetie looked back up at Celestia with a determined expression, still taking heavy steps on the platform until she was only a few feet away from her. Sweetie Belle stopped, and as her horn began to glow green, the filly began to sing to the Princess of the Sun.

Deep beneath a stable mind
There's a space between the truth and lies
Where sanity isn't what it seems
And real life is a nightmare of a dream
Behind the magic, behind the books
There's more to her than there looks
Just watch out, don't be surprised
When she shows her darker side

You cannot escape her so,
Don't try to close your eyes.
With every sinister spell
She shows her darker side

Sweetie Belle circled around Celestia and Twilight, like some animal cornering her prey. Celestia simply stared at Sweetie Belle, as Twilight just gaped at Sweetie Belle with wide eyes and an open mouth. Sweetie Belle looked at Twilight with an expression of loathing as she thought of how much she had suffered because of her. The Parasprites destroying her sister's boutique, the Want It Need It Spell turning her into a brainwashed puppet that fought against her friends, that unfinished spell destroying her sister's destiny, her friend's true special talents being kept hidden from them all this time. . .

Sweetie Belle cracked a smile at Twilight.

Heh. . .Perhaps a little crazy
But not insane
She's only got
Her magic to blame
On some days she's just a mare
With not a hint of evil, no reason to scare
But other days a sinister mind shines through
Now don't look back, she's watching you

Sweetie Belle suddenly turned to the crowd and sung loudly.

You cannot escape her so,
Don't try to close your eyes!
With every sinister spell
She shows her darker side!

The crowd all exchanged fearful glances. They all backed away from the Town Hall slightly, still watching for what was going to happen. Sweetie Belle turned to Celestia, who had a grim look on her royal countenance. She closed her eyes in though for a moment, and then the Princess of the Sun looked at Sweetie Belle, and nodded.

It all happened so fast, Sweetie Belle could hardly believe it. Celestia had shot a beam of light straight at Twilight, who let out a scream as she was trapped in a huge golden bubble. The Element of Magic was knocked off of her head, and landed with a clang right at Sweetie Belle's hooves.

The audience didn't gasp of say a word. They all just watched as Twilight hung spread eagled within the golden sphere of magic, shock and fear in her eyes. Unable to look, Sweetie Belle turned away and continued singing,

It was never meant to be this way...
It was never meant to be this way...
It was never meant to be this way...
It was never meant to be this way...

Suddenly, the whole town was singing the chorus of Sweetie Belle's song.

You cannot escape her so,
Don't try to close your eyes!
With every sinister spell
She shows her darker side!

Celestia approached the purple Alicorn as she struggled to free her limbs from the force holding them. Twilight looked at her teacher with a pleading look in her eyes. Celestia only shook her head and spoke two sentences:

It was never meant to be this way...
It was never meant to be this way...

Celestia's magic erupted in a mighty flash, and both she and Twilight were gone.

"Well, Sweetie Belle, you really did it!" Spike said.

Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were all gathered together at Sugar Cube Corner, enjoying a round of milkshakes. After all the drama that had happened that morning, they all needed something to calm their nerves.

"Yeah! You music showed Celestia what she was missing the whole time!" Applebloom said.

Pinkie Pie popped up from under the table and said, "That Twilight's poco loco en el coco!" She then went back down beneath the table.

After staring at the ground for a moment, Scootaloo said, "Well, ya gotta admit, if Sweetie's voice can touch the Princess, then it's gotta be something special. Heck! I'll be Sweetie Belle is the greatest singer in all of Equestria!"

Sweetie Belle blushed, "Aw, come on. . ."

"It's true, Sweetie Belle," Spike said, "I just wonder how you're gonna top that on Tuesday!"

Sweetie Belle smiled knowingly, "Oh, you'll see. . ."

"This is so great, I could just BURST! Twilight is gone, Spike is all mine."

"What could possibly go wrong?"


Author's Note:

This Act's featured song was "Her Darker Side" by Aviator. Link
Specifically, the Nightcore cover by IIWinterBreezeII·. Link
So, on my song list:
Misa's Song
Aviators- Her Darker Side
Brand New Day
<Song Name Redacted> (I still can't say this title. It'd be a spoiler)
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Death, Death (Devil, Devil, Evil, Evil Songs) [Modified/Edited/Censored/Cleaned of course]
A True True Friend
The Joker's Song
In the End by Lincoln Park (Suggested by Soundwave567)
The Apothecary (Suggested by TheStratovarian)

Those are a few ideas I have, but now I wanna hear from you. What song would you like me to incorporate into my musical? It can be from anything, and as long as you want. Just give me your suggestion, and I'll see if I can work it into the plot. Thumbs Up and Favorite!

"It was never meant to be this way..."