• Published 13th Oct 2013
  • 5,122 Views, 329 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Descent Into Madness- A Musical - Matthais Unidostres

Sweetie Belle has discovered that there is a powerful magic in her singing voice- a magic that allows her to pass judgment on those around her- a magic that is slowly driving her insane

  • ...

Act XXV: Two Halves of a Broken Heart

. . . . . . . . .
Curtain Rise!

Act XXV: Two Halves of a Broken Heart

Scene i: Who You Are

All of Ponyvile was busier than they have ever been before. Windows were washed, wood was polished, balloons were blown up, and streamers and banners were being put up everywhere. Overseeing all of this activity were Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Mayor Mare.

Mayor Mare looked at her clip board and nodded. "Okay, it looks like we're right on schedule for our Princess' return," she said.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie walked; or in Pinkie's case, bounced; out of Sugar Cube Corner where a banquet was being prepared.

"Ah don't know, Ah just don't know," Applejack muttered.

"Don't know what?" Pinkie Pie asked cheerfully, he mane back to normal and her cheerful attitude back in full positive swing, "Why the sky is blue? Why oranges are called oranges while apples aren't called reds? Maybe it's because apples aren't always red? There are yellow apples, green apples, pink apples-."

"Oh, for Pete's sake, Pinkie!" Applejack shouted, "Don't you remember what we all did!?"

The conversation was interrupted when a yell of anguish came from high above them. Then a rainbow colored blur fell out of the sky and slammed into the ground. When the dust cleared, Rainbow Dash lay painfully in a shallow crater.

"What the hay?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash got up and shook her dizziness off. "I had to do it, I just had to, I can't take it anymore, I can't-" she mumbled.

"Are you trying to dig a hole, Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie said with a laugh, "You're silly! You dig holes with a shovel, not your face."

Dash stared at Pinkie in shock for a moment, then she shook her head to clear it again, and shouted, "What is wrong with you, Pinkie! How can you be smiling after everything we did to Twilight! We abandoned her, betrayed her, turned our backs to her, didn't support her as a good Princess, and let her get locked away somewhere all alone! Do you realize what Twilight must think of us now!? Don't you get what terrible friends we were?!"

Pinkie shrugged nonchalantly, "Well, yeah, we would be bad friends if we had done all that stuff."

Now both Applejack and Rainbow Dash were staring at Pinkie in disbelief.

"HUH!?" both ponies asked simultaneously.

With a sudden flash, Discord teleported next to the group. Fluttershy laid on Discord tail, albeit a little nervously, as its end held a brush that gently groomed her pink mane.

"Oh, my ignorant little ponies," Discord said as he worked on solving a Rubix Cube in his hands without looking at it, "It seems Pinkie Pie always will be the smartest one among you."

"That's right! Auntie Pinkie Pie knows all!" Pinkie cheered.

Discord continued, "I really have to ask, what part of 'mind controlling spell' didn't you understand. It was simply a more subtle, yet perhaps just as sound, version of my own spell that turned you against each other a while back. I don't believe you all begged each other for forgiveness then, so I don't see why Twilight would feel that to be necessary now." With a final click, Discord finished the Rubix Cube, and revealed that each of its faces showed an image of one of the Mane Six. Discord spun it around and chuckled, "It's funny, really. You all swear by the Magic of Friendship, saying there's nothing it can't do. And yet here you are, terrified that you have all broken it simply by being the victims of an ambitious filly. You act as if friendship is as fragile as glass."

Discord dropped the cube, which shattered as soon as it hit the ground. However, the shards suddenly fused back into the cube and it returned to Discord's paw.

"However," Discord said, "Being turned to stone two times and then reformed has taught me how resilient friendship truly is. So I'd suggest hurrying up and getting Twilight's welcome back party ready instead of feeling sorry for yourselves or trying to commit suicide. . .hmmm?" At that moment, Discord snapped his fingers, and big neon signs with arrows pointing at Rainbow Dash appeared saying things like, "Emo", "Needs Therapy", and "Has a Death Wish."

"I wasn't trying to kill myself! I was trying to knock out my guilt!" Rainbow Dash protested.

Discord made the signs disappear and said with a wink and a chuckle, "Well, you nearly knocked out more than that!" Discord formed his tail into a slide, and Fluttershy gently slid off onto the ground with a goofy cartoon sound effect. Discord then made a big multicolored lollipop appear in her mouth.

Discord stretched his back and said, "Well, if you ponies need me, I'll be-."

"MMM! Wait!" Fluttershy said, taking the lollipop out of her mouth, "What exactly happened to Sweetie Belle?"

Discord nodded, "Oh yeah, that. . ." Discord rubbed his chin for a bit, then smiled, "I have no idea."

"What?" Applejack exclaimed, "You're the one who set up that trial. You dished out the punishment. You should know what happened to her."

Discord shrugged, "All I did was break the spell. Then I just randomized her location so the Rules of Chaos could handle it."

"Since when does Chaos have rules?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Since always," Discord said, folding his arms and pouting, "I suppose she's be wherever Spike went to."

"Rarity's hospital room with her parents?" Applejack said.

"No, the Everfree Forest," Discord said plainly.

"WHAT!?" all four ponies exclaimed.

Discord shrugged, "He slipped out of the hospital earlier and ran into the Everfree Forest."

"Why didn't you tell us!" Fluttershy gasped, "We have to save him!"

Discord face palmed slowly and melted into a puddle. "You little ponies don't get it, do you?"

Discord reformed his body, snapped his fingers, and a sudden flash of light sent the four ponies into a daze.

"Sorry, but a dragon's gotta do what a dragon's gotta do," Discord remarked, and he vanished in a flash of light.

"Whoa. . .what happened," Rainbow Dash said as she and her friends overcame the dizziness.

"Does he have to flash so brightly when he teleports?" Applejack complained.

"Um, what was he saying again?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, duh!" Pinkie said, "He was saying that what happened to Twilight wasn't our fault, and if we all pull together to make up for it and have a little faith, Twilight will see that we'd never really abandon her, and how important our friendship is to us."

Applejack nodded, "You're right, Pinkie. Which means. . .Discord is right too. . .wow. . ."

Rainbow Dash hovered in the air and said, "Whatever. Come on! We have a party to put together. Luna and Celestia are gonna bring Twilight here soon!"

Spike trudged through the Everfree Forest, the trees blocking the Sun's light and turning day into night. Spike bent down and sniffed deeply for a moment. He closed his eyes and concentrated hard. He sighed and opened his eyes, looking into the deep, dark forest before him.

"I don't know why," Spike said, "But somehow, I feel responsible for this." Spike hung his head and wiped tears from his eyes. "Maybe if I had. . .paid her more attention, helped her understand that my heart was for Rarity, maybe she wouldn't have gotten so jealous and crazy. . ."

The little dragon looked to the side of the path he was walking on and noticed a bunch of white flowers. He walked over to the flowers and picked one. Spike looked into the flower and noticed that the center was a green ring around a purple circle.

"But I guess, the fact is that Sweetie Belle will always have me locked in her heart. She'd never give me up," Spike said softly. He walked slowly through the forest, looking at the flower in his claws and the surrounding woods.

I'm still in the vacuum of your heart
I still can remember who you are
One spark of your horn has torn us apart
Just let me
I'm still in the vacuum of your heart

Spike cast down the flower and glared at it. Suddenly angry and frustrated at the recent events, he raised his voice at it.

Do you remember just who you are?
The cold green ember-
of your burnt out star

Deny me
Untie me
Derange me
Paralyze me

Annoy me
Destroy me
Erase me
Mesmerize me

Spike felt a fire burn in his throat. He reared back to spit a fire ball, but then stopped and turned, letting a stream of flame out of his mouth. He then turned back to look at the flower.

I'm still in the vacuum of your heart
I still keep on opening your scar
I'm tryin' to reach your soul but it's hard
Just let me
I'm still in the vacuum of your heart

Spike clenched his claws in anger. "What she did. . .to Twilight. . .to Rarity. . .to everyone!"

Spike raised his foot over the flower and prepared to stomp on it.

Do you remember just who you are?
The cold green ember-
of your burnt out star

Deny me
Untie me
Derange me
Paralyze me

Annoy me
Destroy me
Erase me
Mesmerize me

However, despite how long Spike stood there, he couldn't bring himself to bring his foot down onto the small plant. Spike breathed out smoke from his mouth as his anger simmered down. He looked down in pity at the flower, and got down onto his hands and knees.

Do you remember just who you are?
The cold green ember-
of your burnt out star

Can imagine who you could've been
Go on without the medicine to fondle your skin

Spike looked down at his handiwork. The flower was now replanted before him. He nodded slowly, finally knowing what he had to do. The dragon turned around to continue his trek into the Everfree Forest.

Sweetie Belle was right behind him.

Scene ii: Who You Are

Spike stepped back out of instinct as the unicorn filly stared at him with unblinking eyes. The dragon took the filly's appearance in. He drank in ever detail about her. Her mane, tail, and coat were still in good condition, although her hooves were a bit muddy. Her eyes were wide and her pupils dilated, and her horn was dim and not glowing at all. Aside from her gentle breathing, she didn't move a muscle as she stared at the dragon.

Spike gulped down the huge lump that had formed in his throat, and then forced himself to speak.

"Sw-Swe-Sweetie Belle?"

The filly's ears twitched suddenly, and her whole body began to shudder. Then, her knees gave way, and she fell down hard, sobbing loudly.

Spike's face was one of pure shock as he beheld the broken filly in front of him. Spike watched as pools of tears formed at the filly's hooves. Unsure of what to do, Spike wrung his claws nervously for a bit. Realizing that he couldn't just stand there and do nothing, Spike gathered up his nerve and walked to Sweetie Belle's side.

"Sweetie Belle," Spike said softly as he put his claw on her shoulder gently, "Shh, shh, shh. It's okay-."

The filly smacked Spike's claw away suddenly and looked up at him with angry, piercing eyes.

"What is wrong with you?!" she hissed. Spike jumped back and walked backwards away from Sweetie Belle as the she got her hooves and glared at him with a mixture of rage, grief, and pain.

Who do you think I am?
Why did you come again?
What does it take to make you drop me?
Who do you think I am?

I wish I wasn't me!
I wish you would agree!
I wish I wouldn't always hurt you!
I wish I wasn't me!

Sweetie Belle suddenly ran past Spike and to a large tree. She then proceeded to bang her head against the trunk of the tree, her voice reaching a fever pitch.

Stop my agony
Help me rescue me
Won't you ease my pain?
Help me!
Hate me!
This love is killing me!

"Sweetie Belle, stop this! You'll hurt yourself!" Spike shouted.

The filly turned around and looked at Spike in disbelief.

Who do you think I am?
Why do you start again?
What does it take to make you scorn me?
Who do you think I am?

I wish I was alive. If only I had a chance!
I wish you could revive, but would it make any sense?
I wish I could just kill my feelings
I wish I was alive
Stop my agony!

Stop my agony
Help me rescue me
Won't you ease my pain?
Help me!
Hate me!
This love is killing me!

Sweetie Belle was on the ground in a begging pose. Tear stains were on her cheeks, and now her mane was wild and unkempt.

"Calm down! Please clam down!" Spike pleaded, waving his arms frantically, "We can work this out! We can go back and fix everything in time!"

Sweetie Belle grabbed Spike by the shoulders and began shaking him.

Who do you think I am?
Why do you fight again?
What does it take to make you curse me?
Who do you think I am?

I wish I was like you. If only I could believe.
I wish I could renew, but I will bring you to grief.
I wish I could erase my ego
I wish I was like you!
Stop my agony!

Stop my agony
Help me rescue me
Won't you ease my pain?
Help me!
Hate me!
This love is killing me!

Help me! I'm in Tartarus!
You better help yourself and get away from me!

Scene iii: Liar

Spike stared in shock as the filly let go of his shoulders and backed away from him. The small unicorn was trembling and sweating, a complete mess if he ever saw it. Sweetie Belle stumbled as she stepped backwards, and landed on her side. She sniffed and hugged herself, trembling violently and crying.

"Leave meeeeeeee!" she squealed as she shut her eyes tightly and did her best to hide inside herself. "Leave me alooooooooooone!" she crooned.

Spike's left eye twitched as he took in the pitiful scene. "Wow, she's worse than Rarity," he thought to himself. Then he shook the confusion out of his head and stood firmly on the ground. "No, Sweetie Belle," he said, "I'm not leaving until I get everything straight and make things clear between us. So listen!"

Spike marched close to Sweetie Belle and folded arms, standing over her in a serious manner.

Disguised as a remedy
Take us higher than before
Enter the covenant
Not worth the paper that it's written on

When you sing
In less than
20 seconds you had control over everything
And when your words
Finally make their way out on the stage
Only God knows what they even mean

You tell me not to speak,
But you don't understand
That He's ashamed of us
when we're ashamed of Him [Mark 8:38]

What good is the next level?
if we gain the world, but then we lose our soul [Mark 8:36]

I'm not saying you're a liar,
It's just that none of us believe a word you say
They say the tongue is like a fire [James 3:6]
Nothing but empty promises around your flame!

Sweetie Belle put her hooves over her eyes. Spike noticed this, so he bent down and pulled her hooves off of her face. Sweetie Belle opened her green eyes, and Spike looked deep into him, and spoke to her as directly as possible.

I listen
To what was said
Even though it's not the same as what you really meant
And when the light
Is shining on your lips
Can't take the blame when denial is your only friend

You tell me not to speak,
But you don't understand
That He's ashamed of us
when we're ashamed of Him [Mark 8:38]

You don't believe anymore
The days turn to weeks then to months we haven't heard from you!

I'm not saying you're a liar,
It's just that none of us believe a word you say
They say the tongue is like a fire [James 3:6]
Nothing but empty promises around your flame!

I'm not saying you're a liar,
It's just that none of us believe a word you say!

Spike breathed heavily as he and Sweetie Belle stared eye to eye with one another. After a tense moment, Spike held Sweetie Belle's face in his claws, and hardened his gaze as much as he could.

I will forgive you [Luke 17:3-4]
But it will take some time to forget
I will forgive you [Matthew 18:21-22]
But it's gonna take some time

Spike got up and walked a few paces away from Sweetie Belle. But after a few steps, he suddenly stopped and turn around.

"You know," he said, "Maybe Discord knew what he was doing when he put you in here. Maybe he knew that. . .you wouldn't be able to go back. You couldn't face everypony after everything you did." Spike pointed directly at Sweetoe Belle, who quickly ducked her head and hid herself from the accusing claw. "You're afraid of that time where people are still learning to forgive you. You don't want to face the consequences." Spike made a fist with his claw. "Sorry, Sweetie Belle, but it's not just gonna go away like that."

Spike's fire burned within him as he felt more mature than he every had before in his entire life.

I'm not saying you're a liar,
It's just that none of us believe a word you say
They say the tongue is like a fire [James 3:6]
Nothing but empty promises around your flame!

I'm not saying you're a liar,
It's just that none of us believe a word you say
They say the tongue is like a fire [James 3:6]
Nothing but empty promises around your flame!

I will forgive you [Luke 17:3-4]
But it will take some time to forget
I will forgive you [Matthew 18:21-22]
But it's gonna take some time

Feeling fully satisfied, Spike turned in the direction of Ponyville, and walked, leaving Sweetie Belle alone in the forest.

Scene iv: Javert's Soliloquy

Sweetie Belle breathed heavily as she lay there, watching Spike disappear into the woods. Her breathing got more and more rapid as she lay there, Spike's words slowly sinking in. Sweetie Belle suddenly sprang up and began running through the forest in the opposite direction Spike had went off too. As she sprinted through the forest, anger began to build up inside her.

Who is this guy?
What sort of monster is he?
To have me caught in his grasp
And choose to let me go free?

It was his time at last
To rub it all in my face
Point out my loss
Cheer for my fall out of grace

A flaming hot breath would make that flower ignite,
After everything I did, he didn't give up tonight!

Darn it! Why is he going so easy on me?
Darn it! He's a coward! Why didn't I see?

He was just so lucky I couldn't sing his fate!
I'll spit his pity right back in his face

There is no way I'm going back there!
It doesn't matter what he says! I DON'T CARE!

Sweetie Belle suddenly skidded to a halt as she burst through some bushed. She found herself standing on the edge of a cliff. Nearby was a raging waterfall. She remembered this as the waterfall Scootaloo had gone over during that camping trip not too long ago. . .

Fresh tears sprang up in Sweetie Belle's eyes as she recalled that camping trip, and the fun they all had. She then remembered her two best friends back in Ponyville. Scootaloo. Applebloom. She then remembered her sister, and he friends, and how nice they had always been to her. . .

Sweetie Belle trembled as a great sadness spread through her. It was all coming back through her again, every one of her thoughts, her actions, her choices, it all burned like poison inside her. Sweetie Belle wiped her eyes and looked out into the distance as se yielded to her thoughts.

How could I have allowed myself
To hold dominion over them?

Those special ponies I love so dearly
And that dragon, Spike,
He showed me mercy.

I should have perished by his flames.
It was his right.
It was my right to burn as well,
Instead I live, as an Evil Bell

And my thoughts fly apart,
Can Spike's words be believed?
Can my sins be forgiven?
Can his crimes be reprieved.....?

Sweetie Belle shrieked in pain as her horn suddenly let out a large green spark that fizzled out when it hit the ground. Her white horn was now charred black, although a tiny green glow seemed to emanate out of it. Sweetie Belle pressed her hoof against her horn. It pained her greatly as she stood there, the only sound other than her own voice and heartbeat was the sound of the nearby waterfall beneath her.

And must I now begin to doubt,
The opinion I had, for Princess Twi?
My heart is black, and now it trembles.
The world I have known is lost in shadow.

They're all from Heaven, I am not!
And do they know,
That when they broke my spell today,
They also broke me --

The sound of shattering glass echoed within her mind as she stood there. Her eyes suddenly became very dark, and her pupils shrank dramatically.

-- even so.

Sweetie Belle stepped forward. She looked down over the edge and all the way down to the bottom of the waterfall.

I am reaching, but I fall.
And the stars are black and cold.
As I stare into the void,
Of a world that cannot hold.

I'll escape now, from that world.
My final song is done.
There is no where I can turn.
There is no way to go ooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn!


Author's Note:

The featured songs were Who You Are and Your Love Is Killing Me by Oomph!, both suggested by The Great Derpsby. We also had Liar by Disciple, suggested by rainshy twiapple. Thank you all so much for suggesting these songs, they were perfect. The final song was Javert's Soliloquy from Les Miserables.

Well, I'd say there's still one chapter of this story left. We still have a few plot points to rap up here, so keep an eye out for the Epilogue! Thank you all so much for supporting me through this musical journey!

On the song list:
Liar by Disciple (Suggested by rainshy twiapple)
Discord by Odyssey Eurobeat Brony
WANT IT NEED IT by Jeff the Strider
Show Me the Way by Styx
Misa's Song from Death Note
Aviators- Her Darker Side
Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus (Suggested by diamondstartheunicorn)
Titanium by David Guetta (Suggested by diamondstartheunicorn)
Brand New Day from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Slipping from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Killing The Dragon by Dio
Monster by Skillet (Suggested by gamedude88)
Pretty Women from Sweeny Todd
Still Alive- Portal (Suggested by TheMainManeMaineBrony)
Want you Gone- Portal 2 (Suggested by TheMainManeMaineBrony)
Javert's Soliloquy (Now you know why I had to hide the title!)
Who You Are by Oomph! (Suggested by The Great Derpsby)
Your Love Is Killing Me by Oomph! (Suggested by The Great Derpsby)
Poor Unfortunate Souls from the Little Mermaid
Slaying the Dreamer by Nightwish (Suggested by Volossya)
Master Passion Greed by Nightwish (Suggested by Volossya)
Death, Death (Devil, Devil, Evil, Evil Songs) by Voltaire [Modified/Edited/Censored/Cleaned of course]
Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame
Friends on the Other Side from the Princess and the Frog
Stand My Ground by Within Temptation (Suggested by The Great Derpsby)
The Game by Disturbed (Suggested by The Great Derpsby)
Tear From the Moon by Conjure One (Suggested by Rametep)
Some Nights by Fun.
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
A True, True Friend
The Joker's Song by Miracle of Sound from Batman Arkum Asylum
Revenge by Madonna
In the Dark of the Night from Anastasia
What Have You Done by Within Temptation
He's Mine by MoKenStef
Everybody Plays the Fool by Aaron Neville
In the End by Lincoln Park (Suggested by Soundwave567)
The Apothecary by Enter the Haggis (Suggested by TheStratovarian)
Sad But True by Metallica (Suggested by Rametep)
It's Time For Action (Suggested and written by diamondstartheunicorn)
I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore by REO Speedwagon
Just Like You by Three Days Grace
Sister Hate by The Living Tombstone feat Mic the Microphone
Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin
You're Only Second Rate from The Return of Jafar
The Trial by Pink Floyd (Suggested by SCP Pinkamena)
Kidnap the Sandy Claws from the Nightmare Before Christmas (Suggested by Jdts7)
When Will You Die? by There Might Be Giants
Silhouette by Owl City (Suggested by Pylons)
That's What You Get by Paramore (Suggested by TwiLanes)