• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 11,070 Views, 700 Comments

My Daughter Chrysalis - Scarheart

Heritage. It's what defines character. For Chrysalis, it's about what it is to be a changeling. For Michael Spriggs, it's about finding out his past is not as it seems. The love between father and daughter will be tested, their bon

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Chapter 14 Into the Wild Blue...aaaand She's Crying Again...

Pre-read and edited by iakovl.
Editor's note at the end of the chapter!

Princess Luna was always pleased to see one of the newest ships of her navy ready and waiting for her and her sister’s arrival. There was a great deal of pomp and ceremony. A band played a rousing Equestrian tune of pony pride. Off duty ponies came to the docks to see them off. Even the reporters had arrived, mostly because of the presence of the princesses. Over the years as the base grew, so did a town spring up in the foothills below five miles away. The base brought in business, hundreds of ponies gathered as word spread like wildfire that not one but both princesses were off on a diplomatic mission to entreat peace with the changelings. Many believed it was a last ditch effort before the mighty arm of Equestria would fall and deal a terrible blow.

The twin hulled cruiser seemed itching to burst from her moorings and take to the sky. Her sleek lines and unique profile begged for her captain to set her free among the clouds. As much as Prince Blueblood itched to get underway, his first priority was to welcome Celestia and Luna on board the Mare Crisium. He would do so during the traditional farewell between crew and those who came to see them off.

Luckily, there was no prolonged speech; just family and friends gathered at the dock to bid the ship and her crew a safe voyage. Tears were shed as mothers and fathers were already missed. Cheers went up as husband and wives felt immeasurable pride for the significant other leaving them in their memories until the day they returned.. The ship would be hunting pirates as soon as her primary mission was accomplished. More than a handful of Equestrians had fallen in battle with the marauders. Even a few of the smaller, less armored airships had been captured. Such events were rare; what crew had survived were either sold into slavery or killed.

More than one face carried the memory of a lost friend or family member upon an apprehensive face.

The morning had found Michael Spriggs and his daughter Chrysalis sitting on the deck in front of the bridge. The man’s arms were hanging over the railing as he leaned over to look at the ant-sized crowd below. He was going from individual to individual, spotting them through a thumb and forefinger, touching them together like pincers and saying “Crush, crush, crush!” The music was loud, even from two hundred feet above them. Chrysalis was tapping her hoof to the music, unable to keep herself from enjoying it. Equestrians were emotional ponies and loved to put joy in their patriotic songs.

“Do that good morning thing again,” Michael bade his child, grinning at her from behind his shoulder. His eyes sparkled with mischief.

She grinned right back, happily chirping and buzzing her wings. Fleur de Lis had told her she could drop her disguise for the day so the crew could be given a chance to know who was trotting among them. Discreetly, she stayed away from the railing, sunning herself before it got too hot. Besides, there was always at least two guards keeping an eye on both of them from a discreet distance. One was Steel Jaw. He seemed uncertain as he watched the two interact and act for all the world like father and daughter.

Changelings weren’t like ponies! How could she be laughing and carrying on like that? Didn’t she know she was evil? Michael’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

“How do I know you’re not telling me, ‘I like putting spam on my head and cucumbers up my nose’?” he asked, then started to laugh.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” snorted Anzealous. He was off to one side, reading the morning paper while nursing a lukewarm cup of coffee. The changeling was reclined in a folding sun chair and wore a pair of thick rimmed sunglasses. Remnants of breakfast lay on a tray next to him. They had all eaten together, reluctantly agreeing if they were to be traveling together, it was best to at least try and get along. It didn’t take an Aesop fable to teach them this particular lesson. Common sense ruled the evening last night and had carried over to the day.

Chrysalis still hated Anzealous and Michael was not going to relent from calling him ‘Andy’ anytime soon. At least the child wasn’t making fun of the portly changeling’s roundness.

“There’s no word in our language for...spam,” he went on, trying to wonder just what it was. “Her accent is a bit off, but she did a very nice formal ‘good morning’.”

The music died down on the docks below. Anzealous set aside his paper and waddled over next to the human and peered over the side. Princess Twilight Sparkle was down there, speaking in a voice to the gathered ponies. Her voice could be heard, but no words could be made out. A seagull called out mournfully above them.

“Fleur’s down there, isn’t she?” Chrysalis wondered out loud.

“I believe so,” replied her father. She shifted into Midnight Emerald and joined the males at the rail. She kept to the other side of her father, pointedly ignoring Anzealous. “Blueblood, too. Everyone who’s important is.”

They could hear polite clopping when Twilight finished her little speech. It sounded like a herd of deer was having a drunken brawl at a wooden plank emporium. Such a strange sound, yet at the same time it was very much like hearing people clapping, it was weird.

“I have to ask,” Anzealous announced, looking at the human, “what is spam?”

“Processed pork,” replied Michael with a grin. “I always take some with me when I go camping. It’s actually not that bad. My grandpa got me into that habit and even my dad a little.”

“It was made famous by the British as the United States flooded them with canned meat during the second world war,” added Chrysalis. “It was easy, cheap to make, and could be stored for a period of time at room temperature. Personally, I think it’s too salty.”

The changeling was confused. “Then why would you want to put it on your head?”

“I was trying to be funny.”

“Daddy, you’re not funny and you shouldn’t try to be.”

“You brat!” he cried, flicking one of her ears. She yelped, swatting away his hand with a hoof while unable to stop from blurting out a small squeal.

Anzealous gave a pained expression. “Please don’t act like that. It’s unbecoming for a royal to act so...common.” He sighed and peered over the railing again. “I have one wish and one wish only,” Anzealous sighed wistfully. “Aside from the amends I hope to make with the both of you, I want to see a lasting peace between changelings and ponies. Perhaps by being a competent instructor, I can help you be a part of that peace, young mistress.”

Chrysalis peered at him. “Me? What do I have to do with all of this?”

“Well,” harrumphed the changeling, “you did start an undeclared war on Equestria. There’s only a cease-fire because the princesses don’t want a war. Some of the queens think that’s a sign of weakness while another group sees that as an opportunity to smooth things over. Which way you lean could hinge between war or peace.”

Michael leaned over to his daughter. “No pressure.” Before she could open her mouth and retort, the man threw an arm over Anzealous’ shoulder and drew him into a very tight and very uncomfortable hug. “Andy. Buddy. You need to learn tact. I thought I was bad at tact, but you...you make me look like Ronald Reagan.” He gave the squirming changeling a noogie before releasing him.

“How dare you!” grumbled Anzealous with outrage. The changeling adjusted his sunglasses, which had gone askew on his face. “I am not to be handled in such a manner!”

“You won’t wrinkle.”

“That’s not the point!” The changeling closed his eyes and regained his composure. When he opened them, he was much more composed. “Changelings do not normally like to be touched. Physcial contact is not encouraged.”

“Why is that?” asked Chrysalis, interested. “I hug my Daddy all the time.”

Steel Jaw arched a brow at the antics between the father and his daughter. They seemed oddly...normal. Very strange. Even if the princess wanted him to try and make friends with the human, he still could not bring himself to believe the thing calling herself his daughter was a reborn creature capable of goodness. It had to be some sort of a trick.

“Well, you’re an exception. Most queens want their subjects to be strong, both in mind and body. They must be ready to accept the loss of one of their own. Getting close to a friend or a sibling is considered foolish and unnecessary. Few changelings even consider friendship as something of a need. It’s a want and therefore not important. Love is the same way. As a source of power, it is a want and not a need. A changeling does not need love to be a productive part of his or her hive. We might want it, but there is really no need for changelings to have access to such power. That is why the queens decide who gets the love gathered by her respective hive. Love is power. The queens possess all of the power in changeling society and it is given to her favorite subjects based on how well they served them in their eyes.”

“That doesn’t explain the hugging,” pressed the curious changeling mare.

“There’s a legend, more of a very old, old myth where hugging changelings used to feed off of each other at the touch. It’s not true, but it’s become so ingrained in our culture, it’s almost like an unspoken rule. It’s usually confined within families or mated pairs. Changelings mate for life, such intimate gestures are done strictly in private. Public displays of physical affection is considered a cultural taboo.”

“Can they do that?” asked Michael as he straightened to his six foot height. “Feed off each other, I mean?”

Anzealous shook his head. “No. Common changelings—drones—cannot feed off each other’s emotions. Queens, however can strip the love stored within a subject of her hive or a changeling who has become a part of her hive mind.”

“I guess that’s kinda creepy,” Chrysalis said, crinkling her muzzle. “So...what kind of changeling are you? Drone or royal?”

“I’m just the common everyling,” sighed Anzealous. “Though my mother was a royal, she dallied with a drone and I was the result. Or so I’ve been told. If you remember what my younger sister Fae said, we’re raised in a communal hatchery. Every mare is our mother and every stallion is our father. The queen is the unquestioned alpha of any hive. Her children become aware of their mother by their first molt. They are then taken from the communal hatchery and go to be raised with other royals.”

“So, what was the deal about Queen Druanae wanting a ship to hold her hive’s eggs?” Chrysalis was intrigued now as the subject was beginning to warm on her.

Anzealous was more than happy to answer the question. He buzzed happily, “Well, as you probably heard, an aggressive hive will raid another hive’s hatchery and steal the eggs. I should imagine the only real reason why Equestria or any other part of the world is not under changeling rule is due to the simple fact we keep warring upon each other to prove our strength to the Empress and gain her favor. If a queen’s hive can steal the eggs from another queen’s hive, the losing queen loses face while the thief and her hive gain prestige and respect from the other queens. Queen Druanae has been seeking a way to turn from such a waste of energy and resources, not to mention the lives such raids cost.”

“Sounds pretty stupid,” sniffed Chrysalis disdainfully.

Steel Jaw blinked, then looked away.

“I heartily agree with you,” grunted Anzealous.

“So what’s the main point of it all? Survival of the fittest?”

Michael spoke up. “Kinda sounds like the old Viking raids back in the Middle Ages.”

“Not really, Daddy. It’s more like tribal warfare between Native Americans before Manifest Destiny happened.” Chrysalis gave him a snort of disagreement. She turned her attention to Anzealous. “Sorry about that. You probably have no idea about human warfare and all the perks that come with it.” Her smile was perky, but her eyes flashed like glinting daggers.

“No, but I can imagine easily it’s not so dissimilar to our own history.” Anzealous noted the crowd below breaking up. The speeches were over. Soon the princesses would be on board and the ship would be on her way. He quickly gathered his thoughts on the subject at hoof. “As for the comment for survival of the fittest, you’re not really all that far from the truth.”

“Go on,” Chrysalis pressed.

The fat changeling adjusted his sunglasses. “Well, we have a very old belief changelings grow stronger in the face of an adversity. It is written we must grow stronger every day as we prepare for the return to one world. Ancient texts of lore spoken of but now forbidden to see foretell of a time when changelings will be tested. Somewhere along the way, the queens decided it meant a bloody competition between hives. There’s a reason roughly half the changelings in the world choose to become Grays. They want no part in what they see as a game of insanity between power-hungry queens. Queen Druanae hopes to change all that, along with Queen Felu and Queen Odyssei. Of course, they’re the weakest hives, so naturally they want to get away from having their eggs stolen all the time. The battles have finally started to wear them down and they spend most of their time hiding from their sisters.”

“So they want mobile, armored transports capable of defending their eggs and children from raids,” reasoned Michael.

“Exactly! Or, if Queen Druanae can’t have that, at least integrate into Equestria and get help from the ponies in protecting the unborn changelings.”

A shadow fell over the trio as they had inadvertently drawn closer together through the discussion. As one, they felt the sudden loss of sunlight and turned as if on cue towards the source of the shadow.

Princess Celestia stood before them, a warm smile on her lips as she gave them each a nod. “Good morning, my little po- friends.” She caught herself and chuckled, able to laugh at herself. “I trust you are all well?”

Chrysalis eagerly shifted to her normal form, then buzzed and chirped at Celestia. Anzealous’ eyes widened slightly, then gave a little sigh.

Celestia chuckled. “I see you’ve started your lessons on the changeling language. Your accent is a little off...and that didn’t sound what I think you meant to say.”

The young mare whirled on Anzealous. “What did I say?” she squeaked, her eyes growing round.

He was starting to blush. “You...you…”

“What?” Her voice went up several octaves. “What did I say, Anzealous?”

He sighed and translated Chrysalis’ attempt. “You said it right, but the tone in your vocalization was a bit...suggestive.”

“What—” Michael furrowed his brow. “—does that even mean?” He smirked at his daughter, covering his mouth with a palm as if he was trying to physically wipe it from his face.

Chrysalis blushed furiously, wanting to curl up and die right there. “But...I thought…”

“Oh, oh, don’t be upset!” Celestia moved with swift grace and had a wing over the smaller mare’s withers. “You’ll get a lot better at it.”

The mortified changeling tried to hide in the wing. “I’m so sorry! I was trying to say ‘good morning’ formally, like I would with any royal, not...not that way!”

“I know, I know,” consoled the princess. “Don’t give up! It’s only your first day with a new language. You can’t possibly expect to learn it overnight. I am very pleased you tried.” Celestia gave the shaking changeling a nuzzle.

“I’m so embarrassed!” wailed Chrysalis.

Michael stepped forward and bent forward until his eyes were level with his cringing daughter’s. He reached out and cupped her face in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears. “Hey! None of that!” he said to her gently. Giving the quietly weeping changeling a gentle shake in his hands, he smiled. “You tried, didn’t you?”

She buzzed her wings indignantly. “Not good enough.”

Celestia chuckled. “Careful. You might turn into another Twilight.”

“Um, pardon me, but how do you understand...changeling?” Michael asked Celestia curiously.

“One doesn’t become a good ruler without picking up a few things here and there,” replied Celestia with a smug little smile.

Chrysalis gave a small laugh. “That’s not so bad, is it? Being another Twilight?”

“So long as you don’t use a spell like the Want It, Need It, you should be fine,” Celestia assured her with a throaty chuckle. “Come. We’ll be underway soon and I would like for all of you to join me on the Compass Deck.”

“Compass Deck?” queried Michael.

“It’s more like the outdoor bridge right above the ship’s main bridge,” said the princess. “It’s too lovely of a day to be cooped up behind steel and glass. Prince Blueblood has agreed to join us and captain the ship from there. Besides,” she added, “it’ll be less crowded. There are a lot of ponies trying to do their jobs and I fear you three might just get in the way, as well as my sister and myself!” Luna, not so much, she told herself inwardly. If she could, she would love to take the cruiser’s wheel herself for the simple joy of piloting. “Shall we, then?”

Chrysalis sniffled and nodded, shifting to her unicorn guise without thinking.

The group headed for a set of steel stairs winding up along the port side of the forward superstructure. Life was slowly returning to the cruiser as those who had been at the ceremony resumed their stations. Orders were barked even as the ship’s intercom announced preparations for departure. There was a general feeling of excitement throughout. Sailors were eager to be away. Beneath feet and hooves the massive twin turbines slowly were coaxed to life, slow rumbling and growing vibrations accompanied by the plaintive whine of other ship systems flaring to life and syncing up with the engines. A horn thundered loudly, announcing to the base the waking of the ship.

Michael felt a surging thrill in his heart, sensing a similar nervous energy in his daughter. As his hand was on the back of her neck, he could feel her shivering with excitement.

Ponies bowed as the princess passed. She smiled back, having a particular hitch in her step. An old, forgotten energy had overtaken her. Celestia was going to do something with her sister! They hadn’t done something together since the battle against Discord a long, long time ago. It beat Tartarus out of sitting at a desk after hours and reading over the usual paperwork. Even though the journey beyond the horizon could wind up being very dangerous, Celestia was pleased Luna would be with her. It had been far too long.

Most of the crew crawling over the ship were split between the two pontoons (calling them blimps drew dirty looks and a few choice words at the offender). They hauled up rope and coiled it as the moorings were released. The ship’s anchor was drawn up. Three loud blasts from the ship’s steam whistle was followed by an announcement over the intercom.

“Five minutes until departure. All hands, departure is in five minutes.”

When they arrived at the Compass Deck, the Lady Octavia was speaking to Princess Luna, the two sharing a private conversation along with Lady Fleur de Lis. She seemed hidden as her position had Luna between her and the new arrivals. They were noticed as an officer called out, “Princess Celestia on deck!”

Luna glared at the ensign. What was she, chopped liver? “I noticed my sister’s arrival,” she said dryly and just loudly for all gathered to hear. Nervous laughter followed.

Prince (or Captain) Blueblood had yet to make his appearance, having been held up somewhere in the bowels of the ship. The question was asked of his whereabouts, to which the answer was a shrug and passing the same question off to some other pony. It must have stirred something within the belly of the Mare Crisium, for the Captain (or Prince) finally made his appearance, looking rather dapper in a blue coat and white kerchief. He appeared more ready to command a yacht than a heavy cruiser. He wore a lofty smile and a superior attitude, and immediately began fawning over Princess Celestia.

“Oh, Auntie!” he called out, trotting to her eagerly. “So good of you to come and join me as we prepare to set sail! Would you care for some tea while we begin to pull away from the dock? It’s most charming to see the aerial tugs maneuver the ship from her dock and into the open air.”

“A splendid idea,” she agreed, giving him a quick nod. “We should all have tea.”

“Coffee for me,” spoke up the only human on the ship.

There was a distasteful quirk of Blueblood’s upper lip. “Ah, very well. You!” he flung his voice at a nearby sailor. “Fetch us some tea and a...coffee.” He seemed to flinch as he added under his breath, “Such a vile drink.”

“So,” Michael started cheerfully. “Do I call you Captain or Prince Blueblood this voyage?”

“Captain is fine,” allowed Blueblood. “But you’re not a member of the crew. As a civilian, you may choose either Prince or Captain. Of course, I have toyed with the idea of having a new rank specifically to suit my station. What say you to Prince Captain Blueblood?”

“No,” replied Luna without giving anyone on the deck a chance to digest the idea. “Your rank is captain and you will not supplement it with a title that has no real power behind it. You will assume the rank of captain for the duration of this voyage. Your prince title will await you when you return home. Are we understood?”

“But...Auntie!” he protested, again looking to Princess Celestia as he found he could not bear to look into those cold blue eyes of Luna.

“She said ‘we’ for a reason,” she commented in almost a sing-song voice. “Since you’ve allowed for Octavia to join us, then I expect the two of you to try and get to know each other. There’s going to be a wedding this Sunday and I want you two at least on tolerable terms leaning towards pleasantness.”

The poor stallion could tell there would be no leeway for him today. “Very well. I suppose if I must bear just the mantle of the captaincy, then I shall do so with the dignity only I can provide for the rank.”

“I’m sure you will,” murmured Luna.

The ship jolted slightly as she began to be pushed by no less than four tugs up into the air. Two pushed from beneath while one each at the port and starboard prows slowly began to nose the ship around. Signal flags flapped in the breeze, telling the ground crew and other ships to stand clear and make way. Ponies shouted and signaled.

Most surprising of all was the crackling of radio traffic to Michael’s and Chrysalis’ ears. Higher and higher the Mare Crisium rose into the sky, clearing the cluster of ships. Horns blasted from some of the destroyers assigned as escorts as they stood by. Blueblood calmly gave orders to the ensign, who dutifully relayed them down the voice pipes to the bridge clearly and precisely. Other officers watched carefully the positioning of the cruiser. The engines revved up and the sound of the propellers aft picking up speed rewarded those on board with a sensation of the great ship moving forward under her own power. The air tugs had already stopped herding the cruiser, releasing her to her own control.

The RES Mare Crisium was underway.

“How does it feel to have the both of us away from Canterlot at the same time?” Celestia asked Luna. The Princess of the Night basked in the glow of her sister’s glory.

She smiled at the white alicorn. “This should be wondrous,” she declared with enthusiasm. “Nay, this shall be an adventure to remind us of our joyous youth!”

“Never grow old, sister mine,” pleaded Celestia warmly.

“I never have. I’ve been twenty four for over two thousand years now!”

“And she accuses me of being obsessed with youth!” Celestia laughed merrily.

Fleur had joined Michael and Chrysalis even as Anzealous was losing himself in the moment of being on a moving ship. He appeared to not be taking it well. “I beg your pardon,” he groaned, slumping towards the deck. “I’m afraid I’m not feeling well.”

“Why don’t you head to sick bay?” asked one of the crew helpfully.

“Airsick?” Chrysalis blinked and stared. “How can you get airsick when you can already fly?”

Luna gave the former ambassador an unpitying look. “The world is full of such inconsistencies,” she said sagely.

“I actually hate flying,” confessed the portly changeling woozily. “I need solid ground under my hooves or everything starts spinning. Feeling the ship move is almost as bad to me as flying.” He was really not looking well now.

“Andy, you look like shit,” observed Michael.

“Don’t call me Andy!”

Fleur giggled and went over to the poor changeling. “Come. I shall take you to the infirmary,” she told him gently. “There are pills you can take to ease your symptoms.”

“Language, Daddy,” chided Chrysalis half-heartedly.

He fixed her with a glare with no bite behind it.

“I shall return,” Fleur de Lis announced, “as soon as Monsieur Anzealous is feeling better.” She then led the suffering changeling away like he was a foal.

Tea was served shortly after. The cruiser had by now cleared the air base and circled widely, gaining altitude. She needed to be at a certain height before going on her charted course. The engines by now had settled into a constant droning, the sound of the propellers part of the background. Pony sailors would often come up and show Captain (since that was settled) Blueblood some paperwork or relay information, such as weather reports, wind speed and direction, messages. It was busy, even if the ship seemed serene.

Michael wondered what he was supposed to do during the trip. Nobody had bothered to tell him or suggest anything. He guessed his entertainment would be left to his own devices within reason. There was always the possibility of asking someone what one could do on a warship when they clearly had no duties to speak of. He imagined he was going to have a lot of boring hours of nothing to do. He went over to the port side railing and looked out over the vastness of the blue skies, the land far below and the outline of the distant mountain range stark on a perfectly clear day. There was no haze yet. It hadn’t warmed up enough for the humidity to blur his view. They day would be warm, he decided, maybe not as hot as yesterday.

Luna joined him. “Oh, hello, princess,” he deferred. Michael hadn’t spoken to her since she brought him to Equestria. “Thanks for bringing me here. It’s been a mind blowing experience.”

She managed to look abashed. “I had not foreseen such...consequences of you coming. I accept the responsibility of the assault upon you as mine and mine alone.”

“But you still don’t want me here,” he deadpanned, wanting to like her, but put off by her seeming hostility.

“No, I do not,” she admitted. “Humans are too chaotic, yet adhere to order. They are a contradiction, slaves to their hypocrisy.”

“I notice you ponies aren’t exactly walking the straight and narrow,” said the human wryly.

“True enough.” Luna eyed him speculatively. “Lady Fleur de Lis has brought to my attention the possibility that your mind may have been tampered with even before you even came to having Chrysalis in your possession. I am skeptical in believing her theory, but I would like to get your permission to see for myself if this is true.”

The human gave her a dark look. Chrysalis wandered over. “Daddy? What are you and Princess Luna talking about?”

He smiled at her, his expression showing inner conflict. “It’s private talk, pumpkin.” He tapped the side of his head with a finger. “It’s about the stuff up here.”

Her ears flattened as she had just been told to politely mind her own business. “Uh, okay?” she pouted, not sure how to handle the rejection. Daddy never kept anything from her!

“I promise to let you know if it’s anything important,” he said to her, tweaking an ear playfully. “I don’t know what it means myself, but let me and Luna discuss it.”

“Luna and me,” she corrected absently. Chrysalis offered a smile. “All right, Daddy. I don’t like it. You always share your thoughts with me.”

“It might be nothing,” Luna said. She never seemed to smile as much as her elder sister. “It is a simple exploration in his mind —should your father allow it— to see if there is any residual traces of energy used to either manipulate or alter his memories.”

The changeling shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

“You’re supposed to be shadowing Andy,” her father reminded her. “Scoot.”

“But I can’t leave you alone with Luna!” she protested.

Luna quirked an eyebrow. “And why, pray tell not?”



“Because she thinks some cliche man/pony love thing will happen,” Michael quipped as he turned his daughter around physically and scooted her off with a gentle shove to her flank. He ignored Luna’s derisive snort at his remark. “Go find Andy! Hold his puke bucket, or something.”

She stumbled off, glaring at him over her shoulder. The discussion was far from over and she had found a battle worth fighting him over. Michael sighed, not looking forward to this evening’s discussion.

“Why should I trust you if you don’t trust me?” he asked Luna quietly. Michael went back to leaning over the rail.

“It’s not you, it’s your race in general,” Luna corrected. “You are a being in turmoil and have been for a long time. It is from within, Michael Spriggs. I assure you, my intentions are to find out why. I think the answers might confirm something my sister has suspected for some time.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

She snorted, stamping a hoof. “Changelings have been on your world for some time. Lady Fleur seems to think you were in contact with one for some time and was fed upon. The damage from the constant feeding affected your emotions, hence your constant turmoil. You can love others, but you cannot feel love.”

“Is this whole thing important to you?”

“If I think it can harm my little ponies, then it is very important to me,” she stated firmly.

“But it’s my mind, my memories. What does it have to do with your ponies?” Michael gave her a sidelong glance. “I’m not too keen to having someone else poking around in my head. Andy did it. The Empress chick did it. You already poked around in my dreams before I came here, remember? How do I know you’re not looking for some oddball scheme to go to war against humanity?”

Luna sighed and rolled her eyes. “It is nothing of the sort! Do not make this more difficult than it needs to be, human. If there is residual changeling magic in your memories, then there is a possibility this could have consequences upon Equestria when your world and mine are permanently linked.”

“Okay, I am officially even more confused.”

The Princess of the Night leaned in and whispered, “I would like to carry this conversation in private. Please, I am not used to asking, but commanding. I think the past you know it is not your true past. I felt around your dreams in the night and found some inconsistencies I should like to clarify. This has as much to do with restoring your true self to what it was before this...scarring within happened.” She paused, looking away for a moment before saying, “It may have something to do with your...first daughter and her passing.”

The human’s expression went blank. He looked away. “No.”

“What do you mean?”

“No means no. You’re not getting into my head, princess and you’re not going to bring up my daughter ever again.” Anger rumbled in his voice. When he did turn to the princess, his eyes had gone hard. “Never again. Am I clear? I don’t trust your magic, princess. I don’t think I’ll be letting anyone in my head again.”

“I...see.” Her ears fell back. “Given your recent experiences, perhaps I should not be surprised at this. I will adhere to your wishes, Mr. Spriggs and shan’t go into your dreams nor your mind again without permission. I made an assumption in regards to your safety.”

He patted his chest. “You gave me this, didn’t you? To keep another...magic...thing happening to me?”

“My sister and I thought it was prudent to give you some measure of protection, yes.” She raised her head proudly. “Do you like it?”

“I do. It’s one of the few things I’ve been able to appreciate in this world.”

The tiniest of smiles formed. “Thank you. As my sister has already told you, we sincerely apologize for the unforeseen events that have plagued you. Again, the responsibility lies with the both of us for agreeing to bring you to Equestria. It would have been best to leave you as you were, but even that might have been a cruelty to itself. We may never know that now.”

“I guess not.” Michael shrugged, his anger having already faded away. Maybe a change in the subject? “So, I hear you’re some sort of a Field Marshall in the military around here.”

“Skylord,” she said with a slight frown. “A title that has fallen into disuse over the centuries. It was only brought to light again after my return. There is no need for it other than in wartime, but the development of Equestria’s physical defenses still falls upon me. I was still in the process of integrating my mind into the modern concepts of military doctrines when the changelings invaded Canterlot. It was not one of my finest moments.”

“So, where were you during the attack?”

“Trying to fight my way to my sister’s side. I had to contend with three queens at the same time. We battled for two days and two nights! It was glorious!” she practically shone with pride, her own memory of the battle flashing before her eyes. “‘Twas difficult to lead when your foes were constantly before you and being relentless.”

“Eh, I see battle in a different light,” he said in the shadow of her elation.

“I remember your dream,” Luna told him, her gleam fading to something more respectful in the light of his memories. “You do not flourish in combat, do you?”

The Mare Crisium straightened out and slowly accelerated. All on board could feel it through their hooves on the decks of the cruiser. The air moved like a brisk breeze. It felt nice.

“No. War is the ultimate failure of diplomacy. We’ve got a saying on Earth; the politicians start the wars while the young men die in them.” Or something like that.

“War is not taken lightly in Equestria,” Luna amended. “Before I was banished, combat was done in honor. There were rules. Different as compared to today, mind you. Today, there are no grand armies in the field, not great battles. There are small skirmishes. The ones hunted these days do not have a sense of honor. Pirates are the greatest threats. Thieves in the air and on the sea. Ships like this one,” —she tapped the deck with a hoof lightly— “are designed not to line up in formation and exchange blows with a foe of equal or greater strength, but to go against those who would profit off the misery of others.”

“So what’s your take on changelings?” Michael found his coffee cup had gone empty during their conversation. Odd. When did he forget he even had it?

“If they were ever to unite, then Equestria would have a worthy foe,” Luna said with a snort. “As it is, they are far too divided, pitted against each other in unending trials of strength and cunning. It is their magic and the hive minds that make them formidable. Their Empress seems to encourage her queens to quarrel with each other.”

Michael glanced over his shoulder at Celestia and Blueblood. They were having a discussion while Octavia tried to listen in. The princess didn’t seem to mind her presence, but the prince had a twitch in his eye when she tried to ask a question. While Celestia answered, Blueblood would simply glare at her as if she were taking away his invaluable time with his aunt.

“Are you sure that guy is good at what he does?” He threw a thumb over his shoulder at the prince while returning his attention to the Night Princess. “I mean, he seems like a jerk and he treats his fiance like shit, I think I’ll call him the ‘Mighty Poof’ if he continues acting like a jackass.”

Luna tried to stop herself from giggling from that nickname, even casting a look over her shoulder at her nephew. He was oblivious to their conversation, completely involved in his conversation with Princess Celestia. She appeared polite as she sipped her tea and enjoyed the warming midmorning sun, only half listening to Blueblood.

“My sister and I are trying to convince him his attitude is poor towards other ponies. I am surprised Lady Octavia is willing to put up with his selfish ideals for the sake of a foal he more than likely will never love.” Luna snorted and shook her head. “No matter. Her father has great influence and if he wished, he could destroy Blueblood’s military career. He nearly did, but proposed the marriage so his daughter would not foal a bastard.”

“That’s pretty harsh for her,” Michael said.

Luna shook her head. “It was her decision to pursue this. As the one carrying the foal for the full term, Octavia has the law behind her in ensuring her unborn foal is brought into a world where the father must assume a measure of responsibility. It’s usually a marriage and the couple spends time together until a week before the ceremony. As this has suddenly come up, we’ve decided to have the wedding on board ship. Sunday is just around the corner.”

“Why move so fast?”

“Her father insisted either immediate nuptials or a lawsuit for care of the unborn foal.”

“You mean alimony?”

“This is not a divorce, Mr. Spriggs,” Luna said sternly. “It’s a marriage.”

“Oh, sorry. Used the wrong term. What’s the term for child support?”

She blinked at him before answering. “Do you mean foal support?”

“Yeah, that.” Michael felt pretty dumb. “I told you Chryssie’s the smart one of this family.”

“So I recall.” Luna chuckled. “I find you to be a likable character. Perhaps there is a slim chance we might even become friends. I am certain if you were to take up my offer, you shall be more likable to yourself. I assure you, the procedure can make your spirit whole again, but you must want to be so. It must be painful for you to feel the emptiness within you.”

Michael sighed, “Princess Luna…”

She waved off his warning with a tip of her mane to his lips. “Let me finish. I will not pursue the matter further. The decision will be yours and yours only. Should you decide being a whole being is what you wish, I shall keep the offer available to you. Please keep in mind, though I do not wish humans among my subjects, I wish you and your kind no ill will. Your species frightens me and always has. As I see you as a peaceable fellow, I will give you some measure of trust.”

He...he...shooed me away! My Daddy shooed me away! Like I was nothing! Like I was only a little girl interrupting adult talk! How dare he? How dare he! Daddy always let me in on the big talks. Usually it was just between the two of us as there had always just been the two of us. Still! Why was it upsetting me so? Why was I fighting so hard not to cry? Why was I so angry?

I didn’t care I was supposed to be at the beck and call of that fat jerk Anzealous. The other jerk, Steel Jaw the Imposing Unicorn of Jerkland was escorting me even though he didn’t know diddly-squat about this ship. A sailor was guiding us to the infirmary, or sick bay, or whatever you call the hospital on a ship. As we walked, I shed my unicorn disguise, startling quite a few of the crew we came across along the way. There had been a big meeting last night after orientation and I more or less was introduced to the crew in the cargo bay.

“Why are you following me?” I hissed at Steel.

“Orders.” he grunted.

My tone of voice was less than friendly. “Oh, just a good little soldier, aren’t you?”

He said nothing as I began muttering to myself, staring at the back of the head of my guide. For some reason, the sailor kept glancing back at me nervously.

“What?” I snapped at him. He quickly turned his head to the front and quickened his pace. The pony said nothing. Nobody wanted to talk to me. Figures. Nobody wants to talk to the hideous bug girl! I wonder why?

I fought the tears. Why did I want to cry? It didn’t make any sense!

Warning! Teenage Chrysalis on an emotional tear! There will be no survivors!

Four decks later and several frightened gasps thrown in for good measure from ponies not at all expecting a glowering changeling stalking through the ship, I finally arrived at the infirmary. The pitiful groanings of another changeling reached my ears and I could hear the voice of a familiar mare trying to soothe him. I wanted to grab Anzealous by the scruff of his neck and just drop him over the side of the ship.

Pretty smart idea of me in a raging mood to seek out the one creature on this damned world to hang out with because it’s a part of my punishment for trying to kill said creature. A nurse departed the room, giving me a wide-eyed glance before hurrying on and a much brisker pace.

Anzealous was sitting on the table, looking for all the world like a slumping teddybear left to neglect by an inattentive child. He looked miserable and was holding a glass of water in his hooves. Fleur was with him, her expression was of sympathy until she noticed my presence.

“Why, child, whatever is the matter?” she asked. Fleur tried to induce the changeling to drink his water. Reluctantly he complied.

“Daddy...daddy, he…” I began sobbing uncontrollably.

“Oh, oh, mon pauvre fille,” she cried, moving over to me with sympathy in her voice and her form. “Come and sit, tell Fleur all about it.”

“Dying here,” croaked Anzealous irritably.

“I hate you!” I bawled at him. “Go away!”

“None of that! Anzealous, mon ami, if you would be so kind as to leave me to attend to this? It is most important, non?”

He sighed irritation. He did that a lot, I noticed. Sliding off the table, he growled, “Fine. I’ll just go die in my room. Maybe then I’ll get a little rest.” He waddled past us, his short, fat body barely narrow enough to fit through the door.

Fleur de Lis sighed, noting he had left his bottle of pills behind. They were nothing more than airsick pills, but she lifted them with her magic and sent them after him, bonking him in the back of the head. She said pointedly, “You’ll need those.”

A grumbling, incoherent response was all she received, but the pills were quickly snatched up as if his life depended upon it.

I wailed on, as if everything I had ever cared about had been taken away from me. Or Coca-Cola was trying to foist New Coke on us again. Or another Pee-Wee Herman movie was coming out and it was the only thing they were going to show all summer. Or I had just written the story of my own childhood in a very abridged sort of self-fulfillment and just read the scathing review.

Teen angst is a horrible storm for anyone to be forced to weather, but Fleur bore it well, or as well as anyone could expect. Celestia was as good, if not better, but only because, well...she’s Celestia. Fleur’s voice soothed in my ear as she had me in a hug while we were in the middle of the infirmary room.

“I have raised three daughters, peu Emeraude. I know what you are feeling. It is jealousy you feel, non?” She pulled back and stared into my eyes with her own pale violets. “Your papa is speaking to other mares and you feel threatened by them. It was so when my daughters thought I would no longer love them as I was courted by stallions, seeking the companionship I needed.”

I stared at her like a kitten in the middle of an unwanted bath. Why must you break my tiny little trust? “What do you mean?” I suspected I already knew, but I asked the question anyway. “Are you saying I’m...I’m…”

“Jealous?” She bent forward and kissed me lightly on the brow. “I think you are. Has it always been just you and your papa?”

I nodded, sniffling miserably. “I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. I want my daddy happy and I want him to find someone to be happy with, but I’m so afraid he’ll just find another one who’ll hurt him like the last one did.”

“Ah, jealousy and fear.” Fleur stroked my mane and drew me into another hug. “You truly care for your papa, don’t you?”


“So do you believe Princess Luna is after your papa?”


“For a being built to hide behind lies, you are a terrible liar.”

There was nothing I could really say to that, other than sniffle and be pitiful. I was a wreck, probably seeing things that weren’t there. Luna had never given any indication she was even remotely interested in my dad, but that didn’t mean anything to me. All I knew was I was told to leave him with Luna to talk to each other privately. What else was I supposed to think? I stared blankly at my hooves, shuffling them on the floor in mute misery. Fleur’s words stung me.

Still, she mentioned daughters. “You’ve got kids?” I asked her, lifting my head to meet her eyes with my own.

Oui. Three beautiful daughters in a span of two hundred years. Each one the daughter of a wonderful stallions I was fortunate at certain points in my life to call husband. My filles lived long, full lives and presented me with many grandchildren. An unfortunate side effect of living a life extended by my magic is seeing them fade away.” Her face clouded briefly in pain, but was replaced with loving recollections playing in her mind. “I still follow their families and visit when I am able after all these years. Now, each one of those beautiful girls were headstrong, stubborn, and wanted their mama to give all of her attention to them in one way or another. I think it is the same between what you want from your papa.”

“You’re over two hundred years old?” I blurted, staring at her. I had heard she was really old. Not as old as Celestia and Luna, but...old.

Fleur gave me a deadpan stare. “Never mind my age, young lady. We must stay on the topic, oui?”

“Sorry.” I muttered.

She smiled and patted my cheek. “No worries, ma fille.” The mare crinkled her muzzle. “Where was I?”

“Daughters?” I suggested helpfully.

“Ah, oui! Now, little girls love their papas. They look up to them, worship them, see them as the type of stallions they hope to marry when they are old enough. You,” she said as she bopped me on the tip of my muzzle with the tip of her hoof, “are no different. You are afraid you might lose him before you can find a stallion of your own. You do not want to be forgotten if your papa finds a mare he can love, be she human or pony or otherwise.”

My face fell and I looked away.

Ma Emeraude, look at me, please.”

I did so, hiccuping as I was still crying, but not as badly as before.

“You will always be the special fille in his life, the little child he watched grow up. He will always, always love you. Your papa has seen the best in you and raised you and showed you everything he could so you could be something better than him. The only thing he wants from you is to see you do not waste your talents and all the things that make you special be left forgotten and in the dust.”

I’ll admit I was a little confused by what she just said, but her voice was soothing. I nodded. “Okay.” At least Fleur was making me feel a little better.

“He’s not interested in Princess Luna,” she said.

I abruptly stopped crying. “He’s not?”

She smiled. “Non! Absolutely not. I can assure you he is completely terrified of both her and Princess Celestia. He simply masks it well behind his sense of humor and wit.”

Hearing Fleur say that made me feel a lot better. At least the waterworks had stopped. A handkerchief floated to me from somewhere, dabbing at the corners of my eyes. The sorceress who had become my friend—even a mother figure? over the past month carefully wiped up my tears with a gentle smile. I’m sure it was one she’s used on little girls herself, her own.

“No more tears, ma Emeraude,” she crooned. “I know exactly what will help in a moment like this! Well, two things.” An impish grinned appeared on her lovely muzzle.

“What are they?” I asked, giving out one last sniffle.

“Ice cream and hooficures!” she announced in a very serious tone, her eyes dancing merrily. “Then we will check on monsieur Anzealous to ensure he is still with the world of the living.” Fleur giggled when she said that.

Who cares about Andy? Yay me and ice cream! I wonder if they have Ben and Jerry’s on this ship. Equestrians have an odd tendency towards copying certain things from the world I grew up in and adding their own unique little touches to.


Ice cream!

Ahoy readers, this is you editor speaking (not sure i can call myself an editor, still Scarheart76 thinks i do a decent job so i'll keep doing it)
just wanted to voice myself a bit and say that i'm honoured an privileged to end up editing this great fic.

while i do plan going to a month trip to china next week i will continue doing what i can so you, the readers, will be able to read this fic as soon as possible so i won't be the only one enjoying it.

see you next chapter.

Author's Note:

This chapter was written faster than I thought I would have it out. I guess I was just enjoying the writing. My editor certainly had a ball laughing at my little grammatical moments. It was fun for us and I hope you enjoy the fruits of our efforts!

Oh, did anyone can catch the Mighty Poof reference?