• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 11,069 Views, 700 Comments

My Daughter Chrysalis - Scarheart

Heritage. It's what defines character. For Chrysalis, it's about what it is to be a changeling. For Michael Spriggs, it's about finding out his past is not as it seems. The love between father and daughter will be tested, their bon

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Chapter 5 Angry Princesses are Detrimental to Your Health

Edited by Shadow Blades

To say Princess Celestia was outraged would have been an understatement. Though her visage remained a pillar of calm, deep within she seethed at the indignity her guest had undergone. She watched as he fell from the table, seeing invisible horrors as a spell had been cast upon him from a source she had yet to identify. In the moment of confusion, it took a few seconds while Michael screamed on the ground for her to realize what had happened.

It was magic poisoning compounded by a separate mental probe from a source who had not taken the proper precautions. It also came from somepony with a very strong affinity in magic and bearing no small skill in the arts. The stealth in which it struck led her to believe this attack was deliberate and fully intended to make its target suffer. Indeed, Michael Spriggs suffered, the horrors of his memory pulled before him, imagined and very much real.

Chrysalis held her father, his head pressed against her chest as she hovered over him, holding him to her protectively and rocking back and forth. Her face traced tears through her confusion, her mane drooping about her and her adoptive father like the branches of a willow tree as she spoke to him gently, trying to be brave for him.

"Fleur, if you would be so kind as to shield his mind," Celestia said crisply, standing as her wings flared. It was the only outside indication of her irritation.

"But of course," her friend replied and went to the human. To Chrysalis she said, "Do not cry, little one. I shall save the day, non?" Fleur's voice was soothing in an attempt to calm the wide-eyed changeling. Chrysalis nodded in mute thanks as the unicorn sank to the ground with her. Her horn flared gently as she focused on the human.

Celestia turned her attention to Twilight. "Come with me, my faithful student. We need to visit somepony and have a talk to him." With a toss of her etherial mane of morning colors, she assumed a commanding trot from the room, her body language clearly showing she was not happy. Not at all.

"Yes, Princess," Twilight mumbled in her wake. Celestia had told her since her ascension to stop using the title as she herself was now a princess, but it was rare indeed when Celestia raised her battle flags! With almost fearful awe, the younger alicorn almost felt sorry for the poor sorcerer who had cast the spell. She had caught on to the tipping point of the human's throes of agony just after her mentor did. Her curiosity took a back seat to her concern, but Michael was in good hooves. Fleur de Lis was one of the most powerful unicorns in all of Equestria and more than competent in her magic.

"What happened?" a startled guard asked as Celestia stormed past him. She ignored him, leaving the baffled pegasus to assume a cringe through his bearing as the growing thunderstorm rolled passed him.

Twilight grabbed his attention. "Get the doctor. Magic seizure in the kitchen dining room. The victim is the human, an honored guest. Go!"

"Yes, Highness!" blurted the guard, wheeling and taking wing.

Twilight gave chase after the white storm.

"Outrageous!" Celestia could be heard sputtering, her golden shod hooves slamming to the floor in each step with growing ire. "The indecency! After I accepted their offer for negotiations, the fool does this!"

"Who, Celestia?" Twilight called out from behind, still trying to hurry to keep up.

Celestia seemed not to notice or hear the query. "She sends an envoy, he becomes ambassador and he violates one of my laws? He dares? She dares? I think not!" The fuming princess was completely out of character, but it began to dawn on her protoge why she was acting so infuriated. "All my work and effort shall not be for naught. It shall not be fruitless!"

"What work?" pleaded her student, flaring her wings. "Celestia, please! I don't understand!"

She followed the angry alicorn up a flight of stairs and turned towards the wing of the palace where the ambassadors from around the world spent the majority of their day. Here, they spoke to each others affairs of respective states, discussing trades, the weather, or perhaps shadier deals under the table. It was difficult to say, but not hard to presume. Astonished faces erupted from ponies who saw and tried to greet the day half of the diarch. Her hooves were no longer resounding off stone menacingly as they now fell upon magnificent carpeting. The glaciers in her magenta eyes broke pleasant greetings as ponies noted the normally smiling and loving and pleasant alicorn was cleary and certainly not feeling such goodwill at the moment.

A few prayers were offered for the soul of the one who disrupted the princess' inner peace, though not in favor of said soul. Ponies who angered their beloved princess to this degree certainly deserved what was coming. A few even dared to follow at a safe distance, but the guards quickly stepped in to prevent such foolishness. An unspoken command had a small contingent of guards falling in behind Celestia as any angry diarch required an escort as there was probably going to be some form of cleaning up required in the aftermath. Nervous eyes followed the back of the diarch's head as they wondered if there would be blood.

The hall stretched a goodly distance, but the lengths were devoured by the long strides of the majestic and proud form of Princess Celestia. At the far end of the hall was a recently opened room for the convenience of a particular guest of Equestria and representative of a nation one could not find on any map. Two unicorn guards were posted outside the double doors leading at the far end and they saw the approaching front of Hurricane Celestia.

Oh, Celestia could have simply teleported, saving the time and effort. She could have simply used her magic, to place herself before the offender and simply vent her anger upon said offender. Said offender would then probably wish they were dead or worse. It was either that or face the power of a ruler who drew her strength from the fiery ball in the sky. As angry as she was, Celestia deliberately walked to her destination, giving herself a chance to sort through everything and not resort to obliterating the violator into tiny bits and pieces on the spot. Despite her rather calm and collected appearance - despite her centuries of wisdom and experience hated being surprised. She hated being caught off guard. Celestia had never been able to handle being caught off guard - or so it was said. This was one of the many reasons the changeling invasion had nearly gone off splendidly for Chrysalis those scant few years ago - or so it was said. The truth was stranger than fiction. The truth remained her secret.

"Gentlecolts," she rumbled with bare civility to the pair of guards on either side of the door, "stand aside."

They complied readily, pulling the doors wide open for her. They were clearly sweating beneath their helmets.

Celestia was calmer now, but far from the mood she should be in. Twilight dared to come along side her as the princess stood before the open doors leading into a smaller part of the wing given to the newest ambassador and his staff. Startled eyes fell upon her, repeating the pattern the past ten minutes from other ponies who had seen the glowering white alicorn. Solid blue eyes from several dark forms went round at the unexpected presence. Gossamer wings previously buzzing now froze and more than a few jaws hung open revealing sharp little fangs while their owners fell to the ground, flabberghasted. Some levitated paperwork, others had been discussing no doubt very important matters concerning love. One had been asleep until the doors flew open. Now the sleepy eyes blearily tried to focus on what was at first thought to be Lady Death come to take him to the Great Hive in the Sky.

Each and every occupant in this section of the wing was a changeling.

"Where is Ambassador Anzealous!?" she demanded in commanding tone. "I shall speak with him." Celestia admittedly was harsh in speaking, the volume a notch or four above what would have been acceptable. Given the circumstances and the possible ramifications of the violations, she threw caution to the wind and decided to put a very firm hoof down. If it happened to crush a neck, so be it. "NOW!"

Using the Royal Canterlot Voice for one word did wonders. Changelings feeling the brunt of the blast were physically moved from where they stood several feet. The mares - the only ones sporting manes - had their expensively styled hair blown askew and assumed disheveled appearances in the aftermath of experiencing The Voice. Wide eyes locked on the alicorn, mostly in terror.

A small male trotted to her, braving the ire of the alicorn and clearing his throat professionally. "This way, Your Highness," he said politely. This changeling seemed unusually happy to see one of the rulers of Equestria.

Twilight followed, a sheepish and apologetic smile to the changelings quaking in fear. Secretly, she also found herself gleeful at seeing their discomfort. They had been here for less than a year and were not even aware of Chrysalis yet. She found them to be arrogant, viewing ponies as nothing more than something to to feed upon. A few were respectful, but changelings as a whole seemed to favor a sense of being a master race of sorts. It did little to dissuade the already xenophobic feelings ponies had towards strange looking creatures. Griffons, minotaurs, and donkeys were common sights, but anything beyond that was liable to start a panic, be it a single changeling or a tall human.

The single door Celestia was led to was closed. Of course it would be. The changeling leading the princess came to it at the end of this hallway and knocked politely. "Ambassador? Princess Celestia requires a moment of your time." There was a long silence. "Ambassador Anzealous?" There was the sound of muffled scrambling on the other side of the door.

Celestia shoved the changeling aside with the tact of a raging bull, using the side of her head to clear the living obstruction from the awaiting door. Instead of using her magic, she simply raised a forehoof and slammed it against the door. It splintered away from the blow, showering the front half of the room beyond with bits and pieces of oak. At the far end of the room was a desk. Behind the desk cringed a pitiful form for a moment before darting beneath with a frightened chirp. Celestia went inside, throwing a warning look at the changeling she had moved.

"Stay here, Twilight," she said in a slightly softer tone.

The office of the Ambassador of the Changeling Empire was very large with high ceilings decorated with wooden carvings and painted in a style three hundred years forgotten. The floor bore plush carpeting in swirling patterns of blue and white to imitate the waves of a body of water. Numerous bookshelves lined the walls neatly and were filled with a confusion of organized chaos; scrolls, books, baubles, and other objects strewn here in there in a haphazard way. If there was space on the shelf, a random object filled it. The desk was covered in a mountain of paperwork of all sorts from family to job, political to rhetorical.

Ambassador Anzealous was currently trying to hide under the desk. Celestia sighed, expecting no less from him and began to cast her magic to seal the room from prying eyes and ears. As an afterthought, she soundproofed the magic barrier so she and the changeling ambassador could have a nice and cozy little chat. Nevermind the wing was already masked behind several dozen spells and wards to prevent prying eyes from peering in or ears could not hear what happened within these walls. This was a secret place where negotiations between the Empire and Equestria had been in full swing for several months. The very desk upon which preliminary agreements had been signed was now serving as a makeshift bomb shelter. She then lifted the desk itself with her magic and levitated it in the air. Beneath it and curled into what appeared to be a fetal position was a very frightened and very wide-eyed changeling with his notched little ears pressed tightly against his skull.

"Before I consider expelling you and your ilk from my country," Celestia began almost conversationally, "would you mind please telling me what it was you were hoping to accomplish?"

Reluctantly, the changeling looked up at her. Anzealous was a fat changeling. There was no other way to describe him. He was also large in stature when compared to other changelings, but his was of the less impressive variety. The changeling had a puffy face and snubby muzzle. Arrogance was permanently stamped on his features along with the pompous air he normally exuded when not being stared down by an irate alicorn. Though it seemed odd, he wore a black suit for business, complete with silk red vest and gold pocket watch. Currently he was using a top hat to hide behind.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he huffed, shrinking away from her.

Celestia narrowed her eyes dangerously. "Don't be coy with me. I can sense your magic in the air. You cast a mind probe on a being not prepared for it. Your imprint was all over his mind. Have you any idea what you have done!?" Her voice rose as she barged forward until she was towering over him like a falcon over a mouse.

"I-I-I sensed a link unknown to me," he stammered awkwardly, the folds beneath his chitin quivering. "There's the strange changeling you won't allow me to see and now this new, oddly off link I simply had to sense. It's not a changeling."

"Did it not occur to you to ask?" she demanded. "Did it not occur to you Equestria is entitled to her secrets for her own safety? Did it not occur to you the ripples you just made could shatter a peaceful future I am striving to make for not only my ponies, but for all intelligent beings involved? Are you so invested in your stupidity you would risk all for the sake of a simple question I would have been more than happy to answer?"

He stared at her. The terrified ambassador was good at staring. He was simply too scared to do anything else other than stare and answer her questions without wetting himself.

"Your little office here is one such secret, lest I remind you," she said. "I don't have to imagine the reaction my subjects would have upon discovering there are changelings negotiating peace with us through the truce agreed upon seven months ago. Or need I remind you the faith I decided against my better judgement to give your empress a chance to set things right?"

"No, your Highness," he admitted sullenly. "I meant no offense."

"Of course you didn't," she sighed, her anger starting to fade. "I do question the wisdom of your empress in choosing you to act as the bearer of peace between our peoples."

The fat changeling winced. "It was a new mind, a void with no magic. I had to see for myself."

Celestia fixed him sternly. "You gave him magic poisoning, Anzealous."

"Impossibe!" he spat in shock. "Why, such a thing only happens if the victim in question has no -"

"- magic within them. The sudden flood of energies overloads the mind inducing hallucinations or bringing forth an eruption of magic bursts," Celestia finished for him. "Yes, I know. There is now an intelligent creature suffering greatly because you pushed too hard into his mind. You went into an unprotected mind, devoid of magic and tore into it without thinking. So eager were you in discovering what this mind was, you quite possibly shattered it, Anzealous."

"I had no idea," he said miserably.

"Worse of all, you tried to be sneaky about it. Oh, the trespass you have done is severe, ambassador. Your crime is grave, yet your immunity unfortunately places you above the laws of this land. You have no idea how dearly I wish to make you stand before the daughter of the victim and allow you the chance to explain yourself to her." Celestia's visage remained carved from stone, neither smiling nor frowning, but her displeasure was felt and known without a doubt.

"You hide secrets from us," he began, trying to give reason to his actions.


Her Voice had bodily lifted the poor ambassador, hurling him between the two great paned windows of his office and spread-eagle against the wall on his back and staring at the alicorn. Her magic ward kept the glass from shattering and cushioned the changeling from getting smashed into a smear.

"You are most fortunate it is not my sister standing here in my place," she went on, striding forward, tossing the leather chair aside as it was on its side and pressed against the wall beneath Anzealous. It crashed into a shelf, bringing it down. It had been centuries since any soul had shattered her peaceful and serene nature. "If Luna were here instead of me, you would most certainly be experiencing a world of pain the likes of which would leave you begging for death ten times over.

"We are not weak rulers intimidated by little monsters who hide in shadows. Your arrogance in regards to the other races is nothing compared to the simple fact the world sees your kind as nothing more than parasites. You are most fortunate indeed I wish to see a peaceful path of coexistence between Equestria and the Empire or I would certainly have eradicated your kind from this world. But I would not be who I am now if I pursued that course of action. I would not be the hypocrite of what I preach. I will tolerate changelings. I will tolerate you. But this is your last warning, ambassador. Be sure to let other changelings in your charge know and practice the rules I have placed for your own good and safety.

"Until the fate of the one you attacked can be discerned, consider yourself under house arrest pending the outcome. Do I make myself clear?"

Ambassador Anzealous nodded weakly. "Of course," he croaked.

She eased him to the floor, even taking a moment to magically brush off bits of wood from his chitin and carapace. A tweak here and a tweak there, his was unruffled and made presentable under her gentle care. Soon his suit was settled neatly about him as clean as the day he had first put it on. Celestia smiled at him. "I'm so glad I decided to walk here," she mused, setting back and looking the fat changeling over. As a final touched, she lifted his hat with her magic and placed it back into his hooves. He grasped it nervously, staring at it shame-faced.

He dared to ask, "Why is that?" Anzealous felt he knew the answer.

Celestia smiled coldly. "I wanted to gather my thoughts first. I thought about the ages that have passed in which I have maintained my calm through times of trouble and hardship. I remembered when I first met you seven months ago. I was pleased to discover your Empress desired a peaceful resolution between our races. I welcomed you with open hooves even against the advice of my advisers. My dear, sister wanted to gather the army and hunt every last one of you down like dogs. I saw it as a waste of lives and resources. I agreed with the idea there could be peace between changelings and ponies. But this deliberate assault upon one I guaranteed safe conduct to is a terrible violation of the peace process. How shall I explain this to my advisors, ambassador?"

Wide solid blue eyes trembled.

"But, I certainly don't want to try and explain to your Empress why her ambassador had to be obliterated. Not that she would particularly mind, since I already know she is quite put out with you still."

Anzealous winced. "I shall have to tell her of this incident," he said.

"As do I. Let us both be honest in what we say to her." She smiled down at him, still put out with the ambassador, but no longer swimming in the urge to make him a bloody smear on the carpet. She had an image to uphold, after all. A thought came to mind, one she should discuss with Luna first. She needed her younger sister's thoughts on this. "I shall bid you good day, Ambassador Anzealous."

"As I you, Princess," he replied with little sincerity.

With a whisk of her horn, everything broken and scattered lifted into the air, drawn by magic to their separated pieces. It was barely an effort for the alicorn to repair what she had broken, doing as she had been taught since she was a filly to set right what she had done wrong. Fixing furniture was barely a half a thought for her and soon the room was as if a cleaning crew had assaulted with extreme prejudice. The last two items were the massive desk and its companion chair. Ambassador Anzealous waddled out of the way so she could place them where they were before. Some how the stacks of papers seemed unmoved from their spots, but the mounds swayed dangerously.

"I will have my mages cast sealing wards around your wings," she said when the desk was settled to the ground. "You and your staff will be severely limited in the magic you can use and you are all confined to this wing until further notice. If you wish to send communications to home, you will not be hindered, but you will be required to have one of my court mages with you to send the correspondence. Otherwise, normal delivery methods will not be blocked. Any requests for deviations beyond these rules must be submitted to the captain of the watch. Do I make myself absolutely clear? You are my guest here, but you will not run roughshod in my home."

"Crystal clear," replied the shaking ambassador. "Again, you have my sincerest apologies." He adjusted his tie and straightened his vest, swallowing nervously.

"I am not the one to whom an apology is owed. A daughter just witnessed her father go into a seizure right before her eyes because of your indiscretion," she said, deciding to use more diplomatic terms.

"Of course. I would be more than happy to convey my sympathies and profound regret for my actions." Anzealous had regained some of his composure, but seemed unsure now.

"Perhaps you will get the chance," she suggested as she turned to leave. Then, she paused, narrowing her eyes in speculation. Celestia glanced at the changeling. "What did you see in his mind?" This game was old hat to her.

"Nothing of value," insisted the ambassador all too quickly. The game was not quite so easy for him, it would seem.

"What did you see?" she demanded, her voice cold enough to freeze the sun. "You seriously didn't think I would come in here and throw a tantrum..."

He stared at her, sensing she was actually getting serious. Everything else before had been an act, hadn't it? No, that was all too real. She had composed herself and regained control over herself. That had been a genuinely angry alicorn just a few moments ago who had also fixed what she had broken. Now she was bringing her full compliment of persuasive skills to bear upon the poor unwitting ambassador.

She flared her wings before him, standing tall and majestic as she spun upon him, her body erupting with a white aura. "Do not presume to toy with me, changeling. I have seen the rise and fall of many kingdoms. Those who called me their enemy have crumbled to dust before my hooves. I guard those whom I take under my wing fiercely, passionately, and without second thought. If you think you may use what you have learned against me or against others, you are sorely mistaken, ambassador. Your Empress may be powerful, but she is not here. I am here. I stand before you. I am the sun given life. Tell me, immunity be damned."

Her magic suddenly grabbed the ambassador forcibly, lifting him off the ground as he gave out a startled squeak. Eyes bulged in their sockets, the solid blue orbs focusing on the stern and determined glare from the alicorn. "You can't do this!" he squealed in terror. This was not the kind and benevolent ruler he had been sent to keep an eye on! His hat fell from his grip, rolling a short distance on the floor in a wide circle.

Before him stood a goddess, her will easily overcoming his. The centuries of life behind her had created within Celestia a mind unlike any other in all the world. It was a vast ocean, spreading as far as the eye can see and as deep as the greatest void. The maelstrom of magic within her was stilled with but a thought, easily molded and manipulated from familiarity and knowledge. For a brief moment, Anzealous had a taste of what was within her mind and he truly knew fear beyond the influence of any changeling queen or even his beloved Empress. In this touch, he could feel himself fall into her relentless gaze, matching the reports of a certain butter yellow pegasus possessing the dreaded Stare. The eye of her storm was her calm heart and love for her subjects.

Then her mind entered his, invading with care. She was taking the state of his mind into her hooves and she was not about to shred it. Celestia was not at all pleased with the changeling ambassador, but she was not about to stoop to his level and destroy him for such a clumsy mistake. She had never been about cruelty. Justice, most certainly, but wanton acts of barbarism for the sake of revenge were not in her repertoire. If Michael was to be permanently damaged from this changeling's mind probe, then would she go about seeking the appropriate justice. For now, she wanted answers. He had taken without permission and now she was going to retrieve that which was taken, should she find it.

Anzealous discovered he was absolutely helpless before her. She would see what he had seen and know he was aware of who this strange creature was. The changeling had lingered long into the mind of this strange talking ape, having slowly ingrained himself into the complex mind. It felt fragile to him at first, when he had discovered this mind in his magical meditation. It was the mind of someone who left themselves open, a black hole in a world of colorful magic prisms. Curious, Anzealous sought out and found within this darkness a curious and confused mind trying to mask the fear it held from the world. It was like seeing a newborn with an adult's body. The inquisitive ambassador poked in and was soon to discover a name not heard of for four years: Chrysalis.

Withdrawing quickly, the ambassador was in shock. She was supposed to be dead, yet this stranger not only knew her, but thought of her fondly and in a way no changeling fully understood. Here a food source knowingly and willingly was giving a changeling himself. There was no struggle, no regret, no hesitation. She needed and he gave freely. He was linked to her. The link was the sort reserved for royals. What was a talking monkey doing with such a link? It seemed it had been in place for a very long time; perhaps even years!

A message had quickly been sent home telling of his preliminary findings and requesting what he should do. A reply was quickly given for him to continue his observations and to learn more if possible. The name Chrysalis had sent ripples upwards through the hierarchy until the Empress herself learned of it. Her reaction was unexpected.

Celestia frowned. This was not what she wanted. Not at all. She continued to probe around the changeling's mind, mindful to ignore snippets of no bearing to what she sought. The changeling ambassador had found Michael's darker memories on his third incursion inside. His greed for knowledge was beginning to show as he began to ignore the safeguards for his victim, but mindful to protect himself. His only focus was the discovery of a new creature and even more importantly; the world he had come from.

"So, you were deliberate in your carelessness," she said flatly.

"Please!" he blubbered. "My duty to my empress!"

"My duty to those under my protection," she countered.

It was going to be a decidedly bad day for Ambassador Anzealous.

As Celestia went forth to correct bad behavior, another drama unfolded as Chrysalis cradled her moaning father in her hooves. He was weeping like a child, rocking back and forth as she tried to reassure him. Fleur de Lis was there, using her magic to shield his brain and to let his mind settle. She used her considerable knowledge to ease the restlessness, but found the complex difference in the human's mind difficult to work around. The imbalance was slowly correcting itself, but she was not sure if it was going to be quick enough to prevent permanent damage, if there was any. Certainly emotional scars were already in place, but what would this episode do? She could feel through her own barrier and did so, delicately touching here and there the places within the man's mind, whispering the whole time to him and smiling reassuringly to his weeping daughter.

"Will he be all right?" Chrysalis asked as she stared at the white unicorn through the strands of her straight hair.

"Too early to tell, fille," replied the sorceress, "but I think I was able to ease his mind and give him a chance to rest. I am no doctor, but I know magic well enough to know how delicate a condition he is right now. Please be patient, oui?"

In less than a minute or two, guards leading a harried doctor arrived.

He was a thin unicorn and aged, professional as he surveyed the scene. Observing the human, he sighed and muttered through his grizzled muzzle, "It would appear I have an unusual patient." The doctor had a pale brown coat and a dark brown peppered mane. His cutie mark was hidden beneath his white field duster. By all appearances, it appeared he had been interrupted in the middle of a lecture and dragged here. He was as his plea for larger donations from the nobles had to be put on hold due to a medical emergency. The guard had been very insistent.

"What's a magic seizure?" Chrysalis asked through her tears. Twilight's orders to the guard just moments ago in regards to this strange reference to a 'magic seizure' left her in utter confusion to go with her shock. She was reluctant to release her grip on her father as the doctor knelt and began to examine the fallen human.

"One moment child," he said pleasantly. "Lady Fleur, if you would be so kind as to release the containment spell. I can take it from here."

"But of course," she purred. Fleur di Lis smiled at put a comforting hoof around Chrysalis' shoulders.

"Thank you," the doctor said as his horn assumed control of this most unusual patient. "Now, to answer your question, young lady a magical seizure is what happens when a mind is overloaded with energy from an outside source attempting to get in. This is usually an occurrence at the magic schools and their students with the experiments."

Chrysalis remembered some of the early introductions to the dangers of magic Twilight Sparkle had warned her about and nodded as she accepted the doctor's explanation.

"What species is this creatures?" he asked as his hoof turned Michael's head this way and that. "Lovely bone structure. Very ape-like if I say so myself. I know some primatologists who would love a crack at studying this fellow."

"That's my father!" growled Chrysalis dangerously. Fleur had to restrain her. The doctor recoiled from her anger.

"Non, ma petite fille," she whispered, "he means no harm. Let him do his work upon Monsieur Spriggs."

Unbothered, the doctor shrugged and bent over his patient until his horn touched Michael's forehead. "What I'm doing is stabilizing his mind so it doesn't deteriorate any further. It will take mind specialists to try and set him right." As he spoke a stretcher was brought in by a pair of guards. Still maintaining his aura from his horn to the human's head, the doctor growled, "Easy with him, boys. I've never dealt with one of these creatures and I'm not about to fiddle with his condition as it is."

Chrysalis rose and followed with Fleur guiding her with encouraging whispers and motherly nuzzles. Nom Delish simply sat in a corner and wrung his hooves with worry.

"Is he going to be all right?" he asked Fleur as she and the young changeling drew past him.

"I'm certain he will be," she assured the chef with a lovely smile. "Princess Celestia has the finest physicians of both magical and physical skill knowledge. He is in good hooves. Do not worry." Perhaps a vet may be needed as well as scholars versed in human anatomy, if possible.

"Who would want to hurt my dad?" Chrysalis wailed suddenly. "I don't understand why anyone would hurt him."

Fleur knew the changeling was the reason, but maintained her peace. She found she liked Chrysalis. This incarnation of the dreaded queen was kind and thoughtful, if very rough around the edges. She had a temper, but did not lash out blindly. The changeling was intelligent and insightful for her age. Fleur saw a younger version of herself in the pseudo pony, though was quick to stop the comparisons at the attitudes. Her own fillyhood had been a long time ago. Though her own age could be measured in tens of years - even past three hundred winters, Fleur still remembered what it was like to be on the threshold between a child and adult. Those were the confusing years, the fun years, and some of the most memorable years. For Chrysalis, Fleur did not know what it was like for the changeling. Not so much different, she wanted to believe. Speaking to Twilight Sparkle suggested Chrysalis was very much a normal girl, save for a few differences.

Still, no mare ever had a father quite like this human, Michael Spriggs. Such an odd name, too! Fleur hoped he would recover. Magic seizures could either be no more damaging than a hangover, yet she had heard of unicorns going insane when attempting spells they don't mentally prepare for. This was an unusual and most violent case. It was even rarer for a seizure to be caused by a hostile party. In the distant past, magic seizures were used as a form of torture. The unpleasant memories were quickly dashed from her mind. The land of her birth had still used such methods up until the end of the last century, thanks to the efforts of Celestia and Fleur.

That was another life, another time. Fleur de Lis had once been something she regretted. Her dreams reminded her sometimes of what her path had been, before she met Celestia on a diplomatic mission requested by her king.

"I do not know, but I suspect the Princess knows. You shall have your answers, Émeraude de Minuit." The sorceress had to steer Chrysalis physically as the distracted changeling stared at her, then blushed when she realized her guide had just prevented her from walking headfirst into the wall. They turned the corner and continued to trail the stretcher. It was being levitated by the doctor now. Fleur noted with some amusement it was too short for the stretched out man upon it. His feet were threatening to drag along the floor.

There was nothing funny of this whole matter. Fleur de Lis was the sort of mare who tried to see the brighter side of things, the little bits of humor life place along the path. Sad things had their place, of course. The sorceress had seen plenty of that. She rather wear a smile than a frown. Her mother had always taught her to smile. Fleur remembered her mother well and honored her memory by keeping her smile for others to see. She was grateful she was not as enthusiastic as one earth pony by the name of Pinkie Pie. Fleur was convinced the pink pony was borderline insane, having met her just once before at the Galloping Gala years ago.

Shaking the memory from her mind, she focused on Chrysalis - Midnight Emerald. The young changeling oozed fear for her father's well-being and understandably so. "It's not fair!" she cried angrily as hot tears fell down her face. "Whoever did this to him had better hope I never meet them." Her eyes began to flare as she replaced her fear with a swelling rage.

"Non, non," chided Fleur gently to the changeling, again nuzzling Chrysalis. "You let Princess Celestia handle this. She is as angry as you, ma fille. You can be sure to know she will find out who is responsible. For now you must stay with your papa and be the first face he sees when he awakens. He should like that, I think. Besides, did you not see the cloud over Celestia's face! Oh-ho! How I would not like to be the one to stare into her eyes at this moment!"

Chrysalis calmed visibly, nodding as the reasonable unicorn managed to reach her. "Thank you for being so nice to me," she whispered with a weak smile.

Her eyes settled on her father's still form. He seemed much calmer now and she could see his chest rising and falling. His head was still encased in the magic of the dutiful doctor. A pegasus nurse joined, falling into step opposite the stretcher and immediately began taking notes as the physician began to list Michael's symptoms. He followed that up with possible treatments and told her to go ahead and make the arrangements for immediate admission for his patient.

"He is a good papa to you, oui?" Fleur asked.

"The best."

The nurse wrote down last minute instructions and asked a few questions of her own professionally, offering her own suggestions. The doctor agreed to them for the most part and dismissed her with a curt nod, bending once again over his patient and checking his heart with a stethoscope.

"Then it is my pleasure to make sure you are there for him with a smile. We shall be friends, I think." The unicorn tossed her mane and leaned in towards Chrysalis. "We should be friends. You have only Lady Twilight Sparkle for the moment. Allow me to help you double the number of friends you have and offer myself as one. I would be honored!"

Chrysalis stared at her, the little smile growing shyly across her features. "I'd like that. I'd like that very much." She could feel the genuine sentiments from the beautiful mare and knew the offer to be pure. It was not a lie nor could she sense deception.

A dark parody of one of her favorite movies ever popped unbidden into her head:

"Hello. My name is Chrysalis Spriggs. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

It was one of the first movies she remembered watching in her first days with Michael, before she came to regard him as her daddy. She shook the thought and was soon outside where a carriage awaited her father for transport to the nearest hospital. The castle had good medical facilities, but nothing for what was ailing the human. Specialized equipment was going to be needed. Naturally she was going to ride with her daddy. He had never had anything worse than a cold for as long as she could remember. She was not about to leave his side now.

The doctor went in first, hopping up before turning and guiding the human-laiden stretcher into the covered four wheeled carriage. It was large, Chrysalis noted, almost as large as the ambulances she had seen on Earth. Four pegasus were required to pull it through the air. There was a levitation enchantment on the carriage itself. Two medical technicians swarmed over the stretcher as it floated in, taking Michael's vitals and listening to the doctor as he rattled off essentially a carbon copy explanation of what he told the nurse. As he did so, he gestured for Chrysalis to hop up. Fleur stopped short of following her.

"I cannot go with you, Émeraude de Minuit," she said sadly. An apologetic smile creased her lovely features as Chrysalis gave her a stunned expression. "I am not of the family and therefore cannot go. Besides, there is no more room even for one such as I."

"But -" Chrysalis was interrupted by a shake of the unicorn's head.

"Do not worry," the sorceress chirped happily, "I shall meet you at the hospital. We will simply be parting for but a few minutes. Be a brave fille and hold your father's hoof. He would like for his fille petite to be brave, oui?"

The door closed, leaving Chrysalis the image of a beaming white mare winking at her from beneath her wavy light pink mane.

Celestia had left the changeling ambassador's offices as quickly as she had entered. Twilight Sparkle trailed behind her along with a small army of guards still trying to figure out what had their princess in such a glowering mood earlier. She was less incensed now, but bore a no-nonsense air about her as she weaved her way through the palace, once again on hooves as she collected her thoughts for a second meeting she knew had to happen. Princess Celestia was not looking forward to it. She insisted on Twilight coming with her, viewing this as an excellent opportunity to show her protoge more of what it meant to rule. Politics was her personal animal and few in the world could hope to match her mastery. Normally she had her own army of appointed ponies who dealt with foreign affairs, serving in the various capacities as advisors and ambassadors. However, there were moments when she had to take a personal hoof in matters best kept within the confines of secrecy.

Speaking to the Changeling Empress was one such thing.

Ambassador Anzealous no doubt had already contacted Her Imperial Majesty and relayed his side of the story. More than likely he had leveled accusations of verbal and physical abuse, perceived threats, and other spins on the truth Celestia was sure had more than enough twists to it. Though not really looking forward to speaking the creature who claimed dominion over all changeling queens and their hives (and by definition of changeling society, the world itself). The only reason there was grudging respect offered from the powerful Mother of All Forms to the diarchy of Equestria was in no small part in thanks to the powers of the Sun and the Moon.

As of yet, there was no name to be associated with the Empress other than her titles. She was a shadowy creature, dark and mysterious. By now, she knew Chrysalis was no longer a name to be counted among the dead. Celestia had hoped to use the remade changeling as a wild card in her favor in case the negotiations had broken down. To have a changeling queen under her watchful eyes might have offset a possible failure of a painstaking process of finding numerous middle grounds with the mysterious Changeling Empire. It was still shaky grounds. The discovery of a budding changeling queen in her home might rile the changelings up and destroy all the work the past few months had leave the foundations to peace in shambles.

"Seal the room when we go in," she informed her student quietly. It was the first she had spoken in nearly ten minutes while thinking. Twilight nodded mutely, understanding this was not the time to ask questions, but to simply do.

Breaking off in pairs, the guards returned to their duties once they realized Celestia wasn't going to destroy anything. More than a few audible sighs of relief could be heard as they went their separate ways. The last two took up positions outside the quarters of the Sun Princess and quietly closed the door behind Twilight's tail as she slipped in behind her teacher.

For the next five minutes, both mares set about to secure the room so nothing could penetrate the security and privacy needed for what was no doubt going to be a very delicate situation. Luna joined them after receiving a mental summons from Celestia and sealed the balcony with her magic and added her own dark power. Celestia's private chambers became both the safest room in the world and the most dangerous. In one of the corners sat a small covered table, given to her by Ambassador Anzealous five months ago at the command of his Empress. It was a very old artifact predating the earliest recorded histories of modern ponies.

"Sister," Luna greeted finally once the wards were in place. "Twilight." She nodded to each as her equal as well as beloved sister and dearest friend. "Are we to call upon the Ancient Mother?"

"Unfortunately," Celestia grunted as she telekinetically drew the artifact needed from its corner. It floated towards the center of the room, the silk cover falling away as it came between the three alicorns and settled upon the floor with three soft thuds from its stand. Ancient Mother was a word the Moon Princess had come across in a very old tome now nestled somewhere in her quarters.

"What do you want me to do?" Twilight asked hesitantly.

Celestia gave her a wan smile. "Do nothing. Simply watch, listen, and learn. If she speaks to you, don't ramble and for pity's sake don't stray off topic," she said, offering a quick nuzzle. It took a moment for her to remember her sputtering rage and contempt for the Empress. She may not have directly ordered the ambassador to mind rape the human, but neither was she the sort who would not shy away from such methods. Information by methods of questionable morals meant nothing to the dark figure Celestia found herself preparing to speak with.

"She is not one for humor," Luna said darkly. "She is very old, older than even my venerable sister." She shot a playful glare at Celestia.

"Venerable?" protested the white alicorn mildly.

Twilight giggled despite the butterflies in her stomach. If Celestia and Luna were both taking this meeting seriously to the point they had to force each other to relax, then who exactly was this empress? She focused her attention to the artifact and noted its delicate design with curious interest.

It was for all sakes and appearances constructed like a gyroscope but with a glittering cut gem of shifting colors floating at its center. It was set upon a delicate stand wrought of twisted iron and fine skill. Without prompting, it began to spin within itself, the metal whirring as it cut through the air, spinning faster and faster. The gem began to rotate, giving off a myriad of colors as a tiny white light flared to life at its center, the edges of the spinning metal catching it as a low whine slid upwards to a high pitch until all three alicorns pressed their ears to their skulls and winced. Then the gyros were spinning so fast they were beyond making sound and began to catch the light cast by the gem. A rainbow of colors blended together, forming a white ball upon the stand crackling with magical energy. A cone of green and blue alternating light sprang up from the center of the gem above the gyroscope, then spreading out until a shaft of light formed and hummed.

Twilight took a step back nervously, yet stared in abject curiosity, her heart pounding at the thrill of watching this strange object emit magic completely unknown to her. How she wished she could study this! She dared not reach out and touch it. Her hesitation ended and she found herself moving forward, staring into the ball before shifting her gaze upward as the main glow of the light slowly traveled up the shaft towards its center.

"Do not touch, Twilight!" Celestia called to her sharply.

The rising band of light stopped halfway up the shaft and held there, bathing the alicorns in a brilliant flash of light, pulsing once, twice, thrice. It held a soft glow, less painful to look upon, yet still Twilight found herself flinching from it despite her scientific curiosity in wanting to know how it worked and what made it work. This was one of the most amazing things she had ever seen!

"This will be my first time greeting this empress," noted Luna to Twilight. "Do not be afraid, dear friend. I will stand with you as you have always stood for me."

Twilight offered the dark alicorn a grateful nod, blowing through her lips pent up breath as she realized she had been holding it.


The voice echoed through the room, a dreadful whisper all could hear. It was laced with the pain of loss. Twilight felt her hackles rise as her heart skipped a fearful beat.

"Celestia, thou hast mine daughter..."

The light in the shaft shifted, darkened, began to take form.

"Where for dost thou have she whom is dead in mine heart?"

The voice was a thousand whispers hissing through the air with menace. It carried with it a thousand lifetimes and was stricken with lingering grief. It was a hundred voices of Chrysalis speaking at once as one. The shadowy form undulated like a serpent ready to strike, the details of the features difficult to make out as they were shrouded in darkness. The only thing discernible were a pair of dimly glowing eyes, reminiscent of Chrysalis. They were glowing storm-swept pools of ancient knowledge, sweeping slowly over each alicorn, taking them in with no emotion. Starting with Celestia, they turned to the right, falling upon Luna, flicking up and down before moving on to Twilight. She flinched under the gaze and those eyes seemed to flare. Amusement? Annoyance? It was difficult to say. Finally they returned to Celestia and the alicorn stood firm and nodded as if greeting an equal.

"Greetings and salutations, Mother of the Changelings," Celestia called out as she stood regally. "No doubt your ambassador has made you aware of the situation in my home."

"Verily," intoned the Empress, "I am wroth with thee, Celestia for thou didst not offer mine child unto mine bosom upon discovering her life had not been reft from her. Dost thou claim the youngest of mine brood for thine own? Thou wouldst take from me mine blood? How is it thou haste obtained command over life and death? Speak unto me the truth!" The very room shook in the wake of her anger. Twilight and Luna exchanged glances, the former not so sure about weathering this sort of storm.

"'Twas the spirt of Discord who sent your daughter Chrysalis back in time and into another world," called out Celestia. "Ambassador Anzealous obtained this information you are now aware of by means uncouth and without honor. I will not claim what I did was either right nor wrong, but that I had my subjects to take into consideration. I wished to ensure the meaning behind the strange doings of Discord was not without strings attached."

The Empress narrowed her eyes. "I am familiar with this spirit. Where away is the scoundrel? Bring him forth so I may bestow upon him punishment!"

Celestia sighed. "That I cannot do."

"Why?" demanded the shadow flatly. Before she would allow time for a response, the Empress growled, "Wait! I know he fears the consequences. What world did he send my child? What manner of trickery is this memory of a pale ape raising my daughter?"

"He is a human," offered Celestia. "Even now he suffers from the most improper invasion of your servant upon his mind."

A short barking laugh spat from the shadowy changeling in the pillar of light. "What care I for the life of such a pitiful creature? I know of his race. I know of their history. Small wonder the spirit of Discord should seek refuge upon that world."

"I hope to bridge our two worlds and advocate peace. Soon will come the time when beings with the knowledge will be able to traverse freely between this world and the next. The separated sisters are joining once again after thousands of years." Celestia's mane and tail exuded calm as they flowed gently in the glow of the Empress. "Neither side can afford a war based on misunderstandings."

"Indeed," agreed the shadow. "Two demands I have for thee. Two things thou must provide me to assure the steps towards a lasting peace can be made."

Luna and Twilight mouthed a question and answer to each other back and forth. One quirked an eyebrow while the other scrunched her brows thoughtfully.

Celestia gave them a quick warning glare. To the Empress she asked, "What's the first one?"

"Return unto me mine child, Chrysalis!" cried out the shadow in a mother's anguish. "Return unto my bosom mine child I feared lost!"

The princess expected this. This would be hard on the changeling. "And the second?"

Those eyes settled upon her, becoming emotionless and boring into the magenta orbs of the alabaster alicorn. The next words flowing from the pillar of light stunned and shocked her to the very core of her being.

"Thou must give unto me the human known as Michael Spriggs to answer for crimes he has committed against mine Empire. Thou hast three days to answer if thou seekest war or desire peace." There was smugness in that terrible voice. The pillar of light wavered and slowly began to fade.

"Wait!" cried out Twilight. "That's not fair!"

She was suddenly met with enlarged eyes boring down upon her, as if the Empress swelled closer towards her until she loomed like a terrible nightmare."I ask thee, child if thou hast ever had a child wrested from thy mind upon the wings of death, to mourn a passing, only to discover the beloved child again walking among the living? Knowest thou mine anguish? Mine pain? Mine loss? Return unto me that which is mine and give unto me the one who dared to claim what is rightfully mine as his! I shall meet this human and lay upon him mine own eyes and pass judgement upon him."

Twilight Sparkle was at a loss and suddenly found herself staring at her hooves, her ears flattened as she was thoroughly deflated.

"Three days, Celestia. Until then, I await thy answer. Fare thee well."

Author's Note:

Explainations as to why Fleur de Lis has lived for over three centuries will be explained later, as well as to her past. I really think she's a girl who's got way more to her than just good looks and an accent. I promise you! It'll be sort of like a campfire story.

My dear, sister wanted to gather the army and hunt every last one of you down like dogs.
~ Celestia fibbed a bit. Luna's the more aggressive of the two sisters, but this doesn't mean she's less sensitive towards life. They're really both big softies. Celestia is the better actress between the two.