• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 11,069 Views, 700 Comments

My Daughter Chrysalis - Scarheart

Heritage. It's what defines character. For Chrysalis, it's about what it is to be a changeling. For Michael Spriggs, it's about finding out his past is not as it seems. The love between father and daughter will be tested, their bon

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Chapter 26 He Likes Her Not, He Likes Her

The island was massive, sporting three ancient volcanic peaks at the northeastern end. Great lava fields spread south and west from them, covered in dense cypress forests. Here and there could be seen ruins of the former masters of this land, the minotaurs. Anzealous prattled on happily the history of how the changelings had invaded and eventually kicked out the horny cow people. Minotaurs. I never met one personally, but from what I can tell, they’re pretty full of themselves.

Fluttershy had an encounter with one once. She wasn’t satisfied, as I recall.

The Mare Crisium banked slowly as she approached the island. The battlecruiser shifted and we all had to lean a little bit to the side as she turned. Which was strange, considering this was a strange turn. Anzealous stopped speaking, thank God, and put his face to the glass of the ship’s forward observation deck until his snoot pressed into it.

There were other ships of the Equestrian air fleet, but they were at a respectful distance. This was changeling air space and there were other ships in the air.

Like hovering vultures, great black airships circled in formation a thousand feet or so above us. Most of them were half the size of the Mare Crisium and they were acting as sort of escorts for the dignitaries on board our ship. Luna and Celestia gave them passing glances but for the most part paid them no heed. They spent most of their time whispering to each other. More than once their eyes fell upon Daddy. He wore a haunted expression and I worried about him. His face was like what you’d see in those old photographs of soldiers who had survived the Bataan Death March.

His fear filled the room. It was a taste I really did not like. That other changeling, that bitch who broke his heart years ago was on the other side of the observation deck and refused to look at him. She was masking her emotions, but I suspected she felt some remorse. I was thankful Alexander was under the care of a nurse and was currently napping in my cabin.

Too late for that, you heart-breaking whore.

She must have felt my hate. The changeling turned her head towards me, her eyes narrowing as she pinpointed where the bad vibes were coming from. If it had been any other changeling, I might have taken a moment to notice she was a bit shorter than me, willowy and demure in appearance. There was more fluff to her tawny mane than mine and it hung around her left shoulder, spilling over her leg and chest. Her tail was the same way and was curled around her legs as she sat taking up as little space on the floor as possible. ‘Tabitha’ flared her nostrils and flicked an ear before blinking and looking away. The eyes had softened and it didn’t take a genius to see the regret creep across her face like the Mongolian Horde. I could hear her mutter something as she rose and left the room as a passing squall.

My attention went over to Daddy. He was the poster child of misery. I shuffled sideways towards him. Reaching out with a hoof, I tapped him on the thigh lightly, prodding him like I used to when I was little.


Fleur de Lis was at his other shoulder. She was doing a good job at being a friend for him. She smiled and got up to find something to do that wasn’t intruding on father/daughter time.

Daddy’s hand reached out and found the back of my head. It hesitated and there was a flicker of fear. He then began scratching with his fingers, their tips kneading into my skin. It always felt nice when he did that. “I’m not okay, Pumpkin.” His voice was the whisper of a dying man. The smile on his face was that of a ghost. “I’m not okay at all.”

“What do you want me to do, Daddy?” I tilted my head to one side so I could look into his sad eyes. It was pretty depressing. The very things holding his mind together had been stripped away in less than twenty-four hours. “How can I make things better?”

I noted how the other ponies in the room were politely looking upon us with genuine concern. A few looks of displeasure were leveled upon any changeling that happened to be in line of sight. Anzealous was prattling on, oblivious to the hard stares. I think I heard somewhere he was deficient in sensing emotions, but I could have been mistaken. The arrogance he had sort of overrode his other senses, including common.

The observation deck was pretty big for a warship. It should not have been too surprising, considering this ship also served the princesses as a personal transport. Of course there was going to be creature comforts the princesses would insist upon. Luna herself had told me before all of the shenanigans happened she liked to be able to sit in front of the huge windows and watch the world from the magnificent view the deck provided. Daddy fell in love with the battlecruiser when he first came into this room.

“Where’s Guinan?” he chirped with a smirk back then.

Ah, the confusion that followed was subtle and amusing.

Now, he sat at a small table at a corner window, trying to shrink away from the world. He was flinching from me at first. This broke my heart. When he reassured himself it was me, there was an apologetic touch to his fingers.

“I’m not okay at all,” he repeated, teetering on the brink of defeat.

A muffled sob departed the room.

“This was supposed to be an adventure. It was something for us to do together as a family,” I nuzzled him. My emotions were starting to well up. Hooray for sappy stuff! “I wanted this to be fun and I wanted to meet Crystal. I wanted to see you have something good happen for you, Daddy. But they don’t want you to be happy. They don’t want me to be happy. My so-called mother is a soulless bitch.”

“Don’t,” Daddy said, his fingers stopping mid scratch. “Don’t say such things. Be the better person. I know what you mean and I understand how you feel. But hate solves nothing. Hate isn’t worth it. If there’s anything I want you to remember, it’s that.”

A misty-eyed Luna interjected herself into the conversation. “We are feeling guilty in regards to your predicament,” she sniffled, trying and failing to be princess-ey. “We feel as though we have failed in our duties. It is our duty to be there when those placed under our protection are endangered. We bear the responsibility with a heavy heart and the sense we could have and should have been able to do more.”

“You killed a dragon,” I reminded her, wiping my eyes. “A friggin’ huge dragon!”

“Alas, a dragon such as that one cannot be easily slain,” Luna sniffled again, drawing back and sitting up. She smiled at Daddy, “Leviatan is immortal, like my sister and I. I also fear I did not deliver the decisive blow. His heart was exploded from within. I suspect foul play.” Her voice carried a twinge of annoyance, as though she had been robbed of her honor in some way.

Luna was an odd duck. Creepy, yet cool. She scared me, yet I admired her a lot.

“Rest assured,” she went on, her ears perking up straight as her mane undulated around her face and neck like a demented night sky, “We will not fail you a second time.” She assumed her best rape face, complete with that winning smile that accompanies all rape faces.

Daddy’s hollow voice sounded, “There’s nothing to apologize for.”

“But our honor and our dignity is bound to your own,” she objected, assuming a perfectly authoritative face and tone. “We would be your friend, if you would have us.” Her mask fell away and she pleaded in earnest.

Daddy stared at her for a moment, his face unreadable. A blink of his eyes was followed by another, slower blink. It in turn became a flurry of blinks as he leaned forward slightly. The scratching of his fingers between my ears resumed. “Okay,” was his world shaking reply.

“Truly?” Luna’s eyes had grown large and hopeful. I knew she had a hard time making friends. This was a huge, huge leap for her.

Daddy gave a small, genuine smile. “You have cool hair.”

Luna let out a squee, “‘Tis done, then! Our friendship shall last forever!” She clapped her forehooves together. It was adorable.

Her statement made Daddy laugh. It was an honest chortle. Luna, you clever, beautiful bitch! Again, she became serious. “You have had enough happen to you, Mister Spriggs. You have become a pawn in a game you did not want to play. As much as we would like to extract you from the shadow of the Empress, there are some things beyond our control. Until we can find out what it is she wants, we will do what we can to keep you safe. I vow to return you home when this is done, safe and sound.”

Huh, I noticed the change in how she enunciated herself.

I also felt… jealousy?

With a slight shake of my head, I straightened up and followed the emotion to its origins. Ah, I should have known. Fleur de Lis was throwing daggers at the back of her princess with her eyes and wore a cute little pout.

Daddy wasn’t ready for a relationship, much less a love triangle. Besides, Luna was being platonic. Speaking of Luna, she gave me a grin. “Fear not, little one. I shall let the sorceress have her chance,” she whispered without moving her lips. How was she doing that? “I need friends. A lover is the last thing on my mind, believe you me.” To Daddy, she smiled and winked, “We will be watching over you, friend Michael. We go into the den of darkness with eyes everywhere.”

To me she said, “Stay near him. Let nothing separate the two of you. I feel this is something you must do as one.”

With a straight face, his eyes filled with disbelief, Daddy grunted, “I heard everything you just said, princess.”

The color of the princess’ cheeks darkened. Her eyes went round and her pupils shrank to pinpricks. “I must beg your pardon!” she sputtered before bowing and scampering off in unroyal fashion.

“What?” blurted a very confused human. Like a wooden puppet at the hands of an amateur puppeteer, he sought out and found Fleur. I followed his sight and found the sorceress trying very hard to appear nonplussed. A slight shade of pink glared through the fur on her cheeks, but she met his gaze with a demure smile. “What?” he repeated intelligently. It was dawning on him like a lizard on a rock awaiting the first rays of sun to warm his frigid scales.

It muted his depression enough to make him seem like his old self. I knew it wasn’t going to be any sort of cure. There was no cure for depression, but it could still be defeated.

“Daddy?” I wanted to know what he was thinking. His face contorted in confusion.

Fleur excused herself and departed the observation deck. She was still smiling.

Princess Celestia had remained silent, wearing her princess mask. She did flicker a glance of inquisitiveness at her sister, but said nothing. Luna ignored her, focusing on Anzealous as he continued his lecture, unaware his words and presence had been ignored to this point.

That poor little fat buggy bastard.

“— leading to the establishment of the first colony,” Anzealous finished with a flourish, turning his head towards his audience. “It is truly a magnificent city and the largest underground settlement in all the world!”

“Built within the magma chamber of one of the dormant volcanoes?” Celestia inquired in polite tones. “Fascinating. How large a population can it sustain?”

“Well,” he was ticking numbers off in his head, “We’ve recently began expanding. Twenty years ago, the city could have easily housed five million inhabitants. As it stands, I should venture to guess the actual population is about a million or so.”

Queen Anisophira stared at Anzealous, her own features bordering boredom and nap time. When he had finished prattling, she shook her head and snorted. “We should be going into the final approach. Mother will be sending an escort. Two escorts, specifically. Large, living ships. They will approach. Do not alter your course or speed. Let them guide the ship in. They will do no harm to it. Their job is to make the docking as efficient and perfect as possible.”

“Noted,” Celestia nodded once and smiled. “Prince Blueblood needs to be informed.”

“It has been done, Princess Celestia,” replied the queen. She was sipping on a glass of brandy. “I made sure to let him know before you asked us all to gather here. I am curious as to the reason why.”

Celestia sipped at her tea. She was always drinking tea. I think she had a tea fetish. “I simply enjoy having company,” was her reply. She took a second sip, then a third, her eyes flicking to what lay beyond the windows. I noted how sedated she appeared, perfect in her control. If anything was bothering her, I couldn’t even get a whiff of it through her emotions. Celestia was a statue of beauty. This was what made her so damned terrifying. Oh, sure, she was a beloved goddess figure for ponies everywhere. For those who were not of equine descent, she was terror in the flesh.


She was such a gentle creature, a mother figure who built her reputation on being a caring, benevolent being. Yet she wielded the power of the sun. Princess Celestia was, in the crudest form of thinking, a cuddly Godzilla. Not inaccurate, if you ask me. I tried to imagine what Luna might have been like if she hadn’t been banished for a thousand years. I doubt Celestia would have been tempered as she is now if she still had her sister at her side for the past ten centuries.

The speculation could be debated for years.

Luna was still figuring out her way in this modern world. This made her a wild card. She was unpredictable and openly so. Celestia could also be unpredictable, but she was established. Anything surprising she did would be a shock to her friends and foes alike.

So how did Sil feel towards this alicorn? How did the most powerful changeling in the world stack up to the most powerful pony to walk the earth?

Daddy had spent an afternoon conversing with her. His thoughts on the princess always seemed to steer towards her motherly nature. She cared for him, and anyone for that matter. Life was a precious thing to Celestia. A lot of people who would assume she did not care would have a change of heart if they met her. Celestia had once bore three of the Elements. She and Luna had also shared a seventh element, Love.

It had been quietly argued Love might have turned Luna into Nightmare Moon. If not, it might have been a part of twisting her heart and mind. Love is a strange, powerful thing. It can be good or bad. It depends on the individual. At least, that’s how I see it. As an ‘emotivore’, I have a little bit better an insight in regards to emotions, but I am still an amateur.

My thoughts were interrupted as the ship’s speakers crackled, “Two unidentified warships approaching from the island.”

Ponies and changelings crowded the windows, peering out with keen interest.

A pair of huge, sleek forms borne upon massive dragonfly wings buzzed towards the Mare Crisium. Each one was easily half as long as the ship herself. They were armored in black chitin. It was as though someone had taken a pair of changelings, made them massive, and turned them into dragons with holes up and down their legs. Even their tails bore the holes of my kind, from halfway along the length towards the spiked tips. Amber eyes glowed even in the light of the sun, giving them an eerie, sinister appearance.

At the end of each leg were clawed feet. They were like sickles at the end of each foreleg with sets of three on each one. The back feet were more for movement on the ground, with larger birdlike toes ending in claws.

Anzealous was more than happy to supply an answer to the question on everyone’s minds. “Those are the only dragon changelings in all the world,” he chirped. “They were constructed from the sacrifice of volunteers thousands of years ago. They have guarded the island faithfully with blessings from the Empress. It was their notice which allowed the Empress to create her greatest champion!” The fat little changeling was beaming like a proud kid showing off the most amazing science project in the world. His grin faded and his resolve wavered.

Anisophira was giving him a hard glare. “Fool.”

Daddy stood up and began backing away from the glass. “I can’t stay,” he croaked. He turned and hurried out of the room. I was hot on his heels. His fear had me reeling, but I was determined to stay with him. I could smell Fleur as she uttered an unladylike curse and chased after us.

Of course it wasn’t going to go away in a few minutes. Daddy would need years of constant help and support if he ever wanted to live a normal, happy life.

Damned if he ran straight into his ex.

Queen Felu was staring at him, desperately looking for a way to escape. Daddy was pretty much in the same frame of mind. It was strange. Two adults staring at opposing walls, making it a point to avoid making eye contact, physical contact, hearing contact, or any form of contact whatsoever.

Talk about poor adulting.

I paused in my tracks, watching a very narrow hallway jammed by a human and a changeling, trying to squeeze past each other. It was as if an outbreak of cooties was threatening to melt the two on the spot. Daddy was a mess on several levels and was threatening to have another mental collapse.

This begged the question: why did Celestia insist on the two being in the same room together? Was she hoping for some sort of closure? Did she want Felu and Fleur get into a catfight? Was this sport to the alicorn? I pondered those questions and more while Daddy and Felu shared the same space in the most painful, awkward way. It was cringeworthy, and Felu looked as though she was willing to shove herself through the steel wall.

“Why don’t you just keep going that way?” I demanded, throwing a hoof down the corridor. “I just want to get my father to his room and away from triggers like you.”

Felu glared at me, her eyes flaring with magic. A wordless snarl escaped her lips and she flashed her fangs. The snarl died when she spun and found Daddy staring at her with terror stricken eyes. “If I could take it all back…”

I pressed myself between them, my wings buzzing in anger. My tail swished behind me, then flicked as I hissed at my sister. “You can’t take it back. You made a choice and now you have to deal with that choice. You couldn’t just disappear after his daughter was taken from him. You had to stay behind and drive the dagger into his heart and twist it. That’s something I can’t forgive. That’s something he’ll never forget!”

The ship shifted and leveled itself. We were descending quick and smooth. As the engines revved down, the twin hulls shuddered and hummed. Daddy used a hand on the wall to keep himself upright. His body had frozen and he stared at the changeling queen with the tawny mane.

Mon fille,” Fleur’s voice drifted to my ears gently. “This is neither the time nor the place. Come and help me take your papa to his room, oui?” The unicorn wore a diplomatic smile as she nuzzled Daddy in the shoulder. “Come, Monsieur Spriggs! I think you need some rest before we disembark. Some rest and perhaps something to calm your nerves, non?” That smile never faltered as she gazed at Queen Felu. “Pardon, votre Majesté. I think we should all rest before we go ashore. Clear thoughts make for clear decisions, do you not agree?”

Felu took the break in the moment to regain her composure. “I— of course, Lady de Lis. Perhaps that would be for the best.” Even though I hated her guts, the changeling queen was beautiful and graceful on her hooves. “You will look after him, won’t you? I’ve done so much and regret even more.”

“I will. You must do what is best for all involved, Queen Felu. Be well.”

As Queen McStabbyintheback waltzed off, Fleur guided Daddy and me to my quarters. The ship’s crew we came across gave us curious and worried glances. Some even offered to assist, but Fleur waved them off with a smile and some kind words.

The pony assigned to foalsit Alexander was barely older than me. She was an earth pony and her uniform was starched and pressed. The little guy was asleep on the bed and we found her reading a book. She was thanked and dismissed. Daddy was put into his bunk with Alexander in the crook of his arm. The unicorn cast a spell and Daddy quickly fell asleep. Both were content for the moment.

“We still have three hours,” Fleur said in a soft tone. “There will be a ceremony and a speech. The Empress will be greeting the princesses personally.” She pursed her lips as we both sat at the small table in the cabin. “I am interested in reuniting a papa with his daughter. I am certain you share the same thoughts, oui?”

I nodded under her searching stare. “I want Daddy happy. Did you—?” A furtive glance went towards the bunk.

“Sedate him? Oui. His mental state is shaken. He needs professional help, but he will not get it here. The environment we are entering will be very hostile to him, I think. I would recommend we send him home, but I do not think he will get the right help. Canterlot would offer the best chances for him to make the recovery most desirable for his well being,” Fleur sighed. “Earth would not understand the magic at play. They would simply lock him up and make a case study out of him. He would be a mystery and they would not treat him to the fullest.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “So, what’s with the hesitation?”

“Ponies know magic, but they do not know humans. Humans do not think like ponies and ponies would be confused by a human mind. Even ones as experienced with minds like Princess Luna would miss subtle cues. If we were to help your papa, it would have to fall into the hooves of those who do know the human mind. I would suggest Miss Lyra Heartstrings, but she has an unhealthy human fetish.”

I’ve never met Lyra, though I have heard the stories. Half of them were confirmed through the sea of paperwork that mare created in her sojourns into Earth. Her fetishes got so bad she was barred from joining any other expeditions to Earth. Several times she was caught trying to smuggle a human to Equus. Having had enough of her antics, her superiors kicked her from the Earth expeditions. Far from disgraced, she is currently writing a book on human-pony relations for future posterity. She’s batshit crazy, too. Luna likes her and uses her work to keep up on her studies on humanology.

“This is Discord’s fault,” I growled.

Fleur gave me a look. “What do you mean?”

“Discord set up Daddy’s trip here. Luna went to fetch him.”

Fleur nodded and placed a hoof on my shoulder. “Destiny guides even one such as Discord on this world. Humans have the luxury of having a choice in their destinies, more so than the denizens of this world. Destiny guides us here and it is because of the magic that is a part of us. Destiny is altered on the world your papa came from because of a stronger need for self reliance.”

She went on. “Our worlds are coming together and destiny, perhaps, needs to be readjusted. Perhaps this must be done to prepare for what is to come.”

“What would that be?” I asked.

Fleur took in a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. When she reopened them, her gaze was on the sleeping figures. “I do not know. Humanity is a series of volatile hegemonies, constantly contesting with each other for supremacy in one way or another. It will be a clash between a thought of always progressing and thoughts of keeping things as they are. Equestria has had one ruler for a thousand years. Humanity has had thousands of leaders in the same span of time. Thoughts have constantly shifted and changed for humans, growing and developing. Celestia is at her core a creature of habit. She understands this and her greatest fear is for humanity to see her as a threat. Some humans would see her as a goddess and that would and could incite other humans to act badly, perhaps even violently.”

“What are your thoughts on Felu?” I had no idea where the question came from. “What is her ‘destiny’ in all of this?”

The mare flicked her ears, flattening her lips in a straight line. “You do not think highly of her,” she observed in a dry tone.

I crossed my forelegs over my chest. “Not really, no.” A sneer etched itself across my muzzle. “She’s a bitch for what she did.”

“Her sins are hers to bear, not yours.”

The glare was upon me before I could blink. “I didn’t start it!”

“But neither will you let it go, non?” Fleur shifted in her seat and leaned towards me, her eyes gentle. “Emeraude de Minuit, have you ever paused to realize it is not your responsibility to pass judgement to others? It is not your place to do such a thing. Not here. Not now. Not while you do not yet realize your potential. Things happen for a reason. Queen Felu is perhaps a victim herself. Do not rush to judge. I do not agree with her actions, but I am in no position to decide her innocence or guilt. I also do not have all of the information, and I do not know what happened for her to decide to do what she did. The truth, it is perhaps painful to her, don’t you think? She feels the pain as keenly as your papa, but for different reasons.”

I blew air through flapping lips, slumping my shoulders and letting my ears fall limp. I found myself staring at the table in front of me. “So, you’re saying she’s as much a puppet in all of this as Daddy?”


“Well… shit.”

Fleur gave me a light tap on the shoulder. Her tone was disapproving. “Language! You must act the lady. Always act the lady, mon fille. You will soon take the mantel of royalty, as it is your responsibility. You need to think of those who thought you lost to them forever and how your return will affect them now. Like it or not, you are a changeling queen, even if you feel you could never assume such a position.”

“Double shit!”

The next smack was far less gentle. It was also upside my head.

“Hey!” I complained, rubbing the area of the smackdown gingerly.

“Behave!” she demanded with a huff. “Such conduct is unbecoming!” The corners of her mouth refused to budge. She was not amused. If anything, there was a tick of a frown there. Wow, she was serious!

“I’m sorry,” I whined.

“Not good enough. Don’t be sorry. Be a queen! That is your destiny here on Equus. You exist to lead other changelings. You must be the example for others to follow! You have power others cannot even dream of!” The mare levelled the full fury of her displeasure in the form of a slightly upturned muzzle followed up by a profound look of supreme disappointment.

“With great power comes great responsibility?” I mused.


I couldn’t help myself. “Thanks, Uncle Ben.”

The ship’s public speakers picked that time to crackle to life. “Attention all crew. Embarkation procedures are underway. Report to your stations for docking protocols. Secure all loose items and standby for further orders. Attention all crew. Embarkation procedures are underway. Report to your stations for docking protocols. Secure all loose items and standby for further orders.”

“We’ll be docking within the hour,” Fleur said with a small sigh. “I am thankful this journey is done. It has been most stressful, would you not agree?”

I blinked, my thoughts shifting to what Luna had said earlier. “Do you like my father?” I asked. It was a rather abrupt question.

Pardon?” She became unreadable, a living statue.

“Do you like my father?” I flicked my tongue to my lips with nervous habit. “I mean, do you look upon him as someone you’d like a relationship with beyond just friends?” My ears swung up and forward as the question tumbled out. “Don’t think I haven’t been paying attention to you, Miss Fleur de Lis.”

“The question is inappropriate,” she dodged, blowing a bit of mane from her eyes. “Whatever I might feel towards your papa is my business. For the moment, he needs a friend in this world. I made a promise to be a friend.”

Silence fell over us for a few moments before my mouth jumped ahead of my brain again.

“So you’re saying he’s got a chance?”

Author's Note:

Wow, I really need to get chapters out in a more timely fashion...

Anyhoo, next chapter, we go into the heart of the changeling empire! Expect a certain giant pegasus to make a return! More on the dragonlings! A lost queen is welcomed back into the fold!

Free taco Tuesdays!

Comments ( 31 )

Ah, Chryssie is as subtle as always.

Poor Mike.

a question : Ist this supposed to have the same usual ending like My little Dashie?
Because no matter for what reason I just wouldn'T enjoy her to go back and leave him.

7723683 The first story was inspired by MLD, but this will have a much different ending.


7723698 oh yes sorry, I just noticed that it is the sequel. However that is good to know.

The Luna alowed to him to see her, sounded like he would be forced to go again.

7723698 how many tacos do we get?

keep up the good work now stay in the saddle and write they hiatus needs you :pinkiehappy:

7726319 I really love this story keep uploading more chapters for it I'll b waiting my friend

Scarheart, I don't know if if you know but

mon fille

if french is supposed to be <<ma fille>> since ''fille'' is a feminine word. it could also be an habit. i know they aren't a thing in English and I know alot of people that meeses them up incliding me. twilightblush:
I really like fleur's character.
Keep up the good work! :heart:

Constantly reading every new chapter, i still cant get rid of my dislike of Felu. She may be a puppet/pawn but i will always feel she is at fault, or it could possibly be i just dont want her he to reconnect with Mike. Fleur is becoming a appealing route the more this story unfolds.

I'm seeing some comments from some time ago here. Please for the love of God tell me this is story is still going on. I have spent a week reading the first story and now this just to come up short?!? Anyway I love the work. It's great and amazing I just want this to keep going. It beings me glee

8032063 more is coming, but writers block and other things are causing delays. My apologies.

8032250 hey. Don't worry you take your time. Just as long as it's not dead

I've been on a binge read and this story so far has brought me to a point were I pass out of pure exhaustion and tiredness. It's amazing. The plot twists, the heartfelt moments, the adorable moments with Alexander(hopefully Hamilton), it all comes together so well! The scene were Felu showed she was Mike's ex was, in my opinion, the greatest form of a plot twist of chysalis's sister being Tabitha. I almost literally shat my pants because it was such a holy shit moment! This is great writing I hope to achieve someday! You're doing a great job, man! Keep it up!

But for my hopes, I do hope Felu and Mike can come back to good terms. And as much as I like Fluer and Mike as a ship. It'd be interesting to see them back together.

sweet, this incarnation of chrysalis is truly americanized Internet teen , big on talk about using violence to solve the problem but very short on execution. Remember her brilliant infiltration mission at the changeling embassy. She is capable as any it's just this "reformed " version is still very short on experience.

Uhm sir could I please have some more?
What was that, a peasant asking for more!
B-But sir I would very much enjoy more.
Well you shall have none from me!
I said I would very much ENJOY MORE!:flutterrage:
:raritydespair:Fine you may have more in the future. Filthy peasant.

more now!!!please

But seriously, please?

its too horribly cold to do anything, send a up a flare something

What no I just finished reading I need to know what happens next! Why??

Thought wrong motherfucker!

please finish fic now spider pony good this beeter will type better when not on phone

So about what you said almost three years ago about more stuff coming. Is it still coming?

8032250 Well spoken!

Wait a minute...

Weeeeeeelllllllllllll Scarhart does to me again, great story, supreme character development all to be unfinished. Plz plz finish this and ‘I, Chrysalis’.

I mean this not out snark or to antagonize Scarhart, I would just like to see where these great stories lead.

Sooo.... it's been five years since the last author's comment on this story. Should this be marked as cancelled instead of incomplete?

*checks date of last chapter* Yeah I think it’s safe to assume,

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