• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 2,326 Views, 203 Comments

Sins Never Die - CodenameOne

Equestria and the Griffons wage war as humanity's UNSC aids the Griffons. The dragons aid ponykind, and the Covenant Empire search for an ancient race.

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One. Ten: On the Offensive

One. Ten.
On the Offensive

“My Princess” the stallion bowed.

“There’s no need for that, Shining Armor. Rise” Celestia gently commanded; the lead of her army complied. He was freshly bathed, his uniform sharp and spartan. His mane flowing in the breeze.

“Fillydelphia is prepared, correct?” Celestia asked, looking down at the stalwart stallion, who nodded.

“Yes, Princess, the civilians have all been evacuated and it has been converted into an extremely defensible location. The mountains on either side of the city prevent any meaningful ground invasion and our master magicians are in position on rooftops to blast down any of their skyboats. If they want in, they’ll have to come straight at us” Shining declared.

“And the ship?”

“Aldurmaax has pledged loyalty to his dying breath, and the dragons under him swore their oath. We will do everything in our power to stop the humans at Fillydelphia, your highness” Shining boldly stated.

“Good. Make sure your commanders have their orders. And make sure the Dawnguard serve honorably” the Princess of the Sun declared. Shining nodded and saluted, turning to leave.

“Oh and Shining?” the Princess called out.


“Don’t make it a pyrrhic victory.”


“MOVE! We’re shoring up every last defense we got here! THIS is the line! THIS is where we stop the human invaders and push them back into the heavens! You STAND, and you FIGHT!” Captain Shining Armor bellowed, watching the human ship slowly glide closer and closer to Fillydelphia, her fighters swarming around her like miniature sharks.

“They came from the heavens, but they are no angels! They crushed Manehattan, crippled Cloudsdale, but they stop HERE! THIS is where we make them fall, Dawnguard!”

As anticipated the skyboats, Pelicans they called them, came from the ship, flying ahead to deliver human soldiers to the battle. Were they a fair enemy Shining would wait until they had deposited their soldiers before engaging, but the humans had a knack for playing dirty.

“For the HONOR and GLORY of the Princesses! Master Mages, charge your horns!” Shining commanded, the Unicorns generating their powerful combat spells to blast the skyboats from their invisible waters. Dark green magic circled around the tips of each horn as they prepared to let off the first volley.


Like precision lasers the Unicorns fired, thick green beams lancing into the skies at the Pelicans. The lead skyboat was hit on the front left engine, crippling the pod and sending the vehicle to a wobbly crash-landing in the streets.

More Pelicans were hit on the bottom hull or magnetic overhang and survived, but those hit in the engines went down.

“Aim for the wings! Clip the beasts!” Captain Armor bellowed.

A Pelican swooped down over Shining and opened fire with its chin gun, heavy rounds ripping through the front ranks. Rockets unleashed from pods on the wings rained upon the rooftops, taking many a Unicorn.

“Humans behind the line! Humans behind the line!” a distant soldier shouted, blasting a red beam at an unknown target. More Pelicans were slipping past the Master Mages and depositing their soldiers.

“Dawnguard, let’s mop up these invaders!” Shining exclaimed, seeing that the Pelicans were returning to the ship and no more were coming. The dragons had taken off from the mountains and had replaced the human fighters as the sharks circling around the whale, which was now directly over Fillydelphia.

“You stay alert and you’ll stay alive! Be sure to--”


Dust and rocks sprayed Shining Armor and his stallions, the tan cloud suddenly sprouting up from the street in front of them. In the cloud was a black pod, unmoving. A hiss and a BANG and a door came off the pod, slamming into a stallion face-first and cracking his skull.

The dust started to clear and Shining observed as a human, dressed in armor black as night, stepped out. His visor a silver color. Levelled in one hand was a small gun, his other hand braced on a handle inside the pod.

The human opened fire with the gun and it was like a hose of bullets, pocking the armor and faces and legs of the stallions in his way. Shining ducked into a department store as more pods slammed into the streets of Fillydelphia.

One human stepped forward, shouldering a strange weapon. Near him, standing fast, was a brave stallion. The soldier raised his sword, standing on his hinds. The move opened him up to the human and he fired, the stallion barrelled over by the weapon. His armor was torn open by a hundred small holes and the human racked a pump, a plastic shell clattering to the concrete with a distinctive sound.


Snaking to the back of the store Shining Armor exited into the alley there and doubled around, about to exit into the street when a massive Griffon tank grinded by, coming to a stop in the intersection and turning its cannon. A mighty BOOOM echoed in Shining’s ears as the main gun fired down an adjacent street, a plume of dust kicked up over the roofs.

“Goddess above!” Captain Armor commented, quickly crossing the street into another alley. The edge had been eroded away, but the Dawnguard were valiantly standing against the invaders deep in the city streets.

Several blocks later on main street the might of the Dawnguard fought bravely, fending off human bullets and grenades. The vehicles hadn’t reached this far. Rallying his forces Shining Armor steeled them and pushed them against the humans, hoping to put them on the offensive.

“Pick your targets well! Look for high-ranking officers or commanders!” Shining ordered, firing off small but powerful penetration spells; enough to kill human soldiers within 100 feet, but not severely taxing on his magic reserves.

A human fighter screamed over the length of main street, literally dropping fire into the midst of the Dawnguard. Stallions not killed by the blasts were forced to suffer painful deaths or asphyxiation.

“FIGHT! FIGHT FOR THE HONOR AND GLORY OF THE PRINCESSES!” Shining commanded, rapidly firing into the ranks of the humans. Automatic fire clattered in the air, tank shells collapsed buildings, and missiles rained from the skies.

“This is madness, Captain! We need to reconsolidate a calmer defense from a more strategic position!” one of the stallions declared, his bow long out of arrows.

“What would you suggest!?” the Captain asked, bunkering down from the explosion of a grenade.

“The church on the north side of the city. The Griffons coming from that side are being fended off quite well.”

“Let’s get mov--”

Cut off by his comrade’s head spraying blood from a vapor trail Shining was forced to duck down, the battle still long enough for him to hear the distant crack of a rifle. The vapor trail leading all the way back to the church tower, which had a perfect view of main street.

“Everypony OFF main street NOW!” Shining yelled, blasting a street clear with a magic bomb. His stallions funnelled toward him, the human fighters banking straight for the street.

Spotters. Snipers. In the tower. A radio.

Missiles were fired in all directions from the strafing fighters, ripping the street and many stallions asunder. The chorus of destruction assaulting Shining’s ears and shaking his bones. The madness forcing a psychological strain on most of the stallions.

The Dawnguard with Shining Armor followed him down the clear street and straight into the path of a convoy of human jeeps, the turrets on the back turning to fire on them. Some stallions were killed by bullets. Some by rockets. The truly unfortunate ones speared by a lance of white that seemed to blast through their targets and every building in town before stopping. A human tank, gigantic in size and power, toppled a building in the street from where the soldiers came, forcing them to split up and retreat into buildings and alleys.

“Goddess above save our hides! This is truly a lost cause!” one of the Dawnguard exclaimed, looking outside to the sky. The human ship loomed overhead, swarmed by dragons but barely touched. The sky was beginning to turn red, and black smoke billowed and mixed with the clouds above.

“Get yourselves together soldier, you’re in the Dawnguard. The most elite of Her Majesty’s soldiers and guards. We’ll drive the humans back or die trying” Shining stated matter-of-factly.


Shining Armor shouldered the back door opened ready to fight, and instead saw humans skyboats flying away from Fillydelphia back to the mothership. The fighting had calmed down to a distant explosion or heavy gunfire, most likely from the fighters or Pelicans.

“Did we do it? Did we drive them back?” Shining wondered, heading down the alley and peeking out into the streets. It was clear, not of rubble or fire, but of humans or their vehicles. It seemed the Dawnguard had managed to drive the humans back to their ship.

“AHAHA! We DID it, troopers!” Shining thundered triumphantly. They had suffered many casualties but ultimately they had beaten the humans on the ground. A feat many had not thought possible. The last of the human skyboats disappeared from sight as it neared the human ship and Fillydelphia was clear of humans.

“Nice job, Dawnguard! You did me proud!” Shining Armor exclaimed, smiling at the soldiers with him, who looked relieved. “Let’s call in to the Princesses and give them the good news.”

A thunder shook Shining from his speech and he looked up, watching the human ship begin to accelerate. It wasn’t turning to retreat but was rather heading forward, north towards Ponyville and the direction of Canterlot. Dragons continued to attack it and were met with swift death from the cannons.

“What the hell?” Shining commented.

Something on the ship shifted and a single missile launched into the sky, the dragon High Lord Aldurmaax swatting at it but missing. In his heroism Aldurmaax took off after the gigantic rocket as it rose into the sky before beginning to dip and streak for Fillydelphia. The weapon and the mighty dragon silhouetted by the mid-day sun.

“One missile?! That’s their parting strike? Weak!” Shining boasted, watching the missile barrel down on the once-great metropolis. Aldurmaax never once stopped chasing it, tucking his wings against his body in an effort to gain more speed.

“RUN! RUN HEROES OF THE PRINCESSES! NOW!” Aldurmaax bellowed, his voice calling out to all of the Dawnguard in the city. He was obviously concerned about the rocket.

A mile above the streets of Fillydelphia the missile exploded, unleashing a power unlike anything Shining Armor had ever seen. His eyes burned and his vision blurred before turning black, leaving him dazed. The mighty BOOM sure to be heard all across the world. A whipping wind knocked Shining over and shook weakened buildings to their foundations. The roar of fire and flame raced through the streets, torching all in its path. The mountains only amplified the blast effect, reverberating off the rocky peaks and bounding back into the city with a much greater force, levelling it to the very ground.

The fire wooshed down the alley where Shining was, roaring like the fire blast of a dragon. Its searing heat was the last thing Shining Armor ever felt.

Author's Note:

Legal disclaimer: Adam Kuyaki, Aldurmaax, and all related characters belong to me. Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, and all related characters are copyright to Hasbro. My Little Pony is copyright to Hasbro. Halo is copyright to Microsoft Studios. All other original characters and intellectual properties are copyright to their parent companies and respective affiliates.