• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 2,327 Views, 203 Comments

Sins Never Die - CodenameOne

Equestria and the Griffons wage war as humanity's UNSC aids the Griffons. The dragons aid ponykind, and the Covenant Empire search for an ancient race.

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One. Eight: Bogged Down

One. Eight
Bogged Down

Eyes closed and arms held out level at his sides Captain Kuyaki stood in his private quarters, standing stock still, looking like a human “T”. He breathed slowly and deeply, his mind clear of all. Light began to glow on his face and he raised his arms slowly, keeping them outstretched to the sides as he did so. His arms bent at the elbows and he turned his wrists, bringing his fingers together at the tips in sync with a ding from the holo-screen in front of him.

May your light shine upon and bring warmth and life to Earth and all her colonies, my radiant sun.

Dropping his arms and opening his eyes Captain Kuyaki turned off the digital representation of Sol, Earth’s sun, which was synced to Earth’s calendar and Japan’s time-zone. The sun had just risen on the island nation, bringing another day to her people.

When possible, the times of sunrise were Adam’s times to be alone as he performed the morning ritual to pay homage to the very body that granted life upon his home planet. He had long been a worshipper of the sun; since his adolescence, really.

“Right. Let’s get to work” the Captain said, leaving his quarters and heading for the elevator that would take him to the bridge. He never asked the sun for help on days of battle, believing the heavenly body was not a God to help her subjects any more than she already did.

Whilst riding the elevator Adam idly tapped his foot, doing it out of boredom more than anything else. It was another day, another battle. Cloudsdale, as the Equestrians had named it, was only 40 miles out and the Kabato was steadily advancing.

Adam had to wonder about the ramifications behind a city of clouds and how it would be assaulted. Ground troops could not be put on it, and all missiles would pass right through it. They would have to use the 70mm’s and shoot carefully. Maybe remote detonation for the rockets.

The elevator came to a stop and the Captain walked out, entering the bridge to the sight of his subordinates saluting. He returned the gesture and sat in the command chair, Excalibur appearing next to him.

“Arm the 70mm’s, nothing else. Watch the skies for Dragons, too” Adam declared, staring out the newly-replaced viewport. Every pane of glass had been removed and replaced with the Griffons’ dragon-resistant tempering.

As they got closer to the cloud city and it began to take shape in their eyes the dragons appeared like clockwork, taking off from deep within the clouds.

“FIRE!” Adam bellowed, the 70mm’s thundering as the mythical beasts approached, dozens swarming the Kabato. There had to be over 20 of the monsters attacking as they covered the evacuation of Cloudsdale.

“Excalibur, fire a missile into the city. Archer. You’ve got the trigger” the Captain stated, watching the large missile streak away from the destroyer and toward its target. In an amazing bout of heroic stupidity one dragon dove straight for the rocket, slamming into its warhead and triggering the detonation.

“Goddamn fanatics!! Arm and fire Archers!”

The smaller missiles were unleashed, burning through the mid-day sky. Again, dragons swooped down and deliberately flew into the path of the rockets, even if it meant they would be killed. Their other brethren continued to attack the Kabato, firing jets of flame on her hull and melting holes in the titanium.

“See if they deflect this blow” Adam growled, turning the key himself for MAC tube number one. A relatively small 100 ton slug lanced out at 30,000 meters per second and speared through the soft city, ripping it in half. The MAC round continued on its course until it hit a mountain range, toppling a peak and causing an avalanche.

The dragons were pissed.

“Yeah you don’t like that, HUH?! HUH you little fucks!? Excalibur, lock Archers on all dragons and keep up the 70mm pressure” Captain Kuyaki declared.

The dragons were starting to fall, their numbers dwindling from the constant onslaught of human weaponry. Then, like it was his scheduled appearance, Aldurmaax arrived on the scene, his fiery-orange armor reflecting the light from the sun.

“Oh great... It’s him. Target the High Lord, the one--”

Adam was cut off by Aldurmaax barreling right through the barrage of missiles and guns and landed on the hull of the Kabato, blasting flame at the viewport, which had little effect. Seeing he wouldn’t be able to directly attack the bridge crew Aldurmaax craned his neck down and unleashed flame on the hull, slowly melting a large hole open.

“Shake him off!” Adam yelled, the Kabato jerking to the right 180 degrees until it was upside-down, forcing the High Lord to dive off and take to the skies. The Kabato righted itself, Excalibur resuming his fire on the beasts still around.

Aldurmaax swooped far until he was over Cloudsale, turning back for the human ship and coming at it nose-first. Excalibur fired the nose cannons on him, the dragon turning, ducking, diving and jerking to avoid the spray of bullets. Tucking his wings against his body Aldurmaax came flying in like a missile, landing on the hull of the Kabato once again and skidding across the length of the bow, his claws throwing up sparks as they tried to brake.

Coming to a stop Aldurmaax got to his feet and stalked for the bridge once again, standing up on his hind legs and bracing his left hand on the roof to the bridge as he punched the glass with his fist. The glass, tempered to hold back even the mightiest of dragons, started to crack only after a few hits. From behind Aldurmaax Adam saw the other dragons breaking through the line and landing on the Kabato, punishing her hull and smashing turrets where they could.

“Goddamn it all to hell. Get us out of here, Excalibur. Sling us right through Cloudsdale on the way” Captain Kuyaki ordered. The destroyer accelerated and most of the dragons jumped to the air. Aldurmaax stayed, however, literally snapping at the glass and hull of the ship with his powerful jaws. With a jar experienced only by the Equestrians the UNSC Kabato smashed through the cloud city, blasting through as if it didn’t exist. When it had breached the other side Cloudsdale was an absolute wreck but still standing, and Aldurmaax was still latched onto the destroyer.

As the Kabato turned back the way it came Aldurmaax began to retreat, snaking back from the viewport. He rammed his head into it once for one last try before giving up, growling at Adam through the barrier before taking to the skies, heading back to Cloudsdale.

“Goddamn fanatics” Adam lamented, looking down on the damage to his ship.


Aldurmaax landed on the mountain range near Cloudsdale, where the wing-kin that aid helped him in the defense of the sky-city were waiting his return. Rock turned to gravel under his mighty claws, digging into the stone. Silently looking over his wing-kin Aldurmaax roared fire breath into the air, the dragons below returning the ancient gesture of victory celebration.

“The Princesses will be happy to hear our victory over the human invaders! Let them never forget the fury of a dragon! We will drive them back to the stars or to their graves; it will be the ONLY choice we will give them! We will never allow them to take victory over us or our friends!” Aldurmaax roared, his companions sounding their approval.

“De’mah will guide us. His iron-clad hand driving us to destroy the humans, to crush them into dust! Fight with honor and faith, and De’mah will see you home, and the humans annihilated!”

Looking back to the sky Aldurmaax looked not to De’mah, but to where the humans had gone, knowing tomorrow he would be helping the Pegasi of Cloudsdale relocate would give the humans time to recuperate.

In due time, they will fall. In due time.

Author's Note:

Legal disclaimer: Adam Kuyaki, Aldurmaax, and all related characters belong to me. Princess Celestia and all related characters are copyright to Hasbro. My Little Pony is copyright to Hasbro. Halo is copyright to Microsoft Studios. All other characters and intellectual properties are copyright to their parent companies and respective affiliates.