• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 2,326 Views, 203 Comments

Sins Never Die - CodenameOne

Equestria and the Griffons wage war as humanity's UNSC aids the Griffons. The dragons aid ponykind, and the Covenant Empire search for an ancient race.

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Three. Twenty-Six: Future Turning

Three. Twenty-Six
Future Turning

“I have a way to end this war. It’s risky, but I think it’ll pay off. A strong ground campaign can cut a swathe through Covenant positions in the dragon homeland, where we can then intercept their ship and put it down. Aldurmaax can then be killed, and the war ended. I’ve pulled all soldiers out of occupied cities to discourage the Covenant from conducting more glassings, but our numbers may not be enough for a hard-hitting campaign” Captain Kuyaki said, sitting in the conference room of the Kabato.

“How will we change this, then? We cannot produce cubs any faster than we already are, and I will NOT have children or the elderly fight in this war” Chancellor Steelbeak declared.

“You won’t need to, for I already have a solution. The Equestrians have extended an offer of a military alliance, and would be willing to submit soldiers to the cause” Adam replied, Steelbeak immediately scoffing.

“If Princess Celestia put any honor in her offer she would have extended it in person. No, I am not convinced she is willing to help to that level” Steelbeak stated.

“It is not an offer she would have made lightly; you know how her race is. But we know they are willing to fight. Many have already taken up arms for the Covenant. They have the will, they just need a little...encouragement” the Captain responded.

“Do you really believe they have the internal fire to fight? The collective fortitude to stand as necessary, and strike with fury?” Steelbeak questioned.

“I know they do. They stood and fought when the dragon God, De’mah ‘Tokam, threatened their existence thousands of years ago, and many do so now for the Covenant. They can fight.”

“The question is, Captain, just how far are they willing to go? How hard will they fight before they shut down?” Steelbeak said.

“When their very existence as a species is threatened, they’ll fight to the last” Adam assured. “When you back an animal into a corner, it fights harder; when it’s very existence is at stake, instinct drives it into a killing machine.”

“I see. Very well; if you have such faith in the Equestrians then I would see them stand on the battlefield” the Chancellor replied, relenting.

“There’s one other thing; some of the Princesses have started to see the light, and want to establish a military alliance. They want YOU to impart to them the knowledge of gunpowder and war vehicles” Kuyaki said, telling Steelbeak what Celestia asked of him.

“Really? Other species will need to be included, as well, if this alliance is to have any kind of viability. I just wonder how they will reconcile their own race; a civil war is a nasty thing, especially when one’s race is so divided as theirs is” Chancellor Steelbeak remarked.

“That is for the Equestrians to figure out on their own. For now, our attention is to be devoted to the Covenant, and their dragon allies. I suspect the enemy ship is hiding away in the dragon homelands, seeing repairs and recuperation. We should strike first, fast and hard, with an excursion into the dragon lands” Kuyaki stated.

“No race has ever faced the dragons and won. Individual wyrms have been felled, of course, but collectively their race has no equal in terms of combat prowess. The Equestrians got lucky with killing De'mah, and that's the only reason they succeeded against dragonkind” Steelbeak protested. “Their numbers would blot out the sun, and swallow our forces whole. Literally, I suspect.”

“No race has ever had the power of a spaceship before, and I have a couple of ‘wildcards’ that would tip the scales, against both them and the Covenant ship. For now, though, I must do what I came here to do; negotiate. After all, we’ll need more than just our technological edge to win this conflict. We need numbers, and to that end I’ll see the Minotaurs added to our ranks” Captain Kuyaki said.

Once again, Captain Kuyaki found himself in the diplomat’s chair, this time seated before the Minotaur Emperor, an imposing fellow named Steel Hide. He towered over Kuyaki, would likely tower over an Elite too, and looked down at the human. “I find this proposition quite interesting. The Griffons, Equestrians, and Minotaurs in a military and diplomatic alliance. A league of nations, if you will, seeking to defend ourselves against those who would see our cities burn. Many do, already, do they not? We are not blind to the war raging beyond our walls; I have had Covenant scouts probing our lands” the Minotaur Emperor said.

“So you’ll join our cause and fight the Covenant?” Adam asked.

“You will see Minotaurs standing by your side, human. We have military knowledge and technology we would be willing to impart to the other races, but we want something in return from each. From the Griffons, the knowledge of tanks and sword forging, and from the Equestrians combat magic” the Emperor stated.

“You want to know how to use magic?”

“Yes. All races of this earth have the capability to wield magic, but few possess the aptitude for it. We have a few mages, but they’ve spent years studying the ability, and have only a few spells to show for it. We want it ALL.”

“I see. I will need to present the terms of this request to the others. Tell me, would you be open to the idea of assembling a summit with the Griffons and Equestrians to begin the formation of this pact?” Kuyaki inquired. A meeting would be most interesting to see, to study how the other races would interact with each other if in such an alliance. It would also give Adam another chance to sway some species to pledge their support to the UNSC and continue to fight the Covenant for them.

“Yes, I would see myself at the table. Organize this summit, and I will attend” Steel Hide replied.

Now again did Captain Kuyaki find himself in the great dining hall of Canterlot Tower, the leaders of the three states seated around him. The Equestrian Matriarchy, the Griffon Chancellor, and the Minotaur Emperor. Interesting things would be discussed here today, that was for sure. Adam just hoped another war would not be started.

Or not; more studying of the races would be appreciated.

“Let us observe the date; it is the year 1003 After-Nightmare, the day of Tuesday, the month of July. The ruling cabinet of Equestria, the Chancellor to the Griffon Republic, and the Emperor to the Minotaur Empire are seated here today, to discuss the opening of a pact between our species, an alliance of peace and defense that would forge a great barrier against future transgressions, be they from domestic enemies or alien” Princess Celestia declared. Flanked by her were the other Princesses, their expressions betraying their dispositions. Twilight was happy to see negotiations going again, Luna seethed, Cadance fretted, and Celestia feared. “We will begin with the terms of our offer; the Equestrian Matriarchy asks of the Griffons to give us the knowledge of gunpowder and firearms, so that we may better defend ourselves.”

Princess Twilight lost it.

“NO!! I want NO such thing to be known to us! These inventions of war repulse me, and I would not see them with Equestria’s chrysanthemum emblazoned on them! Such a thing would be a disgrace to our peaceful ways!” Twilight yelled.

“Stay your tongue, child. Thou should know that such devices are not much different than our combat spells. They serve a purpose most useful, for they could be used by those incapable of magic” Princess Luna said, chiding the young Princess.

“Griffonia accepts this offer. Our minister or defense can have a most exquisite rifle delivered to you for inspection and testing, and I would relinquish one of my great pistols from my personal collection. Griffonia asks nothing of the Equestrians” Chancellor Steelbeak stated.

“The Empire asks of the Griffons to render unto us the knowledge of tanks and techniques of sword forging, and asks of the Equestrians to give us the knowledge of magic, and in turn we would give to both the ways and means of manufacturing ships to match the might of the Empire’s naval strength” Emperor Steel Hide said.

It was Princess Luna’s turn to object.

“Hold! Such knowledge is most inappropriate to be known by the other races. Magic is a powerful thing, to be wielded only by those most competent in its intricacies. You will have no such knowledge given to you!” the Princess of the Night declared.

“The root of all of ire towards Equestrians; their innate superiority complex. You believe that only you are the ones that can be trusted with magic, with forbidden knowledge. In all your thousands of years of existence, since the three races staked their claims upon Equestria, have you hoarded and coveted the knowledge of the arcane arts. NO longer, say the people of the Minotaur Empire” Steel Hide responded.

Princess Celestia interjected. “We accept this offer, and ask nothing else of the Minotaur Empire.”

“I accept nothing!” Twilight and Luna yelled simultaneously.

“The Griffons and Minotaurs are amiable to the idea of change, Princesses, why are you not? It’s two on two; Twilight and Luna object to these terms, and Celestia and Cadance appear to accept. What will it be? A vote with an obvious outcome, or a veto?” Adam Kuyaki stated, folding his arms over his chest. History was about to be made, with the words about to come out of Celestia’s mouth.

The Princess of the Sun looked at her compatriots pleadingly, but they did not waver. Twilight and Luna stayed to their convictions, unrelenting. It was a terrible prospect; stay beholden to the old ways, and face extinction, or enter a new age with uncertainty. Turn from Equestria's pacifist ways, peaceful customs, and adopt many instruments of war, fundamentally changing their culture. The alternative was to die; to be left to the annals of history as a failed state. A future of turmoil, or a death of honor, both of which would be suffered by their entire species.

Celestia had no choice.

“I veto. Equestria accepts these terms, and enters into the alliance with the Griffon Republic and the capital of Griffonia, and the Minotaur Empire and the capital of Minoteera” Princess Celestia stated flatly, her expression carefully neutral.

“I resign from my position as Princess of Friendship, and relinquish all rights and privileges with it” Twilight Sparkle immediately said, promptly teleporting away. Princess Luna said nothing, but stared at her sister with contempt and sadness before dissipating in a cloud of ebony.

“A pact will be drafted and signed by all member states, to legitimize the alliance. Let us use our shared might and knowledge to defeat the Covenant and see a new age of peace and mutual benefit between all races of the planet” Celestia deadpanned, her voice monotone. Steel Hide and Steelbeak nodded, getting up from their seats.

“We shall take our leave, then” Emperor Steel Hide said, he and Steelbeak leaving the room, the heavy wooden doors echoing as they closed. Celestia hung her head, defeat and resignation in her eyes. Princess Cadance stood wordlessly and walked from the room, leaving only Celestia and Kuyaki.

Celestia then looked up at Adam, looking for all the world tired and beaten, and said “tell me, Captain, would you give up everything you had to see your species saved, or would you condemn them with honor? Would you give up your convictions, your dignity, and traditions to see your species continue? Or would you fight to the bitter end to never have to see your golden age end?”

Adam never gave her an answer.

Author's Note:

Legal note: Adam Kuyaki, Chancellor Steelbeak, and all related characters belong to me. Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, and all related characters are copyright to Hasbro Studios. Halo is copyright to Microsoft Studios and 343 Industries.