• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 4,628 Views, 1,402 Comments

The Descent into Madness - FenrisianBrony

After almost four years, Rainbow Dash is forced to return to the 41st Millennium, in search of something stolen, and something lost.

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Rainbow Dash

Rainbow landed heavily on the lip of the hanger in the Nar-Bok tower, striding past her Jetbike as she headed for the main hall. Behind her, the rest of the Swooping Pegasi formed up, Spitfire hurrying to catch up with her leader, placing her hoof on Rainbow’s back.

“Rainbow, hold up,” Spitfire smiled, removing her helmet with a wing.

“I want to get moving quickly Spitfire, we’ve already been here for weeks and we’re no closer than we were when we arrive,” Rainbow sighed, but she did slow her pace slightly, removing her own helmet. “Spitfire, in my first week in this universe I saw a planet die, I saw friends die, bloody hell, I almost died.”

“I know you did, you had one hell of an initiation,” Spitfire nodded, subtly beginning to lead Rainbow back to the garage bays that the team had been allocated.

“Which is why I want to find Applejack quickly,” Rainbow replied, sitting down on her Jetbike. “I’m not saying she’s weak or anything, truth be told she’s the only one of my friends who I think could survive alone in this place, ‘cept maybe Twi, but I survived because I was lucky to be found by the Eldar. If Applejack popped up on a planet populated by humans, or Orks, or goddess forbid, chaos worshippers, well I don’t rate anypony’s chances too highly.”

“Well, other than us six,” Lightning smirked, leaning her head back and resting it on Wavechill’s shoulder.

“Cocky,” Wavechill whispered with a smirk of his own.

“But totally true,” Gilda called out, flaring her wings as she reared up on her hind legs.

“And you can all stop showing off now,” Spitfire shot a scathing glare at Lightning and Gilda.

“But I wanted a chance to do something snazzy,” Scootaloo pouted.

“Don’t worry Scoots, I’m sure G and Lightning will try and show off again,” Rainbow smirked. “Now, we’ll slow up a bit, catch our breath, then we’ll leave. Everypony understand?”

“Yes Rainbow!” came the unanimous reply.

“Right then, fall out and make yourself useful. We’ll meet up again at dinner then we’ll leave in the morning.”

With that, Rainbow got up and began to walk towards the central hall once again, the rest of the team going about their preferred tasks, whether that was tweaking their bikes, disrobing from their armour into more comfortable attire, or in Gilda’s case, following after Rainbow.

“You going to the ring?” Gilda asked with a smile, rolling her neck in a series of audible pops.

“Got to keep fit now don’t we,” Rainbow laughed. “Why, thinking of having another go?”

“You never know, I might get lucky this time.”

“Not if Ravenous and I have anything to say about it,” Rainbow pulled her large sword from her scabbard, twirling the blade with a wing. “You really think your little claw blades can keep up.”

“We’ll see,” Gilda narrowed her eyes as she accepted the challenge, readying herself for yet another sparring session.


Rainbow grunted as she skidded back across the floor, before standing up straight and looking at the small cut on her side, smirking slightly and beginning to cockily circle with Gilda. Gilda was panting harder than Rainbow was, her beak curled into the annoyed snarl it always took when she wasn’t winning by miles, and despite the size difference between the pair, there was a reason why Rainbow was in charge, not Gilda. Nevertheless, Gilda had never been one to back down from a hopeless situation, and her tongue had always been sharp, regardless of the situation.

“You’re getting slow there Rainbow, that strike never would have gotten through five weeks ago,” she sneered, scraping one of her claw blades on the floor menacingly. “Is the pressure too much for you?”

“Nah, I just thought I’d let you have a free one,” Rainbow shot back, dropping into a defensive stance. “Now, come try to get another.”

Gilda growled softly, before leaping forward, the assembled Eldar whooping as she used her wings to propel herself forward, her claw blades aimed directly at Rainbow. With her size and weight, Gilda would most likely smash through any defence Rainbow could put up, barrelling her over and winning the upper hand in the combat match, and if this had been her first time in the ring, Rainbow may have tried to stand her ground and lost just like that. As it was however…

Just before Gilda grabbed hold of her, Rainbow flapped her wings upwards, pushing herself to the floor and underneath Gilda’s legs. As she slid, she aimed a kick upwards, impacting with the sensitive area on her friend, before springing back to her hooves and bringing the flat of her sword down on Gilda’s back.

Letting out a high pitched screech, Gilda fell to the floor, clutching her stomach as Rainbow stood over her, placing the sword against her neck and smiling.

“You…tricky…bitch,” Gilda gasped.

“Watch the vertical as well as the horizontal dodge, and one day you may actually have me Gilda,” Rainbow smiled, dropping her sword and offering a hoof to her fallen friend.

“Yeah, one day,” Gilda smiled.

“Looks like the fight is over!” the announcer roared, thumping his fist on the podium he had watched the fight from. “Once again, Rainbow is victorious against her team mate! Is no one, or no pony, going to stop her rampage?”

Dozens of hands went up as Rainbow’s shoulders sagged a little. It was all well and good being known as a ring fighter of some skill, and she never had to look far for some friendly competition, but it also meant that if she didn’t want to lose face, she could end up staying in the arena for hours on end. Reluctantly, she picked up her sword once more, resting it over her back and looking out into the crowd.

“You,” she called, pointing to a wiry male Eldar in the front row as Gilda slunk out to freshen up. “Get your gear, get in here, and get ready for a beating.”


Many hours later, Rainbow finally was thrown to the floor, her body battered and bruised. She shakily tried to get back to her hooves, her biological wing weakly grasping for Ravenous, before she felt a foot push down on it, a small knife being held against her throat.

“I believe the match goes to me Rainbow,” Juhani chuckled, removing the blade.

“Yeah, after I’ve fought like, seven other guys,” Rainbow reasoned, panting slightly as she rolled over and looked up at her former team-mate.

Out of all the Eldar in the clan, Juhani was the one with the highest number of victories against Rainbow. She wasn’t the only one by a long shot, but very few of the others managed to pull one over on her more than once, as she learnt their styles and weaknesses. Juhani on the other hoof was a lot better than most other Eldar, owing her skill to serving in both the Swooping Hawks and the Howling Banshees before joining the clan. Every time Rainbow thought she had found Juhani’s weak spots, a gap in her technique, she changed her style, just enough to cover the old flaws. She opened other ones in doing so, but by the time Rainbow figured them out, they changed yet again.

In the short five weeks that Rainbow had been back with the clan, she and Juhani had racked up the second highest number of fights against each other, only just behind Rainbow and Gilda. It kept the pair of them sharp and on their proverbial toes, as well as elevating them in the eyes of the clan. Even if she was an Eldar, Rainbow would have been one of the most well-known members of the clan, and considering her youth, that was saying something.

“True, but we both know I can beat you when you’re fresh Rainbow,” Juhani smirked, pulling Rainbow up.

“Half the time,” Rainbow corrected her, panting slightly and rubbing some of the bruises, before picking up her sword. “Come on, I need to get cleaned up and meet the rest of the guys for food, you and Tar’nek should be there too.”

“Progress in your search?” Juhani asked eagerly, smiling widely.

“Something like that,” Rainbow nodded. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get showered and changed. Eldar are still…finicky about us walking around without clothes.”

“And that’s not going to change anytime soon,” Juhani reminded her. “Get to it then, I’ll find Tar’nek and the rest of your team, see in what, ten?”

“Make it twenty,” Rainbow groaned, arching her back to try and relieve some of the stress. “You know you can go a bit easier sometimes.”

“And where would be the fun in that?” Juhani asked, before turning and walking away from Rainbow, leaving the Pegasus to limp towards the hygiene blocks to try and get some feelings other than aching pain.


Rainbow finally made her way to the great hall, clad in the old leather bodysuit she had received when she had first join the Swooping Hawks. Entering the loud hall, Rainbow quickly scanned the inhabitants, getting a few raised mugs as people noticed her, before she finally caught sight of Juhani, and using her as a reference, saw the others. Like her they had forsaken their armour for more comfortable clothes, save for Tar’nek and Gilda, Tar’nek due to his duties as an honour guard, and Gilda through personal preference.

Sitting down, Rainbow gave a quick nod to the others, before reaching for a platter of vegetables and digging in, pausing only to pour herself a mug of ale from a large oaken barrel, gulping it down greedily.

“Our fearless leader everypony,” Spitfire smirked.

“How much of a beating did you say you gave her again?” Tar’nek asked, turning to Gilda and Juhani.

“I gave her quite a severe one,” Juhani shrugged.

“And I got her warmed up for you,” Gilda agreed.

“I am right here guys,” Rainbow muttered between mouthfuls, before swallowing. “And anyway Tar’nek, I don’t see you stepping into the ring all that often, maybe you should try going against Juhani.”

“I’m not stupid, remember?” Tar’nek chuckled. “I know for a fact that she’ll beat me every time, why would I try to prove anything different?”

“Ha, maybe Gilda should try taking on that attitude,” Wavechill looked across at the Griffon. “She’s been beaten so many times I’m surprised she can still see straight without having little stars around her head.”

“Anyway,” Juhani interrupted, “I thought you had some news for us Rainbow. Finally find something in the archives?”

“Not exactly,” Rainbow shook her head. “More like a tip.”

“Tips can be true or false,” Tar’nek pointed out.

“Yeah, but what if the tipper knew exactly who you were looking for without even being told?” Scootaloo cut in.

“What do you mean?” Juhani asked, her brow furloughing slightly.

“We were coming back here after searching the archives,” Spitfire began. “There was this Eldar, a mask covering half her face due to plasma burns or something. Called herself the Architect.”

“Never heard of her,” Tar’nek shook his head. “Sounds like some Ranger or Harlequin wannabe. It still doesn’t mean that she was telling the truth.”

“And the fact that she instantly knew who we were searching for, and facts about Applejack only we’d know?” Spitfire countered. “

“Alright, you’ve piqued my interest, what did this ‘Architect’ say?” Tar’nek asked as he crossed his arms, a small disbelieving smirk sneaking onto his face.

“For one, he called Applejack an Earth pony,” Rainbow began. “I think I used that term once on the first day I got to the Craftworld, so the chances of her hearing that particular term is minimal. That in my mind gave her enough credence to be listened to.”

“And what did she say that brought you back here then?” Juhani asked.

“To seek out the All-Seeing eye,” Rainbow looked straight at Tar’nek, trying to read his face.

“And you know where they are?” Tar’nek shot back, leaning forward. “Because if that sounds like the name of what I think it is, I…”

“Commorragh,” Rainbow interrupted him.

The effect of the single word was instantaneous as Tar’nek’s eyes went wide in shock. Juhani too looked shocked, as the conversation around them died down, the Eldar staring directly at Rainbow. Finally, Tar’nek found his voice, his expression grave as he looked directly at Rainbow.

“Tell me I just heard you wrong Rainbow, tell me…”

“I said Commorragh,” Rainbow reiterated. “The Dark City of the Webway.”

“Do you even know what lies in that evil place?” Tar’nek snapped. “What horrors are inflicted upon the unwary or the unfortunate?”

“I’ve heard the stories,” Rainbow nodded, keeping a straight face. “And yes, they’re not the nicest, but it’s a lead, and it’s all I’ve got. Do you know how much useful information we found in the archives?”

“Rainbow…” Tar’nek began.

“Do you know?” Rainbow snapped.

“Nothing,” Tar’nek sighed.

“Five weeks, not even a whiff, and I knew what I was looking for this time,” Rainbow continued. “Five weeks where Applejack has been alone who knows where! Yes she could have found hope like I did, but if not… I will not fail in my mission. I will find Applejack, then the Black Library, again, and then I’ll go home, and smash that bloody machine of Twilight’s into a million little pieces.”

“Rainbow, I wouldn’t advise this,” Juhani cautioned, placing a hand on Rainbows back.

“That makes two of us,” Tar’nek agreed.

“Can you make that three?” Spitfire asked.

“Not you too Spitfire,” Rainbow sighed in exasperation.

“I’m sorry Rainbow, and you know if you go I’ll follow you, but from what little you’ve said of the place…it just sounds dark and twisted.”

“It is,” Rainbow nodded. “All the accounts say it’s worse than they can describe. If you asked not to come Spitfire, or any of you for that matter, I wouldn’t judge you, but I’m going tomorrow. We’re both element bearers, but more than that, we’re friends. I will find her and bring her back to her home and to her sister.”

“Oh for the love of the Goddess, don’t be so melodramatic Rainbow,” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “I’m with you.”

“I’m with you too Rainbow,” Wavechill nodded.

“I’m going then,” Lightning smiled, looking at Wavechill. “Someone’s got to look after this lug, might as well be me.”

“I don’t agree with you Rainbow, but I’ll go with you,” Spitfire nodded.

All eyes turned to Gilda, the griffon inspecting one of her claws nonchalantly, before she looked round and chuckled.

“Come on Dash, look who you’re talking to here. Like I’d chicken out and stay here.”

“Looks like that’s all of us then,” Rainbow smiled, turning to face Tar’nek and Juhani once more. “So…would you reunite the Floating Assault again for this?”

“My duty is to the clan and to the craftworld Rainbow,” Tar’nek shook his head. “I helped you get home, but I can’t help you with this. I’m sorry.”

“I can’t Rainbow,” Juhani sighed. “I just…can’t.”

“It’s fine, she’s not your friend,” Rainbow smiled. “Regardless though, the Swooping Pegasi and I are heading out tomorrow.”

“To the Dark City?” came a booming voice from behind the group, causing them all to turn around.

“Lord Nar’bok,” Tar’nek said hurriedly, getting to his feet and bowing slightly, followed closely by Juhani and Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, sit down the three of you,” Nar’bok shook his head, taking a seat himself and grabbing the barrel of ale, forgoing the use of a mug and drinking straight from the cask. “Honestly, I love all the pomp and circumstance crap sometimes, but I sometimes wonder if it wasn’t more fun to be just an honour guard in another clan. Now, I hear you’re talking about travelling to the Dark City Rainbow, am I correct?”

“To Comm…” Rainbow began, before Nar’bok roughly grabbed her muzzle, clamping it shut and bringing his face right next to hers.

“The Dark City, never use it’s real name. Understand?” He asked, his voice dripping with venom, Rainbow quickly nodding.

“Good,” Nar’bok let go of her muzzle, going back to drinking the ale. “Now, I’m not going to encourage or discourage this course of action, that’s for you to decide. What I will give you is three pieces of advice.”

Rainbow massaged her muzzle as she reached for her own mug, looking at the barren interior, before Nar’bok smirked and refilled it.

“First of all, find some allies,” Nar’bok began. “Never trust them mind you, but you’ll need someone, especially if you wish to catch the attention of the All-Seeing eyes Archon in a good way. Start small, the bigger clans will kill you, enslave you…or worse.”

“Second, never let your guard down. When you think you’re safe, when you think no one can touch you, that’s when your enemies will strike. Watch them, and watch those beneath you, excluding your team of course. In the Dark City, honour is a laughable ideal. They respect power above all.”

With that, Nar’bok stood up from the table, turning to walk back towards his throne at the front of the hall.

“And the third?” Rainbow called out after him.

Nar’bok stopped, not turning round for a second, before continuing on. “Never fucking lose.”

With that, Nar’bok pushed through the hall, finally getting back to his throne and sitting down, surveying his clan with a small smile, before calling over a platter of food and digging in once again.

“Well, that’s it,” Rainbow announced, standing up, the team taking this as a que and getting up as well. “Unless there are any objections I say we leave now, before the rest of the clan gets wind of this. I don’t want anyone else trying to talk me out of it.”

“Well, if you’re set on going, then I can at least tell you that the city isn’t hard to find if you can get into the webway. Trust your instincts, if a way feels filled with horror, you’re going the right way,” Tar’nek sighed.

“You’re really not keen on this idea, are you?” Rainbow asked.

“No, and I didn’t think you would be either,” Tar’nek countered. “I’m sure you remember what Elarique asked you.”

Rainbow sighed, closing her eyes and rubbing her temple with a hoof. “I know what he said Tar’nek, and I know I’m breaking my promise.”

“Wait, which promise?” Spitfire asked in confusion. “Applejack wouldn’t be happy with you…”

“Applejack isn’t here, that’s the problem,” Rainbow cut her off. “I promised Elarique the one place I wouldn’t go in the webway was Commor…the Dark City. But this is different. Suppose that’s where Applejack is, suppose she’s a slave. We need to save her, and we can’t do that without going there. So even if it means breaking my promise, I’m going, right now. Still coming with me.”

The team gave a unanimous nod, causing Rainbow to smile, before she held a hoof out to Tar’nek, who shook it, before Juhani pushed it out of the way, pulling Rainbow into a hug.

“Hurry back Rainbow, I’m going to be training every day, and I’m going to want a rematch.”

“You’re on,” Rainbow smiled, before turning and trotting towards the hanger, the Swooping Pegasi in tow. “We leave in an hour. Finish up anything you need to do, we might not be back her for a long time.”


Rainbow sat on her jetbike, the twin engines purring as they ticked over, getting ready to propel her forward at a moment’s notice. Beside her, the others waited in perfect formation, all staring out of the hanger at the beautiful stars that were passing by the Craftworld’s protective dome. They were witnessing a star dying, something very few creatures in the universe could actually say they had witnessed, and lived to talk about it. For most, the visage of the once mighty celestial object entering its death throes would be a cause for alarm, or at the very least a sad sight, but not for the Eldar.

Thousands of solar sails and radiation scoops had opened up all along the Craftworld’s hull, absorbing the decaying blood of the great star, using the power to support the craftworld for another hundred years.

Watching such a phenomenal event before they departed was a stark reminder of what they were about to leave behind once they entered the webway. The team was ready, and they would follow Rainbow if they had to, but that didn’t mean that they didn’t have doubts about their destination, especially after they had used the hour mostly to find out more about the dark place.

“Hey, I heard Commoragh has a star of its own,” Scootaloo offered weakly.

“It’s got two,” Spitfire corrected her.

“Both of them stolen,” Wavechill added in.

“Wonder if the systems were inhabited?” Lightning asked.

“Are you kidding, have you read anything about the Dark Eldar?” Gilda let out a soft chuckle, trying to reassure herself. “Course they probably were.”

“This isn’t helping,” Rainbow whispered, her voice easily travelling over the helmet mics. “We…we need to go.”

“You sure about this Rainbow?” Spitfire checked for what felt like the millionth time.

“Yeah,” Rainbow nodded, taking a deep breath, and steeling herself for their journey. “Yes, I’m sure. Follow me.”

With that, Rainbow gunned the engines on her bike, shooting out of the hanger and towards the webway portal they had chosen to exit the craftworld through. The rest of the team quickly followed suit, Spitfire, Wavechill and Lightning exchanging a single silent look, before setting off into the fading light of the dying star.

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