• Published 16th Apr 2014
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The Descent into Madness - FenrisianBrony

After almost four years, Rainbow Dash is forced to return to the 41st Millennium, in search of something stolen, and something lost.

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Central Command


Shas'O Pa'Laa Shan'Ta, commander of the Pa’Laa sept and the so-called 'Lord of Pa’Laa', stood to attention as he watched an Orca descend through the small clouds that were floating above the command base of the Fire caste, his crisis battlesuit locking into position, making sure he stood as still as a statue. The ship bore the obvious signs of battle, panels were dented and smoke was drifting out of the tertiary engines exhaust port, but it was still flying smoothly and was in functional shape.

“Good,” Shan'Ta nodded to himself, his honour guard staying silent beside him.

Shan'Ta had been against this visit since it was first announced, and had done everything in his power to sway the decision of the High Command, but it was useless, and the decision had been made regardless. The battle damage on the ship only served to showcase how close to destruction the ship had come breaking through the human fleet in orbit around the planet. Still, Shan'Ta was not in the habit of disobeying orders, and he would follow any that were given to him, driving the humans back, before being placed back in stasis once more, his mind and body preserved to serve the Greater Good in their time of need.

All thoughts of his disagreement with his orders were banished from his mind as the Orca touched down, the ramp cranking down as six honour guard quickly filed out, their large honour blade axes held at attention at their sides as their charge walked down the ramp beside them.

“Ethereal Aun'Vesa, it is an honour to receive you on Styro,” Shan’Ta came forward, his battlesuit only making the slightest odd noise to tell of its recent repair from battle. “I trust that the voyage from T’au wasn’t too long, just as I hope that the damage to your orca is superficial.”

“The honour is mine commander,” Aun’Vesa replied, his voice heavily accented as he turned to his honour guard, signalling for them to move away from the ship. “I am however most anxious to ensure my ship is repaired before I leave.”

“It will of course receive the highest care Ethereal,” Shan’Ta bowed deeply. “Now, if I may ask, what is the purpose of your visit to Styro? High Command would not favour me with a straight answer when I asked, even when I pointed out the danger that inserting one such as you into a highly volatile war zone would present.”

“I am afraid that I am not at liberty to discuss my primary mission commander,” Aun’Vesa replied simply. “However, I do wish to make an inspection on the members of the expansion force who are based here, with your permission of course.”

“You of course have it,” Shan’Ta nodded, turning and leading Aun’Vesa deeper into the camp, the Ethereals cloak blowing behind him in the soft breeze.

“It is an impressive base you have here commander,” Aun’Vesa noted as they continued to walk. “Compared to what I was lead to believe was the state of this planet, this base is a big surprise.”

“It’s one of the few places on the planet that would cause you to say that sir,” Shan’Ta shook his head. “My forces are being overwhelmed on almost every front. We have neither the man-power required to match the gue’la Imperial Guard, nor do we have enough operational battlesuits and airpower to match the Space marines and the Titan Legion that are arrayed against us. This base is the last bastion of uncontested Tau territory on Styro. Every member of a caste not directly involved in the war is housed here, from farmers to miners, and all wounded are treated her as well, just as prisoners are held here. Per your request the captured princeps is already being prepared to be transferred to your transport. He is in the medical lab.”

“I see,” Aun’Vesa nodded slowly. “I did attempt to speak to my mentor about committing more members of the Fire Caste to this theatre of war, but he declined.”

“And you are not in a position to make any such decisions on your own merit?”

“My mentor, Aun’Shi, believes not,” Aun’Vesa replied simply. “If he believes that Styro cannot warrant a more severe presence of Fire Warriors, then who am I to say otherwise? I am sorry commander. If it’s any consolation, I do not understand it completely myself, I am simply here to complete my appointed task.”

“Of course sir,” Shan’Ta nodded tersely.

“I fear that I have insulted you commander,” Aun’Vesa stopped walking, Shan’Ta stopping a split second afterwards and looking down at the Ethereal, his helmet hiding his glare, before he finally replied with a perfectly level voice.

“No, not at all Ethereal.”

“I am not a fool commander, and I know when I may have overstepped a line, I am still new to being in a position of command, rather than a shadow,” Aun’Vesa apologised. “I will not keep you commander, if the war is progressing as you say, I would not want to take one of our finest military minds away from the battlefield for longer than is needed. I am sure I can find my own way around.”

“Very good Ethereal,” Shan’Ta nodded, bringing his gun up before his face is a salute, before turning and walking away, his honour guard following him while Aun’Vesa was left with his own guards.

“I fear I may have offended him by saying his battle was not of pressing concern,” he sighed, turning to one of his guards.

“He will come around Ethereal, he must. Unity comes to all things in time,” the guard replied.

“Yes, so the saying goes,” Aun’Vesa sighed. “Still, we have our own goals to achieve on the planet, just as he does. Now, we must find the auxiliary quarter’s medical lab. I wish to see the princeps before he is moved, as well as those who brought him in.”

“Of course,” the guard nodded, taking a moment to consult the mapping system in his helmet, before gesturing. “This way Ethereal.”

“By all means, lead on,” Aun’Vesa smiled. “I do not believe that my code forbids me from walking behind a member of my own honour guard.”

“Of course sir,” the guard nodded, a slight smile of his own crossing his lips as he turned and walked further into the camp, eventually stopping outside of the building marked with the signs of healing.

“Please, wait outside, I will be out momentarily,” Aun’Vesa ordered, before opening the door and walking inside.

The faint smell of disinfectant hit Aun’Vesa’s nose as soon as he entered, but he reasoned that having a slightly clinical smell filling his nostrils was better than being overwhelmed by the smell of blood that would surely be overpowering the facility otherwise. Looking around, Aun’Vesa noted that he was alone for the first time since he had left his ship now in high orbit, and allowed himself some brief respite, sitting down on one of the chairs and sighing into his hands.

What he had said to Shan’Ta was true, he was sorry that he could not do more to help this world, and all worlds for that matter, but he simply could not go against Aun’Shi. There was a reason he was known as ‘the aged wonder’ by many of his fellows, and to be chosen as his personal apprentice was the highest honour he could ever hope to achieve, and yet it still did not shake the feeling that Aun’Shi was holding back from his full potential, a feeling that had only gotten larger when Aun’Shi had refused to accept the mantle of the Supreme Ethereal.

“Is this why Farsight left?” he whispered softly to himself, the questions that filled his mind once more swimming to the forefront. Why had Commander Farsight left the T’au and struck out on his own? Why did he now have to conceal the idea of this ‘warp’ from the other races? Why did it seem now more than ever that the bonds that had held the castes of the Tau together for centuries now seemed more tenuous than ever?

So many question filled his young mind, each one burning to be answered, and yet he had answers for none of them. He was sure that Aun’Shi did know the answers to some of these questions, which was why it was he who was chosen to lead an expedition to the Farsight conclaves, and yet his mentor had never shared any with his apprentice.

Aun’Vesa was shaken out of his thoughts when he saw a drone bob through one of the doorways, stopping just before him and beeping a few times, before its modulator kicked in, sounding like it had clearly seen better days. It stammered, sputtered and hissed as it spoke, parts of its speech being slowed down to the point where it seemed like it was trying to communicate with a child, while other parts were so fast that Aun’Vesa nearly couldn’t keep up.

“G-G-G-G-Greetings Ethereal. It is a pleasure for this one to be in your presence. Will you be requiring medical assistance?”

“Ummm, no,” Aun’Vesa shook his head, slightly bemused at the drones voice, before another voice cut through the silence.

“Damn it ya tin can, get back here before I break ya down into scrap metal.”

A Demiurg strode into the room, proving to be the source of the voice, before freezing as he lay his eyes upon Aun’Vesa, his entire body tensing up.

“Oh fuck, I just swore in front of an Ethereal,” he muttered, his voice sounding hollow as his mouth hung open, before he cursed himself again. “Oh bugger! Ah did it again. And again! Ah ya stupid git, shut yer trap before…”

He eventually clapped his own hands over his mouth, groaning into them as Aun’Vesa rose to his feet, chuckling softly at the Demiurg’s antics.

“Be at peace,” he assured the stocky man, raising a hand towards him. “It was an accident, and I do not believe that the expletive was being aimed at me in any case.”

“Of course not,” the Demiurg shook his head quickly, “Ah would never swear at one of yer kin Ethereal. It just must have slipped out as it were.”

“I’m sure,” Aun’Vesa smiled, before looking at the drone. “This drone belongs to you?”

“Ney Ethereal, it belongs ta one of me friends. The lass just asked me ta try fixing him up a little, which the little bas…the drone isn’t making easy fer me.”

“I can see,” Aun’Vesa chuckled softly. “I am to take it then that you are not a doctor?”

“No. Fio’Saal Koghad at yer service Ethereal.”

“And I am Aun’Vesa,” he replied softly. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Koghad of the Earth Caste. Not that I do not wish to speak to you, but is there someone around here that can help direct me? I fear that you are too preoccupied with the drone to be of assistance.”

“Of course Ethereal,” Koghad nodded, casting a glance back down the corridor he’d come from. “There should be someone comin’ right about…”

“Koghad!” a Tau shouted as she ran into the room.

“Ethereal,” Koghad hissed to her, pointing at Aun’Vesa.

“Oh my stars,” she quickly bowed as she turned to face Aun’Vesa. “Please accept…”

“Your apology has been accepted,” Aun’Vesa assured her. “Not that it was needed, you were only doing your job after all.”

“Thank you Ethereal,” the Tau nodded, before looking at Koghad. “You are not supposed to be running around yet Koghad.”

“Ah told yer lady, ah’m fine,” Koghad huffed. “Just leave me be and help those who need it.”

“Go back to bed,” she replied sternly.

“Bah! Fine,” Koghad huffed, walking past her. “Come on W1, let’s see if we can’t get ya fixed up nice and clean again.”

“Y-Y-Y-Yes sir,” the drone responded as it bobbed after Koghad, leaving Aun’Vesa with the Tau woman.

“Now, before we have any more interruptions, I must ask you to lead me to the human that has recently been brought in,” Aun’Vesa said quickly.

“Of course Ethereal, please step this way,” she motioned down as corridor, leading Aun’Vesa through the corridors of the hospital, before finally stopping outside of a room flanked on either side by Fire Warriors, both of whom stood to attention as the pair approached.

Entering, Aun’Vesa quickly inspected the prone form of the human on the medical table in the centre of the room, his various cybernetics hooked up to various machines that were regulating his life support. Around him were a few simple drones, each one making last minute adjustments before he was moved from the room to the Orca.

“Is he stable?” Aun’Vesa asked, turning to the woman.

“As far as we can tell Ethereal,” she nodded. “His physiology is completely different from that of a normal human, and it does not make for an easy operating environment.”

“I’m sure,” Aun’Vesa nodded. “Ensure he is ready for transport please, but first, I would like you to lead me to another one of your patients. The one known as ‘Applejack’.”

“The pony, Ethereal?” the woman clarified, before nodding. “Of course, this way.”

Once again Aun’Vesa found himself being lead through the hospital, before finally coming to a halt at a viewing window, on the other side of which was Applejack and a pair of medical drones. This was the first time that Aun’Vesa had seen the pony in the flesh, but he still remembered the first time he had heard about her like it was yesterday.


T’au. Seven weeks earlier


Aun'Vesa accompanied Aun'Shi as they walked towards their latest meeting with the other Ethereals. They barely had been given enough time to clean up from Honour Duel Practice and put on fresh robes after they got the announcement of a surprise meeting, but they had managed nonetheless. Whilst the message did not state that the meeting was an emergency per se, Aun'Va was rather insistent that the higher-ranking Ethereals contact him for some recent information he acquired. Normally Aun’Vesa would not have been invited along to such a meeting, but Aun’Shi had insisted.

Eventually the pair reached the Central meeting dome of the city, and after various inspections and examinations by drones and Fire Warriors, the pair were permitted entrance. Due to the sacred nature of the place, only the Highest Ranking Officials of the other castes were allowed entry, and only then with the consent of the Ethereals via majority vote. Indeed, Aun'Va himself has only been to this Dome a few times in the past, due to his status as a relatively young member of the Ethereal Caste, and it was only on Aun’Shi’s insistence that he was allowed entry today.

Upon entry into the main meeting area of the Ethereals, Aun'Shi and Aun'Vesa noticed that the other Ethereals were already engaged in conversations with each other, trying to pass the time away while waiting for the arrival of the Aun'Va. Aun'Vesa followed Aun'Shi as he proceeded to walk over to the area that had been set aside for them, a patch of floor with only two simple straw mats. While they could've insisted on getting better seats like some of the Ethereals had, Aun'Shi had declined, considering them to be "frivolous", and preferring instead the simple lifestyle he had gotten used to on the frontier, what the humans would refer to as a 'Spartan living'.

"Aun'Shi, do you have any idea what the nature of this meeting is about?" Aun’Vesa asked, looking at his mentor as the pair sat down, crossed legged.

"A little,” he nodded. "It is supposedly about a new species of sentient life found by a local Pathfinder team. Nonetheless, we will know soon enough it seems."

As he spoke, he pointed over to a large set of double doors that were beginning to open. In walked a small retinue of Honour Guards who accompanied Aun'Va on his Anti-Grav Dias and Chair, who were in turn accompanied by high ranking members of the Earth, Fire, and Water Castes, each one clad in formal garb and holding dataslates, no doubt to give what information they could that would be pertinent to this meeting.

"Fellow Ethereals and distinguished guests, if you will please be seated, we can commence with the meeting," Aun'Va politely requested, watching intently as the various Tau went to their assigned seating areas. After the crowd quieted down and the various people took their seats, he started to speak once again.

"Just shy of two solar days, one of our Pathfinder Teams went to investigate a large flux of Warp Energy that was detected by one of our Sensory Outposts in sector Mal’caor. Upon their arrival, they found this lifeform, unconscious, but for the most part unharmed, other than what we are assuming to be some minor concussions and bruised ribs. The creature, who we believe to be a she, holds no items on her person, save for a hat, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the human Stetson. Whether this means she has been in contact with the Imperium of Man or not is unknown, but considering the gue’la’s fear of aliens, I believe this to be unlikely."

As the Ethereal spoke, the large holoprojector’s in the room came to life with a soft purr, showing the room a large image of an equine creature, orange of fur and with what looked like three apples on its rear, as well as a very human Stetson beside it.

"From what we can tell, it seems that this creature somehow travelled here via means similar to that used by the Eldar, the signal we received that lead us to her originally was believed to be an incursion by their kind. Brain Scans and the size of her cranial region seems to indicate that she is capable of a level of sentience on par with that of the average Tau and most other Auxila races that are under the Tau Banner, while her teeth mark her as a herbivore. However, despite the similarity in appearances, we do not at this moment believe she is related to any known equine we have encountered, even the Terran Horse, which seems to look the most similar.”

“Alas, while the Medical Teams have done what they can and assure me that this creature is stable, she is presently unconscious as she has been since arriving on T’au, and they are uncertain as to when, or even if, she will wake up. We presently have armed guard outside of her patient area to ensure both her protection as well as that of the Staff at the Medical Facility if she turns out to be hostile."

"I wonder what the reasoning behind this meeting was." Aun'Vesa whispered to Aun’Shi as Aun’Va spoke. "Running into sentient life is fairly common for our Empire, and I do not recall hearing of meetings such as this when we discovered the kroot or the Demiurg."

"It's probably due to the nature of her arrival,” Aun’Shi whispered back. “Since it indicates the use of stable warp technology, one of the few things our Fleets still lack. Only the Demiurg ships can travel at speeds matching the gue’la ships, and they too long since forgotten how to replicate the technology. Perhaps Aun’Va hopes that if we can establish good relations with these beings, this could be the breakthrough we've been looking for."

The meeting continued on for hours, Aun’Shi paying close attention as various people took the floor to give their own statements. The Leader of the Pathfinder Team that had found the creature was first, giving an eye witness report of what he had found before being replaced by the Doctor in charge of the medical treatment of the being, who was doing some of his own preliminary exams using blood samples he acquired from the quadruped. After their testimony, Aun'Va once again held the ear of the room.

“As I'm sure you are well aware, I would not call you here if it was not important. After all, we have encountered many races during our travels, diplomatic liaisons with newly discovered races are not new to us. Nonetheless, it's the circumstances of her arrival that make this different.”

“Told you,” Aun’Shi whispered with a faint smile.

“As I said earlier, we believe that she arrived in much the same way as the Eldar travel, creating what can only be equated to as a ‘rip’ in their so-called ‘webway’. Sadly, we have not found a full portal into that realm, and all we have to study is the data received by the sensor outpost, which has not given us anything we have not already recorded in our past encounters with the Eldar race. However, while the Eldar have always guarded the secret of their travel from us, this creature may not. If it is true that she came through the webway, then perhaps her race also has access to its tunnels, and will be willing to share it with us. If they can, it could mean the difference between simply preserving some of the races of the universe and saving them outright. Speed has been our enemy before, but with the potential technology from this species, we may defeat the final technological enemy we have to face.”

Aun’Va paused as he looked between the faces of everyone present, flitting between the Ethereals and Tau as if he was trying to assess how they were processing this new information, before he finally continued.

“This meeting is to be kept above Top Secret in classifications and as such, is not to be discussed with anyone not currently in this chamber, until further notice and instructions on how to handle the matter have been decided upon. I will personally interview the being, along with select members of the Water Caste upon her awaking, after sufficient checks by both the Medical and Security Teams assuring me it is safe to do so. I will keep the attendees of this meeting updated on the matter. You are dismissed. Believe in our mutual destiny."

"Five Castes, Multiple Races, One People. Tau'n Provides," the room replied as one as the meeting came to a close.




“Tau’n provides,” Aun’Vesa whispered softly, before looking to the Tau medical officer. “Thank you, but I wish to speak to Applejack alone.”

“Of course Ethereal,” the woman nodded. “If you need anything, the drones will be more than happy to provide it for you. I only ask that you be careful, her wounds are only just healing.”

Nodding, Aun’Vesa watched as she turned and walked away, before walking towards the door, the soft hydraulics sliding it open with an almost completely silent hiss and allowing him entry. Applejack instantly looked over, the drones scattering as she pushed them away, doing her best to get to her feet.

“E-Ethereal,” she stammered.

“Please Applejack, I have had enough of the pomp and circumstance since I arrived, I would ask you to not stand on ceremony,” Aun’Vesa shook his head with a small smile.

“How do y’all know mah name?” Applejack asked, cocking her head to the side.

“I am an Ethereal, I know many things,” Aun’Vesa chuckled. “Now, if you sit down and rest, I will explain everything.”

Applejack nodded, pulling herself back onto the gurney and allowing the drones to get back to work on her leg, wincing as they began to try to negate some of the damage from the break. She had already been told by doctors that she would likely never walk without a small limp again, but it wouldn’t be too much of a hindrance.

“Now, your question. My name is Aun’Vesa, an Ethereal under, sorry, formerly under the tutelage of Ethereal Aun’Shi. I know your name because I was sent here to retrieve you.”

“Retrieve me? Why would ya need to retrieve me?”

“You mean asides from the human invasion that is threatening to overrun the Fire Caste stationed here?” Aun’Vesa asked, his voice seeming to waver just a bit. “The reasons will be explained more on route, but I am afraid that the debriefing must wait until we are out of immediate danger. I realise that you probably have a lot of questions to ask, just as I have questions to ask of your, pertaining to your recent actions during the invasion, but I would ask you to wait.”

“Fine, ah guess a few more hours isn’t that much to ask,” Applejack shrugged, before looking at the drone. “Ya done yet?”

“Yes Fio’Saal,” the drone bobbed up and down in confirmation. “Although I would advise that you do not put excess strain on it for the next few days.”

“I will personally ensure that she rests it,” Aun’vesa chuckled softly. “Now, we must be heading back towards my ship, I do not know how long the fleet I arrived with will be able to keep the hole in the Imperial battle line open, and I do not wish to miss our opportunity to leave.”

Applejack nodded as she once again slid off the gurney, doing her best to keep her weight off of her leg and drawing the eye of Aun’Vesa. “Would you prefer me to requisition a hover-chair for you Applejack?”

“No thanks Ethereal,” Applejack shook her head. “Ah’d prefer to walk, try and get used ta walking on mah leg properly again.”

“I can respect that,” Aun’Vesa nodded, before sweeping his arm towards the door. “Please, after you. And call me Aun’Vesa, Ethereal is a title, not my name.”

“If ya insist, Aun’Vesa,” Applejack managed a small smile, slowly walking past Aun’Vesa, before stopping suddenly, the Ethereal almost tripping over her.

“What is the matter Applejack?”

“Ah was just wondering where the others are? They already outside, Aun’Vesa?”

Aun’Vesa looked at Applejack with some confusion. “What others? I was sent here to pick you up, the extraction fleet is still a week away.”

“Whoa whoa, are ya saying that ya came here just to take me away but not the others?” Applejack asked in disbelief.

“It was my intention yes,” Aun’Vesa nodded. “I was asked to retrieve you, I’m sorry but I do not know if I can extract anyone else.”

“Well then, Aun’Vesa, I am sorry, but I’ll have to decline,” Applejack shook her head. “Ah didn’t leave mah friends on Equestria ever, ah didn’t leave them when we were out there either, so ah can’t leave them now.”

“Applejack, we don’t have time for this,” Aun’Vesa sighed. “As I said, I’m sorry.”

“And as ah said, ah’m not leavin’ without mah friends,” Applejack shook her head, her expression falling to a small frown. “There aren’t many left, but ah’m not leavin’ if they’re not too.”

“You are not going to compromise on this are you Applejack?”

“Ah wasn’t an Element of Harmony for nothin’,” she shrugged.

“You will have to explain what this ‘Element of Harmony’ is in transit before we go into stasis,” Aun’Vesa smiled. “I’m sure your friends will be just as interested to hear about it. I will allow them to come with us, if only because I was told to do what I had to do to ensure you were taken off world before anything happens to you.”

“Somebody out there cares for me that much?” Applejack asked in surprise, before her eyes widened. “It’s…it’s not Rainbow Dash is it? One of mah kin?”

“I’m afraid not,” Applejack’s face fell as Aun’Vesa spoke, before she regained her composure.

“Ah guess that would be too much ta hope for.”

“Indeed, but we must always keep hope, Applejack,” Aun’Vesa smiled, walking beside Applejack, keeping to a slow pace to allow her to keep up. “Now, we must make contact with your associates and make haste to my Orca, I would be done with this world as soon as possible.”

“Ya won’t hear any complaints from me or the others, Aun’Vesa,” Applejack smiled.

“From what I have heard of your exploits, that is hardly surprising.”

Author's Note:

So, I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, it took me a bit longer than I would have liked to put it out, but I was distracted by the dastardly curse (read as 'awesomeness' :rainbowdetermined2:) of both Warframe and the Shadow of Mordor. I apologise.

Also, I'm going to start putting the names of the pony the chapter pertains to at the beginning. Hope that doesn't take anything away from the story for you guys. :twilightsmile:

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