• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 4,628 Views, 1,402 Comments

The Descent into Madness - FenrisianBrony

After almost four years, Rainbow Dash is forced to return to the 41st Millennium, in search of something stolen, and something lost.

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Mistake are Measured in Shades of Blue


Applejack let out a soft grunt as she dragged the plough through the soft dirt around her, digging up the ground and providing a furlough for the drone that was hovering behind her to plant the seeds in, before covering them back up with the soil on either side of the small trench. Beside her was the rest of the farming team she’d been assigned to, each one completing their own jobs, and laughing amongst themselves. They would occasionally call over to Applejack, including her in their little jokes, but most of the time she was too far away from them to be included. Not that she minded working in silence, it was how she usually worked anyway, and she considered it therapeutic, and a good way to get over her trip.

They’d been on Styro for two weeks now, and Applejack still couldn’t quite express how much she loved having solid dirt beneath her hooves again, and to be doing some proper work again. Luckily she’d been in stasis for the majority of the journey, but that didn’t make it much better. She still disliked thinking about being in those tubes as the ship took off.


Applejack tentatively approached the boxy yellow machine, sizing it up and trying to calm her nerves down. It looked like a large yellow box with four huge thrusters mounted on it, two on either side. Like the other Tau vehicles she had seen, it was sleek and beautiful, the vibrant yellow gleaming in the sunlight. But it was still a vehicle for flying, and no matter how pretty it may have been, Applejack still didn’t want to get in it.

“Er, are y’all sure that thing is safe,” she asked, looking back at the rest of the auxiliary team.

“It damn well better be lass,” Koghad nodded. “I know the guy who was responsible for fixin’ up this Orca, if it doesn’t fly, I’ll be having words with him.”

“Or you’ll be splattered across the ground,” Lofeg muttered.

“Thank you Lofeg, I wasn’t going to say that part,” Koghad grunted, before turning to Applejack. “Now listen here lass, I know flying ain’t the best thing in the world, but this here machine is as safe as houses. She’ll get us up to our rendezvous ship, then we’ll be in the tubes as quick as you can say ‘damned good hooch.”

Laughing, Mata stepped forward, quickly making his way up the ramp into the large compartment and sitting down, strapping himself in and waiting for the rest of the team to follow his lead. They did, and Applejack nervously sat down beside Koghad, the seat moulding to her body form like it had in the Piranha skimmer, holding her firmly in place.

The rest of the ship was empty, apparently no other units were travelling up as late as they were to dock with the fleet, but thanks to Applejack, they’d been a special case. As soon as the last of them had taken their seats, the rear door slid closed, plunging them into darkness, before a dim red light illuminated the cabin.

With a roar and a lurch, the Orca took to the skies, its engines threatening to deafen the occupants of the transport as it climbed ever higher. Applejack clenched her eyes shut as the ship shook particularly violently, before it punched its way out of the atmosphere of T’au. For a sickening second, Applejack felt the contents of her stomach begin to float, before the ships artificial gravity kicked in and returned the feeling to normal.

“Why do we have to do this?” Applejack muttered, cracking her eyes open slowly and looking across as Koghad.

Like her, the Demiurg seemed to be taking the take-off badly, his face going pale as he kept his eyes firmly on the floor. Mata was doing the same thing, while Lofeg looked almost bored by the proceedings, staring out one of the portholes with a disinterested passive stare.

“Ah told yer Applejack,” Koghad finally replied. “We’re needed on Styro, and fer that, we have to go on a ship. And into stasis.”

“I don’t want to go back in the freezer,” Mata moaned, before his cheeks bulged and he put his hand in front of his mouth. For an agonising second, Applejack thought Mata was about to throw up in the confined space, but he managed to hold it in, shaking his head in disgust as he forced the bile back down his throat. “This just isn’t natural,” he moaned again, weaker this time.

Applejack nodded her agreement, but didn’t say anything, not wanting to open her mouth for fear of copying Mata’s example of nearly throwing up. Now they were out of the atmosphere, the ship was a lot quieter, and Applejack soon heard a voice from near the front of the ship.

“We’re approaching the Dal'yth Kir’qath Kessan, prepare to disembark.”

Not a moment after he had finished speaking, Applejack felt the ship touch down, followed by the seat releasing her and the ramp at the rear of the Orca lowering to allow them out onto the deck of the ship. Tau were running back and forth, with a smattering of auxiliary troops flitting about in between them. Striding off with a purpose, Koghad led the team through the hanger, heading towards a corridor marked with more of the Tau symbols. Applejack could make out a couple of ‘S’s and a ‘T’, but she hadn’t yet grasped the Tau language, and so the word was a mystery to her. She didn’t have to wait long until she figured out where they were headed to however.

“All non-essential personnel, report to your assigned stasis-bay. I repeat; all non-essential personnel, report to your assigned stasis-bay,” a voice echoed across the ship, and realisation suddenly dawned on Applejack as they emerged into a long room, packed with what must have been hundreds of open tubes.

“Well, looks like we best get ready,” Koghad announced, walking further down the room, before stopping in front of four tubes. “Here we are, our homes for the next month. Best get ready quickly, this place is about to be filled with a lot of guys all tryin’ ta get into their tubes at the same time.”

As he spoke, he and the others began to strip off their overalls, placing them in lockers beside the tubes and locking them in place.

“Why are y’all taking yer clothes off?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“Well, it’s a matter of comfort and practicality,” Lofeg replied, folding his clothes up and standing before Applejack in just a tight pair of shorts. “The cryo-modules don’t react well with clothed skin, unless it’s specially designed stuff. Even then, it can give ya a bit of an awkward rash when ya wake up. Plus, it’s more comfortable to be naked or in just shorts.”

Applejack nodded at his reasoning, before slipping off the tool belt she had been given and placing it in the locker. Slowly sliding her hat off her head, she placed that atop the belt, before patting it once and closing the door, the lock clicking shut as she did so.

“The locker will lock when ya get in yer tube,” Mata informed her. “You’ll be able ta get yer stuff out when yer tube unlocks as well.”

“So is that all we need to do?” Applejack asked.

“Almost,” Koghad replied, before grabbing one of her forehooves and quickly injecting something into her.

“Hey! What gives!?” Applejack roared, snatching her hoof back and glaring at Koghad.

“Sorry lass, but I know ya wouldn’t have let me do that normally,” Koghad apologised, picking up another needle and sticking it in his own arm, allowing the liquid inside to flow into him. “It’s an anticoagulant, stops yer blood from clottin’ up and killin’ ya while yer in the freezer.”

“You still could have asked,” Applejack snapped.

“But that would have been easy,” Mata chuckled. “And Koghad doesn’t like the easy route.”

“I’ll have ya know I love the easy route,” Koghad shot back.

“Well then yer stupid,” Mata laughed harder.

“Aye, that’s more likely,” Koghad laughed back. “Come on, let’s get in the freezers before we start makin’ too much of a scene.”

Without another word, Koghad, Lofeg and Mata turned to their tubes, stepping inside of them and turning back around as the glass casing slid down over the front, sealing them in. Applejack watched as they got comfortable, before stepping into her own tube rising unsteadily to stand on her rear hooves and placing her back against the soft pads, the glass sliding down to trap her in the metal coffin.

She immediately regretted getting in the tube, and she began to hyperventilate, her eyes darting around the tube in search of a way out, before a soft voice floated into her ears.

“Please lie still and relax, stasis program beginning now. Have a nice trip.”

As the voice spoke, Applejack could feel herself becoming more and more tired as the interior of the tube began to cool down. Her eyes became heavier and heavier, before finally she could not keep them open any longer, and she allowed herself to slip into cryo-stasis.


Applejack let out another grunt as she pulled the plough through a particularly solid patch of earth, pushing the thoughts of the freezer from her head as Koghad moved up beside her.

“I still don’t know why ya insist on pullin’ the plough yerself AJ,” he smirked, clapping a hand onto her back. “We have some beasts of burden native to the world ta do that. You pullin’ that cart makes ya seem like a common animal, not a member of me team.”

“Ah don’t like forcin’ an animal to work when ah can’t ask it to,” Applejack shrugged. “If ah can help them out ah will. Plus y’all have hands, ah have hooves. Makes it easier fer you to hold that hoe thingy.”

“I guess you have a point,” Koghad laughed, walking behind her, before bringing an open palm down on her ass. “Giddy up pony.”

Koghad flew backwards as Applejack delivered a double hoofed buck to his chest, snorting heavily as she glared back at him as he crashed to the floor, before she turned back around and began to pull the plough forward once more. Mata and Lofeg watched in shock as she walked off, before walking towards Koghad as he unsteadily got back to his feet.

“Looks like you found a soft spot,” Lofeg laughed.

“Wasn’t a smart move,” Mata agreed with a chuckle. “She is a lass Koghad, remember that, and all that comes with it. Their type don’t like to have their asses slapped.”

Koghad glared after Applejack for a second, before his face broke into a grin and he let out a soft chortle. “Yeah, I guess I deserved that. She doesn’t act like a lass, easy to forget that she actually is one.”

“Well she is, so don’t forget it again,” Lofeg pressed, wrapping his arm around Koghad’s shoulders. “Now, go say sorry to her, and make sure that ya tell her it’s just how we Demiurg act.”

Koghad nodded with a sigh, before casting a glance over at their Tau overseer. He had clearly seen what had transpired, and was shaking his head, fixing Koghad with a meaningful stare before gesturing towards Applejack. Getting the reinforced message, Koghad hurried towards Applejack.

“Fio’Saal Applejack, Fio’Saal Koghad is approaching once more,” the drone behind Applejack bobbed forward, looking at Applejack though its single red optical lens.

“Thanks W1,” Applejack nodded, before turning to glare at Koghad. “Don’t do that again, yer hear?”

“Yes lass, I hear ya,” Koghad nodded. “I came to apologise anyway, it’s just the Demiurg way. No hard feelin’s?”

Applejack stared at Koghad for a long time, her gaze piercing through him, before she nodded, raising a hoof and spitting on the end of it, before holding it out to Koghad. “No hard feelin’s.”

“Thanks lass,” Koghad smiled, spitting on his palm and grasping Applejack’s hoof, before letting it fall back to the dirt again.

“I am glad your stupid actions didn’t affect the dynamics of this team,” the Tau overseer said, crossing his arms as he looked between the pair. “The matter is resolved I take it?”

“It is Fio’La,” Applejack nodded. “Koghad just needs to learn that some things are off limits is all.”

“A lesson he and Mata would do well to learn,” the Fio’La nodded with a frown. “Don’t let it happen again Koghad, or I may have to look further into your kinds moonlight activities.”

With that, the Fio’La turned and walked away, heading towards another group of Earth Caste farmers, barking orders as he went, leaving Koghad and Applejack alone. Koghad growled slightly, before making an obscene gesture at the back of the Tau’s head.

“I hate that one,” he muttered.

“He let yer off easily though,” Applejack pointed out in confusion.

“He also threatened me and me kin,” he grunted. “Plus ah don’t think he likes us auxiliary that much.”

“Ah thought that Tau respected the auxiliary.”

“Oh as a race they do,” Koghad nodded. “But that one, they don’t all like us, and he seems like the kind to put his kin first, even if the Greater Good says otherwise.”

“Oh come on, he’s not that bad,” Applejack defended.

“Easy for you to say,” Koghad smirked.

“And what’s that meant to mean?” Applejack asked, her voice hardening slightly.

“Oh nothing,” Koghad replied with another smirk, patting Applejack on the back, being careful to not touch her hat. “I just think he has an eye for cute creatures.”

"Who are you calling cute?” Applejack snapped, aiming another, lighter buck at Koghad.

“Well let’s put it this way,” Koghad laughed, dodging the kick and moving back away from her. “I was talking about the one of us who is orange and not a Demiurg.”

“I’m not cute,” Applejack snapped, straining against the plough she was still attached to as she tried to pursue Koghad, but to no avail.

“As ya say lass,” Koghad laughed, turning away from her. “Come see me later, after ye get out of that plough, and we’ll see if those kicks of yours can help ya in a true wrestlin’ match.”

Applejack let out a snort as she fumbled with the clasps securing her to the plough, before letting out a cry of annoyance and turning back to her ploughing path. “W1, am I still on track?”

“Yes Fio’Saal Applejack. Plough path is being followed with ninety six percent accuracy. Shall we continue?” the drone asked.

“Yeah, ah think we should,” Applejack nodded, before taking another step forward, pulling the plough through the dirt once more. She couldn’t help but wish that Big Mac was standing beside her, carving out another furlough in the ground, speeding the planting of the new orchard. Instead, all she saw when she turned her head to the side was one of the large animals that were pulling the rest of the ploughs, a drone leading it, while another drone planted the seeds behind it like W1 was doing for her.

The creature, one she knew was called a Mukaali, was bigger than her, looking like a cross between a Saddle Arabian horse and Big Mac, having the height and portions of one and the sheer muscle mass of the other. Applejack felt sorry for the creature, its lack of intelligence more than that of an animal was disheartening, but she knew that this wasn’t Equestria, and while there it could almost be considered slavery, here it was the way of life. She couldn’t expect a civilisation to change because of her, she’d just have to adapt to it.

Shaking the thought from her head, she allowed her gaze to travel skywards as she plodded forward. Although it was daytime, and the sun was high in the sky, she could make out blotches of light that she could only imagine were stars. It was beautiful, the lights seeming to dance before her eyes, before she turned her gaze back to the earth and concentrated on the task at hoof.


The day dragged on without any more events, each member of the auxiliary team working hard to make sure they met the quota that had been set for them. Applejack was once again back in her stride, relishing the simple act of farming, and following her calling in life. She didn’t know what they were planting, and she highly doubted that they were apples, but it was still close to her talent, and for that she was thankful.

Eventually, the sun threatened to dip below the far mountains to the east, signalling that the working shift was almost over. She could already see the other farming teams beginning to head towards the habitation blocks that they had been staying in since they had landed on Styro, their blocky walls unlike the buildings she had seen on T’au, but she simply assumed that these were the norm for this world and thought nothing more of it. Unlike the rest of the auxiliary, she didn’t want to go in just yet, the last furlough that she had to dig being almost completed, and so she pushed on.

“Oh come on AJ,” Lofeg groaned, walking towards her with the rest of the team. “We’re going to miss the good grub. Again.”

“Ah’m sorry, but ah have to finish this,” Applejack apologised. “It’s almost done, and ah’m not leaving a job half-done.”

“You always do this though,” Mata walked up beside Lofeg. “Ever since we got here ya keep working past when we can leave.”

“Ah’m sorry Sugarcube, but it’s not…” Applejack began, before a huge boom drowned out her words, the world being suddenly lit up by a blinding flash of light as for a moment, a second sun was born amidst the habitation blocks.

The pressure wave hit a split second later, throwing Applejack from her hooves as if she was a toy, the plough coming with her as she crashed to the floor, landing in a twisted heap a few meters away. The rest of the team had also been thrown aside, and from her position, Applejack couldn’t see where they had got to, especially as her eyes were glued to the habitation blocks.

The buildings that remained standing were on fire, huge burn marks also dotting their broken surface as the few people that were still moving beside them screamed in pain and terror. The majority lay still however, or were gone from view all together, swallowed up by the new crater that had been smashed into the centre of buildings.

Applejack was dimly aware of the screams as the stars in the sky became brighter, rushing towards the earth as if they were moving to great and old friend, but the ringing in her ears drowned out almost all other sounds. Her hearing slowly returned to her as the smell of the dead and burning began to slide over her, causing her to gag and wretch, struggling to be free from the straps of the plough that were now tangled around her limbs.

“Uggghh…Help!” she roared, her voice mingling with the other pleas for aid as she struggled in vain, only succeeding in constricting her tighter. “Help!”

The lights grew brighter still, before they slammed into the ground, revealing themselves to be strange blue egg shaped things of metal, their surfaces scorched black by the flames all around them. As Applejack watched, the doors on the sides crashed open like a flower blossoming, revealing several short stumpy cannons within. A second later, the screams of the wounded were overpowered by the roar of the cannons, the bullets spraying into the Tau and scything down the few who were still walking.

“Help me!” Applejack screamed, a bullet slamming into the dirt just beside her. “He…”

“Be quiet and lie still,” a voice hissed from behind her, a shadow falling over her.

Twisting, she looked up to see the visage of the Fio’La, his face scarred by what looked like metal splinters, and his overalls stained with blood. As she watched, he drew a blade, placing his free hand upon Applejack's head. Applejack’s eyes went wide as the knife floated nearer to her eye, and she suddenly remembered Koghad’s words about the man.

“P-please…d-d-don’t,” she stammered, before the knife moved forward and she clenched her eyes tightly shut.

Expecting pain, she was confused when she wasn’t greeted by any, instead finding her forelegs come apart as the straps that had tangled around them fell away, followed swiftly by the ones holding the plough to her.

“Get up, now!” the Fio’La grunted, pushing the plough off her and standing up, helping her to her hooves. “We need to go!”


“No time, we need to run!” the Fio’La roared. “Get out of here! I need to go back and search for survivors.


“Run!” he bellowed. “Don’t sto…”

His head exploded, his corpse dropping to the ground as Applejack was covered in his blood.

For a moment, she was stunned by the sudden death, before her eyes focused again and she saw large figures moving between the fires in the buildings, occasionally stopping and firing the huge weapons cradled in their hands. Each one stood taller than even Celestia, and were clad in bulky blue armour, a white horseshoe emblazoned on their shoulders.

Applejacks heart seized as she remembered Rainbow’s tales, of warriors capable of tasks beyond mere mortals, and realised that she was looking straight at a squad of Space Marines, more emerging as yet more of the egg-shaped pods crashed down to the earth, disgorging yet more Space Marines.

“Applejack!” Koghad yelled, and Applejack turned to see the Demiurg and the rest of the team sheltering behind what looked like the corpses of Mukaali.

“Run!” Mata screamed, before getting up and sprinting as fast as his stumpy legs would allow him to away from the hab-blocks.

This time, Applejack didn’t need to be told twice, nor did she argue. Turning, she instantly broke into a gallop, putting the speed she usually exhibited in the running of the leaves to shame as she sought to put as much ground as was possible between her and the Space Marines, praying that she didn’t get a bolter round in the back as she went.

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