• Published 6th Dec 2013
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Vinyl and Octavia: Ponyville Duet - generalsnaz

After seeing an astounding performance by the charismatic Vinyl Scratch at the royal wedding, Octavia Melody travels to Ponyville to learn more about the DJ and her music. However Octavia ends up starting a life and a relationship she never expected.

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Chapter 11: Dragons, Tea and Cider (Reading is Magic Pt. 2)

Chapter 11: Dragons, Tea and Cider

(Reading is Magic Pt. 2)

Dragons are really rare, you see. Like, so rare that you can expect to live out your miserable little pony life and never see one. In fact, if you even tried to find one, you probably wouldn't.

(I'm required by the Canterlot Safety Commission to state that actively seeking out dragons is not sanctioned by the Equestrian government, can be hazardous to your well-being, and that insurance providers are not required to cover damages by dragon attack.)

So, you can't really blame Octavia for screaming like a baby foal when she was staring at the fangs of a dragon inside the Ponyville library.

"EEEEEEYYYAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Octavia screeched, kicking over the little purple dragon in a panic.

"Hey!" the dragon yelped as he hit the floor with a *THUNK!*

"Ohmygoodness! Ohmygoodness! WhatdoIdo!? WhatdoIdo!? WhatdoIdo!?" Octavia frantically circled around, like a dog chasing its tail. "Dragon! Help! Somepony, help!"

"Good grief, Spike! What's going on in here!?" a purple unicorn announced dramatically like a policepony as she sprinted down the circular stairs of the library to arrive at the scene.

"It's a dragon!" Octavia screamed, rushing over to the unicorn as if she was her savior. The trembling cellist hid behind the purple pony and pointed over to the tiny dragon. "He tried to eat me!"

"Spike? What did you do?" the angry unicorn scolded the little offending lizard.

"It's not my fault, Twilight!" Spike the dragon defended, as he got up off the ground. "She just barged in and started screaming!" He pointed to Octavia with his toothbrush. The cellist responded by squeaking and dropping to the floor to defend herself. "She also knocked me over..." Spike muttered and rubbed the back of his head. Twilight the unicorn gazed down at Octavia, who was shaking in terror, and was able to quickly deduce that Spike was telling the truth. (Spike couldn't possibly scare somepony to this extent by himself.)

"Excuse me, miss? It's alright. Spike's not going to eat you," Twilight said, trying to soothe the stranger. "He's just a baby dragon and he wouldn't hurt a fly. Actually, I don't even think he's physically capable of hurting a fly."

"Hey!" Spike countered, but Octavia wasn't listening to him. She was watching the friendly unicorn whose smooth, attention grabbing voice helped relieve her fear. Octavia's took another look at the little purple dragon, who was dusting himself off.

"But... he was about to bite me... He had his fangs out..." Octavia pointed with much accusation at Spike.

"Yeah, I was brushing my teeth," Spike replied, holding up his toothbrush to prove himself. "How in the world would I eat you? You're like, fifty times bigger than me."

"Remind me to help you work on your math, Spike," Twilight said flatly.

"Whatever," Spike responded equally as flat. (Touché!)

"See?" Twilight turned to Octavia. "He's not dangerous, he's just sarcastic," she said proudly. The dragon rolled his green eyes and helped vindicate this. Octavia slowly rose to her hooves. Her fear was gone, but she still wasn't convinced.

"Why were you brushing your teeth by the front door?" Octavia accused once more. "That's suspicious."

"Because Twilight here makes me brush for three whole minutes, for 'hygienic reasons,'" Spike explained, with sarcastic air quotes. "I was walking around to pass the time. I heard Fluttershy talking to somepony outside, I was just going to see who it was."

Right on cue, a timid yellow pegasus poked her head in the open door, and softly spoke, "Twilight? Is everything alright? Are you arguing? I heard a scream..."

"It's fine, Fluttershy," answered Twilight, walking up to her. "She just had a little shock meeting Spike." Octavia blushed red upon seeing Fluttershy, who responded the same. They averted each other's eyes.

'Oh, Celestia... she must think I am such a fool...' Octavia miserably thought.

"Oh... okay... Um, Twilight? Did you say something about an injured fly?" Fluttershy's eyes shimmered with worry.

"No, Fluttershy," Twilight rolled her eyes. "There are no hurt flies in here."

"Oh... good... I'll see you tomorrow, Twilight," Fluttershy shrunk out the door.

"Good night, Fluttershy," Twilight called before Spike closed the door behind her. Twilight then turned to Octavia, who had her face in her hoof in failure and embarrassment. "Um. Are you alright?"

"...I am fine..." Octavia took a deep breath and put her hoof down, revealing red cheeks.

'Apparently the dragon is not an issue here. Nopony seems bothered by him.'

"Good," Twilight responded cheerfully. "Now what can I help you with? You came to see me?"

"Oh," Octavia remembered her goal. She regained her elegant Canterlot composure before speaking again. "This is a bookstore, correct?"

"Oh, no. But it is a library," Twilight answered happily.

"Ah. That will be fine, as well. I know the hour is late, but do you mind terribly if I browse the collection? I'm looking for some personal reading materials for the evening."

"...You... want to borrow a book?" a dumbfounded Twilight asked slowly.

"Y-yes? That is correct... You lend out books here, do you not?" Octavia replied unsure. The two ponies exchanged stares for a moment, neither saying a word. Spike glanced at Twilight with a perfect 'what the heck is wrong with you' look. Breaking the silence, he nudged her.

"Twilight..." he whispered.

"Oh! Sorry!" Twilight shot up at the dragon's poking. "I don't- normally get any visitors who come just to look for books..."

"But- this is a library... isn't it?" Octavia pointed out, confused at the other pony's confusion.

"It is, but... I live here. The only ponies who ever borrow any books are my friends. I never have... strangers coming in asking for them," Twilight admitted sheepishly. The two confused ponies paused their conversation, again continuing the silence for a few additional moments. (Awkward...)

'She lives in the library? She's friends with a dragon? ...I have a feeling everypony in this town is bizarre...'

"Oh... well, perhaps we should introduce ourselves... so we will not be strangers anymore," Octavia offered. "Do you suppose then you could help me?"

Twilight gasped, "That's a great idea!" With a completely natural 'I love making friends' smile, she introduced herself. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. And this is Spike." She pointed down at the baby dragon, who waved a little.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Octavia Melody, cello player in the Horseshoepin Quartet of Canterlot," Octavia replied with an elegant bow. (Her standard introduction.)

"Canterlot!? You're from Canterlot, too?" Twilight joyously bounced over to the cellist, Spike eagerly following her.

"Y-yes. You are as well?" Octavia replied, recoiling to the sudden closeness of the unicorn.

"We both are!" Spike piped up.

"Oh, this is so wonderful! Another pony from Canterlot who likes to read! We're going to get along great, I just know it!" Twilight beamed.

"You ever been to Donut Joe's!?" Spike asked excitedly. "He makes the best donuts in Equestria!"

"Have you seen the royal library? They have a fantastic section on Starswirl the Bearded!" Twilight pressed.

'...so bizarre...' Octavia thought as she was drowned in the sea of questions.


Octavia sat silently next to Twilight Sparkle, both with their heads deep into books. They had finished the array of introductions and explanations earlier. Twilight found out who Octavia was staying with (and proved once again that everypony in a small town knows each other.) Twilight helped Octavia pick out an appropriate light historical drama (Octy's favorite kind) and the unicorn insisted that the two spend some time reading together. Octavia didn't complain: in Canterlot she was used to spending time with her friends in such a quiet, impersonal manner. Besides an occasional giggle from Spike, who was reading comics, there was silence in the tree.

Until Twilight broke it.

"Octavia, would you like some tea?" she suddenly asked, interrupting Octavia's concentration on a rather romantic scene in her story. (Not too steamy, mind you.)

"Oh, that would be lovely, Miss Sparkle," Octavia answered politely.

"You can just call me Twilight," the unicorn replied with a smile.

"Very well then. That would be lovely, Twilight."

"Spike, could you make us some tea?" Twilight called to her servant dragon.

"Umm~! Hold on!" Spike answered, not looking up from his action-packed story (Power Ponies: the Fillysecond Paradox.) "After I read one more issue! It's getting exciting!"

Twilight giggled, "Spike, I think your story can wait."

"Oh come on, Twilight! It's just one more!" the baby dragon pouted, turning on his back to hold the comic up in the air. He kicked his feet excitedly.

"If I let you read another one, you're going to postpone it for one more after you've finished it, aren't you?" Twilight lovingly accused.

Spike replied after a pause, "Fine. You caught me." He got up and begrudgingly headed to the kitchen. Twilight just giggled some more. The warm sibling-like scene caused Octavia to crack a smile as well.

"How did you ever come across a baby dragon, if you do not mind explaining?" Octavia posed to Twilight after Spike had left the room.

"Spike was my entrance exam to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns," Twilight explained. "I was told I had to hatch him from an egg. It... didn't go well at first... but because of my friend indirectly helping me, I was able to do it." Twilight paused for a moment to recollect on the moment with a smile. "After he hatched, Princess Celestia tasked me with taking care of him, and Spike's been by my side ever since." Twilight tapped her hooves together lightly. "He's... like a little brother to me, I guess."

The sweet sentiment went right over Octavia's head. She was stuck on a different part of that story.

"You... went to the Princess's school? You know her personally?" Octavia asked, stunned beyond belief.

"Well, yes. Actually," Twilight blushed sheepishly. "I was her personal protégé at school. I still report to her directly from here and she comes to visit occasionally, too."

Octavia would have just stared forward dumbfounded for hours if it wasn't for the fact that it'd be rude. (Apparently Ponyville is full of ponies who know the Princess. Who knew?)

"Oh- that is... quite impressive," Octavia managed to blurt out after a moment or two.

"Yeah, sorry. I don't mean to brag, or anything. It's such a great honor to be acknowledged by her, but I'm just so used to it now, I sometimes forget how strange it sounds when I say it out loud."

"T-that is alright," Octavia responded. "If you were selected for your talents, then there is no reason to be ashamed of... your... accomplishments..." Octavia drifted off. The talk of success and adoration made her uneasy.

The cellist couldn't help herself. She suddenly pictured herself onstage; a crowd of faceless Canterlot ponies applauded in approval around her. The chorus of stopping hooves filled the concert hall. Her stomach turned and she lowered her ears as she pictured the cello in her quivering hooves.

"Are... you okay?" Twilight called from somewhere in the distance.

"Mmhmm," Octavia mumbled, giving a stale smile to the floor. The same smile she always gave her audience.

"Are you sure, you look sick?" Twilight put her hoof on the cellist's shoulder, breaking the self-inflicted vision. Octavia brought her face up to the worried unicorn.

"I am sorry, Twilight. I am perfectly fine. Perhaps it was something I ate..." Octavia shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh! I have some herbal teas I got from Zecora, I'm sure they'd help calm your stomach. I'll go tell Spike to make some," Twilight assured her as she rose to leave.

Not much later, Octavia had her soothing tea (even without being sick, that stuff felt gooood.) After a few sips she stared into the rippling cup. Something was on her mind. Perhaps it was a longshot, but it would be worth taking.

"Twilight... do you... know Princess Luna, as well?" Octavia asked without moving her head an inch.

"Yeah, I know her," Twilight answered. Octavia's heart skipped several beats at those words. "But I haven't spoken to her as much as Celestia. It's only been a year since she returned after all... ..........." Twilight's mumbling words faded out as a buzzing in Octavia's head grew deafeningly loud.

Princess Luna. The Princess of the Night. The graceful. The elegant. The mystifying. The powerful. Her idol. The one pony she wanted to talk to most in all the world. Twilight knew her on a personal level. Just sitting next to the purple unicorn made Octavia feel like she was sitting next to Luna. A terribly uneasy feeling developed in her stomach. Oh, the possibilities... if Twilight could just...

"Twilight," Octavia unknowingly interrupted Twilight's rambling. "When... do you expect to see Princess Luna again?"

"Oh, well I usually see her when I go to Canterlot. Why?" Twilight noticed Octavia's shaking, and the fact that she was still staring blankly at her tea cup.

"Um... it... um... it's..." Octavia couldn't bear to say it. How could she possibly ask for such a thing?

"Did... you want to meet her, or something?" Twilight asked, taking the shivering for nervousness. (Bingo!) Before Twilight could realize it, Octavia's face warped directly into her vision. Twilight jumped at the sudden closeness and speed of this appearance.

"Mmhmm! Mmhmm! Mmhmm!" Octavia hummed as she nodded vigorously. Twilight caught onto the obvious 'yes' this pony was giving her.

"Oh! Well, I can arrange for you to meet her next time I'm in Canterlot, if you want," Twilight offered.

"You would do that!?" Octavia blurted out.

"Sure, it's not a problem," Twilight smiled. Octavia couldn't contain herself. She lost all remnants of sophistication. Abandoning her maturity, she tackled Twilight and gave her the biggest hug she could muster. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!"

'This town... has the most bizarre... and wonderful ponies.'


Octavia waved goodbye to Twilight as she left the library. It was dark, but Vinyl's house wasn't far. Octavia had acquired several books for later reading from her new friend and was skipping along in an extremely pleasant mood. She closed her eyes and started humming one of the songs from the wedding, unaware she had just spoken to the pony who originally sang it. When she finally bothered to open them again, she didn't recognize the street she was on. Turning back to the tree, she realized she had left in the wrong direction. Before she could correct her course, a pony shouted from behind her.

"Hey~! Hey, you~! *hic*!" A plum colored pony called, while hiccuping, from beneath a street lamp. Octavia turned to face her properly as the pony quickly stumbled up, nearly causing a collision. "I know you~! Yer Vinyl's new... fr-*hic*-end, right?" Berry Punch gave her a warm (and fairly stupid looking) smile. The pony appeared to be either half-asleep, delirious, or intoxicated.

"Y-yes. My name is Octavia Melody. You are... Miss Berry Punch, if I recall correctly," Octavia said as she recoiled. Berry's breath reeked of cider. (Intoxicated it is.)

"Hey! You remember me~! *hic*!" Berry cheered. She suddenly wrapped her hooves around Octavia, squeezing tight. "Aw, you're sush a naish pony~! I like you~! *hic*!" She patted Octavia's back repeatedly, like she was comforting a dear friend.

Octavia was stunned at the sudden embrace. Berry was acting completely different than when they met previously. Octavia could only conclude it was the alcohol.

"Oh, well. Thank you," Octavia replied, carefully returning the hug. "You are... quite nice too." Berry ended the embrace and put her hooves on Octavia's shoulders. She stared some-what deeply into the cellist's eyes before shaking the Canterlot pony vigorously.

"Lishen," she said. "Lishen to me~ *hic*, okay?"

"O-okay, alright, yes, of course!" Octavia spat out nervously.

"I gotta tell you shumthin'~! Itsh real important~ *hic* and itsh not just the shider talking, okay~? Itsh not the shider~" Berry stressed the non-involvement of the cider.

"Very well, what is it?" Octavia asked, beginning to grow concerned at the whole situation.

"Itsh about Vinyl," Berry said. She leaned in close to Octavia's side.

The bubbliness of Berry's voice ended in that moment. The warm, fuzzy part of her died in an instant as she whispered coldly into Octavia's ears. The words she hissed out cut like daggers and stung like venom:

"Vinyl's a freeeeeeeeak. She'll ruin you."

Author's Note:

Uh-oh! Say hello to the first major hint of conflicts to come! I have been dying to write that Berry part. You have no idea how giddy it makes me!

I find it weird that no one freaks out over Spike in the show when they meet him. :applejackunsure:

Oh hey! Look at that! That point I make in Chapter 3 about Luna came around again! Hmmm... how suspicious.

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