• Published 6th Dec 2013
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Vinyl and Octavia: Ponyville Duet - generalsnaz

After seeing an astounding performance by the charismatic Vinyl Scratch at the royal wedding, Octavia Melody travels to Ponyville to learn more about the DJ and her music. However Octavia ends up starting a life and a relationship she never expected.

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Chapter 30: Unforgivable?

Chapter 30: Unforgivable?

Fuming out her ears, Octavia paced in a futile attempt to release her stress. The hospital room she had been confined to all day seemed even smaller now that she had no where else safe to go. The crazy unicorn Trixie still held command over Ponyville and she dare not go outside. So, Octavia had to make due with walking back and forth in the tiny room to vent her frustration. She had just heard a story from Vinyl and that story was the very thing that sent Octavia into a mad, expletive-filled rant.

"I can't believe her!" Octavia shouted, her anger boiling over. "I can't! I simply cannot! How could she betray you like that? How could she conceive such a heinous lie? It is uncouth! It is downright barbaric! To think I once tried to be polite with her! I should have slapped her the moment we met!" Her words were for Vinyl, but she projected them at the innocent floors and walls as she strode around the room.

Nearby, with one foreleg covering her drying eyes, Vinyl kept still on the hospital bed. She was tired from her restless night of watching over Octavia after the incident at the club. Her body was sore from working in Trixie's quarry all day. She was mentally exhausted after retelling the story of her past with Berry to Octavia. Her face was sensitive from the crying she did as she relived it. She finally told Octavia the whole story. She never wanted to, but Vinyl knew it would happen eventually. There should have been relief now: a weight off her shoulders from revealing a secret. She only felt sick instead at the thought, 'Berry knows about me and Octavia.' Vinyl tried to keep it a secret. 'Berry knows.' All the time she yearned for Octavia, she knew the risk. 'Berry knows.' When she admitted her love for Octavia, she started down that path. 'Berry knows.' When Octavia finally loved her back, it sealed her fate. 'Berry knows.' Berry will follow through with her threat. Vinyl bit her lip to hold back the grief.

Soon, everypony in Ponyville would hate her. And she'd deserve it.

"So what happened after that?" Octavia asked, ceasing her pacing to pry more information out of Vinyl.

"Hm?" Vinyl grunted, as she wiped her face clear of tears once again.

"After she said all those awful things!" Octavia specified. "Did she do anything else?"

"Oh. Uh... no, that was about it," Vinyl confessed as she sat up in the bed to continue her story. "I didn't say anything to her for several moons. Kept my distance... Only ever saw her from across the road... Actually that was around the time Nightmare Moon came back..." Vinyl trailed off as she remembered.

"Hmmm... Well... what did she say when you finally spoke to her again?" Octavia questioned, her near perfect memory trying to piece together all her past experiences with Berry Punch. "If I recall... when I first arrived in Ponyville and met her, I took notice that there was something odd between you two. However, she did not seem at all like she was about to wring your neck. She seemed pleasant, at the time. You even exchanged a few words."

"Right... Well, sometime after all that... I don't remember when, but Berry approached me one day," Vinyl explained. "I was shocked to see her come up to me again. I think she said 'Hi,' and asked how I was. But, uh, it wasn't the same. How do I explain it? She had this... twisted smirk on her face. Then she flat out asked if I had a fillyfriend yet. Loudly. In front of all these other ponies."

"Oh..." Octavia contemplated.

"Yeah, after that day she kept... taunting me in public," Vinyl continued solemnly. "Acting friendly, but always asking if I had found anypony yet. She knew how it hurt me to talk to her. I had to pretend like everything was fine in front of everypony. I think it made her happy to see me suffer. To always be over my shoulder, making sure I was never happy again. She knew she had the power to ruin everything for me... With just a few words..."

"But they were clearly lies!" Octavia protested sternly. "Abhorrent ones, at that. Why did you not confront her? Did you not tell her that she was wrong to hold falsehoods above you like a guillotine?" (Yikes, I didn't know ponies knew about capital punishment.) Vinyl just looked away as Octavia pressed the issue. Unaffected by Vinyl's rejection of the question, Octavia continued, "You always stand up for what you believe in, Vinyl! Always! For better or worse!"

"I couldn't!" Vinyl shouted, as she turned to confront Octavia. "Not this time! Not after what I did... After I hurt her! After I hurt her with these... stupid bucking eyes!" Vinyl made a motion like she was ready to punch her eyes out. The same eyes that were starting to drip tears again. "Even though what she claims I did isn't true, it doesn't matter! If that's what she chooses to say happened... then... then..." Vinyl swallowed before she said what stung her heart. "Then that's what happened. And when everypony hates me for it, it'll be what I deserve..."

"Don't be ridiculous! You cannot let your guilt cloud your reason, Vinyl!" Octavia insisted. "You did no such thing, so you deserve no such punishment!"

"You didn't see her, Octavia!" Vinyl protested, her dry face now soaked in tears again. "I nearly tore her apart! She was broken! It was... it was like she was a bug that I had just stepped on! There was... so much blood, I... I could have killed her!"

"You never intended that to happen!" Octavia retorted, just as loudly. "It was clearly an accident!"

"That I caused!" Vinyl continued. "It was my fault! I promised I'd keep her safe and I messed up!"

"It appears to me that it was her fault!" Octavia pointed out. "Did she not look at your eyes without your knowing?"

"Yeah, but I should have warned her!" Vinyl explained, continuing the self-deprecation. "It was stupid of me to keep it from her! It was like... I took a dagger to bed, held it in my hooves and waited for her to roll onto it in her sleep."

"Oooh, nice analogy," Octavia complimented, suddenly.

"Huh? Oh, thanks," Vinyl said, instinctively. "What's an analogy?"

"It's what you just did," Octavia stated plainly. "But I don't understand why she was so negatively affected by your eyes? I was fine after about ten minutes and I see them all the time now." To demonstrate, Octavia got on the bed, leaned over Vinyl's body and stuck her face in front of Vinyl's. "See?"

"I don't know!" Vinyl admitted, unconvinced, as she pushed Octavia away. "I don't know why you are fine with them now! I don't know why they nearly killed her! I don't know why they destroyed that magical Pinkie thing! I don't know why they didn't affect Trixie at all!"

"...You tried them on Trixie and nothing happened?" Octavia asked, as she hadn't heard this information yet.

"I thought maybe I could save the town," Vinyl confessed. "I thought maybe some good would come of them. But all it did was give her a headache."

"Oh, that's... something. I guess?" Octavia pondered.

"And I don't know why!" Vinyl bemoaned. "I don't understand anything about these stupid things!" Like an upset child, she curled up in a fetal position.

"...Vinyl..." Octavia said as comfortingly as she could as Vinyl simply squeezed tighter in her ball. She began to stroke Vinyl's mane as their shouting spat had ended naturally without either of them running off for a couple chapters. After worrying for Vinyl for a bit, Octavia made a connection in her head. She thought aloud, after putting the incidents in a timeline, "Perhaps... your eyes are losing their power?"

"Do you think?" Vinyl perked up, ending her feeble display. She had briefly considered the possibility after failing with Trixie.

"Well, think about it in the order of events," Octavia explained as she double checked everything in her head. "Berry was the first to see your eyes, and she received terrible damage. Then I saw them, yet I was only slightly affected. Then Trixie, who received almost no pain at all."

Vinyl thought for a moment before responding, "What about that Pinkie clone? It was destroyed. That happened after you."

"Right... Well..." Octavia sputtered out, a little surprised at Vinyl's perception. "According to Pinkie, that creature was created using the magic of the Mirror Pool, correct? It was not a pony at all. Assuming your eyes hurt it somewhat less than they hurt me, that still might have been enough to destroy a temporary being made up of unstable magic," Octavia guessed. She didn't know much about magic, despite being friends with several unicorns.

"...Maybe..." Vinyl mused. "But I can't risk testing it on anypony, can I?"

"Why not?" Octavia asked.

"Octavia! Are you crazy!?" Vinyl bolted up. "I can't just unleash these things on some random pony!"

"Wha-, no!" Octavia responded, dumbfounded. "It doesn't have to be some unsuspecting pony on the street! We could ask one of our friends for assistance! We would warn them ahead of time what to expect and you could always look away if it does start to hurt them."

"... ...Oh," Vinyl blurted out. "I... never thought of that."

"You don't have to carry this burden alone," Octavia explained as she placed a kind hoof on Vinyl's shoulder. "Not everything has to be a secret."

Vinyl sat and looked down at the floor pensively. She hadn't ever considered asking for help. Some of the final words of Patched Hat's letter rung in Vinyl's head: 'Do not ever show your eyes.' Vinyl took this advice to mean it was her responsibility to safeguard the ponies around her from herself. To do this, she kept everypony emotionally at a distance. She used nicknames to try to be friends even though she never allowed herself to get too close to anypony... except for Berry and Octavia, of course. But... Vinyl knew deep down how friendly all the ponies in Ponyville were, especially a certain group of six (plus a dragon.) Would they understand the fear Vinyl had lived with for years? Would they treat her with empathy? Would they... help her? Maybe... she could give it a try...

"Well, Vinyl?" Octavia asked, after waiting for Vinyl to ponder for a bit.

"I suppose... it wouldn't hurt to let a few ponies know..." Vinyl finally admitted, her voice soft and weak from breaking through her stubbornness.

"You know Twilight would be interested," Octavia pointed out. "She'd probably volunteer to be tested on right away. She might even help you figure out what they are and maybe..." Octavia hesitated before continuing, careful not to get Vinyl's hopes up too much. "Maybe... there is a possibility she could find a way to... cure you... if such a thing is feasible."

Vinyl's heart leapt at those words. She had never considered that she would ever be free of her eyes' curse. She had condemned herself to a life of seeing the world through a purple lens for all time. Those sunglasses were her shield: it protected everypony around her from herself. However it was also a wall: it stopped her from truly connecting with the same ponies she was protecting. They had never looked her in the eyes, not even once. She had never even seen any of them without a filtered lens; she didn't even know what the actual hue of everypony's coats and manes were. Her friends never saw Vinyl's whole face and Vinyl never saw their true colors. Sometimes, Vinyl didn't even think of them as friends... Just nicknames to keep track of. They cheered when she played, but they didn't know her and she didn't know them. Could she finally be free of the need for the barrier between herself and everypony? Could she finally be real friends with them? Could Twilight be the key to helping her...?

"Oh, but... Twilight's just been banished," Vinyl realized aloud.

"I- what? I'm sorry, what do you mean?" Octavia asked, shocked.

"Trixie magically flung her out of town before she dropped that giant dome thingy," Vinyl pointed out.

"Oh, dear! Is she unharmed?"

"I think so," Vinyl mumbled.

"Oh, well... now is not really the time to ask Twilight for a favor anyway," Octavia admitted. "Once this whole... 'Trixie' business is over... however it ends... and life has returned to normal, we can approach Twilight with our request."

"...If life goes back to normal," Vinyl bemoaned, remembering her troubles. "Berry knows about you and me, Octavia. She's going to tell the whole town that I... well, you heard what she said. And they're going to hate me. Forget fixing my eyes, Twilight's probably going to rally the town to banish me! Or have Celestia throw me in a dungeon... Or throw me in a dungeon in the place she banishes me to!" (Hey! That sounds familiar.)

"Vinyl I don't think that will happen," Octavia comforted. "They may be upset at first, but we can convince them that you are innocent."

"They won't listen!" Vinyl pouted. "Berry's lived here longer; all these ponies know her way better than they know me. They'll believe her over me, or you, any day. They're going to hate me, Octavia... They're all going to hate me... I don't... I don't know if I can live with that... I can't... I can't..." Vinyl's words became choked as she started to well up with tears again.

Without saying anymore, Octavia embraced Vinyl tightly. Vinyl, hugging her back, released her emotions on her lover's shoulder, bawling out her despair with sloppy wet tears. Octavia stroked Vinyl's mane and whispered comforting things to her until the unicorn ceased to cry anymore.

"Feeling better?" Octavia asked.

"...Only because you're here..." Vinyl admitted, weakly. "Only because you believe me..."

"Of course I do," Octavia reaffirmed. "I love you."

Vinyl smiled as she wiped some snot from her dripping nose and said, "I love you, too. Even when everypony hates me... if I have you, I think I'll be okay."

"That's sweet, Vinyl," Octavia complimented. "But I am not going to let Berry Punch tarnish your reputation. I will do whatever it takes to make sure everypony knows that she is a liar."

"You can't do that, Octavia!" Vinyl exclaimed. "I told you, I deserve-"

"And I told you, you don't-!" Octavia interrupted angrily before pausing her own outburst. She took a deep breath and motioned to cease the conversation. "We shall discuss this tomorrow. It is getting late and you are exhausted, are you not?"

After collapsing back down on the bed, Vinyl agreed, "Yeah, I'm beat. I'm too tired to argue anymore."

"Then let us rest and resume discussions tomorrow, civilly of course," Octavia restated as she trotted over to turn the light off. She then slipped into the sheets beside Vinyl. There wasn't much room on the hospital bed meant for one, but Octavia made it work. Vinyl had closed her eyes and was breathing steadily. Octavia watched her with empathy before opening her mouth, despite postponing the discussion. There was just one more thing she wanted to make sure of. "Vinyl," she whispered. "This... this whole thing is what you were afraid of, wasn't it? This is why you never wanted our relationship to be public."

"Mmmhmm..." Vinyl hummed, sleepily.

"If ponies found out about us, Berry Punch would hear about it and make good on her threat..." Octavia continued.

"Mmmhmm..." Vinyl repeated.

"But... I suppose I do not fully understand... If you knew Berry Punch was going to hurt you, bring you this much pain, why in Equestria did you start a relationship with me? Why did you fight so hard for it? After everything we went through, you knew this was waiting for you at the end of the road. Why did you do it?"

"...Because you are worth it, Octavia," Vinyl stated plainly, yet still sleepily. "You are worth it."

"Oh..." Octavia gasped, heart aflutter. She leaned over to the pony who was falling asleep and planted a sweet kiss upon her cheek. Before long Vinyl had completely drifted off, exhaustion taking its toll on her. Octavia stayed awake, deep in thought, for a while longer. As she closed her eyes, her thoughts were a mixed flurry of emotions and logic battling each other. But one thought sat alone, without any others to disturb it. It seemed to contradict something very important, yet it waited innocently in the corner. The thought spoke quietly to Octavia: 'When Berry Punch confronted me at the restaurant, she found out Vinyl and I were dating. That was at least a week ago. If she's known for so long, why hasn't she spread that lie yet?'


Octavia began to dream:

----{{{{Berry Punch handed a flyer to Octavia. 'Trixie's throwing a hate parade!' Berry said. Octavia took the flyer and used it as a map to find a crowd of ponies. The cheering ponies blocked her view of the floats. Octavia squeezed between the ponies, but they became walls and trapped her. She saw a pony being hung upside down on an apple float. 'No! Don't take her to the dungeon!' Octavia screamed. 'We hate her! We hate her! Kill her!' the walls shouted as they squeezed her tighter. Octavia screamed again as the pony's float fell off a cliff into a rocky quarry. The float collapsed and the pony lay injured on the broken wood. Octavia knew it was Vinyl. Octavia tried to push her way out from the walls but they squeezed so tight that all her organs burst out of her body. Octavia fell free from the wall, a husk with no insides. She ran towards the cliff, her hoofs leaving prints of her own blood. Octavia knew she was going to die now without her heart. If only she could get to Vinyl first. Octavia jumped off the cliff and fell, but no matter how long she fell she never could reach the bottom. Below, Berry walked up to Vinyl and began to choke her but Vinyl didn't resist. 'Vinyl, you have to stop her,' Octavia screamed as she fell towards them. Berry's eyes burned red. Berry began to slam Vinyl's head into the rocks. 'I'm the good guy! I'm the good guy!' Berry shouted as blood began to erupt from Vinyl's head. 'You deserve this! You are unforgiveable!' Berry shouted as Vinyl's blood splattered her body. Octavia couldn't stop it. One more hit and Vinyl would die. One more hit. Octavia screamed out, 'No! I can't let you do this, Vinyl!' One more hit. Berry took Vinyl and slammed her-

'ENOUGH!' a booming voice erupted from the nothingness behind Octavia. It wiped clear everything she was witnessing from her sight, like a stream sweeping away a cloud of dirt. At the same time, her mind became clear. The mind of a dreaming pony suddenly snapped into control, as if she had just bolted awake. Octavia shook her head at the sudden change in her perception. 'Goodness, Octavia Melody. I thought we had cleared you of your nightmares, but that felt worse than all the ones before,' Luna said as she descended to land next to Octavia in an empty white space.

'Princess Luna!' Octavia called out, in control and overjoyed, yet still unsure where she was. 'What are you doing here?' Octavia looked around at the pure emptiness around her and recognized it. '...Oh, this is... a dream, isn't it? None of that was real! Oh, thank Celestia!' Octavia blurted out, absolutely relieved.

'It is not my sister you should be thanking,' Luna pointed out, unamused. 'When did she become an expression and not me?'

'Oh! Sorry, of course!' Octavia spurted out, panicking and quickly performing a shaky bow. 'Thank you, Princess Luna, from saving me from that... horrid nightmare.'

Luna chuckled royally and said, 'It was my pleasure, Octavia Melody.'

'You can... simply call me, "Octavia," if you would prefer...' Octavia offered, shuffling her hooves a little. She was beginning to feel giddy from being next to Princess Luna again. Her naïve schoolgirl mode was being activated. 'If you, you know, want to... To simplify and reduce syllable usage, of course.'

'Syllable usage?' Luna muttered, surprised. She then hesitated as she watched Octavia squirm and wiggle with excitement. The princess noticed a bit of Octavia's emotions leaking out into the dream around them, visualizing as bubbling pink hearts. 'Of course, ...Octavia,' she finally answered, kindly.

Octavia beamed at being addressed so informally by her favorite princess. 'Yes!' she accidently celebrated aloud with a hoof pump. 'Whoops!' Octavia immediately noticed her mistake and covered her mouth, though it didn't much help in the dream world as her excitement was apparent from the exuberant colors and pictures around them. 'Sorry! Sorry!'

Luna chortled a little. 'That is quite alright. I am accustomed to... some amount of adoration,' Luna announced before becoming more serious. 'But before we continue our conversation, I must apologize to you.'

'What? To me!?' Octavia asked, perplexed, her confusion on display behind her. 'Whatever for?'

'I came into your dream uninvited,' Princess Luna confessed. 'I witnessed your private thoughts without your permission. For that, I am truly sorry.' Luna hung her head in remorse, though Octavia still wore an expression of confusion.

'...Forgive me, I am a tad confused...' Octavia responded. 'You have been in my dreams before.'

'Yes, but that was before!' Luna explained vigorously, her childish side peeking out through her tone. 'I asked permission for that dream, but not this dream! You had been sleeping soundly every night since our last encounter. But tonight, I felt you were having a nightmare, more vicious than before. I became concerned that perhaps I hadn't helped you enough... Perhaps I had failed.' Luna hung her head even further than before. 'So, I decided to come help you again. Despite my intentions, I did not have your permission. I must apologize again.'

Octavia stood dumbstruck as she never imagined herself encountering an apologetic Princess Luna. '...Princess, I do not mind one bit that you came into my dream,' Octavia ended up comforting with a dismissive hoof wave. 'You saved me from that awful nightmare. I am truly thrilled you came to aid me!'

'Are you certain?' Luna asked.

'Of course!' Octavia added. 'You are always welcome in my dreams!'

'Oh, good,' Luna sighed, relieved. The comforting and welcoming nature of Octavia's emotions glittered around them in the dreamscape, assuring the princess. 'I was afraid I may have overstepped my bounds.'

'No! No, of course not!' Octavia insisted. 'You also did not fail. I never really got to thank you for what you did last time. I mean, I believe I said, "Thank you," but I was not able to convey how much you helped me.' As emotion welled up inside Octavia, it spilled out onto the world around her. 'I... was able to overcome my own insecurities... I was able to make the choices I needed to in my life. It is all thanks to you! I really, truly appreciate it. Thank you! Thank you so much, Princess Luna!' Octavia bowed more sincerely than she ever had in her life.

'That is quite alright,' Luna insisted as she took a hoof to Octavia's chin to raise it up. 'It is the duty of a princess to help her subjects. But if I may be so bold: if you overcame your issues, what was that nightmare about? It was more intense than the others. Is there... another problem you would like help with?'

'No, I... Well, I do have a rather large situation on my hooves,' Octavia admitted, blushing. 'However, I do not wish to burden your majesty with my problems once again...'

'I do not mind aiding you, Octavia... and... You can just address me as "Luna..." if you would like,' Luna offered, a light warm smile adorning her face, though her skin appeared deep and cool.

'What!? Really!?' Octavia unabashedly shouted.

'Of course... we are... friends, now. Yes?' Luna continued.

'What!? We are!?' Octavia shouted, once again.

'I believe so,' Luna explained. 'Twilight Sparkle has advised me on how to make friends. I believe I am following things correctly. Will you... accept my friendship?'

'I- I- I- I-' Octavia fumbled out. The dream around spun as Octavia tried to process what was happening. Finding strength, she steadied herself and the visions. 'I would be honored to be your friend, Princess.'

'Very good.' Luna stamped in approval before boisterously declaring, 'I will refer to you as "Octavia" and you will refer to me as "Luna." This will signify our friendship.' Luna leaned in close to Octavia and gave a little wink before softly saying, 'And it will also save us on syllables."

Octavia's jaw dropped. She was Princess Luna's friend! And Luna just teased her! 'Okay!' Octavia squeaked out, her voice high-pitched with giddiness. She took a deep breath (of dream air which doesn't exist) and said: 'Let me try: *ahem* ... ... ...Luna. SQUEEEEE! I can't believe I said it!' Octavia immediately squealed in delight after saying the name. 'Whoops!' she exclaimed again, after making the same mistake as before. 'Sorry, sorry!'

'Such things are fine among friends,' Luna assured. 'Now tell me, what troubles you this time Octavia?'

'Well,' Octavia started, sitting down. The happy dream around them began to wither into darkness... and sadness. 'It's a bit complicated...'

'Does it have something to do with this pony?' Luna asked as she waved a hoof in the darkness and generated a misty version of Berry Punch before them.

'...Yes. It does,' Octavia admitted after staring at Berry's lifeless face.

'She looks familiar... I... Yes, I do believe she was in one of your previous dreams...' Luna hummed as she remembered. 'But she didn't have much to do with your issue with your mother.'

'...No, but some things have happened. Some... incidents have occurred,' Octavia pouted. 'Some recent. Some... long ago.'

'I see...' Luna then waved her hoof again, this time creating a vision of Vinyl. 'What is her relation to you and your... um... very special somepony?' Luna asked with a confused expression. 'Is... is that what I am supposed to call her?' she asked to nopony in particular.

'You mean Vinyl?' Octavia asked as she looked up to see the dream's representation of her lover. Her heart jumped a bit at seeing her. However, that didn't last long as she realized that she never told Princess Luna about Vinyl. She assumed Luna knew about them based on the dreams she resurrected on that night before. (She did kiss Vinyl in that one dream.) Also Luna pretty much knew why Octavia was holding back her feelings for Vinyl before Octavia knew herself. But this was the first meeting they've had since then, Luna didn't know all the details. 'Oh, right! Sorry. I never explained. Because of your help, I was able to realize my feelings for Vinyl. Err, Vinyl Scratch. She's my fillyfriend now, eheheh...' Octavia giggled hardily, blushing.

'Right!' Luna exclaimed pointing to Octavia enthusiastically, like she had just awarded her a prize. 'The mare Vinyl Scratch! Of course! She's your fillyfriend! I knew that,' Luna affirmed, awkwardly. 'That's *ahem* what we're going to be talking about! She's a girl and you're a girl! And that's okay!'

'Uh...' Octavia stated after noticing the strangeness of Princess Luna's speech. Unsure how to interpret it, she asked, 'That is okay... isn't it?'

'Yes! Of course it is!' Luna sputtered out, flabbergasted. 'I don't mind that you're in a relationship with a mare! That's perfectly normal!' Octavia just stared, more confused than aghast. 'Oh, please don't look at me like that!' Luna pouted upon seeing Octavia's expression. 'I am sorry! Just...' Luna sighed before explaining. 'Please understand. I was... away for one thousand years. Equestria was a very different place back then.' To demonstrate, Luna's horn glowed as she transformed the dream around them into a vision of the past. Octavia gazed upon the medieval stone homes with straw roofs. She watched the ruggedly cloaked ponies walk around, wearing expressions of exhaustion, signs that their lives were filled with scarcity and hardship. Luna continued, 'There were no... how shall I say it? Mares who loved mares or stallions who loved stallions... At least, they never made themselves known. It just wasn't part of our culture. We were still getting used to the three pony races living together.'

'Oh,' Octavia said, beginning to understand as Luna dismissed the vision.

'When I returned from my imprisonment, this Equestria was not the same one I had left. And I am... inexperienced,' Princess Luna admitted solemnly. 'I am still learning all the new ways our society had changed. Princess Cadence was the one who told me how the love between two ponies was more... varied than previously believed. I mean no disrespect. To put it simply: I am new at this.'

'I see,' Octavia accepted. She giggled to herself before adding with an embarrassed grin, 'I think I get what you mean. I am new at it too.' The two shared an understanding smile before Octavia contemplated aloud, 'But thinking back... You helped me push aside my reluctance in admitting I was a lesbian. You helped me realize who I was. You did it without hesitation. Even though you didn't fully understand it.'

'Of course,' Luna said spreading her wings regally. 'I am the Princess of the Night, not the Princess of Love, but even I realize the value of it.' She lowered one wing to gracefully embrace Octavia ever so slightly. 'I think it is a wonderful thing that the two of you have found each other and I am honored I was able to play a part in it.'

'...Oh, I am so glad you're my favorite Princess,' Octavia blurted out. 'Whoops!' she exclaimed, again. For the third time.

'Hahaha. Perhaps we should continue, you have yet to tell me about this pony,' Luna pointed to a grumpy looking vision of Berry. 'What is her name?'

'Ugh... That is Berry Punch,' Octavia nearly spat. A burning vision of anger surrounded Octavia, generated by the hate in her heart.

'Oh dear. There is a great deal of animosity in your voice, Octavia,' Luna noticed.

'I suppose that much must be obvious,' Octavia bemoaned. 'She and Vinyl used to be a couple... For a very short amount of time, I assure you!' Octavia pointed angrily at Luna when she spoke those last words. Shocked at her own temper, Octavia immediately recoiled with embarrassment. This wasn't about the (short) romantic involvement between Vinyl and Berry. This was about Berry's dishonesty... (...Wasn't it?)

'Ah, a former love interest to your fillyfriend,' Luna shuffled awkwardly. 'There was much malice and fear in your nightmare coming from this Berry pony.'

'It's because...!' Octavia hesitated. She didn't want to pollute the Princess's ears with the foul words of that foul Berry Punch. So instead, she explained, 'To put it in simple terms: Vinyl did something to hurt Berry, on accident, mind you. It was a long time ago and she has apologized. In response, Berry retaliated with something that was completely and utterly out of proportion! She has justified her actions with lies and she threatens to ruin Vinyl's life!' Octavia stomped aggressively.

'...That does sound a bit harsh...' Luna pondered.

'Correct!' Octavia huffed.

'And you heard all this from Vinyl, I presume?'

'Of course,' Octavia answered.

'...What of Berry Punch? Have you heard her side of the story?' Luna asked innocently.

'What!? Why would I ask HER!?' Octavia stomped with primal rage. 'Vinyl is correct and Berry is a fiend.'

'Oh, Octavia,' Luna sighed disappointedly. 'Certainly you remember there was once a time when a certain pony only cared about her side of the story?' As Luna said this, a vision of two alicorn sisters above a crowd of ponies appeared behind her. One sister white, one sister blue. 'Certainly you remember what happened then, when she was so caught up in what she thought was true that she turned on those she had misunderstood?' The blue alicorn turned black and spread her wings to encompass the dream, choking the ponies and her sister.

'... I... I...' Octavia gasped as she witnessed, once again, a bleak lesson from Luna's past. It didn't frighten her as the first time, but the lesson stung her heart just the same. She hung her head in remorse and apologized, 'You are right... Luna. I... suppose...' Octavia gritted her dream teeth as the darkness faded and she muttered, 'I could... find out about Berry's version of the events. Find out why she did what she did...'

'Perhaps her dreams can give us a clue,' Luna pondered as she stomped, causing the dream around them to rapidly transform into a new realm. Instead of a white void that reflected Octavia's emotions, they were standing amidst a celestial array of lights, clashing against a cool blackness, reminiscent of the night sky. Suddenly, rows upon rows of doors without doorways flung into existence. Each simple and wooden, yet they glowed ominously, hinting at the deeper meanings beyond their innocuous exteriors.

'My goodness! What are these?' Octavia asked at the change of scenery.

'Gateways into the dreams of every pony in Equestria,' Princess Luna explained as she casually waved her hoof, the row of doors in front of her all shifted in unison as she looked for one door in particular. 'It is from here I am able to monitor the slumber of my subjects. I believe... yes. Berry Punch's dream is... here.' As she spoke, a door settled in front of the two of them. It looked like all the others, yet Luna was somehow able to determine its identity.

'Very well! Shall we go in and confront her?' Octavia posed, ready to pounce on her nemesis.

'No,' Luna stated bluntly.

'No?' Octavia echoed.

'I told you before I will not enter a dream without permission or in dire circumstances to protect them from magical disturbances. And I certainly will not allow you to go in,' Luna lectured.

'Right...' Octavia groaned, disappointed. 'But how will we learn anything from out here?'

'Like this,' Luna explained as she took Octavia's hoof in her own and held it up to the surface of the door. 'Close your eyes, Octavia. Feel. Feel the emotions of the pony within. You will not see her dreams, but you will understand how she feels.'

Skeptical, Octavia nonetheless did as she was told. Mere moments of concentration and... she felt it!


It wasn't just a word. It was a concept. It was a cruel concept that choked your throat with the might of a dragon and crushed your lungs with the weight of a mountain. It left you crumpled and broken. It was the betrayal of somepony you love that was hurting you. The pony you trusted. The pony you would give anything for. The pony you would die for... They were the ones stabbing you in the chest over and over. You couldn't move, the betrayal froze you. The dagger came down again and again. They didn't laugh. They didn't scream. They didn't have any emotion at all as your loved one plunged the blade into your body. There was only the betrayal and the...


So much pain. As the heartless blade pierced your flesh, pain struck you worse then you ever thought imaginable. Pain that was worse than possible. The blade twisted and was pulled back out, tearing away your skin, sending more horrid shocks of agony through you. The blood then came up, sputtering and leaving you empty. Each time your loved one punctured your heart, you prayed it would be the last time. Each time you begged, pleaded, screamed for your loved one to stop. They never did. Then you begged for death to finally come. But it never came. The bleeding never ended. It was more blood than you should have had. The blade would come down again, spilling more blood. It always did. They stabbed you again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. There was no end to this. It was going to last forever.

Princess Luna pulled Octavia away from the door as the pony could no longer back away of her own volition. Octavia collapsed onto the dream floor, tears already pouring out her eyes. The agony she had just felt was so tangible... it was like it was her own pain from her own body and her own mind.

'This pony... Berry Punch,' Luna stated as Octavia cried. 'She has been having nightmares far more intense than yours... Every night... For years...'

Octavia just looked at her trembling hooves in disbelief. It wasn't that she couldn't believe the pain she felt, it was she couldn't believe she was finally free of it. However, she was the only one. Octavia looked to the door and couldn't help but think of the pony sleeping behind it. Berry Punch. She hated that pony. She never wanted to feel any empathy for the pony that hurt Vinyl. But... she couldn't stop herself. Not after feeling that pain. The pain that Berry was still feeling at that very moment. 'She...' Octavia choked out behind her tears. 'She... was... hurt... More than I thought...' Octavia sunk as she realized. 'What Vinyl did... hurt her more than I could ever realize...'

'What do you suppose that means?' Luna pressed as she helped Octavia to her hooves.

'She's... traumatized...' Octavia recognized as she wiped the tears from her face. 'But... but that doesn't excuse her for what she did!' Octavia protested angrily, snapping back in desperation, but her voice was full of childish defiance that knew it could no longer get what it wanted.

'Perhaps not,' Luna admitted. 'However, everypony makes mistakes. There is no perfect pony, after all.'

'Y- you!' Octavia spurted out at the call back to her perfection issue. '...You ...are right, again... Of course. Everypony does make mistakes... But... it wasn't a mistake for Berry! She meant to hurt Vinyl! She doesn't regret it!'

Luna just raised an eyebrow at Octavia's outbursts. 'Are you so sure?' she pressured.

'Indeed!' Octavia pouted. 'I can tell by the way she spoke to me about Vinyl! There were no misgivings from her!'

'Perhaps not on the outside,' Luna commented. 'But what of what she feels inside?' As she said this, Luna motioned back to the door.

Octavia glared angrily at the door at Luna's command. She only felt pain and betrayal from the emotions she glimpsed from Berry's dream. There was no remorse. But, the dream was really only about what Vinyl did to Berry, not what Berry did to Vinyl. So how could she determine how Berry felt about hurting Vinyl? Vinyl was the loved one that was hurting her, obviously. But... Octavia's stomach sunk at that idea. Something about it was off. 'Wait... a "loved one?"' Octavia asked aloud. '...Love? ...Wait... does... Berry still love...? Wait... No... No, no, no, no, no! NO! No, that's impossible! That can't... I don't understand!'

'Who is to know?' Luna asked rhetorically. 'But you will never solve any of this by approaching Berry with anger.'

'...But how am I supposed to approach her? After everything she's done!?' Octavia shouted.

'How about with... compassion and understanding,' Luna pointed out calmly.

'Why... why in the wide world of Equestria would I be compassionate to her!?' Octavia shrieked, not understanding Luna's advice.

'Because, Octavia, kindness may bring harmony!' Luna belted royally as her wings raised triumphantly and her eyes glowed with power. The doors of dreaming ponies vanished and a vision replaced them. A group of six ponies stood in the ruins of an ancient castle. The decrepit pillars and arches framed the scene, as the ponies stood bravely against an alicorn of pitch black hate and darkness. The ponies levitated, embraced by the powers within them as a rainbow of light emerged from their collective forms. The rainbow crashed against the dark alicorn, despite her struggles, encompassing her in a spinning tornado of colors. The ponies eyes turned white and washed the scene clean. Once the dust had settled, a timid blue alicorn lay, beaten where the dark one once stood. A tall regal white alicorn came upon her and knelt down beside her. The two embraced for the first time in a millennium, tears falling from both their eyes. '...And harmony... is what saved me,' Princess Luna concluded, her voice now calm and collected again.

Octavia stood shocked. She didn't have anything else to say. She hung her head in recognition and defeat.

'Well, I suppose that is enough for tonight,' Luna stated putting her wing gently around Octavia. 'Has this given you some insight?'

'It has given me... some things to think about...' Octavia admitted, embarrassed at herself.

'Very well. I can return you to your normal slumber or awaken you, if you wish,' Luna offered after retracting her wing.

'Oh, please don't wake me up,' Octavia muttered grumpily. 'I am currently trapped in the hospital because of Trix...ieeeeee!!! Wait! Princess Luna! I completely forgot!' Octavia exclaimed. 'Ponyville has been taken over by a mad unicorn named Trixie! She has enslaved everypony and she is-'

Luna raised a hoof to calm Octavia. 'Yes, my sister and I are well aware of what is occurring in Ponyville.'

'Are you coming to help us?' Octavia asked hopefully.

'Well... no,' Luna admitted, before quickly adding, 'Rest assured if things get too out of hoof we will intervene. However... I want you to, for the moment, place your trust in Twilight Sparkle and her friends.'

'Twilight?' Octavia asked, perplexed. Then the obvious struck her as she turned to look upon the vision of the six ponies and the two alicorn sisters that still lingered around them. Octavia recognized that it was Twilight and her friends that had saved Princess Luna.

'My sister and I have... great expectations of Twilight and her friends...' Luna admitted. 'We believe they will be able to solve Ponyville's problem with something other than my sister's magic or mine. ...It may be... difficult to cope with until then, but... I hope you can understand that this is for the best.'

'Okay... I understand,' Octavia said with an empathetic smile. 'If you believe in them... then... I will too.'

'Very good,' Luna said simply.

'It was really great talking to you tonight,' Octavia admitted, shuffling her hooves in embarrassment. 'Thank you for taking the time for me, Luna.'

'It was my pleasure, Octavia,' Luna replied. 'It is funny, we are new friends, yet you are the first pony I've interacted with this much inside a dream before.'


'Yes. As I stated before, I simply keep watch in this realm,' Luna explained. 'Banish a magical monster or two... It is a lonely vigil.'

'I see... that's... a shame,' Octavia said.

'What do you mean?'

'It is a shame that I am the only pony you have helped,' Octavia articulated. 'You are so kind. You have the power to dispel nightmares. You can interpret dreams. You can help ponies with their personal problems by showing them visions. It is simply amazing! I wish more ponies could get to know you like I have.'

Luna was taken aback. She hesitated before asking, 'Do you... really think I could be of better service to my subjects... by visiting them in their dreams?'

Octavia thought back to before she met the Princess. Back before she met Vinyl. Back when she was alone in Canterlot. The day Luna returned home, her picture appeared in the newspaper. Octavia had seen that photo. She saw in Luna's expression, a forced smile. An unsure pony who was wary of the adoration she was now receiving, for she felt she didn't deserve it. Octavia saw herself in that photo. The same smile she used on stage, wary of the applause, because of her imperfections. But Luna had taught her that she no longer needed to worry about such things, and that she could smile for real. If only Octavia could teach Luna to smile for real, too. 'I think it would be a great way to reconnect to them, after one thousand years,' Octavia offered sincerely. 'It could be a way for you to... earn... their adoration.'

Luna shot up at that answer. She had never told anypony that she never felt she had earned her subject's praise, not after what she did. How she failed them. How she failed Equestria. But this pony had seen right through her... and even offered a solution. 'I see,' Luna found herself saying. 'That makes sense. But... I refuse to enter a dream without a pony's permission... It does not feel right...'

'You came to this dream to help me! Was I upset?' Octavia asked.

'Well... no,' Luna admitted.

'I think that most ponies would be... absolutely delighted to have their princess show up in their dream,' Octavia offered as she took Luna's hoof and held it firmly. She gave a sincere smile to the Princess. The same sincere smile that the Princess had taught her to make.

'I... had not considered that...' Luna admitted while her eyes darted around as she pondered. 'I had never considered that I would be... a welcome visitor... Yes... Yes, you have convinced me! For my subjects, I will give it a try,' Luna relented. 'I... Thank you, Octavia.'

'Me!? You're thanking me!?' Octavia spouted, letting go of the Princess's hoof.

'Yes, I think you may have given me... a new purpose,' Luna stated warmly.

Octavia squealed like a filly again. Princess Luna had just thanked her! She was able to help her favorite princess! It was like a dream come true! (Well, it's a dream either way.) 'You're welcome,' Octavia mumbled out shyly. She looked to Luna's appreciative face. A real smile upon it, the first of many. It was so beautiful. It was just as detailed in this dream as it was in real life. She was slender and poised. Oh, how Octavia admired her before they met. But Octavia knew now: it wasn't just admiration that filled her heart when she thought of Luna. Now that she understood herself, she understood some other feelings as well.

'It is time to return you to your regular dreams,' Luna said as her eyes glowed.

'...Wait! Just one last thing!' Octavia blurted out, interrupting Luna's spell. Butterflies filled Octavia's stomach as she asked, 'Since this is a dream... you and I aren't actually here, right?'

'Of course,' Luna answered.

'So, these bodies aren't real either?' Octavia asked, hopeful.

'No, these bodies are just projections of our minds,' Luna explained. 'None of this is physically real.'

'Okay, good!' Octavia said, relieved. Bracing herself for what she was about to do, she took her hooves and grabbed Luna's head.

'What are you-?' Luna asked before Octavia pressed her lips against hers.

Octavia let out a slight, 'Mmmph,' as she kissed Princess Luna. She had to savor it quickly. This would be the only time she'd be able to kiss her. Octavia knew she loved Vinyl and that would never change. But, she was attracted to Luna as well. Just a taste is all she wanted. To know what it was like to love her goddess. The kiss didn't last long and Octavia let go blushing wildly.

'...Wha...' Luna tried to speak, but couldn't. She was shocked and blushing as she raised her hoof to her lips.

'You can't be mad at me,' Octavia said with a wink as she hopped back. 'It's just a dream! That didn't actually happen!'}}}}----

Octavia bolted awake after what she had just done. She was sweating and her heart was racing. She placed her head in her hooves and screamed, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST KISSED PRINCESS LUNAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

Vinyl shouted sleepily as she woke up, "Wha- What's going on!?!?!?'

Author's Note:

Ha! Did you notice? We're in the middle of Season 3 episode 5: Magic Duel. Octavia just convinced Luna into going into other pony's dreams to help them. What's after episode 5? Episode 6: Sleepless in Ponyville. Where Luna goes into a dream for the first time in the show! Bam! Faust be praised, I'm a genius.

Anyhoo, I started making a webcomic called Gao-chan! It's not related to MLP, but I have a blog post about it if you're interested. I've gotten some compliments on my art here, so If you want to see what it looks like when I actually try, then check out the comic!

Comments ( 4 )

Pffffff hahaha oml that was hilarious and beyond anything Luna is definitely gonna be having mixed feelings now

Whelp I'm Caught up,
1. I want to strangle Berry.
2. This is an amazing story so far.
3. Keep up the great work

Update i just binged read this and im dying for more. This a wondrous story full of amazing detail and even better it matches with the actual shows story line. Dragon: :moustache:

Binge read this in like 2 or 3 days between work and agreed with the top comment easily one of the better Octascratch stories iv'e read. And oh boy it's been an emotional rollercoaster so far. Even have this saved to my Fimfiction discord list of compiled stories.

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